. A. THOMAS, Editor and proprietor. : 'With -JUaUce toward none ; Jf ith Charity, for alL 1 1-0 PER A XS'UY, U A lrrn. NO 22. EVANGELIST FIFE; Highest of all in Leavening Power.;-l-atest U. S. Gov't Report. "Until there is ' more evidence against him the Globe ia for Fife. . " a sensational, report about him .."if lie. has been a scamp; tnen tne and a young lady ooNVEBT THfi j Globe will help hammer him out of 1 CHARGES PROVEN FALSE BY AN IN- 1 SOCiety.T , ; , . " !" ":" ';' ' v f; . . ':, , VE8TIG ATING COMMITTEE. ,. ; ). : -"".' r&iehmond Times. " vtv Raleigh. June 2 0 .Sensational reports are received here today with regard to Evangelist JVV P. Fife, , who has held a series of revival 1 meetings here on two different occa- 'But these cheap secret scoundrels generally bear, investigation. , !; ? 1 i "Let things come to a head, but let us have the real fact3." THE FIFE MEETING BEGINS AT GREENS BORO . The GreensboroTJaily 5V orkman, UPPIIAN BROS.. Proprietors, Oraeslttt, Uppn' Block, SAVAf-ttH, CA. For Bale by Thomas & Aycock, Louisburg. l?-oriwltiiiAl cardig M. PERSON, A TTORNEY-A T-LAW, LOUISBURG," N. C. practices iii all (Jours., Office in the ( ourt House. 11. J. E M ALONE. Office 2 doors below Furman's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. rpUOS. B. WILDER ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ' . louisburg, n. c. " . Office on Main street one door below Fagle Hotel. . Jli. W. II. .XICHOLSOS, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN XOUISBI'IIG, N. C. ' Office opposite jilagle I lotel. T'p W. TIMBEtlLAKE, " .-V- ATTORNEY AT-LAW, iionrsr.URG, .N. c. Office on Cnsl. bt. slops, and who has also- held meet- ( of the 22nd, after giving an account inga in various other points in the of the opening of Mr. Fife's ineet- i State,' Report has it that he. has ing in that city on Sunday , says : been connected in - a "compromising ?Theuevangeli3t then went on to YlIATSOEVKK. ALLIANCE nnMOCKACY. "Please move 'along," said 'little I Mij.aimri Times. '. '..:;- . Harry to Eddie ..Fish; as he: tried .Col. Pickett, the representative to sit down by, Eddie, at Sunday I in the legislature from Anson School. : - . ,-! countyand a staunch All iance- VI shan't do it," said Eddie, and I man,, passed, through Charlotte he took up as much room on the Monday on his way to Texas. bench as he could, and pretended He was appointed by the South to bo. looking at his book. But he ernImmigration Bureau as com was really thinking to himself, I missioner of organization in Texas got here first and I-guess I ain't for. the . Interstate Exposition, going to give up this corner seat!" The editor of the Times was glad Pre6ently .be peeped over the! to see him and have a talk with i ii ji j 1 1 i i . A Sato Investment. . 1 ovm bih i Kirttwt tr Hint . NtiL-trtry pclu. or ia ra o' In i tor a r-tarn of r-irrlui mtxw. On t ujt plmn ytnrm my frir nr e4rrtiwf drajcrt n brtt c4 Dr. Cs" Htw, W.orrr Utf )Dncptka. It i CQitriintcMhi Va trin r4.l tn rrj ca, Len for ton of thrrvat. lunc r rhopt. mch mm co tin, athm. wLootuuff rrc;l, crflp, rtc It i p"ntit t Crv-tr to tt. Im-Cj iV m run r.lT I V-rodi ? on. TrixJ bot:W !rr t Lawbors drf 7 S. JSPUU1LL. J TTORNEY-A TLA Wy LOUISBURG, N. C. Will atteiiii the courts of Frackhn Vance. GrauviHe, Warreo. Xashj aid le'lenu and bupreine courts. . Prompt atieuuou given to collectioin4, ifcc. Q M. COOKE, ;''.. ATTY. and COUNSELLOR at LAW LOUISBUBO, FRANKLIN CO., N. C. Will attend the courts of Kash. Pfauk ..a, GrauviHe, Warren and Wake coun ties; also the aprenie court of North Carolina, and the I . S. Circuit and Ds trict courts; 2'" CO O o 3 CD O -33 o 0 i , a O v -p & ? D iJ e-h C3 - CR o CD . a -o C . CD cr p 3 O -- cr" CD f cE? t a 3 o a O c 3 : "-3 P $ CD p I . p CD P o CD Q B d o !2J CD H o (57 ; top of his book to see what had be-1 him. -"Well, what do you Anson manner with" a young1 . lady of a j say tiat he had been matle the sub- come of Harry. He was sitting at follows think about the Fourth Carolina, r - ' which he characterized as utterly Charley Fay, who had squeezed In reply to this question Col. It is reported that the young lady groundless and that he was as in- himself into as email a place as he Pickett doubled up his fiat; shut was converted at one of his meet- nocent of wrong in the particular cid to make room for Harry, his eyes and said: "Well, w i look ings and accompanied him to van- case mentioned as an angel : in TbQ t , talkinrr and pon it with utter contempt. I j ous towns where. he held meetings Heaven, or the eon of God himself. ... - . lookinir verv hannv J am astonished to hear anv man afterwards The affair has come to He had Been the statement made in Eddie had of at talk of a new paft y iu the gouth Fife is a married man and was for a j Tunes of that date yesterday, jie I ' U j::u: u v . ' V u didnt feel hanDV. 1 to divide in the South means an- uumuer 01 years a arumraer, dui oe- rewrreu w uib mci iuau a iwumr ... i f , .D ... onmA nn ;n(i!af nr fon, t.i1!1lt,hnm1,?hlvinvesti!ratedtbe Just at that moment Harry other era of Republican rule. . r3., i -o " I . ... . .. .. I tttu-i i it . vears aeo. - - ' - rumors or chanres and pronounced dropped his penny, fcddie saw it "fci win me new parry He is to begin a series of meetings them groundless. The evangelt roll under the edgo of Miss Smithy naT8 on l"e Alliance, m your coun i to-morrow at Greensboro. said that for some time he had been dress, but instead of telling Harry I j was ino ne question. vTFv- nnvniniwn fisrhtine the devil, and it. was but where it was he turned around and - I lckett said : !V hy, it A committer having inveflt,vatd natural that he should, be persecu- looked at the boys in the class be- woa't amount to anything. All the charges asainst Mr. Fife make6 ted, but he accccpte.1 it an as h hind Harry and Charley hunted tbis talk about the old parties' is . r "'v public their action as follows : W ft) ! O cs CD o vi j. marks, but not on this particular , , l am VV HP"T?x,- u HnrrinrshnTaliaannni " " I l hnr fmilH rnr fi mM it until afloat here and elsewhere, intended mdt h 8aw some ?!fL5h: Smith beKan lookine, too. lone by a few sore heads. V Miss aou'i ioiiow mose sori ot men in That our county. We will hold the Al 1 1 .1 - 1 : A 1 1 I 1 1 npo rklirllv Iniralhar in4 ivnM r ai j Mfm muveu uer urtus a nine, auu o ' vf,- 'r,'1 usefulness of Evangelist W. P.- Fife, "T the pennv wa8 found. the call for a new party. I think just upon the eve of the meetings in I , SmitSW .nm Wntifnt it is very important for each coun ts city, which has been done by 7' " "7 -.. --v Ti." J. 71 1 CZ tv Allimn. tn h ... .iUIoius nuivu riio gave ij uo uvj s I - o" - "-' of men to the State Alliance meet ing iu July. Our county, will be well represented. I am an Alli ance Democrat and I will be back to North Carolina in '92 in time to raise a little dust in the next have order, nmrl .Wo- ru- the offenders in a public way. i . ! . matterwho vou are," he said, "you at the close of the school. Each ni,o i,o CQ;i r; Jt, may have the most aristocratic card had a different verse on it. V "-- DuUVI iULVUlK,. UUTC 1 1-1.1 I . 1 two meetings) had a number of let- UUJUU U1uw tVuu"J 111 -u anQ 8 ah mings wnaiso- . . .... .... I hnt thrtt f1rn't, mntp t.h Rlio'nTf'St - u a1--. i u J- ever ye wouiu mat men boouiu ao unto you, do ye even so to them." He shut the card up quick in his but that don't make the slightest difference ; it won't count anything ' here." ' Toppiujr Tobacco. . -- P r- C c cr o 3 o 00 o ters and testimony exonerating him from all such charges, und his open and full information of the circum stances in the case, corroborated by a gentleman in person, who knows all the parties ; now, there fore, be it - , in tlie mamisrement of their tobacco "Resolved, That wo are clearly J crop this year closer than ever be- Sunday School book as soon as he campaign had read it, but somehow the verse Partners should watch this point fcept gojng jn hi8 mind. of the opinion, that the charges and rumors are wholly without the i slightest foundation, and we shall hold up his hands, hy our prayers and bid him Qod speed in the good work, not only here, but wherever j his lot may be cast, in the Master's work. J. S. HuTEit, Chm'n, W. S. MoonE, J. IT. Lacy, S. H. Hilliaud, W. P. Beall, S. L. Alderman, K. P. Wharton, E. L. Btamey, F. H.Cota, - Committee." Greensboro, N. C, June 20. fore. Th day of the white wrapper and cutter is passed, go far as ton ry prices thnt were once obtained for this grade- is concerned. Endeavor to raise a dark, smooth raahoganj', The demand for this class of tobac- That night at supper, there was a nice dib of cream toast, and mamma said, "I made this because you"aro ao fond of it, Eddie." Eddie liked the cream, toast very much. "How are crops in your county ?" was the last question. "Crops?" Why, labor is scarce and grass is numerous." 1 He grabbed his grip sack and started for Texas. - Sam Jour imi Politics. A dispatch from Atlanta, Ga., After supper mamma's friend. co has always been good, and the Miss Carr, came to the gate with says : Sam Jones is in Atlanta prices now are higher than any oth- two large, ripe pears in her hand, to-day, and this morning talking er goods and will so continue in my "A certain little boy asked me I in a characteristic way about ser if he might have these two pears eral matters of intere8. When when they were ripe," said she, asked whether the alliancemen of "and that boy's nams is Eddie. I Texas were likely to go into a have been watching them every J third party, he said: "The alli- day, and here they are," and she ancemen are not paying much tt gavo them to Eddie. tention to anything but what thoir Eddie ate one of the pears very leaders tell them. Whatever their 'iff ft k -All- 0fj7r.X . " ; K'y-'a 2a! 27 ' KfiiTi'ftV'v' 1 i U v .7'- '. r fj Mi H.y- GULLEY, A TTORNEY-A TiLA W, FR.vKKLlNTOlNvN. C. All legal business promptly attended to. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEA CIIERS. The Superintendent of Pnbliir echoolh of Franklin countv, will be in Louis burg on the eepud Thursday of Febru ary, April; July, Seiy'eu) per, October and Deceriiber, and remain for three days : ll necessary,: lor the purpose of examin ing applicants, to teach in the: Public! Schools of this count v.' -I will also- be j in Louisburg ou Saturday of each week! ana an public dajrs, to . attend to any Dusincss connected with my office. . J. N. Harris, Kupt. BfKMI.(K mr la Ixtiw rmd hr Jotm It. Goolwin,TTy.S.Vt work fur B. Kcadsr, . you mmy Bt ninkc m jnuch, but ran tmob jrnaqim kljr bow to rum from M to IU ilu st the tart. d won too mr BMh Kitt, all mrrm. In my Mit wf America, you tan eommene atuaaw, gtr Mtf mil r tiimr.or attaro moments mtlr to tba wr.. AM i now. Gnat y KCBk for tym worttcr. -. nt tart tou, mram arnvtbinir. KA81I.V. Sl'EV.DlLI tcanAMl. I'AliricLl AllB F1IEE." Addraa M tmcm. f can e uinad at onrKRVI Hn ofw.fi apiilly na luworablr. by tboaa ; Htm f t, t-oimp or old, and m Han 4wn loral:tifa,whtMnTr thry A in. ran itt tli work. T..v t. Inn. Wi nirntKb vinhfiir. W atari riw. Jio Hak. Too ran ctrvot. autirsijr nrw lead,atid hrinpit wonderful atiera tarr workai BoclntiiiTaarrcariihia; fru.o Hi to Stt perwvekaud upwarda. ra mora aiirra iitiia axptrwnc. VYe can faratan yoa in m plo.nwiita.nl taarh t..o KKKli. v anaca to explain bara. laV Infbrmatlon a'Kr-.ai. TKIIE A'(!0., AttillWJu JI4laK. Bniie; little fortaneaharabaan tnad work for na, by. Amsa.i'age, Aaatin, ixam. ana jnooonn. loladOf tjnitaj- fvearnt. utiirraarrnntngeaweH. W hf w yvur Boms rani tiver abvu.u f iKinth. Ton ran do I he work and Ha . 1st home, wlierVrrT yun are. Kven be. (ritinera are naflr eaminar Cram & M eiOadajr. Allarra. We ahow rrm how and atari ri.o. Can work in anare tbnt er all the lime. Bhr motT for work. . ' era. - Faflnra unknown amona? tana. : B aim irimncnni, rimminn in. nauaMoi io.. jtas oota 'ortlaiiu. aaaaiw JUDGE NOT. "We copy from the Durham Glohe the following editorial on this mat ter and under the above head : '.'There is a bit of scriptural ex pressiona thought that has never been fully or freely. translated, which says in eSect that you should not judge some other fellow, and there is a heap of truth" in what is there stated. r "There were people who questioned BUI Fife. They made charges which were specific and charges which were not specific. A committee appoint ed for the purpose meets and after deliberation says that the man was not guilty. "The charge was undue intimacy with a woman'who went with him a decree ot J! ran k nn snpwrior i onr! whn wn a Rinovr in t,hf fhnir Court made at April term 1891, iu 'the civ- j w-i4T, ... ' , , . , ... - . .. . j o 1- MHnT. oil rma ffftiilH li o va lion ii ncviou eDmia j 4 u. Li up von ana j. i v" v-v'" Gupton t. James Pleaant8 adm'r of B- rAnv1 Tt haR hnrrMnod thnt: i Guptou, deceased. P. S. Gupton and oth - I r, , rS r. I will. n MondV the 6th dar f Jo- charges have before happened. "j 1891, it being the first Monday m nid 1 5,H Fife a trvinjr to do some- iii,iii.ut ncil atfr puuuu auvkiuu aia aiiv ian Pur a)r ucviy tv Tborrma Jfc Ajrotk. Loa l.orv. X. t. LAND SALE. - -By virtue of the power conferred upon me or a aecree ot j; ran k nn snperior opinion. Do not wait for the plant to but ton, but just as soon ns it has formed a sufficient number of leaves that you see it will mature well, top it at once. It is not at all necessa ry for the button to make its ap pearance : in fact never allow it to do so. Top each plant according qoietly, but he did not seem to en- leaders advise they will be apt to to its vitality. Make a calculation ioy it as much as Miss Carr ex- do. If the leaders in the South from its appearance, thatthe leaves J pected he would. Mamma, noticed, I ern States advise them to go into of the plant when they obtain their foo, that he was very quiet. J a third party, that they will d. full growth shall be from 16 to 18 At- bed-time mamma said to The Alliance has mv sympathy" inches in length at least. Or, in Eddie.asshfl uuther arm tender- continued tho Reverend Sam. "but ly around him, "has my boy had a it won't get there. I said in a pub happy day?" lio speech in Mississippi that cv "No," said Eddie, "and I wish ery time the old parties played the Miss Carr didn't give me those rascal the farmers played the fool, . , T 1 1 l t t i ir r cure and apt to grow hard and P"' ana 1 aon 1 want raore tt,,u luw loul via ie" eTer ume- bony. Some plants will not bear "earn toast.' ine aemocrats win win, l recKon. more than eight or ten leaves while MVhy Eddie," said mamma, "If they get the whiskey crowd others, perhaps, of vigorous habit what makes you talk so?" they'll get the money, and money can be topped as high as 15 or 10. Well, anyhow, everybody is. do- makes the mare go. I wish to God As a rule, on our- average land,! ing 'whatsoever to me, and I did I both the republican and deraocrat froin ten to thirteen leaves, not nof rfb it to Harrv " ic Darties were wined from the Mamma could not tell what face of the earth, but I'll never see Eddie meant till he pulled his ij. Tne republicans may die "out, card out of his pocket, where he but when the last day comes there had put it after he came home I will bo burning democrats. The from Sunday .School. Then she I democratic party has the princi rcad the verse, and Eddie told her I pies that are at the foundation, and - PE2. JTT7 iTSS. SoU at XtoKrMBe. II fl f i I If I- a " II fii Mli.r,iiw :t t L umr i a a.' at J ' ivawa I r m i aaa- - m Taava. -aajanaj 'Un. other words, the plant should be i unitarm in shape, the top leaves about the same size aa the middle j ones, Do not top too low, howet er, in this case the leaf is hard to counting the trashy ones next to the ground, will produce a rich, heavy tobacco. " I am advising 'my farmer friends to do just what I am doing, I am toppping over my earliest just at this writing. On rich lands it would, of course, I be advisable to leave more leaves. H1I 1 V Qanl B how he wouldn't move nn for liar-1 whatever eood there ia in the oth- M aV puuiaw . vu a I . . y m . 1 i m UTs AKX JiMA KJtJ .J V IUV1U V"-J f topping ry br tell him .where his penny er parties comes from them. Old tract of land described m said decree, sit-j 7. . . . . , j of every plant the farmers must use j was. MI expect he thought I-wasThomas Jeflerson whs a broad- their judgment. Should the 'plant real mean, too." minded roan. But Je Hereon ian de- be small andpuny, top sufficiently probably he thought very lit- mocracy is one thing in one place low tnat tne leaves may De 01 goou size. F. M. Kogersl Jr., in Florence, 5. C, Messenger. - rZ-TclAvV; LwVV Ii f i D V ' aa. I wTJaitlXUtoA'i-V-! SflLVAYiflf. OIL -lajifj r WWW - af Pn'aa mmw SP- w mm . lUidzch. T&lhzzt.o, Soros, Burc tjis, StcM. Csclcchc. l?etTxfs.ttc. R ALEIG'J if GASTON R. IL To titt t.JtH Snt.ry,'JW. 7, 1SI0. tjU Monjf focTi- uated in said co.ntv of Franklin, adjoin in? the lands of J. R. Gupton, the Hoot .branch, and others, and containing seven ty acres, more or less. . - . . rl-, -"-v iv'C. 'M, CoOK, ) June 4, 1891. " - - Oom'misiouer, '. Cr ; KOTICK. Nobth Cahomxa I In Snpenor Conrt ' Franklin Coustt , J " Before the Clerk. , 0. L Ellis', Administrator of Bryant Green, vs. : r'.r G.S. Stamper, . Stamper and W, H. Green, heirs aWaw. : . ' 5 1 G. ! Stamper and M. S. Stamper, the two defendants first" named above . will lake notice that a proceeding entitled a abore, lias been commenced before, the Clerk 1 lhe superior t-onrt .otj r ran Kim county to snbiect land of the deeeaseA f sale to make i assets- f r the payment ;of attempts to go oyer, .the precipice. and he has saved many souls. -X VThis idea that some jealouB peo ple have ; these fellows ivho think j they see so much and who; in fact, see nothing, are the fellows who cry down honesty and effort that ".will i someday.whi. J ; !; . :-V "Of course the Globe is not defend "WiLyAM Mahoxe, Petersburg, Ya." whose former -hotel signature Was 5'Mahone, Virginia," , while) in ing Fife-it has behaved in him and Washington recently, said to an in- $30 A TEA 15 I ' I nnin.k. tr. InU. teaefc any, fairly taMrlHgrotparaonof eitne. and answer the Ian, vno n read and wrhe, and who,! lief demanded therein will be given by after Inatmctlon, will work lluJuatriouaiy, tV. t--.,,rt : , v ' - - - J alitiea wlivr..!... 11 I -.; ,.T h irki. 1A.I. Vfow 1 001 . .. i luiq 4vr ,a wot Aja, -. . ' - : - . C B B. il ASSKSBCAG, C. K. C. tie about it, Eddie," said mamma. laudanothcrthinginanolherpUce. "When we are unkind it "makes Speaking of the sub-Treasury ourselves a great deal more onhap- plan, henaid: "Pin its ears back py than it does any one else.-liar- and grease it and its the easiest ry found a good seat, but yon,; my thing in the world to swallow, dear , child, lost something that Grease it with green grease, I A awa- a I va AAM ' TV t a aT A thlnifa AaV - a. I wan AAtlli TrT liri . a fY 1 I liiCdll . A U& UiaikLO I Ll I Li a O f IT 1 4 1 1 VI Villi - l.lllllll IIUH Al A 1 IA ' aU AC Aaa, 1 A A 1 Ml'- " t will continue to insist that he is dP6- 1 uon linuiK ra?cu or v.: " j v:j right. I saw a. fellow the other cent until, at least, those whoknow Faraere' Aliian talking about the whiskey -A-va what. thAv rlitim ey oon.i aniouni 10 niucn yet, os fiTery ume mai tou qo w unKina b.inrM 6nJ be had a card the .Vi-a w r Sl f: ct it makes it easier to. do it the ,iie of an envelop-. On it ho . " r - r-- i iiiciiwr. v ""J 1 : j : t,: lftfw- U'.P O.V 11a He has been a man whose na- how. But I am in favor of any Ism a f . . " rl' " 'f u ..-4.--v,. 4 ' 1 luBine 10 d3 kiuu ana neipiui 10 iifiu nu uhu raid. iuuBa-iuei -I others, your soul will grow crook-1 You see wrong on it. Thon"hoput ed and unsightly instead of nbble. a fo bill over it audbeld. it up, and beautiful. - . , v . 'Now he said, yoa can't see it. . Eddie said that he wasn't eoiiic It's there but you can't se it. to keep on refusing to be kind ; j 'Tliat, con tinned Sam, is tho trav and I think he was in earnest, for i with a heap of thing put rcony the very pext Sunday he gave the I in it 'and its ell right.'. Senator corner seat to littla Harry. There j George is talking more good 'eenae is a moral in the above that, even 1 to the tanners tnan any mau grown up people might profit by. 1 know."' " Nu a. Ko. K Htt-.- aiiii-Tun. riMMin. L r.aiifc-h, list a ?.X)pm Wjil.. 11m 69 Fraanllinton. , lVfl 61 K)frrll. iJIt ! Iln4roat 10O XJ Ltttioo. tOJ 74S v ArVtcUoa. 3 4- 8 SO as TKA1SS MOTTIv avarr. o. 4t. Jfo.4$ PTtbt- . i:lTltlt. rASAMaJt, L WX ta, llUpn . eon. LittlrtwN. :2.i ta H'Mirrwoa. lit TU Kiar-li. 21 ait 1'rajttkiiatoa, 21S hT Ar laak'th. " 9.0nki ence jiebts, And the said defendants will f ar-1 ture has been pounded on the rocks J Jaat will bust. the Democracy. ; appear t the office of the Clerk of the and he has been bad. , v ; - BUCKLELN'd ABN1CA tJALTE. superior vonx r ranKun eonniy on in i --jju ne Baw a cnaDKene received 1 rfv.Kpct ioiva , tl a wnrM fWr end l-K Inna 1UQ1 f t T a 'an 1 4 a a tat" M l T' - . - I - v 5 ----- " til a L " T ti)nl a .At f 1 .L. r UdT UL fUUC lOfif. w lw V UHU;-.. OA. , V IT" 1 . Tmy- ' V I . a. a, . tL . I-' - - . . . . . 1 HlT TTVMT1 1 H 1(Th OT KnW01-anO n O a I l-mr ? . rS.t-A TnAw aolf - VtlArlm af W4 V V 4 V a, -vv V4tB a 41 an Ml aW 44. .1 - ministrator filed in this behalf, or the re- hand- ViVt trvinsr to Keln the world. '. I fever sore, telter. cliarped i " . .... r , i , n Aue.tBM.iuK:uu c.OCr,irclc -nH iitilv im t.11i:' or no Mr I lisnea is worm ioiukuij uuuul. xeqnired. ft. , VThosewhoniaIigneduecertAm-i pertect satis taciion, r j ed.- Pno 2j ceuU per They did not. It wasallbyinuendS. 1 ' roc 8ale bT Louis'urs i ruarantoen . to civs I money reiuinl- Ikx. - ... DruTstorcs. TUI'l nciTIH lom . So. 3, PAanI, .X a rxrarjas a ta - SOObbk STaT!0 Ar fVauia.!.c!n. TA1S4 x rti S-VCM. Nol.IktM. 5o. 13. KT4vt 4 , vja ctraanm. A r Lavji.be rx. - 10-i 0 ' W..rl ITI! Sept. NtrncE. . .. IIatH jt qoVitVil exvea'or r J. C. Frrvrn-'ui, Jcc'd., a II rr owing aii rUJe are oocScd to rvrr.c forward arvi . wciilc at oiscr. arid U cL-inw ajihut a:J rute tnot be j rr-vuvl nir or le fnr- lha tllh 'rj t Jmifl r.r co'He wUl te iJi.lati 5n Ur of Uie-r rrcotrj. Tll Ja -e l(:h. lf3L. ruA.NilUN l a.t r - tjr, x

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