- ' ' '' v'' -. .- . . fW'H. - - - . .-.. .- . ' ' "' -1? Metlio Ji8t Churcli Directory. Sunday School at flU.A.ii;; - - i J, tvry buuday. ; , ' ' -- asnH, Fator. v-c YOUTH AND jAGE. a HAdSBSBU&a, ATTOENBY AT LA.W. Will practice lu aU the Court ol the SUU O ace ia Caoft Umuc OKU BUiU W. i And UtX VUUr CUkruiM iu uiur w no ail the- world ia onug. When ail tbTworia is oldi my dear! Aad your brown lock are grajr, J mor jrour pruinea will be toiil, Nor loveiit round you ty: God rticc that then on true of men ttnall yoo aa helpmate hold. jA ioa4neeAur winter dor, least, bue -vote, ; and eaeb preciticf) the cbairtran ofjsaid convention. y euu m qjaoT ueicgais as n i - . All .-. lemocrauo : ezecaiiTe tte9 Lail.bajtLo koW "AQy Acancie 6Ccarr)oir t 8Deetie bodies: i J f lie chair me a of tbeMiffe any other member of said commit-1 county conventions sball certify to f tees may preside: I tbe list of delegates and alternate COUNTY AND -UlKlUrOr 'UJ-'t W' 'B mffCTeut district and State VENTI0N8. ; J conventione, and a -certified list of i on. l . isam aeiecaies a ua , alternates 10 1. llie several county conven-1 .u. Oi.. ? -t-.n . l i aa nLmn r'lin villi liiiii - mnaii m mm - i a-n S v: sm flTRMl II II ..- V , ' K X Jt "sjr P':-vf. rKf 111"1 PWcincviiojnii ?i ftns,jiii;r.coraniitTe8 fibiUbrisJae at all Dre-1 fbeirTe "net nltinin'tbeir absence I VTI O T T I DEATH 1ST ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, , LOOUBOBtt, K. U. ; Will attend the courts of Naah. Tr&nkltn, arauvilU, Warren and vVatkeeuunueetOleoUie 4aroaie Court at Wurth Uaroiiup nd tne U. ;j. circuit ana tlstxict Ooarte. c tt. J. K. AIALUN& aJlce two doors below Ay coote , Co.' dra tord, siajoiuiag lr. u k.nma. K. W. U. NICHOLSON,. PaACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOU13BUBS, W. C. 8. BPKU1LL, I tM WW ifttrantfUmi rafe64I3Af kir wiv iifiifVi . .4 twV4 J. t V bl IQU Mia VV AAQ WttUUWf XbASiW Tl' Will attend Qr ah sriil tu sarjind Oouro of :VortU Cctfoiiua. Prompt fciuiuujii giveu io uouecuoutt, ate. T ySOsL B. WILDlia, ATTO aNlil-AT-L AW, L001SBUB9, K. 0. O'Jje on Main atret. over Jones & Cooper's THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. As Amended and Changed by tne State , t Jxectttivd4Jkmintttee.. I i . We pui j&h berewitlva carefully rcerreeted copyof tiie. peinperatie. f mn of Orgauiaatiou iu 14orth Carolina, ad ameuded and cbauged at the, recent meeting of the 8tate Executive Cutnmittee. All Damo cratic conveulious hereatter ytiii te held, aud.all Democratic j:andi- fir 8 titwf thiMededj ore eVery Democrat sbould read it and learn its provisions. It is us follows: T. w. BicKarr, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELLOa AT LAW luulsb uae xlc. Prompt an 1 pilnstaltlag attntioa given to vtiry ui.uter iucroeCel tni( tkutuu. Koinrs to OUiwsX J astiuJbUpnjra, don- John M iuaiug, dou. ao t W. Winston, Hon. J. C. llaitou, f iret N.ttiou.d Kaak of Wiii- Btou. Uleun St Jluly Wiudton, Peoplen Bank of iloiii'oe, jh i. E. Piyior, Fr :s yake Por t OoUoge, Uoo. E. W. ilniettrUlter Of fijc iu Court Ho .130, opposite Surllf'a. li. PBiWOJi, "VV. AXTOUNEY-AT-LAW, LiJUISBUBe, IT. c Practices in all courts. Qihce In the Court ho a u. YAaBoaooau Jb,, ,., , ATI OliN EY AT LW, " ' i Olfiue on secoud floor of iNeal building Street. " " 1 '' ' . .- lllfLirtl busiaesa intrusted to him will receive prompt , and carttul atteutiou J. M. C. HILL, THE TINKTJIC" ' in prepared to do all kind of tin work, re Iff. Hone shall be entitled to elect to to the secretary of the Mute cen- lhlr ftanatniial .Tn1!ofa1 on4 Cn.i.- . . j ' j , I tra i committee '- Lf!"0 !?1 .!!Drf.Dt,0.8 del?- G. It eball be the d,.tv of the Muuo alternate ior ewrj j .-4 -ru. .t.i. fif r;'rr -'i-. i 1 aty commltteei and of its cbair- uinui hi turuieu euvu iuiuiuikiivu tit l)usu-avUsil,un 6 o- ! b f:lrrie Heevin uvuse vpuenuj t wsmB 'r RUFFIN & LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of worn in our line. Oa,ll to see at our a p near the Louiaburg mills. i)T.K. IB. ZECX2sTC3-, DENTIST, LOUISBORG, N. C. Oflica Overtaeket StorfeP ' J tT J (ir.tiuite Baltimore Dental -College. Tvrfuty-four,' year' a.eti?e exerikiice'. k riKici.VL. tsbtu a aPKCiALTlJ Natural tfifh removed aui new onfea inserted in TWSN'TY MINUTES. All work warranted. h )uwburff is my home "for better or worne" and you will always find me rrady to correct at my own expense any worn that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, E. E. KING, Dentist. YAHBQROUGH The blacksm r . SB fM-Bl si IMS .. . " OF LOUISBURG. All work in oar line done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have oar new shot) (the old tea pin tlley) in ujod shape and are better pre- narKii t.iM.ii . m r tn wrum onr en8torf ' u iir PiiEOiNGT ORGANIZATION. 1. The uuit or cotinty organiza tion shall, be tbe-votiutr Drecifrat. iu eaqh prQinct thre shall' be. an executive committee. toc4usiat of live active .Dempcratdr wbci shall uo oiouwou. uv tue ueuiocratic voters of the several rdciirc is iu' th inieetiBgHjTii scaiied by- the1 Co u n ty E x eciit i v e.co ua qj itte e . An d i said xomjuittee ,80, elected hall etuut one oi iu oxemnejrs as cnair. tnan Wlib shail pres'idU at all coin niiUea uttjetitgsi, i C1" : ' ' a JJ-.Tbe chairman of -the several pr.eciutit.coatuiit(ees shall comoao the CouutyrEecutiye coiutuittee, which snail meet at thesauie time, aud plaice as the Cohut'y'cou vention lirst held iu each eleotiqu year,and eteut a Echairuian of said county coaiinittee, . who need nok be a member of , the couiLuiUee, and.be shall preside at all meetius "of said committee, and shall bold bis place uutil his successor shall be elected. A majorityof said pre cinct chairmen, in uerson or bv iitylcomm!tes1ftil fike wise;.appoiiit a ceutrai committee of live, who shall act in its stead when tbe county committee is not in.sessiuu. . . . '6. lu caie there shall be a fail- ure on the part of any precinct to elect its executive committers for a period of thirty days, the county executive committee shall appoiut said committee from the Demo Viatic voters of said? rec4iiCtV ' 4-vThe Inerfihers art' the lireninet Nmiiiittee ' sbatT eTecV to any vacancy occurring iu said com mittees. 5. The County Executive com mittee .shall ..caJUall necessary county conventions by giving at least ten days notice by public advertisement in three public places in each precinct, at the court house door, and iu any Dein ocratic newananer thai mav be pbaijB iediil iajdcOiiuty I request ing all Democrats of the couuty to meet i" their respective preciucts on a common day thereiu stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before the meeting of the cou fifty Democratic delegate, for , fractions of -n. over twenty-five Democratic votes cast at the last precfid ing Gubernatorial election in their respective coun ties, avd jione but delesrates r al- Lterhates so elected shall be entit led to seats in said conventions: Provided, That every county shall have at least one vote in said con ve tit ion. Provided further, Tbat in all county conventions in which dele gates shall be selected to attend any State, Congressional, Judicial or other convention, a vote shall be taken in accordance with! Ibe plan of organization as to tbe can didates whose' names may be pre sented to such' county convention. Ibe delegates shall be selected atod make such reports ' to the chairman of, the S tate com m i tte e as be may desire. His Accounts Balauced. IE i For' maovinar klTCss; AmU, tnn Daj. SpMr. Pliv. rV m.m4 Iin !mtU. rata aad tkir Kirx ea Tab fUt a4 ail lonasoftaaKibfo. FUsa4 Mo qeator ar qaickly kU)d ' by tb satoka froaa this pow4t, ' vhaa barMd Atwotatrty -UaraiWa to afa aad aalaala.- bat ara 4mla to iaarta. Prrpr-d oaly by WLSKELVIAN.'V A 6RU7. Drag Company. Bartiaiorv, Ui. P. 8 Tak bo utWr wUck tky ay cIaIh U as good. For by .Drogjriata Wrt aa4 vlarabvr. a--Annit...v.ni c v-I Carolina, chap r 116 ratified the A ypnng'husband, finding i3th day of UanJi 1895.arruxMie fintlce to llioait BajCaicsn. The taxes levied nnder nchfdnle B" in tbe Rveno Law of North iiu fb. pretty,. but extravagant wife vavu vi was, considerably exceeding their income, brought her home one evening a neat little aeconnt boot, fiuely bound and looking very at tractive. This he presented to her,' tog ether with $100. Now, my dear, he said, I want you to put down what I give you on this side and on tbe other from thefrieuds and -supporters 1 w'iU dwi.-te.way it goes,. and ol each candidate voted for in pro- a iortnigot i win give you an portion to tbe pumberjof rStes Tp I other supply." ' 1 snau receive in sucBjgouury, ccfy A couple of weeks later be asked vennoit, snu no otBer-iiHH rneiiefte fnm shall-bVgrViVt Provided further, f?' v u 4. t Th.wbeironly .one ..candidate JP CL 1 have kepi the account all pre&euted ami voted foir at. ench right," said bis wife, producing county convention, it 'shall 'be' law- tbe little leather volume; "aee, ful to instruct .for such candidate, bere it is," and on one rage was 2. At every comity convention, jn8crioe(j' before delegate to State, Congres- ' sional, Judicial, Senatorial or. oth- "Received from Algy, 8100," er conventions ate chosen, , there and on tbe one opposite the com- ball,be a vote taken for tbe differ- orebensive little ummarv: a mf TrnTcti, ' - - lira cmj; taarMa aa LADIES AND Q ENTLCU E N TrarcflAg Pa UK BuUtrttad. " rf " TT - r ! rnrrrTlfum ts tiaaims f mn Who taay wish wittMaiapen lrf cr laIrdrrxjtnrrlcxrTltl da well to call W. IT- ALSTOIl year lbjt.ct nrbt, We lave n- s ulii. i.. i for. sale. . z'-.?zr7-i aTrTir..::" i roal'r a.'tV-: I Aytr. Ualr.Vlrcr. TrtcepUro 1 n TV 'rri 'iorti for the kalr aad tkla. Mtbiea l -'-IUatitU kftrxlhabAirfrc fall- a. a . m aaawam u Tarrt.X.C laT ""V i Ths etor k eudidates for office, whose -Spent it all." -Ex. names may be presented, and tbe delegates 6hall. vote their respect ive counties in accordahce with tbis vote; tbat is to say, each can didate shall receive in tbe State, Congressional, Jndiciaf.Senatorial, or other conventions, tbe propor tldu'of tbe vote to which tbe coun ty may be entitled; which be re ceived -inthe county 'convention. TJje chairman and secretary of tbe conut' convention; shall certify to each convention the vote received by. each candidate at tbe county convention, 'ami no other instruc tion shall he given: Provided that where only one candidate is pre sented it shall be lawful to instruct for- him. , At the State and district conven- iinnc tli& i).tA,tn. r -A , w J : (r 9 ... en t oil ii ties may -disregard tbe vote rjf tbeirTespecti e cr unties to any candidate, provided ' two A Mortgage. taxe "for tbe privSece of practic ing ,r carrying on tbe boeinees or oc jpatiou therein mentioned t'erenns practielog any trade or I rofession, or doing business taxed oy tbe laws of North Carolina In Franklin County a re.hert by notified to comply with the requirements ol law or they may expect the penal ties to be enforced as required of me in section 37. . r Sections 18-19-2021-32-23-24 -31-34-35, required, the listing of purchases, rroe receipts, commis sions, or other property A.C., named u Mid 1 ftVa a a a at xnerein, witnin wie nrst urn oays oi January and July of each year, and the receipt for tbe payment of such taxee, is a license, and authorixas the person or 'firms to conMno bosiness for the next 6mocths,and those doiug business without par ing taxes, are doing business with out a license, nnd subject them selves to tbe penalties imposed in Section 37... The attention of Magistrates, Constables and other county or tewn officers, are erpeciallv called to Fectaor.e23-24-28-27-28 and 87 of this net. H. C. KEARNEY, Sh'ff. Louisbnrg, N. C. Mc'h. 25tb, 96. ,.i f ..liOTlCE. 1 Ttrtaa of a mm 'ml w ---'- ' Coarlf vkna ma sir asa4 mx j7i ry la ia mmmm mi J L. kfii-wn ..Ji " " '. "J mrj apaaManaat t a . 1 1 t k . . ... . . a tm ww ft mm us W mill a . . ' a a a m m .tr. r9 ta 4 irWa Coggia's Vhs coataialsg aaoat kafl aad Tr.tt VoU adjoii HOJEL WOODARDa, , , tf. C. TooaakS, lYaa, Kasky ataVK.C - Frrs Baa avWla airjralaa. fj -rry. t t SHOE ntAKIftO. M03ES WEST boldJ forth ia rear of 00184' Drcj 8!of, fcwi tbe alloy where he dots ebo making and rvpairinir.arxl f oar- aatees to do work a . good and 'IrrV" cheaper than .any Ehofcilaiaar bslaagiag to tba bHrt4aa j ar. H be lSt, Coxca and aee for jour self ar. dfeaaard. ryastiag mi ae Wl aa BMa """J1 oxa ta IWi raVn-b bt axi - . uauy boat Hm. OwMk. l"T7 r' aad laa vta . of 3lr. J. A. nal7 aa4 T agav.aaa a iract of Iaa4 aa. BIUa rwak aoataraiag-1 rr-, cxt or W OMlotoa tbaLoq.barv;nM4 M.. M tks i r soa lot; adaic Q. W. H..kt owra. roatiaiatf h ar. aim or wlt of Jjf aotka. .t-.k l(rrt froas d.r 111 1 m LAll bate. w . .-5.T- OciATY.r- The PWIafleljliia Record PENNSYLVANIA' FOILExtOST NBWSPAPEIL TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. Tbe following apt description of a mortgage is taken from Trntb. It says: A mortgage makes a man rustle, and it keepe&im poor. It is a strong incentive to action and a wholesale reminder of tbe fleet ing month and years. It is fully as symbolical in its meaning as the hour-glass and scythe thktTnean death. A mortgage represents in-1 Where at f D. H. Taylor & Co. dustry.it is never idle", nisbt or for cheap Whiskeys, Brandies, day. It is like a bosom friend.be- WinM Ueers- cause the greater tbe adversity tbe closer it sticks to a fellow. It is a brave soldier, for it never hesitates at charges, nor fears to close in on the enemy. It is like . y. ' Respectfully! 3I0SERWEST. R. R. CROSS EN. FIRST CLASS PALNJEB. Loctsarmo, jr. c I artah to offer say avnka to tho pd lie, and will aav tksatl aa yrtparad i. do ail klada of Iwaaa palfiUns. rraia. loAe. Ky work to Loe6&rr rpk for lta?!f. ati 1 refer to all rorttaa fr wboco T ba arorkvd, Old f arbiter osvda w. . Gito ate yoor pALrooA4f aad yoo shall ba pUmmi. I D. & R. S. CHIST1AH ... KICIIMOND, Va. Prompt attentkro to orders ai4 at afacUon GUAKANXED. Mn. Cottlci ers. Belts &t Booq-seis, Floral Deaigna, PavHtvg Fmo 4c., fof hoc decoration. Hyacinth, Tatip. tlnt Ullea andtither -1 bailor . lorcicg aad Dlflj CimliUsi Over 1C0, 000 Copies Sudiy Clrxslttisi ' Over 120,000 Copies "Th Record"" epf.res no expense to collect tue very Iatnt news of the orld for its reader, and has Hpec'.Al deDart'ment8 idited by ex- t-dw piantlcg. Evtrgrerna, Slagnotkis. rsfc-tJa trvi At perz on IJeaith. and Hveeint?, Farm and Houaehold, Bargains! Barjmins! Fashions, Science, Literature, iSportu, 1 urf, etc. Art, The thirds majority of all bis votes eand bag of tbe thug silent in from tbe county couseut thereto. 2. The chairman, er, in bis ab sence, any member of; the county. senatorial, judicial. and congres sional eprumitteeft, shall call to or der their respectve couvehtion's, application but deadly in effect. It is like tbe band of Providence it spreads all over creation, and itsinflneuce is everywhere visible. Iris like tbe grasp of tbe devilfish Where can you get ? Old home made corn whiskey at D. II. Taylor & Co., from one week to three years old, cheaper than ever before. Wbo keeps old R. A. STUART'S ROCK Sciotrp-noj Kates. UtUti P;stui Pill t: i:j pi it tit U:itiJ Stitu 6f Cuiii. Dailv Kdiiioa, - 1. pr cvaatk Daily aa4 SoaUy. 1L STEL5UETZ. Fkitst TaJephona, Ko. IU. For Sale. A dtsirablabulldinglot forraia. Dally Bditloo. r DUy aad Saoday. $3 00 pav yr. 4.00 " Situated on Wain Strtet. For particulars, appij to dr. J. b. cLirro:;. Jan. th l&C ADDRESS . Till Rscord Poblhhlct; Co., 917-010 Chestnut 6L, PuiLACBOrsiA. - and bold chairmanship thereof I the longer it holds tbe greater Until tue Convention snail elect Its it atraoi-ih. It will nxereiaa fee ble energies, and lend activity to BRIBBE RYE Build up Home, chairman." ' ; . ' ' , " . 4. The executive committees of WARRANTED 4 TEARS OLD D. H. Taylor fc Co. Wbo keeps BY i PATR0HIZIH9H0UE ENTERPRISE 1 f V. 1 a. a a. I a x. W aan a the aenatorial., congressional a.! lggio orain; out no matter old v irgina v;iuo, U. 11. layior T r B I a a .a a I I judicial districts, revpectiHly.' how debtors work, tbe mortgage Uo and m "" MALLORY DURlTAll CUER-J shall,.at tbe call of their respective works tbe harder still. A mort- an( cheapest home-made Brandy , v(uTV Pn 1 lerV4 1i sVe OhAlo m aa an a-a-v A AT at bash a a m a m. m. I a. as .a vuciuicu, liicoi. oiiuo iiiuo auu gage is a good tnmg to bave m a place in their respective districts u j i t j..:-j.'j'i-- :sj 11 1 j IT family provided, always, it ia ii waitriiiLHii in ai am 1 1 itiir . aw w r a t i m . m m avoiBMWVWa iu watin aauva av i fc purpose cou voters of meetings so hehi shall elect-tbeir"del6gate3 to represent ine'preeincts ithe couuty conven tions from tbe voters of the respec tive votiug precincts, which dele gates, or such of them as shall at Demo ive questions that may- come : before said couuty conventions. " In case no meetiug shall be held in auy precinct in h it Ail K L LN'TOS. HOTEL ppril of, m- t,t,.JZ- r '"' tion shall be made, the preciuct rMlmUuuUi-.v. executiya committee shall aBP ' J. I unty conventions, for the shall be their duty to appoiut tbe somebody else's family. SJeirW tml ahdlace for holgdiug conveii- uWetVentious fre.ihUhe- tions in their respective' districts, Two Dollars Ahe otiiiL Al lxxxu xrvAjvr,. f. BLACK-SMITHtM, Where I am well known and prepared to u0 oiy am i wor. I hope yoa will see me as you hv.j .lone before. You will find me on i lie E.vit aide of tha River brldare. Mala street LoaWbure. N.Q WbHS tarn dcAnsr aSl Tkloda ot oick!taitldngf dout !forget f bat Vqra w prpaaeJ ie repair. yar gaa, sue pattioi on new locks fcc. I liKvit a. few -ffiuin Wblch ., hive repaired tbat wlU be sold4f not called for u ton days." ... Yours truly A.T. Nav MR? W .1TMVtltl,e iW,W crMc 8,rebhMytbeijf)fJc voting precincts on. all oint Public. iiVtf !pl6a. o3ry precinct meet (ood Livery Attached. ing there shall, before delegates t rODrnai ice the county convention are elected, voouniM nUv5t,lbe a vote taken for the different C D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, candidates for office, whose names I may be presented, and the dele "?.rdt- . ,...r. -.viaTfttei halLf ote iottcoiintySceft: Good accommodations f or Hhe ventibn their respecti ve . preciucts ling public. In mc " . IrtUccbrdanc'with'Hhia vote ; that and the chairmen of said respect : lit .1 ' l. Lit i j : . -i jve cummittees soau lmmeaiaieiy notify the chairmen of the differ ent county executive committees of tbe said appointment, and tbe said county executive committees shall forthwith call conventions of their respective counties in con formity to said notice, to send Ahead. Aroan who looked like a farmer entered a grocery store a day or two. ago and said to the proprietor: vDo you remember -tbat I came here about four weeks ago?" "I can't say tbat I do." in town, other liquors of all kinds that is good.' and cheaper than ever before;; 8pecial prices to all J Qp DURHAM my customers, come one corns an. polite and prompt attention and skillful bar-tandara. ' i - N. C. OLD ROCK BRIDGE RYE IS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. . i Is guaranteed pure I . - a .a a Don'l yon remember of cbanz- prescritiett ty me waaing r a aa wbx) cians througbout the oc in'g Wteh. dollar b'ill for. a m'an; a w m m a m m mt - - . assea yon li you aian want a and it physi- country, and the resident physicians oC Louisburg. Read the following testimonial : We prescribe Stuarts Rock bridge Whiskey " whenever -a stimulant is needed,' knowing it in Vwk artartlntAlr nnw and f rw elect one aeiegate ana one alter- wbo.ald Toa cheated her on. some .nYL'' hate tor every one nunarea ana . llii .aVrf 1 .fc ! "w' Tr" N K rl o 1 1amAiiao tii tontoo anri Ana I " "-" w ss deleKates,tpsaiArespectiyff district eanventicns'. 5 iU 'l'i STATE CONVENTION! co ra posed of delegates appointed l " m by the several county conventions. "Why yon must, 'lnere was a Each county sball.be entitled to woman in here at the same time elect one delegate and one alter sy.. each, candidal shall re s ih the county 'convention that travel I is to M A SSKryRTTH TmTRT.'. Fee vein the county ,f fi f nrODortiorf fe&tfiftrote to which the J I MaAnh,,n TAM. preciuct may be entitled which be 3Xotttr4 feItfe precinct meeting. HENDERSON, C. M preciuct meetiug buu vmu; tba p.onntv couvention the vote re- ti')o.l nm j. i.i -,' . . ti. . M.nlttta. t thn lite aad&ttentiva iwr.Mti.r . t('t3,kirttJ'mitttrtffJ1J I k : " " -T - "r j- . -a k a haws aa vw it a iKl V -p Ah hMeiVcraoWbe entit- DO YOU WnfIT A HnHP led to .cast in - the county conven- ,, ri uvwvb i - ' .1.- t.. ..... r.wfs.ti.a t. i uoii one vow iur omt uij v If so von w;n a Democratic votes; and one vote for iracbioiie HitumsBttJ orsee J.Levister at Tui-burcr fractions ol. tmrteen Aiemocrauc "Pacifications and estimftea male laWreceabepatoriaU burnt buildlam tion: Providelf, Th'at every voting Vii-2. wa.t--; t eciQct BballbeenUttedtocaEtat ftrKwV-TlAmMPatiA wntaa. and -in. OB14 uo "'It"" delekte forfracticJnsdterietenty- mtt. That wa what led me to five Democratic votes, cast therein count my change over after leav- at the last preceding gubernatorial iog thratdre, and I fobbd-L." 'I never saw you before sir. interrupted the grocer. Tea, yon did 1" Don't Wtiebpt i any' trick oh me'XprjJhBy.iwpntiwork. If I gave yoa change it waa all right!" No, it wasn't 1 J found two election; and - none: but' delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled' t6' seats in laid conven tion? Prbv?ded,VThatyery counV if 7a6altV,hav'e at" .least one .rots in sCconvetlbn.;C " . )d ,f -ri GENERAL 'RULES.,: iAt.ailV.conventieusf thaj dele- gaieAsshall be selected, as near as j dollars " may, be,1 from the rnens and sup- w qp 0n You are a swindler T Avtapafllia-rartdidatAa wnt1'fnr: L" ' r ?..... 4 r n J7i " - Very wen;, good, .aay., xoa i .r2t Snehr delegates or alternates : -v. - ' - ' of absent deleWa-as 'tnay be Rave me two too mncb, bu.t if yoa mesent at arir Debiocrktic' conven- can aUnd it I can. It'll par for tiouv eball be '"alto' wed 'fa'cat the I gefting tbe iaare "ahod all around,' wnoje.vofcQ.tur wuiSB ,utvii;.j;rpviut. and 4 won't have anything and r county, majr 00 e. w,)7 CQpaeienetl'V -3. JnraJLconventions, provided 1 V-v" ' for by this, flystein'af te tiote is casthresball ,b"e no; chan ge fh such vote until the final result of the ballot .shall be announced bj Fr-endslf we' be bonesV itb ourselves, we ehallbs honest with' -eacb'other.' :'.;'-..;'-- 'V'- " ' '.'". ( J. EM ALONE; 1 Signed E. 8. FOSTER; , ; ! H : a; f J.3s CLIFTON- . ; .V.-.' W.ivfc'VWI 'The.above ioaoT U;old-on1y by D.nTajlor"& po'., e'f elusive agents, at their saloon on Nash St.V who also' 'c'i'r'rj a full lin of everything usually lent in a first-class saloon: Fresh beer a specialty. Your .... patronage eolietted .Your friends? D.- II;!TAYL0R & CQii , MILL WRIGHT! NO. Tn tWoaa Wo a1 vB I aa prrparvi w talMir rvpair U kraaa e as Hi stKfcvry aad tapww Mm aaaaaaaiar aw wr, o oaV ar arm ae ICbV ae aara lav C- n aaraaq. aasraaa avs a ivmwjm ia t L- K. Bnmwt. ARE MAN UF ACTU RING AS FINK CIGARS CHEROOTS ItND CIGARROS As can oe found on tbe market- Their. leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime. Cigar for a Dickie. Uaixl ' Havana filled. 'BUCKWELLS DURHAM1 Named in honor of Col. VT. T. Blackwell, father of Dalbam 5 cent SumatraWrapper. ; LITTLE SADIE,' COB AN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. 4f0LD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. Tue finest smoke for the money. XOUISBURG . Carriage Shops, IL C TATL0B, Prcprfattr. , If your Carriage, Bogjy, Wat. on or anything ju tbat lice r'dt repairing axd yoa want it do. ie right, brieg it to me, aid rf. yju want yocx Carriage or Bugf y rv paiuted ia fust-clau manner, bring it tone alro. I have served my time urdra fint-daii r ain ter and wood, w oik man, can there fore gaa r A3 tee satisfaction ia all work t a trailed to roe. ' I have a rat-claae black vmith in tbe black smith abop wbo fol ly uDdtratacda every thing about bit hctiseii, from shewing, a hor to iriooing a fine regjy. ltdoea aot peytohav your work. bcUbed up, so brlcg it along to me where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my pncea ax. reiacnable. ' ' I make Boggle and Wagcps to order. H yoQ want a ood Hcati Mxct Bagjy or Wagon, sue tne your ordira,aud yon shall bave what yoa vV ant. f Thanking my friends for Ibtlr patronage In the past and elicit ing tbe sauvi in future, 1 am. it OLD' NORTH STATE1! t- Che root for d cntt, . a,eare 'winner that always pUaars," " Stick to home and send os your orders ,..- r ? .Yours very respect ully. II. U. TAYLOR. , m I. ft s J i 'w "TA KK ' NOTIC K 0ar back' is run. to' the depot for the benefit of passengers wha pay75andhile we do not wtthj to? be discourteous tot anyone' we respectfully ask that all dead heads'7 will - either1 wilk1 oc HAYES & FULLER. i4 -V , bCRITAlI, Ni C' f r'nN OTICE.. - Hrtair aaaltVJ as Esaeaasfa faa saaits el Ue aUa aaarro4 ta-r-S. aotias as arer ftTM t ait parsoaa rwtn ii i mmtmis Us-U mvt. &1. oas. abl al Prsooa mcSS rUJovs rxlaaf ail 1 ri'J tU rn". Xa-a a or Mn ta tiia ol rvi. o taks a ym via be t-a la tr or lacar rmavrrrj. Ia Ari wa. lH. A v.iLsuija,x.vr.r-Eaa.-ca-ra. i ? t t vi r f hJ fin fTZ iuxS SiJC yaw gatUaTS i d ' VS .Ittlar- caaaU 11 Ss aa ! rml; sisrMUaiUttaJtii KlV-i; artU CCsa TCS3 I! tal Jtt rUs. t irnrts'r-r,;'-- rIafr iviLbirvcmnnn m la evtra raa. rUc ia tzm

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