V'V '."it'': J. A With 3falice tovxxrd neng; Tfilh Charity fr alL iLQXJISBURQ, K : G., APRII. 17; 1891, KO 11. '.(: NOTICE. nT viMt ofthepowfeT coBfena ttppn me -j Highest of all in Leavening PowcrJ Latest US. Gov't Report; ion the 161k day of. March 1B91 by.B. B. Massenbnl ingstosel Nobth C No. 4, a To s vtis: ett Cupdn interest April I, r r,lrk.-nr. the special proofd4 Hand ior division among the ten- knS in dmmon, entitled W S Parker and ;.. i .n.A: A. .irker and others, expaktk i :n u1n Mondar. the 4th day of May fl HA I. at It o'clock at the Conrt House door tojrn prbjjerty to-wit : ,The honse and lot mn t.hn Mrner 61 Mame and rantlin streetR iu the tqvn ,'of . Louieburg, adjoining the iroperty North. M lin street ' the 'jt less," anl one C cent per ' )enced b chase inq This J. f Mm' llnnr Mitchell on the- a. A., M U all on the East, Frank- un the BoTitfi, anu wwn sxreep on -mit,nminir Va 01 an iwrv, mure ui tite Arendell -Home 'rttoiWnii nf eale; fash,! balance in and 1 vo years, yith. interest at8 per annum troni my mnmo, w w or i- i notes litw reiwnea. nnwi, pur- liev is paid in foil." -th da of 11 area 1891; 1 n Tin f. IVf V III : ASlHifSCif PUSS BEriERSElt IHiQUISBURG! .A?BtQAT)iTOR j THEWFAKMEBS jt)F V , .. - FEANKLIN. . . . . , LBOtC9rA. I-6-'" ' ,- - i, ' " i i . supERioa eouET Franklin Connty, l-'i.r-z-k..;:'.:. ester vs Harriett Gnpton; Br virtue t tin execution and order of . : i . j . o - i sale istu:a iroin me supriMt wu FrsiukliiiA o m the above entitled ease di rected td the uudersiirued, I wilt on Mon day the 4tti day bt Slav lts91 at 12 o'clock iu. at tlj'onrtQonse aoor .in ijuisuurj5f sell to tli highebt bidder, for cash all the iutertftst that Harriett unpton naa m lot No. n the division of real estate ot Lwcky Wesier, situated in CedarVEock Towushifo, adioinin? Aub W ckk! lot o., 5 , Plummei Gupion, No. 1 Emm , Wester, d otners. containing 17J aeres. if the judgment due from Harri Utn va loi Ao. Q to lot No.9, with ind costs. ! - ' " . H.C. Keabney, aiiTH. .891 -"'-'A -v. AlOliTLrAUJb 6ALt.. r By virihie of authority conferred in a certain Mortgage, executed to me by li-. W. aud IV. J. Stalhugs and wives, ana re corded i n Bo k 80, page 579, u the Kegia- terof Dhedsofhoe or f ranklin county, l aturday, April 25th, 1891, at 12 iutl in -rho hifiliPrft llilrier . for . m fl k i 12-herse uower euinue. suw mill. c-tMii wress, belting, log cart and fixtures belonging thereto. Also 40 acres of land j lunns to waship. adjoining the M. C. Stalling .and others, and will on A o'clocic, casii, ou lyiug in lands of more fully described iu wnd mortgage. Sale U rin Mrch 2 I ha Me move4 niv (;arpenlfer Shop to the houiii o ash Siretjt formerly oc cup eu py jnuiuutuvau, vmitcb , am l'retiurel to ? Ktrvo my customrs .- at khobt N TtCK. iiVTn rae your pairon aj..I. till eadeavor to jjy sauiaUi4i;! id in l of Fran day of at the (j half iud oi land "Sally in; take place, at Erastns StaUings )th. 1 891. i u ' Mortgagee. :iili"8 SALE i.QJjL BJLE IjANI). By vDrtne ot the power and authority conUinj byKr THE GREAT ALLIANCE LECTURER IS . CONSERVATIVE "AND TELLS SOME ' PLAIN TRUTHS. HE 8PEAKS tVELL AND THROWS OUT MUCH FOOD FOR THOUGHT. ; : :': The fkrriiers of Franklin were out' in large namhers ooTThurednV last to hear Bea Terrell, the great Alliance Lector rer of Texas, eipound thejpnuciplea of their rapidly growing order. He wa? "mtrodaced to the large audience 'in the Court; House by Prof. W.'o. Dunn. President of the Franklin: County Alh ance, iu a neat and tiuiely speech. Mr. TerrU was loudly applauded ashe took ti e 8 tand, and it was very plainly seen as he star'ed off, that he Was well loaded with good Alliance ammunition. as he at ouce dived into his subject, af- ter nrst giving uiose present who - were hot meuilers of the Alliance, a hearty welcome. His speech was strong and mauly, and 'one which contained Such thoughts as the people should be edu ci ted upon. ? His apparent honest, sincere ahd earnest manner of urging his points was just such, a talk as suited the far mereaiid all through his lOug and a le' speech he was not heard to utter oue woid of abuse agaiust any other class except that class of gold bugs'' who make, it tfeeir life study to'c'ouihiue and. tnanirulate the affairs of Govern ment to the detriment of the laborin g men of the country. Forthone he had no words of iaisc.! As lias b eu said Stsf&pwt cQiitem porari es .Hhei Al-. l.ance was fortunate in nsecuriiij che services of oue O Tve'l equipped for the missrou he has iu hand. And wh;le reason is plain.-. Control of lands come. by heirship' A. H.?eiper: buy . an es tate and gets control J?Tlie.Cohtitu:iou of the Uuited States has provided that uo estate sh;ll be entailed, yet It per- mita fore goer .to buy up and accuruo late great -8tates. and when they die it passes info i ho hands of the eldest 'sons and in such succession great tand d es tates ate built up iu America. Agalu, if corporations owu large tracts of land a oue dies or all die. ti.e .coutol cu- tiuue8, and it holds together. Such or- ganatioras are huitful to the interests of the couutry, aud it is no wonder we look upon them jealously. There re 61,00.,000 acres of land owned by for eigners, and mortgages ou laud touut itig it as low as $4 per a re that will amou.it to 1.500,000 more.. The Farm ers Alliance are not alarmists, but ac tion should have beeu taken long ago. Corpo ataous owu 22 7,000, (-00 , acres, auti aliens, fireigners, insurance com panies, etc., own 150,W0OOO - more making a raod totl ol about one-lialf the laud owued by foreign aud home corporations. ' Up in Illinois there -are 2 K)0 acres of land owued by fore gu er, the u uants of which are their sub jects and vote as thiir landlords 8,-iy, like slavt-s in slave time did their mas ter's lidding. -s comes of giving, money power to op press. The Frraer'Al.uance bo Vis Unit to reduce mouey lo tnedium of excliange and take away Its power to oppress is the urbaMlesjderutum, More inoyiy more power, but take wy its power aud make it only a medium of exchange we would not want more -than, we need to gratify oor wwhea. Our system will give ui ail we wish; Ue preseut systeiur give money its -power. We waut to rob it of iu vower. to r- press aud make it a servant lu:ead ! master. vte are raoieai Decauce . wt? hear fchylock of his power and give It to tiie, wealth producers. lou gr,ut the uay when Una- w.ll come about. i wouldn't diide tlie- land like the aarariau.- It wouid onlv beaouest.on ot lime Lefbro the shrewd.-st would get coturotof it agaiu. Jt is fully Jo dia cuss sucli a deire.v We vtnt;to place the farmer hi a coxMlitkm hi equal r guts wiin Rll oiters. - luvregMrd tu the di tributiou ot capiuU tiie farmers demand a circulatiou of $50 per caplti. to. be gradually reiched. Unless we tan get an expausiou : of tlie currency the na tional debt t au never be paid. We axe more in debt th s year fian we wt-re last. " Uulesa we get an iucrense of mouey the debt of the people will nevt r be pad, but a prospect or eternal debt YTf IIlr--r nf Iftji A lllatiM IJ A ' , . . . i uay vo ran onr iinwmmnr in m. time of peace, with no apparent effort toward a reduction, bat rood As the Goldsboro Argni says, healthy signs for a 'Yearly in- from the wage-working producer J creaae. One million spent every and the farmer comes the demand I time the sun goes down. ' All the for relief from excessive taxation. Merchants, manufacturers and L bankers are only interested in this I question to the extent of a desire to see juptice done. They are not wages of a million men required every day to pay the expenses of our frugal .Government I . ' . Where does" it- go? ' Over one hundred and thirty millions for affected Ty taxation; or if affected; pensionsnd with the recklessness are able t,o shift the- burden on to with which pension laws are pass some one- else. 1 ; u ' : ed,we can't ter where it will stop. i or instance, a merhant buys I Productive labor pays every dollsr la'stock of goodsrto the costof thelof it, we vcare not whether it is goods lie adds the rent of rooms in J raised by tariff, revenue - or direct which he carries on business : his I taxation. taxes, also, are entered-as cash; after having made an inventory of the costs of his goods, rent, taxes, fact is now recog: the test has been rrr. " Specific C3.S. 8.) I grms of malarial u crobesof skin dlsnu bacilli of contsglc: forms of blood pc; them from the blood, an" d .r i; , a:: tit: i In- and builds up the tyi! , of ift's the . nl ' 1 ths other ojixts medical discovery of cio t!ay has schieved such rerctrkai le street. what If this three hundred and sixty. five millions of dollars had to be raised by . direct .taxation, every Charming Widows 1 Jl! i mtv jwi uoicz now-a-t;.'. t; . Hs; Oh, amusing nji'lf; look ing out for nuberoo. In l you? Widow: Look out far cumber two. '. . .a f w M mm asB as. etc., he fixes the price of his goods I man paying equally as to his iuicftn Cry fcr .i:.zr : C accordingly, and in their sale col-J wealth, or an equal per cent, on 1 CcUdrea Cry for fl3 r1: C: .tcrii? txk ui cieruai ueot 1 1 . i r a. l:. I s ' is upon us.whichwiU he banded down to lia uia reok lxe8 BM? irom ino ul BCluai income, our county, WlSUfta Uj tof Fiti: if: Cwit'rfl. ourcuuurea aa wjuutum. ii is growing cuuBumer. -t xxe pays xiib reuw ana atto au national expanses wouia up-.u us ,d I cau prove this by tb hii t&xe8 out of his Baje9i Were reduCed 0n0 bajf jeM census. To do away with lbs. to be ... . .t . , , , , free from debt, to becorue independent his taxes and rent . less he 'could three years. : ! by expansion, we demaud an iucrease I sell his goods at a less per cent, of I Under that system of taxation, of circulation. President ilarrbou, dif- e v i i . t 4 r puui, wcrwuy iviug uis cuiiom n our law ma k era paasea a jaw ap ers the benefit: There is a certain propriating one million dollars to profit of his taxes that he must throw, into a sink-hole in the Miss pay,', however. So far as he is a issippi river, they would do " so, consumer of his own goods, he pays knowing that they would help pay his equal share of taxes. for their foolishness. Or, if they The shifting process does not would get patriotic and appropri- begin with the retail merchant, I ate one hundred thousand dollars feriug with us, asked a meeting of Alli ance rvpreeuiative to discuss matter -. Upon our representation at the While House he Sakl he was lad to meet us, but hoped ve would malify our de mands. 4,Why," said he, U' I loan a construction company. $50,00 on lou time and if we make iu- ney cheaicr the put clausing power is reduced aud 1- loae by my luvcsuueuu" I tuiu n m we understood the question. 1 told him that 20 y ars ugu. it only to k 12,500 Itisnottheuw of r.cr.' r, Lyt the abuse of it, that Sikvs it an TtL ' i Bakr rfck,w ptWCarrtt 4 a OH i. sat tn4 lr C-UUi ha CLCdrw, sIm iaa U CMi.. but it begins with . the manufac-1 to erect a statue to some unknown Next sn reg-ird to transportaUon. It of wheat to pay your, aalarv, turer. The goods may pass through I supposed bepefactor or statesman, 1 An echo is like a woman, always o-T,:.: T 1: "".f the hands of two or three parties they would do so knowin that determined to have the last word, i iy,wv luouu t V uai AW II IU3 Utl I - I"., m1 in a deed of trust made t Ute r - i 1 1 - J . . . i .1 ,ooreana aueanu uuiy rwuiu- : e oifit-e of the Kegister of Deeds " ul "O" coiuciue iu:iy ui viy kliu county, 1 filtall on tue zvtu April 191. expose to public sale ourt -House Iu Louisourg, -the one-. Sfefit of K. F. Moore in 44ft acres in Fran kliu county, known aa tite Uoore" plantation: the other half belonging to J. I. Moore. This is valua Lie Ian I aud the sale Will be absolute of the individual ne-half iatercst.V 'l'erms: Ouc-uuf e-sh. balance in 6 months.Title retaiue 1 until pun-hmse mouey is paiu. 5 . . JB. Staku, Assignee . Gko. M ?Ro8k; Att'y. . of E. p. Moore. ' areh 1. 18'Jl.' V lisTYLEiV FOCI;0ENaMEHTAL IIOIJE AND SIGN PAINTER. Cals imining, grainiug, parlor paint g a specialty. - JSalisCiction guaran teed, iLe ive orders at Thomas & Ay- cocke'if drug store. C : .. : -'X: '-r. CliNTKAL UOTEL 1IENDEBSON, N. C Gooi I accommodations. Good fare. Po , t v lite and attentiv servauts. ; '1 SANj)T lJTTLEJOIIN, Proprietor now prepared to ,fnrnish meals at all hohrs, dsy or night. 1 keep on hand a resh Supply of all kinds of meats and ,eall ia and he saunea. Iari leads Mi ' w. M. McGHEE, Proprietor. Good ; aTOommodanonsC' polite sermts, aid : the best, fare Lthe market v ;: -- ( ;aflordS. ' . : . ;., ' -i- -. pcryj . I beat : .: pleu ( lithe li J ": for od : thiaoj -trialij -IKST-CLASS 13 J iSELIJSTONlliOTEi; A1 Girrcficr?iiiftt J vv JlfcWfcW HI 14 Toalivone sendinff 10 cents, the Wavkkley MacA tan will be sent for four weeks as a trial tubtei'tptton. The regular price is four dollars or. uaiucaauuiiiiraauo Kimcca ste stories, comments on current events. k. jokes, hints for the hcmsebold, and the of mqsic -just the thing for kmgvinter rs. IK I XX wast yon eec to I onr comes i sgres 2 66 columns ot reading matter OPO words comprising ovsr (JO con tones, and vocal and instrument! mnsic. itter is worth at least fifty cents.) and all Ir Tea Cents 1 Of coarse yon understand fer is made to fcet you to give the paper a mg xau wen tnat you wut subscribers.-. '.'; v; i unowini ijent m WAYE8LEY HA8AZIXE, Box 173, position he took, still his position in the mah, if not altogether, is correct ' The editor, of theJTiMES is glad tlut he was afforded an opprtunity to hca Beu Terrell. As a non-member of l be Alliance we c:mld object- to' but very few of his arguments. We took a few notes of his spe-ch. and after a fw pre-" limiuary remarks, he procecled iu sub stauce as follows : 4 " I am not here to censure but to state facs, whether apprecated or uou They may touch some aud they may feel that it is 1- vekd at tliem,' but uc!i is tiot the case, but they are in defence-of the or gauizatiou which I represent. We don't deny the right of auy class to do what they think to , advance their best iuterest. W e fanner have organized an Alliance, claiming the rU'ht to use the intelligence our Creator has. giv n us. We cannot object t othirs doing this; they must provide for I he-.r house hold, save the.r wives aud clilldren fi.m starvation, and so must we.. : The man who will not, -says ithe . srood ;. book, in worse than anntklel, and I agreed with it. The question comes up. as to what tlie Ailnnce, under ihe circumstances. should do. - Lo 'king from this -point what shoull we dor., Should , we modi fy our deniandf" n suit their cMects, or seek for tl e ' truth whether they object to tne parties or u t r Upou this point it seems to me ev ly tru mau,-. every farmer who has the least parti le s of prim iple will , &taud with me when I say J.ht Alliaice will never. desert, its principles, will strie' error wnerever iouua ana sees -aua de fend truth always Taking .that ' posi tiou'for the AUiance we must expeJt opiesitiou, but we are not alraid ul iC Having .truth on our; side, opposit ou only brsugs it ott clearer and discus sion of facts imprese8 them upon, the people. AThen 1 am ut objecting , to opposition to the Farmers' Alliance.'. I expect it. ' To gaut our. aims we mus meet ir..v Those enjoying class privi leg( S will do all m tneir txwer to bre- veut our ai us.S Pioducers must unite. The Farmers' Alliance and Industri al Union have three demands for the KOod of . the people.. , They ..relate' t lmds, transportation and money, t II a tact that w i.eu land is o wned by ott er parties, the parties : owu you. It would be tm iusult to your intelutjerice ,'.-iO oiler proof of this. In Ireland, Mex : uo and .Fmuce .before the i evolution, iu all uatious where the luudlord opptesses 4 tiie tenautv' this is the case. s 1 am ma- k ng no assault upou -the landlord, for I would be assaulting all of you, tor we at e all human." Give "you power - and you would do the same . It is the con diiiohs we attack,! which bring such re sults, has aud always will. We. farm ers demand that the land e owned by American citizeus. This is i.ot wroug It is hecesfary .for tiie : stabil ty ana priisperity of or goverhment.- w hieii dr peuds oq laud b neisbip by its'citi zeus. ,The Farmers Alliance demands that no alieu sh . ll be allowed o imr- ! chase lauds u or, ft ireigu cor t;o:atious to towd moie lauds Uxra ueceseary, TUe is best for na.ious for all to own their homes with no . mortgages. If t we cannot control transportation we wUl b deprived of pur libe rties. '.Corpora tions controlling transportation unre strained hive power to 10 us as they plea!e. "This is iot rig!t We are noi opposed to rai:r.iads, but are opposed to corporaiious getting management of the public: highway)- aud turnug them into a cu Re a d not a blessing. We dnmitnd that tailixwds shall be conduct d justly, eooumicliy and to all alike. The goveruuit-ut uid make them do iu Tbrre a: e neari S4.000,000,00 invest, d iu railroads, w th a cai-itaiiza-tiou t.f ei.000,0O).0t9, .for a xfi,;uro speech we might say three o one. Is that right? ,r H:is acoroiatiou a right to operate a public highway thus wheu we have to pay for iu . vVlieu the e is an advance merchants have to p y it iu freight. Farmer have more transpor tation to 'pay thau any other class. With all due' regard to merchauts they l e'ir the burden scco-.dary. When rail r ads . xtort, yod ell L--8, mei-chants are compelled to charge more, thus ai pecuuiary damages fall ou the ""farmer and pro ucer. Tlie protlucers owu less than 25 per e n t. of the property aud pay 62 pv r cent, of the tax. W e ask tua rauro;tfls be trouglit down to hou- est 'livideiids. that we be uot expected o pay ou th' ir wstered stock three to ne. We demand tliat they Le brouzht d wn to actulil mouey l-asis. Our post- t oii is ihat ;iaiIroads are public high- wave, they are the aeul of the govern ment of which it is the creature. I have tokeu into tie sutj-ct aud an. t-al to the .-higlteat' authority, am preiiared to prove they are re-onsible to the gov- brnmeutwhicn takes emiueut domain. W e ask so just and rigid a law. as w ill cu-e present abuses, it has 1 too much power, j he interest ol the l eoi.le ae entwined closely about it. They col lude with trusts. ! It enabled the tjtaud ard Oil Co. to receive a bonus of If. cents per barn-1 for evry bum I han dled, whether for ; them or not. They make your markets. Can force you to sell your tobc.o in -any .nurKet by re ducing freight and buildiug" a market. tneu jump up aud leave it flat. - They have power to do more mi chief thau any otner agency ana mu-t oe con trolled bjih.e goverumeuL Being, a public ruguway.it must be open; to all and these resmclfons .must be : mended. rhey must case or we will know the reusun whvv We will; not" support a mau, jiaity or profession. ' who is not with ns. We have uo preiudice. SVe w aut "equal ri.his t' ail: special privi leges to uoue;" uo corporations.' We will vote tor lvuty and the baby. J v e do. not antagonize iaity. Ve have uotliiug to do with i arty. 1 uot.want to control iiancb se, but to eduva .e it.' .The third demand is that f money. Upon that demand tne Alliance is radi cal, I claim your attention because e present a new iaue in poUtkar econo my foreign from any ot;ar system i'fk nance ever prop- sed.. ? It Was dictated at the plow haudle aud uot from Wall street. Theie ;s reason why a farmer would make radical change. AU fluan ciers have looked to tlie man. , who has tlie dollar, we to the mau who wautsit lie argues if a small aiuouut is in circu- ta:iuu its purchasing poweris incr ased. If;- produce is ' low . we i an buy more. We ask where is our benefiL? It bene fits the man who bits the dollat. Graut d no damage is done where is the ben efit ? " .More money in circulation great er the benefit. I have 81.000 and make its purchasing power double and I cap buy $2,000 wortfi of property wit?i my thwusaad dollars. ' 2iow see how it op erates to the benefit of tse mouey ed man. Another man has -$100,000 and with it be can buy 42U),000 worth. His benefit Is 4100,000 while mine' is only a dishonest. We want to my the puLlk I before they reach the retailer, and I they would be compelled to pay d bt aud interest with cheaper money aud fewer days labor. 1 aked him if we were all capitalists- and wlial was best, that these coudiiioiui be changed or that the farmers become imp-'ver-islied. -His ouly reply was "Good eve- the rent and taxes are added every I for their patriotism. umg.' time. The manufacturer, the job ber, the wholesaler and retailer shift their burdens on the consum er, and here the shifting process But so long as the direct taxes are shifted on to labor, and so long as indirect taxes are laid on con sumption, just so long will labor Mr. -Terrell's explanation of tho Sub Treasury plan was more In our satisfac tion than wo have ever heard or read it. before, but as yet th Tixkh is not pre pared to fullylendorse it. mainly for the reason that we are nots itisfled that ft is best fo ihe people. As Mr. Terrell Says, it is such aVoiIu-kI change that we aresorter afraid of U. One thing is stops. Mental and. unproductive I continue to be robbod to pay for labor is able to take advantage of I extravagant legislation. And this Bullffl Baby Syrup Day's Horso POWDEIU nMk sctsk I fw mmim r all Try Mr very sure, however, and flat is, a chauge of some liml U ueedxl, but this writer is cost, and again carried not prepared i. auvise as to wnat luat I lJne. cliauge shoulc 1e. this shifting process, while pro ductive labor is not. - . '.Thegreat army 'of wage-work ers cannot shift their burdens on soma one else. If they demand higher' wages of their employer, the advance is added to the first down the BUCKLEN'S AUN1CA8ALYE. The best naive in the world for cnts bruits.' srtre. ulcers, salt rheum fever'"8ores," tetter, chajiped hand childlains, corns and all akin eruptions and positively eure. piles, or no pav required, ft is guran wed to give perfect aat's'action. ir money refund ed. Price's! cents per bo; . For sale bv Louisi urg Drugstore. Take another case. A man builds a house to rent. lie buys a is what labor is at .length finding' out everywhere. The Democratic party laid down Ihe doctrine and the Farmers Alliance recognized its truth and adopted it as a prin ciple, and where Democracy could make no progress by reoson of Re publican-schooled prejudice the Alliance has advanced the good 1 cause. Every farmer of the West mm AM BULL'S For tb ccn ef Coccti.CoUs. CrowTv acd for tu rsiMt or m iniin Cocvumptira persons. At dnurrists- 15 eta. Wouldn't Lt't 111m Stiller. A man sat at a desk busily, writing. A young fellow entered aud hauded him a paper. . r "What's this, young maat" "That bill froiu W esley & '.'o." Oh I ye-. Woht you sit down r -'Haven't time. I want the mouey on this bill.' . ' .' I3ut I have no money." ' That8 what you always say." 4 Yes, .and I am a ways trutlrfuL , 4Cau't you pay soine ou it f , ''If I haveu't any money how am I going to pay on it ; . . . I tell you its getting pretty tiresome coming up hen-' , ' :- ;i have found it so, young. fellow." "L"Can't you tell, me when you will and the Middle States, however lot and builds a house, keeping an educated to hate Democracy account of the cost, as he goes through object lessons placed be along. After the house is com- fore him by Reed and Harrison pleted, the account reads some- and Sherman and Chandler, in thing like this: Cost of lot. $200; stantly, the very moment the Alli cost of material and building same, ance presents its practical sugges 1800 ; total, $1,000. Now this man tions, claps his hands on his emp is entitled to at least 8 per cent ty pockets to exclaim the tariffs' on money invested, which would I cunning fingers and becomed prac TO rUBLIC SCHOOL TEACKEXS, be $80 per annum. Eight per I tically a Democrat. He has aotl TbeSarUndentrlnlKc, tchooW n. Atntlip thn imb'rt a mnntb In. I of Franklin county, will U.la Loc;- er should be satisfied with $S0 per side the Alliance lodge,till he is as annum. But the building must tonished that he was ever blind- be insured and the taxes must be I folded by the bloody shirt that he rot-ire uacci cuui oaamittzm i burg oq the tecoud ThurvUy $S Frin- att. ArriL July, rcp-enrpcr. Octobtt and December, and reiuaia ajT .lree y If tieceary. for the purpoM rf eim";n- In ' ft 'n'Js paid. Therefore, he must add in-1 might be deftly plucked, sewed up Schools of this county. I wJl alo t surance and taxes, say $5 for in- in a mortgage and cast into the 5, ooCAturfay cf each wttk, w- j ! j i i. i and all public day, to tttmJ to.aaj eurance and $lo for taxes, making devil 8 deep blue sea of homeless, tosiuesa connected with tny cCL in all $100 per annum. He must helpless poverty. get it, or it will be a losing invest-1 The Alliancewhatever its 'bad ment. As a consequence he fixes I break" in some of . the States, is the rent at $100 cer annum, shift-1 indespensible iust now. . It is the - i - r ing the taxes And insurance on the I product, as was Know Nothing- consumer of his zoods. A man ism. of a necessity of its time. It J.N. IlAaiDrsrt. may have thousands of dollars in vested in tenement - houses. He may pay into the treasury hun will and should live and flourish until its mission is achieved, and until it has instructed evtry fann- ill h f" VI can't promise Uiat, but I'll prom-1 dreds of dollars of taxes and yet if er of the United 8tates into perfect I ' Jrofbsatonnl ijnrxlm isetoiell y-u wheu I da paj - v V Well, the firm has about deckled to do something.'-v - v .' . ; G'ad to know, it, and I wBl help them all I can.11 "'S ' ' : ' ' Yoo shouldn't expect tne to keep cn running after you.! i , J:,V" i " "I don't exwet it of you. " In lact, I nish vou wouldn't." - i; : "I have worn out'my shoes Dearly and all on your account. .".Nearly worn out your hos. Well, IdeclpTe that's too had. . Let me see, what) lumber do you wear r - Avont a seven." . , ,. , ' ' "An risiht," said the roan: reaching under his desk and drawinz out a p-ir of shes. ''here.is a. pair that I think will just fit you ( Take them and wear be does not occupy or use any of I co-operation the property himself,' he never ac- Democracy. tually pays one dollar of the tax es. He has only shifted the' bur den of taxation from his shoulders on to those df some one else. If these" are facts, and they are, should not every laboring man be interested in having taxes reduced to the lowest point , possible,- by stopping extravagant legislation and by a return of honesty and frugality on ' the part of our law makers? . ; .' : The laborer pays for all the ex- w i t h Jeffersonian j Whatever its purpose, "as defin ed now and then by the selfish, ambitious demagogue,- these are j ends it is achieving, and this pa per because of its radical Democ racy, is devoted to the service and solidity of the Alliance. W. M. PEESON,. ATTORh'F.TAT xoc!svrao, k c. A Practice to all Court. OSce kt the Court Hoc. THE GERM DESTROYER. JR, J.EXAlOXr. OCVe lt doorsle!. store. Adjoining Dr. O 1. i:: I have caused you to weir out another gant expenditures of public pair, I will let you h ive the ones I now i money, aunougn ne may not own a ! ave on. It has been my rule never to let tKe Innocent suffer on "tny account. Good bye. '.. - : ; ; , ' s t r dollar's worth of taxablo prowerty. He may never see thejassessor : or . In the field of discoVery and in vention, medicine" has not kept pace with surgery. That,perhap is natural ; service surgery is the mechanical branch of medicine. ATT0RSEr-A7 . t-OCHUCBci,. ( Oflce on Main mt, c: IagieUsteL tax-collector, but he pays the tax The general acceptance of the germ D IL'VT. II. Niaioo:. in the end. And whenever the wage-workers come to understand j ;V Children are just as liable to suffer from catarrh as grown pfeo- thousand dollar, v Another' man is Vie- 1 "e uest ana easipsi appuea i queati0n of taxes, as the wage- ?i,wo in ueuk it mis uioi toe oaraest I reuieu; io eaui a vnwiu thr fm ri:i trt iillV rlouhle. Tlw. : mi a : ia I Pneo "' - ' ' . . ' . : " -i --- : ' I . . . iv: . !. t i.i . , , . , Tb Kofif rofnmi in rtTPtiA sTa3u. it, no parxy win aare to aa- iife is without, doubt the intro- vocate or pass laws simply to get 1 cling to its skirts. - And yet medi expansion te o;her contraction. We farmer-, being a debtor people,, want expansion, or cheaper, mouey. .-' Wall fctieet will be hurt if we have cheaper mouey, thus iormnig a cross between theory of disease, howerer, opens anew fifld for medicine, and will! take it completely away, from the j mediaeval suTxrstitions that still ,rilACTIClNG PHYf 1"1AV - unrisciT-o, . c. Offlce ofrcitr!'";' II: W.nMBEltLAKL im duct ion of Dr. . Bull's Baby Syr up. Now nd Txiore laudanum need ,fali struct aud the farmers. Thia bo given to babies." rid of a surplus. ."; : cine is not without its discovery. ;It costs one million dollars per It has long been known and the B. . ATTOUSEt ..." . uriSAi; C2ca ca NjuL ri v.