1 VOL XXVI. Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Geo. S. Bakes. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M.f and 7 P. M. very Sunday. Prayer metin g Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. "aaiaaaaaaaaaajaa--BIWaaaBai Professional cardg -j B. MASSENBURO,' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' L0UISBUR6, N. C. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1896. J NUMBER 15. TRANSPLANTED. , !. COKE & SON, AT rORNBYS-AT-LAW, LO JISBUBe, N. C. Will attend in- courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, vVarrea Aui Wa&e counties, aisotbe tiimreuie c.ourv oi j 01 ui fjaruuiiy, iiu tue S. circuit and District Courts. U. 1) K. J. K. M ALONE. oil-x two aoora Deiow Aycocse drug store, adjoining Dr. O. Lu Jfiuis. & Co.'s W. U. NICHOLSON, f PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUEG, N. C. V. a. KPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB9, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Qr.iuvUie, Warren and Wake counties, also tue auireine Court of North Carolina. Jfrompt ait HHuii given to collections, &c. HUd. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBOKG, S. C. OUl ce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. T T. AL'LORNEY W. BICKETT, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUKa N. C. I'rompt and painstaking attention given to .very matter intrusted to his hands. Ki-iers to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn M inning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. uuUju, rTes. First National Bank of Win aim), uieim & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank .,( M in roe, Unas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wafce cat College, Hon. E. V. TimDeriaKe. ui'fice in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. For- W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. vv. II. YARBOROUQH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURQ, N. C. o,fil ce on stfcoud floor of Neal building .Um Street. All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Dr. J. K. Palmer, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. c t, ANKLINTON, - - N. C. o .lira ) M ' (jf his professional this section. service to . the K. E. KLNU. D.T. SMITH WICK. It was the biggest ball of the season, and the assembly room of the fashion able watering place was looking1 its gay est and brightest, thanks to lavish dec oration and the kaleidoscopiaeff eet pro duced by the throngs of brilliantly dressed dancers as they whirled round in all the infinite variety and pictur esque incongruity of fancy costume. And yet, despite all the life and color, there was something fictitious and un real in the rilliant gayety of the pic turesque scene; just as there was an undertone of passionate pain in the sweet music of the valse which rang through the room, an undertone which seemed strangely out of harmony with the superficial enjoyment of the crowd. Or was it only the look in a girl's face that was out of keeping, and seemed at once to give the lie to all the hollow pre tense ol pleasure around her? To one unobserved spectator this idea sudden ly occurred with the force of a convic tion. It was a beautiful face, beautiful alike in regularity of feature and exquisite delicacy of coloring. But the smile on the sweet mouth was forced and full of unnatural gayety, while the great gray eyes had a ha anting look of weariness which gave them an indescribable pathos. The girl was tall and slight, and the white dress she wore, graceful though it was, seemed almost too rich and elaborate for her slender figure. She was young scarcely one-and-twen ty and looked even younger than her years; and the man who was watching her drew yet further back into the shadow of the, heavily curtained door way as a flood of memories rushed over him memories held in check till now by an iron will, but released in a mo ment by the sight of the beautiful, sad face that was all the world to him, though for four long years it had passed out of his life. How he had missed her! Surely he had never fully realized it till now. A chance remark arrested his atten tion. Two men near were talking to gether, commenting audibly enough on the scene before them. "How charming Maud Carruthers is looking to-night! That girl grows prettier every time I see her!" "Is it true that she's engaged to young Melbourne?" wants confirmation, l snould say He's hard hit, and her people approve of him naturally.; he's well connected and fabulously wealthy; but as to the fair Maud herself if she is engaged to Him she might look a little more cheerful over it." "Yes, f shouldn't feel flattered in his place," the younger man assented. "She's not a bit like the other girls one meets about; don't know why, but she seems out of it some how." "Well, her story is rather an odd one, you know." "But I. don't know more. Where does DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. XI ,3 ,1 i O TT. JLVinS X DmiLllWlCli, conventional enough Yes; but she never saw them till she was 16 or 17 ; for her mother mar ried beneath her, and was cut in con sequence. The marriage turned out badly, I believe, and Mrs. Carruthers died in Australia, where the child was brought up by the people with whom she was staying at the time; rather a rough and ready bringing up, I fancy." "Then how does she come to be here, and forgiven?" "Oh, it all came out somehow; Car ruthers died, and then inquiries were made as to the child's whereabouts, and she was transplanted over here; rather a change from her experiences in the bush." "An agreeable one, I should think." "H'm, that depends on how you look at it! Now, from her point of view we may be a little tame and common place. I don't know anything about it. mind you, but it's just possible she FRAN KLLN TON HOTEL may pr.efer piti natur r century civilization. To my mind the girl looks bored." "Then if she marries Melbourne " s"It will merely be to escape from the present position. Since her grand father's death a year ago, she has found it more wearisome than ever, or idi much mistaken. She was' really fond of poor old Draycourt, but for the rest of them 'Pon my soul, I'm sorry for the girl!" The music ceased, and the speakers moved away and the long procession of dancers began to pace out into the Work in every department of Denistry I'vuteil wit a skill and accuracy. Office Opera House building. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODARD, Pro?., Rocky Mount. N. C. . Free Bus meets all trains, P" $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton. North Carolina. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Tourists and W. J. Patronatre of Commercial Traveling Putlic Solicited. Good Sample Boom. Nearest Hotel to Stores and Court House FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. GOBBS, Prtfr. Good accom odation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, 0. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MSSENBUBG HOTEL ' I Masse ntmrgf Propr HENDERSON, N. C. ood accommodations. Good fare; Po lite and attentive servants. DO YOU WANT A 'HOUSE ? cooler air of the long, flower-decked corridor. But the man near them still kept hi place in the deep shadow of the cur tains, and watched-, with eager eyes, to see that tall, white-robed figure pass through the doorway. But he watched in vain. He had lost sight of her just before the dance end ed, and she had no doubt left tne ban room bv some other door. From the station he had chosen he could com' mand the whole room, and he soon saw when so many younger, richer men were at her feet. Oh, he knew his place! And he smiled grimly to him self. Had not her self-complacent rela tions been careful to point it out to him --most considerately, no doubt four years ago? Certainly, there was little likelihood of his forgetting now. No, there could be no real risk in the meet ing should they chance to meet. No possible risk for her, and for himself he would gladly give the ten best years of his life just to hear her voice again , just to meet her gray eyes once more with the old frank smile in them .that he knew so well. No possible risk no; he had been a fool and coward ever to think of it; and his resolution to keep out of ber way the resolution tnat he had thought so wise and so good was entirely foolish and unnecessary. She need never know the reason of his brief visit "home." Why shpuld-noVhr" hare business in England as well as another man; and how should she sus pect the mad desire to see her face to face once more that had brought hirn from the other side of the world? Thus thinking if, indeed, the rapid stream of recollections, sufrfestions o o and reassuring convictions that rushed through his mind oould rightly be dig- mhed with, the name of thought he strode boldly out into the corridor; 8 noticeable figure enough from his com manding stature and grand breadth of shoulder. Many eyes followed him as he passed between the bank?, of flowers with which' the wide corridor was lined on either side, and many were the spec ulations as to who he was, and why he was at the bail; since he spoke to no one, and nobody seemed to know him. But he passed on, unconscious alike of admiring eyes and fruitless specula tion. Meantime Maud had suffered her partner to lead her lo a wide window seat at the farther end of the corridor from that where her old friend was seeking her. The girl's face looked strangely pale now that the flush dancmg brought to it had died away; and there was an expression of something very like desparr in her wide gray eyes as she listened to her com pan ion's eager words. iou Know you promised me my answer to-night, Maud, and we mayn't have such a chance again. No one has found out this corner yet; but it won't escape the observation of the crowd long. I've waited patiently, and haven't bothered you a bit, and now at last time's up. You won't ask me to wait any longer?" A look of sndden. dis may clouded the boyish brightness of his face as he spoke, but only for a mo ment. "No, I won't ask you to wait any longer;" the girl's words came slowly, and with an evident effort; "but why do you want me to say yes, when you know that I don't care for you? No, hear me out," as he would have inter rupted her. "I like you, but I don't care for you in that way, and I never shall." "But you will, Maud; you must when you see how awfully fond I " "No, I never shall, I know. If ym insist on marrying me, you shall at least do it with your eyes open, Mr. Melbourne. "Oh, don't speak to me like that!" "But I feel to you like that, and I must speak as I feel. Feel ! " with swift self-scorn. "What have I to do with feeling at all? If I marry j-ou it will be to escape from my present life; to get away from myself from the ever lasting, purposeless round of dances and dinners. I lave told you this be fore." "Yes, and I have told you that I love you." "And yet you don't hesitate?" "For myself, no." He was silent a moment, a look of most unusual inde cision on his face. "But you put things qifferently to-night," he said, at length. You say you know you Fhall never care for me. I don't see- how you can know that unless " Unless ?" she faced him bravely, though a sudden flush showed she al ready grasped his meaning. You care for some one else," he said, very deliberately. "Do you, Maud?" For a moment he thought she was go ing to break into indignant denials, then all at once her face softenedVand changed, and tho light of a wonderful joy flashed into it as she sprang to her feet, exclaiming: "Denzil! At last!" Young Melbourne turned in astonish ment. Who was this stately-looking man that Maud should go to meet him with outstretched hands of welcome and brilliant, rapturous smile? No matter who he was, the boy felt that his question was answered. He took his dismissal quietly, and left them without a word; nor did anyone see him again that night. And Denzil? At the sight of Maud's eager eyes, and sweet, well-remembered smile, he forgot all his stern resolutions and carefully-cultivated convictions. he had never even dreamed of the po69i i They Died Too Soon. George Washington - pretsidrnt and honored in his day. . ; He was the father of the land, and all things came his way. . He had a basketf al of f on, a wagon load of fame Bathe never was a rooter at a baseball game. Napoleon conquered half the world and had a crown of gold. And in his time his cop was jant as full as it could hold, . t looks from here as tboogh- he should have had his share of fan. Bathe never strained his vocals when the home team won. And also J alius Caesar, who bad his ahare of sport, - ' He won a score of battles and always held the fort, He killed off lots of tx;oDlf. rejrardlvss of the cost, But he never slagged the umpire when the home team lost. And also Alexander, he turned most every trick. And then shed tears because tbere were no more worlds left to lick. He climbed way ap the ladder as high as people get, Bat he never pawned his scepterVo pay a baseball bet. Duncan M. Smith in Chicago Record. Dentistry, W. II. EDWARDS OP WAKE fORE8T, X. C. Will vUit Loui-honi on Uoi -lnT.Tu"JT and Yednula following th 3mt Suo!y in rarh month anj nt Krankliotuo oo Fri day and Satnrduv of th n "wk. pre pared to do all kind of tVntal work. Gron and b rid ire work j pcialty. Po iVlvely Iran ut in nrtinrinl Uwh in on bour tt!xr extracting th t-rth' UtUo! in Meadow' hotel, room No. ft, at IxHUftburt:, mid at . W. Ilorria' rraidenev. Franklintou. R3S3S. Cjtftas. Bulbs Bouquets, Floral Deaijrns, I'nliug Ferns for house decoration. Hyacinths, Tulips, Chinese Lilies and other Bulbs for forcing a'Uij out-door pluntiSif IXergrtvfi?, Mcgnolias. Shade trwi Ac. II. STEINMETZ, Florist. Haleiph, N. C Telephone, No.'1 113. Build up. Home. by- PATRONIZING HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHER SOOTE CO. Notice ! ! ! OF DURHAM - N. C. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINK CIGARS CHEROOTS -iND CIGARROS As can oe found ontbe market. " ' TfrMf Teaming brands are ' ''BULL OF DURHAM" A dimo Cigar for a iiickle. Hand Havana filled. The Democratic CountT Coutto tion will be beld In Lonubunr. on Saturday tb 20th day ot Janl&9C, for the purpose of electing dekgufte to the State, Conjrreonal and Senatorial ConreQtions. The Democratic to ten of the re spec tire township are reqoetted to meet at the nana Toting place on So tarda j the 13th day of Jane and elect delegate to the County Con ren tion. By order ol the Countj Execntln Committee. A Word To Tt! Untatesti ; " HUMOR OF THE HOUR. Sonie of the Best Jokes ami Stories ot the Bright Jesters Who Do Not )'ear Cap and Bells. The investigators whose names appear iu the newspapers in con nection with Roentgen ray experi ments are a good deal bothered by applications from people(who imag ine they have bullets or other un pleasant foreign substances in va rious parts of their anatomy. The story goes that not long ago a certain local scientist deceived the following letter: "Dear Sir I have had a bullet in my thorax for seven years. I am too busy to come to Cleveland, but hope you will be able to come down here and locate the bullet, as I am sure the case is worth your while. If you can't come yourself, send your apparatus, and L will get one of the doctors here to use it. ours truly." Here is the local man's reply: "Dear bir Very sorry I connot find time to visit you. Nor will I be able to send my apparatus. If you can't come to Cleveland your self, send me your thorax by ex press, and I will do the best I can with it. Yours truly." Cleve land Plain Dealer. :o: Who may wish nice pharupon ing or hair dressing doue, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & I. E. THOMAS. Ladies have your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new hair grower. Van's Mexican Iluir Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricopherou for the hair and 6kiu, nothing to boat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. TiLACKWELLS DURHAM THE BLOOD CoutAlun tin' s-t-rrt of po.1 hlth. If vM aocumuUl'- y-ur after yT rvult t- surf to folli. on rrult in rh' Uinslliiai Kor th! yoa tuv.- a r-l.Me rure at haul. The iinuie v' thia rvmisly in RIIEUMACIDK. It Is a new ilU -i vi-ry. a arlnt !!V rretaMe romiHiunl RHM'MACIIlK rur s t y n-utnU Izli.g the ari ls In the ! I.1. A nt.at;t ut ionai nr- la the only aerial .!- on-, an l r.4ulre time. But you ran avoi I y. am of aufterin In the future l r tAkln t;il. m-.:i-'ii- rl-ht away, txjl.i In Loutsrurg t y W. U Thoicaa and Ayco-ke a Co. 1'rhe 51 per WtU Named in honor of Col. W. T. Rlackwll, father of Durham 5 cnt SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARUOS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS ,:0LD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, o for 10 OMits. T'nf fmojt smoke for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE" for Cheroot, 3 winn-r tl ia: o c"-nt, a ure aiwy plta9. We have bought a large and va ried stock of Coffins, CaakcU ate., from the cheapest pine CoTn to the finest Metallic Case. When in need of anything io thla line give us a call. We gaarantee to gjie you the best grade of Co5n or Casket for the money-every thing bein eiactly as represented. No deception will be practiced. Yours Respectfully. Trasta Jc Eou. oSce Stick to'liom" ordT. and At Louisburg Harnesj Co t i us your ' Riverside Warehouse. Mallory Durham Cheroot Co. ; SOUTHERN DURHAM, N. U Just as a Precaution. "Look out!" St. Peter slammed the gate, and an instant later there was a crash, indicating that some one had taken a header. "I'll have to keep it shut here after," growled St. Peter, "or some of these scorchers will succeed in getting through without showing creden tials. That's the fifth one that's tried it today." Ch icago Post. It Was True. Mr. Banker You told me you wanted to get off yesterday after noon to go to a funeral. Clerk Yes, sir. "Well, you lied to me. You went to see a baseball game." 'Ye8,6ir, but it was a funeral, all the same. The visiting team was buried out of sight." -Yonkers Statesman. Beef, Bed Springs, and Hides. If vou vaii t to hu v or soil Ood milk cows. Hides or Cattle Of any kind, se me l'- i fort' von hnv or s'll, I bnv. I sell or exchange. I also! have on hand a nice lo of i Jones patent BED SPRINGS, 'o superior, which I will put on at a days notice, cheap for the money, or exchange lor any kind of stock or produce Hest Bed Sprini: in the world, satislact ion guaran teed or no pay, ocr 100 sold in Franklin count v. Auction iioods, and trood work oxen for sale. E. J. UAGSDALE & CO. TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. RAILWAY. Bai gams: Bai erains: Gifted That Way. "It 5s dead easy," said he. "I rode all right the very first time and have never had a fall yet. "Oh, of course!" said the girl, who had been practicing "this is so sudden" before tbe mirror for moe than six months. It is out of tbe Whereat.' I). II. Taylor A Co. for cheap Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines it Beers. Where can you get Old home made corn whiskey? at I). H. Taylor it Co. From one week to three years old, cb-aper than ever before. Who keeps old R. A. I ' STUART'S ROCK ! BRIDGE RYE i i WARRANTED 4 YEARS OLD j I). H. Taylor it Co. Who keps old Virgina Club, I). II. Taylor Co., and he also keeps tbe finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town, other liquors of all kinds that are good, and cheaper than ever before. Special priceg to all my customers, come one, come all. Polite and prop pt attention and skillful bar-tenViers. OLD ROCK BRIDGK RYE 46 V 3kl. Ifti:y TIKD.IOU AIH LIK. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN KFKKCT J AM" ART 1. ISi. A M. rc-j at O rnfct" for aU t. :r.t f r jSctiA a) "Scvt. aji WlMfJirT a4 f.bU OB a ? on Sort Oartkia KaU nl At i : ! ra rr . K as rotate in Wtrs orta DaroCa. Kaot. Tta. Tca.. Ct&rtanatU. a&j i tr r-.ta-. at Caartotl, far la&Nar OfwsrUai lOcea. IV u&.a aoJ au potau Sov'Jl CoetMrta at lrfeaa t j Oaff. (".irT,. al Kryrrtito l(w w tai.rLoo aifcl KKaiwwira Tort tl FVorada Siaorl Ua CxzX 1 lra!a tor aU poteu 5 or. A. and w'.'.A Bala Ut trats Ka. U far I Uj . RV-feafca4 a4 UUI u U tAiVa. atao aaa roo-r-W-T f T WlMtcWia. AC4 i:a Bialn !& IraSa 5a M .Tm4 is ill i t--r C&ATV41. k4ruttart. Urweti. AUaaia aaJ ail petal xtA fc.3 CMaatia. Ai '... aal all t.4cta tl ?j lef tar for AUaetA. iacAaoo a4 at CbarVHt vita iw lr- far fcr isi( aal JarAao- 11 K- P M Coe&rt at Jb for rrl Ei -it. 1 1 y W.ia ai) rayrUrTlDa aort Cat, ti.y. joMmtvro tor irtm acki M -rl C.lj . SaUy irt ftas-'- . t -t WUcalAfioe aa4 lar cxiiU 'JkiiiXj cu lim W a W. K R. Dai:. i ror.wrtj at Hat to Wliac, tUthr ktuit. Tartro ana WaJ '.axl l oa 5orfoa a& CanX'.aa KAi'ra1 arrlTaa at &caaatro 13 M i'o.iwj at IVartasa ty Or ford. K'7itL. R'.'Ib1. at QrM tro. tr Wulii: aaj aJI F.r A. Paliy : axvt IHUy TRAI.Nfl AKRJVH AT RALEIQB. 5 C 11 r at. lally A at Iai:y DAVIS' BAR. IS THE STANDARD WORLD. OK THE Fvb AtlaatA. CtarWt. t-j ao4 ati po4eta (SaUk Tr ta QrwtrMo ao4 aa potsta 5ortA al axvtx Kwxia oar ( i r-r- "oro u RArtfli. rroca lo4toro. W1!miafV. Tijri.vyAZ a4 aU potata ta Ka. tm CartxicA. ro3 yrm Tor. Wcaa'tcv. Lytwirf . DacTlI Qrwr i 'vo fris OrOkJatoro a3 aa (otata Eaat ever take a tumbler." Indianap olis Journal. If 80 you will do well to write, that Maud Carruthers was no longer bility of such a meeting as tnts, amd t ne question for one to expect you o before contractipr. fipeciiicatins and "estimates ma on burnt buildings, &c. YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. r ee J. Levister. 'at LoiiiR"bnrcr. rthare And to-nignt ae neia eyery momenn wasted in. which she was out ci sight. For the last time it was for the last Jtime and already the precious mo ments were slipping rapidly away! He must find her again, even, tnougn in order to do bo lie must risk discovery and recognition. v Little risk that she would recognize him after four years, and in such wide' lv different surroundings I Mis dress, too. with its heavy cloaK ana nroaa somber hat, would surely be a sumcienx Au Work in fin? lino A ?tice. and 11 . " ouuu lULio uxu. W5U, uiu I QiSBTllSe IX olio buuiuu dw.j w m good shann and fl.TvMr.te.r- nrp- I x- -i;.v. rannllBMinn nf Tier old r I JClwlii DAJgJiW , tnan evpr tn aarxra nn natj-i- I . . ' i .ia 1 Vi man niwra vuuvv I iriena, anci wumu-un wumci, under wnose rooi ait ner nappy cuuu hood had been passed Arid even if she did know him, wnat then? f He was surely capable of keeping his secret still," as- he had kept it in tie old davs." She was little likely -.to guess it now. in all the pride of her tnura- All kinds of Job Printing done at the Times office. glad recognition that rang in her voice fairly swept him off his feet, 6trong, self-contained man though he was. For she loved him; he saw it in her . -. . 1 . 1 "A A. eyes, neara it in ner voice, ttnew n & last astonishing, weJi-nigh impo6SDie fact though it was; and this being so, nothing could come between them; no proud, disdainful relations coma parr, them any more, and when Denzil C Las ton returned to Australia after his brief visit was over, his wife accom panied him, and" great was the wrath and indignation among uve uraycour s, who had tried so hard to make her in all respects one with themselves, only to fail so signally a.t the last! 4 But Maud was happy, and once back again among Denzil's people, aaid all the congenial associations, of the pest; she soon regained the bright serenity and stfnny sweetness of nature which she had well-nigh lost in that alien land, to which tlnkind fate, and Denzd'a RtTMi eense of duty, bad for & time routV & ' Wtyy, now ! tranntedhernQIdWorda. Loquacity. "Money talks," said Senator Sor gbum;, with oracular emphasis. "Thet's so' said the old fash ioned monopoly on the argyment in a campaign." Washington Star. NOTICE ! ! I desire to inform my friends and the public that I hare bought oat' the interest of .Mr. R. ' T. Car- lyle in the business on Nash St., and will be glad to have them call to see me." ' Nice Fresh . Gro ceries at Rock Bottom Prices. . . Ef L.0DUM. LOUISBURG, N.C. Since the fire we have bought an other stock of choii-e Whiskie, Wines, Beer, Cicars, &c, the K;ime old brands thnt evervbod v likel so well, together with several addition-. al brands of renowned hiskje Our-etaud is in the Jasper Murphy Office. Which we have fluted op in hand some styl nnd thoroughly equip ped in every way, nnd cordially in vite you to call and aee us in our new nuartere. assuring you of a hearty welcome nnd guaranteeing all drinka served in the highest style of the Hrt. Our reputation na expert drink mixers ia too well known for n to any anything in that connection. We thank our friends moat cordi ally lor their past patronage and earnestly request a continaance of the same. Give os a trial. I. fruaranted pure and is prescribed by the loading physi cians throughout the country, and the resident physicians of Louisburg. Rad the following testimonial : We preecril Stuarts Rock bridge Whiskey whenever a stimulant is needed, knowing it to bo absolutely jura and fre from all adulteration. ( J. E. M ALONE, Signed E. S. FOSTER, ( J. B. CLIFTON. The above liquor is sold only by D. II. Taylor & Co., exclusive agents, at their saloons on Nash St., who also carry a full line of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a specialty. Your patronage solieited. Your friends, D. U. TAYLOR & CO. tea r m 1K6 A. M tee r u aa3 S-O) a. Ja ri:y E(. Pan. l U treigi.1 tralx. ao rarry Tollman rara oe fur&oc) trala fr -xa to Urwnatoro. al oo BKralaf trala froca Or-wtiAora IVqU 4aMy tralca rvr KjlWIcV Caar. lo la rvl Atlanta. aVA Um. iMtM a. ecxa rn olatloti- r U Uort.iT. T. T. A.. rVkrVHta. C, w. H. oacas. w. a, Trma. 0ral Maaar-r Iaa. At- Waabtfcftoa, X. C IE BRUM'S tJ22I?S.",2: a R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, ixmiBrno, x. c I wib to aVr my srrk to th poU- lk, and will asv that I an ptvpaml t do all kinds of botuw tMaiaUofr. rrslo log &c my work ia LoaUbar; rr-k f or iteelr, and 1 rerer 10 au prje ic whom 1 have worked. Old f arnUart mada saw. Gir cm joor patroaagr and yon thill be pleased, raa af IkMO 41a OrarAaMW rraalrtt ajar 9t Cmr STarmait4 la 1 tm B aaya. MaaAil alaia tvaa mIt try W. G. TH0LS Sole Agent, 3500 Reward! i3 pay tW ab rrm-trd sm aa? eaa at tiwrr Oaa&Uial Dyvprpata. aick HcaidacW. Ia- dirMUo CtmtUpmtkm or C lima caar rar vtU Vnt t Trrrtakia Ltrr ruta. art Um dircctiocia arc at nctty enmpit artta. nf aaaaa- r pmrrtj Vrrrlab4. aaid t mrr Co tad. Ltrwinil. r em rm of ummteli aa4 tartiattaaa. Taa ta taaawtactfT4 emtj hr TBI JQttJf C W iffT CXJMfAHY. CHJCA&O, IXJU W. O. THOM-VS, Sole Agent. Tl LADIESw da ran tm tur ' StMlgPennjiojalPis TiJLNCIL rtataal ttd If IVioa. tUXn i Maria a aa4 Uj km W. 0. THOMAS, ScIeAsm

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