iLio pes asxcx. t Ateu YOt,XX.; LOUISeURG,K : C, JUNE19, 1891. NO SO. Wiih Malice toward none; IF iih 'Charity for alL -.if' 'i WjNb BJ C3 W PPf Mil L High'eatof all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. O .1 S ii Keveh gonirsL Not long ago the I Til 13. QUESTION Of IMl'ItOV- writer asked a class of small boys in I - El ltoAIS." Sunday school -what was their idea of heaven. It was curious .to note the Atlanta Constitution and the Augusta Chroniclo that lean much to protection. He is an arrant, out and out free trader, and has the courage of his convictions like n The Economy of Good Mauuers." For sale only by Taama-j 'i. Aycocke. Loui Ivors. X.C. NOTICE. ) In Snjiorior Court Before the CI-: -The business view of the question of good manners is ia" very impor tant one. . - Good manners are a nec essary lubricant in the machinery of social life. It is very true that if a machine is set up perfectly true and its parts are rightly and tightly ad justed there will be the least necessi ty for grease and oil. Nevertheless such is the imperfection of the very best material that an absolutely smooth and even service is hardly possible; therefore oil is a necessity. It is just so in life. There are a great many excellent people, abso lutely upright, dutiful, exact, and always in place and yet these same people can't get along together; and presently there will be so much heat generated by mere friction that the machine has to stop. What's the matter? Hot boxes, oil's out, no lubricant. In other words, no manners. And we may be thankful that there is not a gen eral social "smash up as a conse quence. (iood manners are a saving o time, oflabor, of energy, of money M and of cormort; indeed, oi almost iSjj, everything that is worth having or saving. A rough, abrupt or ill mannered order or answer very of ten makes a quarrel right off, often a fight, and either delays business f oi" defeats it altogether, while a kind ly, respectful though determined or der arouses instant enthusiasm and quickens work. Indeed, we may take it as a business truth that ev ery churlish and rough word' has got to be paid forsooner or later in one way or another. The labor that is saved by a pleas ant way oi doing things can't be es timated. From the first exchange of hard words to the final adjust how their replies were influenced by '".The. Greensboro Patriot - sayg : their own circumstnneea in "this lif. The papers still continue to hani- A ragged little urchin, who had been mer at the question of improved Irant honest man ought hare born and brought up in a squalid roads. The Durham Recorder, the JI.e recently addressed a letter to city street, said it was tall grass and Eatontou Messenger and other pa- "6 Atlanta paper, and bis candor green trees; One from the richer pcra have discussed the 'question n directness are most com me n- quarterof Boston said it was like a at .ome length latel v." We ouota 1 dablo if bis opinion ia deemed not big, broad avenue, with, tall houses from tha Messenger: ' ' - to be so wise a. that of more can- eacn side, a sweet yopiacopa of coorge any fitp f wi tiou. and calculating minds. .We cnoir-ooy was oiixno opinion xuul , , - . - , ,. . tuA ...,.,j' -..ritr-- acrree tliat a nam to be fit IOr Iood ir. ),o.vnn tvq loo. r,amy i "i .uu w uui pro- j . r KIT 1 AA lvt V . A 1UOU LUVUt U. A v IUO - .... . " - . I A 1 it ought to be boueel not less than class, a, quiet, .thoughtful boy, PO80 10 ao anyming ior prospenxy. half .'an hour for every pound of though one of. the smallest of the I because prosperity hasn't done weight. But as a general thing the dass, answered, just as the bell was anything for them. But there are restaurateurs only boil them rinoinefor the close of the kaaon : enough live men in Pntnam miin- UA place where where you're nev-1 to sit on and "sqush" out such op- er sorry." Our Sunday Afternoon, position, and when it is shown to nce of legalixed thieving, and am as much opposed to the duties Mills bill as to tboae from fifteen to twentv minutes. Having had considerable experience as a housekeeper in the country and as a practitioner ormeaicme, 1 as sert most emphatically that an av erage human stomach cannot digest bacon ham thus cooked without North aud in the South who will at heart echo Mr. Watson's decla ration. He writes: "I aro dead against the wboli tariff system consider it the es- and now he wait rio-l.t orer tlm Blenderput SUnenng trom irritation, flatulency, J dude and don t care ut all. TUw remwly erenerallv. and if it 1h lone nnntin- 0 " ' o 1 m tr i. 1 t i-i - r , . i . J F vention adopted a free silver coin enrome maigestion. plank by a very B5jrni.ttcant ma- them that it will rav to invest in guaranteed to b4 the best. Only 25 cent, a Pan which will give them good le" the a10" mads. tlwv will tVn in it I laid in the McKinlev. ThedifXer. i 1 ? . W. . 1 1 1 . I I J J I an inTaiid took to Dr. Bull' Couph Byrnp and give it hearty support. ence 18 on degree, not ol prin ciple. It would bo no costly or labori ous job to macadamize Putman's 'I am n0' one f U0?e bo can roads. Mature has furnished the Usre that the 'Chinese wall' is material in prodigal abundance wrong because it is ten feet high and placed It richt on ton of the instead of being nine feet, six I would as soon think of swallow- jority, after a hot fight. But the eround where it can be had for the inches. I cannot appreciate the ing a piece of tainted meat of any convention also declared in unequiv- niuckinir A steam crusher and aMe'c which bitterly assails a 52 tinH nhf tnl-inif infn mv rfAmn-K ocal terms that the one great issue . ' ' Kina as oi taking into my stomacn ... . ... , . p . r t, jn j I ner cent, tarifr and vf-t itronpiv . oi ijie comina: national eiecxion is n i c " ivio wu- w j-- & j of nalt cooked .; 4.; n 4-1,; -ln 1 i A Biauur bi worjt uuuer an exin;ri 1 A tariff for protection is an out- a. r t m tnenDeroi a pwee 01 nan cooted 11t. ftftinn 0n fh t. . o. , .win A defends one of 4S nor .nL" Vi o nrt (n c mry-kll t 11 t I At t al" I I . uxua. vw-c vwivcu rtixi, ui 1 jge tiler wixu economy in puouo ex- than half coolicd, and this may be stfVtes ana tafe deliberative ngutsox ueavy ouuay. 1 uir cosib ouia - - v . the "cat in thp mPil tub" in manv the House of llepresentatives, Dem- Boon be overmatched in the saving can omens, n has been pro- instances. . rr of teams and wagons of the farm- nounced but iPgalired robbery by I trust, Mr. Editor, that some of not be imperiled bv contentions in ers, eipecially in the winter tbe Supreme Court of the Lnitcd your readers at least may learn' a tll! party over disputed points, me months. The steep hills could be btaies, compofleu at lhf time al-j eni mexnoa. valuable lesson from the foregoing uent DemoCTate sPeedilr CTlt ofr an the dirt filled most exclusively of Republicans, valuation assessment all property ln me nouows , me uiicnes &na' iawu iui ; mmj, uuumuuo uci uuiu oim tuh, culverts could be made to do prop- 8 wrong and indefensible in the bearing his proportional part of er service, and the day of deep and forum of reason and honesty. the burden ol maintaining the ai- things equal. This mifairness in the amount of tax' paid by the small and large property owners must contiuua to exist until all property shall be assessed at its real value, for it is hardly in &t tcre of things to expect tbs great owners of property to declare their property at a rale higher than too average is now. , ' Because of tb present existing . state iri regarHotsxts; paid,- iU ' du fairness for small owners, v St r dors not argnefor the grtaterhen- , . est j of the poer man, but" the pro- 4 port ion ate real valuation of the .' ' property is too great for the small -holder to overcome, and this pro portion increases as the value of the holdings increases, to the dia advantage of the small bolder. v ' A uniformity in the plan of as sessment, by taxing property at its real market value, would re move the disproportion now exist ing. The tax rate now existing everywhere is undoubtedly bigh euough to raise more than enough money to carry on State a flairs, if a real value rate was assessed, in stead of the present method of as sessing property at one-third or one-half its market value. In faet the tax rate would be lowered very soon for the increased amount col lected, by taxing all at the real valuation, would amount to more ; than !tbat collected under the pres- Undsr a real tax v-a. -ir t ninCS. - : M. V. ; fKa Qrofa nfi1 bimf nmil-ail rt , . i H . fl 1.1. a 'Ul Uum tvrn uviumvm a - a valuable contributor in to-aay s j national reputation. issue tells how to cook a ham. Vir-1 ginia hams have long maintained a He Would Walt for great reputation, and it behooves our cooks to acquaint themselves with the best possible methods of preparing this delicious meat for the table. As a general thing the hotel North Caeomna Veaskuk County O. L Ellis, Adminic-trntor of Bryaiit Green, vs. G. S. Stivan";, . "... Stamper and V. H. Green, heirs at-law. ' (J. s. Suuiju'r ami M S Ht!mier, the two defendants 12 rt iitinsetl a'jove titke U4itirc That a prtcce"ins: entitied-as above, hxs beesi C(wii:eiic-d before the lerk of ihe sueriir Court of Krxuklin fo.iuty to snbjeet Uul of the deceased t" s ile to make :i.'3;ts f.r the payuient of debts. Aud the said defeniiuvs will fur ther Uke nutioe that they are required to auoeftr at the oface of the t'ierk. of the Superior Court of Franklin comity on the 25th day of Jane 1S91, at 12 o'cl.-ch, il., and answer the petition of the plainti Had ministracor filed in this behalf, of the re" lief demanded therein will be given by the Court. . This 19th day of Way 1891. B. B. M'.ssENBakO, C. S. C. - of Fraukliu county. F . Sprnill, Att'y. - FIRST-CLABS RESTAURANT. Having opened a first-class Restanrant I The lawyera and doctors grow rich id ljoaisbarg, 1 am prepared io serve meals at all hours. Can furnish' a few uertons ld2ine at tnirht. ait table is served with caieken. mntton. beef and everything the . market affords. Always call in- when yon are hungry, aud you shall have satisfaction. - Respectfully, , BONEY HAWKINS keepers and "rest;uirat;uni" do not cook ham as well -as those house wives who have adhered to the old fashioned way. Richmond Dispatch. Kcventre. ,jan,prnnH mndhnlpn would 1 at Wil. MessecKor. an end. ' The present system of roadwork ing is a farce aud imposition. It has been tried and found wanting, The Kansas City Times 'says this is a true story : A bright suburban youngster in kilts, who for some time has bpn promised his first trousers, came and it is time for a charigo. There UCOltUlA DECISION. The drummer has fairs of city, count, State and the National Government. As.esa property at its real val uation and give the imall aud great owners of property tho acquired a equality which should be due across a sitting hen at lua home the j j8 gcarcen. a roaj overseer who is reputation all over the country, eacb, a itandard of known valuea DllUT UUV. I IIU JUNIUS"!! I UIVKfU . . i made for the boy, eckwl hi; leirs, mippeil him generally, but not with- to make a decent squirrel path to out iroqucnt irourugeous suinusanu n rri. :a f ea . .i, . v". a sprinz. Ihe ldoa of a few hands CI.Il-l'lXCiR FICO.M PItlCSS. TUB The next great , question to agi meat of the difficulty all is a hon-id t tat tllis country will be the contest a spring Onrt. hp svi-PiLmtMl. Tlionhe crio! rushine over a badly worn and nnd kicked, thru he ran again with washed five miles of road in a day tho chicken tusking at his kilts. . D,f nr.a And so the bHttle wont on until the or two, twice, sometimes once, a urcliin wys driven indoors. Hut no year is preposterous. But that is (sooner had lie reached a place oM the way Putman's roads are man- up" sufficiently in road-builtling DU be following cornea as near can alw b eitahliehed in every giving him justice as anything locality, sod values will be found known: to bo largely appreciated, result- "Perhaps the querest lawsuu ing in benefits now unknown. waste of trouble and disagreeable work. What might not be accom plished by the same, labor bestowed on the simplest enterprise? Ill man ners throw a man's whole machin ery out of gear, put of working or der, mind, heart and body. They j destroy his energy, except for a row, and make only one idea prominent in his mind, and that is to get even with the churl. As to money that : is saved, there is no estimating that. CENTRAL HOTEL J X Masscnbnrg Propi Good accommodation's. Good fare. Po lite, and attentive servants. 11.TYLKK, -TA-HCY ORNASEETAL , BOU&JS AK rSPJtoSEK. Calsoruiuin g, graining parlor paintr nig a specialty. . Sattsfiictiou guaran tcedt- Le i ve orders at Tbouias" & Ay- cocke's drug tUxe. : . - FIRST-CLASS. :-: RBSTAIJRANTi SANDY, LITTLEJOHN, Proprietor on the ill-manners of their, clients towards one another. . And a large part of the police machinery ' is as chargeable to that rouble as. to general villainy. And as to the per sonal comfort of the individual and of the circle he lives in, its peace, and quiet happiness "are. dependent on the good manners and courtesies that prevail in him and it . There is one horrible heresy that prevails commonly, in the teeth of all reason and Common sense, and that is that there are certain people privileged to get through the world without anv manners -at aD. The result of this error is that the social philosopher , who entertains it be comes indebted to almost every man he meets. . He leaves an enemy and a fire in his rear all along his way And the general world looks hope fully after him,- assured that pres' ently he'll meet his man v And so he does. VAud after the conflict he is a wiser though sadder man, and no body is sorryRiinond Times. between landlord and tenant. There are now more tenants than land lords in the United -States. Thecon teat is near at hand, and the con flict will be a bitter one. Bonham (Texas) News. , - Leland Stanford, whom the Far mers' Alliance are mashed on as a presidential candidate, is a railroad president, and is worth in the near neighborhood of $50,000,000. It has been said that no man could honestly accumulate more than a million dollars. The railroad com pany of which Stanford is president was built largely by government aid, and, it is now putting in its time trying to beat the government out of the money and lands that were advanced to it. Fort Worth Ga zette. .That nature has fitted every sane man for some calling, there is no doubt. As evidence of this we find men who have tried everything else and made a failure turn demagogues and agitators and succeed in gulling their deluded followers out of a big salary and. of making themselves conspicuous. Bonham News. bafetv than he turned on his feath ered pursuer with tears in his eyoM and passion in his voice, and shak ing his fist threaten m glv, he cried: "You junt wait till 1 wear pants I'll kill vou. aged under the present system. One of Greensboro's public spir- on record one luai deserves a place in the legal records of Geor gia was that which was recently decided in Morgan county. A drummer hired a mule and buggy to go to th i country ; the mule be- id backed !! I Mloillll llttlM w. 11. PERSON, ATTORSEY-ATLAW, ixc:.ucko, c. Pmct'cr in all Cour.. Or!kf iu the ( ourt Uoue. 7. E X A LOSE. Chicago already has twelve-story, gentleman rrtUOS. B. WILDER ken fronts of 6toue and class, but its strength will rest in its maze of steel columns, shafts, sleepers, silks, etc. ; The very lintels will be of steel. It is claimed that,there will be hard ly enough wood in the entire pile to furnish kindling for a single fire in a cooking stove. The First fctcp. run down, can't eat, I er agree that all seasonshave their nk, ran t do anything j , ind vi heed t Perhaps yon are can't leep. .can't think to yonr natiefart.iou, and yon wonder what ails yon. Yon fhoulJ heed the warning. you are taking th 3 rut step into mervoai prt tration. You neel a iirve tonic and in Electric Bitters yon will find thw exact rem edy lor rentoring your nervous yateni to its normal, healthy condition. SnrprUnnff reoultii follow the nee of this great Drr ited men says he would give a rame contrary and cached ir thousand dollars towards having buggy into a fence jam. The macadamized roads in Guiltord, drummer plied the whip aud the yv nnd tvr urn Knra thprft rw othPTH mule kicked back. Tho mud flew U but the drummer held his own. 0(!ke ' (kor Forman'i druj When oatienee ceased to be a vir- "loro- -V" - - tue, the commercial drew from his pocket a Smith and Wesson howitzer and killed the long-4ared source of danger. The owner of the mule brought suit against the drummer for the value of his quadruped whereupon the jury brought in the following ver dict: "We, the jury, find the de fendant not guilty, and the killing a case of justifiable homicide." sixteen story and nineteen storv who would make literal donations buildings; but in the spring she will towards the same object. If our go herself one better, and put up a .... , . . , .. . .. i- j - fin,- citizens would studv this cuestion vaat structure will present unbro j more and puil together tnere would soon be a great change for the bet ter in our county roads. A RELIABLE ASSISTANT. A TTOHSE V-J T LA Wt LoCIAHCRO. It. C. OfSce on Main street, ooe door below txle Hotel. QIL W. II. NiaiULSON, PRACTICING niYSICXAX, locisburo. v. c Office onHe Eole Hotel. The poet and the almanac-mak- E. W. TIMBEHLAKE, Use Brains and New Methods. I anr now-prepared to famish meals at ail nours, aay or nignt. , l neep on nana fresh supply of all kinds of meatl and i eads, cull in and be satisfied." W. M- McGIIEE, Proprietor. Good iccorrunodaaoiis,- ijijute servnis. ana me ; pest ire -jine '.market x?. SMITHi I desire to infonn the. bublic that I have moved to he thop ni: tbe;'fod". HuiiELi, Davis ' u Louisburg, If. C There is a good deal of sound log ic in a waif which we find in an exchange.-. It declares, substantially, the young man who is trying to run a ldxminthe same way his father and grandfather and great-grandfather did, had better sell out or try Important v: to ; .Housekeepers some new metnods, unless ne wanta Wow to Boil a Ham. . - . to make a failure of the business. I The old-time methods are past and gone," and cannot be made success ful at the present day. - Meii hi all professions and "branches of indus try are tending toward specialties, and if the farmers want to keep up with the times and their brother sod-tillers they must do the same Somev farms are adapted to stock- raising, others' to grape-growing, and still others to fruit-culture. Let every one -pick out ; that branch which he likesr and to which his farm is adapted, .and then concentrate his thoughts arid "energies on that and determine to make it a bucccss Ex.'' :-;'v-; - V ' There is no kind of meat, that is FK AXKLl N T()X. li0TEL more uniyersaUy used by .Virgin: lans tnan Dacon nams , anu wie rural districts they thoroughly, un derstand Kttie mode . oi preparing them for the table. But this is fre-1 qiiently not t$e case in cities f I wish particularly ' to -call atten tion to "the imperfect mode of cook ing them in a large majority of rest aurants in this city. ; S At rare half- of the river bridgem the west side of j cooked ham'is toigh and difficult of Main Street v?h6rel;am ;prei)iared to 1 WjX.?' nnannvt$x Hoiae-shoeinga specialtV. .: J is tender and comparatively easy of Vff DDEEtt nivTa 1 digestion and assimilation. A large number of the best: woks signs, but thee of 6igni are most active and insistent. It is then that nature throws off the lethar- tonic nnd alterative. .Yonr appetiU r-1 J . .w liver and kidneys wume healthy action, j her bounties. It IS then, alBO, that Try a bottle, fries 50c. at lxuiburg Jrog stored. j THE lOOIt MAN lAY8. Soathport Ltadsr. If there is one thing more than another which causes the small A man's experience is either some thing he has or something that has him. Savannah News. . - ' A TTOHSE T A T-LA W, LoniSRUIUi, V. c Opke on Nau bt. Jl S. bPUUILL, A TT0RSET-A TJLA W, Ltrisncao4x. c. Will atteai the couru of Fracklia VaiKft. Grnille, Warren, Naah, mud Federal and bapreme cxirta. l"ronjj atleutba siren to coUectloua, &c BUCKLEX'S ARNICA SALVE. The best saive in the world lor cut 2rui-es, fre, ulcer, "an rueuni fever sores, tetter, chapped hand" childlains, corns and all akin eruptions and positivelyture piu-, or uo pay required.. It ,i guaranteed to pive perfect aatisfacilon. or inouly refunded.- Price 25 cenla per hx.'. . For sale by Louishurs Drnsstores.. -nativrA atforrmtft f thrftw nfT thA I f . I the amount which he pays in tax- impurities .mai nave lam dormant S 0ll the a88egscd valuation of hi iri the human ayatem. This effort property, in proportion to that ... naid'lw hia richer neighbor or bv manifests itself in various ways 1 J 11 M.COOKE, in the increased ' activity of old porated companies of bis city or ATrY. endCOUSSELLOB mt LAW affections, in' the appearance of county. The small property own- ixuisBURO,rRaxKLixco,x.c. , ,i iJ A 4uOI. 0,mt era of the country can bo paid to WIU attend the court ofNaah. FranW bous, carbuncles and other erup- ... . .i . , w.v- vnrmn ivmn. ... . the Sprtm twirt of orlk -j r i ii iv necfssary iu aiiicuiaiiv ;jiroliua. tions, and iu the toms so familliar to those who have suffered. It ia at this period that nature finds an active and a N. A man never gets go bad but that he likes to hear Bomebody say there I trustworthv assistant in S. 6. S. i8 still somekood in hinf. ' whicn, inWwork of purifiying ANOTHER CPRE FOR RHEUMATISM , . . " i tho . ,v La city, the blood and strengthening the T'JiSmi -or the system, baa proven be the four to one as compared to the bii yearnt bhu nut r. , . - . . . riCQ roan, luauuiaciurer auu lacur . ii ii .i 1 . I vere oaaiy swollen nui ui .-uivr I . - offered to the public. . section where this is especially I trvt couru the case, for it can be said to pre vail throughout the United States. What is meant by small property owners paying the taxes, is that in proportion to their "holdings, in real or personal property, the poor man pays taxes at ratid of perhaps aud the U. S. CircuU aid t- Y. GULLEY, - ATTORSEf-ATiLAir, riu." kxixtos, v. c 1 fcuiaa ptt tf try to. TO rCBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER A apple, nnd I was in a ferful condition. I heard ol P. P.. P. tFrickly Ash, Poks Root and Potosaium,) and after seeing what ths ingredients were as ths formnla is on ths botde I eonelnded to try it. and aftr tak ing three small bottles was abjs to fro down and attend to nvr business, and I mnst sar tthat I feel Uks another man; Am now tak ing the larg and to-day, l oeUeTe tnat 1 will soon be as likely as any maa of sixty one j-ears can expect to. be. . . - . - .--'- . A.C. Lako.-' 1 L A l Tf S L O K L. N". T1 isjperinleodeot of Pnblic schnn'a of Frmnklia count jr. will b la - Loci burg on the Mcoud ThcraOay cf Felcv ary.AiTU.Joly. Spnper. Ocktv I J .-- .1 1 . . . u(viuuTi,M irnuuu iur wire (ia is situation any better, for ir Decrtary. for w- paying taxes on hii I Ing applicant to teath . in tb porated company. Nor will an increased tax rate make b a a he is now- paying Pul4 Representative Watson, of Geor gia is very unlike sucb papen- as property at a rate near its real k J", J u yalue, which the faxes of bis more Und all itfic days to atttnd to aiy fortunate neighbor will not be in- j tus-aca oouupctcu with my oewe creased proportionally to make V J.2J. IIxaaxa,ijc