JAS. A. THCKAS, Editor snd Proprietor. : - , , A . THE COUNTY, THE STATE THEmiCW - ' VOL. JLklX ' ' nsrior- .. r::: :t.c3 hr T, :-:t'? u - - ' .LOUISBURG, N. g, FRIDAY, MARCH, 3, 1S09, . , , , vmtBr'p, CHURCH DIRECTORY. ' METHODIST. Bandar School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. : Prayer meeting Wednesday night, - . I j- : G.F.Smith, Pastor. ; p . BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. i , ! i ' Thos. B. Wilder, Sopt'- ! Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every oauuay. Prayer m sting Thursday nights i ! i Forrest Smith. Pastor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON' XI, FIRST QUARTER, INTER ACTIONAL SERIES, MARCH 12. Text of the Leiion, John lx, 1-tl. Memory Tenet, 5-7 Golden . Text, . . Jonn lx, 25 Commentary Prepared by the Rev D. M. Stearns.; .. -V;. OLD REY1YAL -METHODS, 'YE must be boen again." Prot'esmonal c?arlf. JJB. 8. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ' Office in tbe Ford Building, corner. Main and Nash streets. Upstairs front."- B. MASSBNBTJBQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. lOUISBUKS. K. a - - : VI Will practice In all the Courts of the Bute '- j : Offlse In Court House. 0. u. cooks at sony - I ; - - - I.- ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW, ! louisbobs.jt. o. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the TJ. 8. circuit and District Courts. . -,; Da. E. 8. Postsb. Db. J. E. Malohx J RS. FOSTER & MALONK. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS SURGEONS, j ' : ;. Xoulsburg, N. C. ' . Office over Aycocke Drug Company. : W -u . .- i . m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' locisbubs. h. o. , Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also In Ihe 8upreme Court, and In the United States District and Circuit Courts. ; " Office In cooper and Clifton Building. .- fJIHOS. B. WILDER, ' , ATTOBUBY-AT-LAW, I.m L0UI8BUBfl.lt; 0. . - :- Office on Main street, oyer Jones at Cooper's tore. . F. 8. SPKUILL. . " ' - i -: V. '- . r- - .1" ATTORNEY -AT-LAWf i LOUISBDB0, H. C. - ' Will atte"d Ihe courts of Franklin, Van"ce flranvllle. WMrren and Wake contis, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. rompt attention glvtn to collections. -Office over gerton's Store, t Sinners Want to . be Waf td Heaven on Flowery Beds ol Ease. to W.BICKETT, Copyright. 1899. by D. M. Stearns. . . 1. "And as Jesus passed by He saw a man which was blind from hia birth." In Acts ill, 2", we see a man lame from his birth who was healed though Peter and John. Theeecases of Infirmity from birth are suggestive of the truth that we are all sinners by birth, by nature-the children pt wrath (Eph. iL 8). The oases of Infirmi ties which come after birth are suggestive of the after manifestations of the sin that W born In us. - ) : And . His dlsciDles asked Him lr Master, who did Bin, this man- or his parents, that he was born blind? . The reasoning of Job's friends is brought to mind "whoever perished being innocent," and many such like words (Job Iv, 7), but when the Lord summed up the matter He said that these men had not spoken of Him right things (Job xlil,' 7). While It is true that whatsoever a -ic an soweth that shall he also reap, yet we cannot judge from seeing one sick or suffering that therefore they are reaping from some sowing, for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and if we endure chastening God dealeth with us as with sons (Heb. xll, 6, 7). . , ... , 8. Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but- that the works of God should be made manifest in him." This man's blindness was not the suit of any special sin on the part of his parents. . This is what our. Lord says.f He aoes not say that his parents were not sin ners needing a Saviour, but He does say that this affliction of having a blind son was not a judgment upon Jthem, but rather an oocasion for God to be glorified. There are many nowadays who think that a blind or lame or sickly child Is an affllo tion upon the'parents for some ein against God. : : , v, " ,4 !'I must work the works of Him that sent Me while it Is day. The night oom eth when no man can work." A.-oarpen-. ter wants material on which to use his tools and show his skill, a doctor or a sur geon wants patients, and the worse or more hopeless the case the more credit to the physician for, bringing a cure and health. Our Lord'often repeats the truth that all His works are commanded by and wrought by. the Father who sent Him, and more than oncost., is written that as the Father Bent Him'so He sends us.- : It Is equally true that as- God wrought in Him so God works in us, for while we are com manded - to work we are also told in the aanie connection that it is God that work eth in us both to will and to do. It was His hand which-prepared all the good works we are to walk In. - - : 6. - "As long as I am In the world I am the light of the world." This is oft repeat-, (chapters 1, 4, 9; vlll, 12; xii, 46). And in the Sermon On the Mount He said to His disciples, "Ye are the light of the world." We must remember that the life is the light,' and the life is that which men see and read. Words may amount dub little, but a holy life la unanswerable, lit haaana 1 rt,Z'W tt x a ir. t uevice tbe result o liUU U14DV U AJ iilO VT aoj 1 v but if we are willing and yielded He will J criticism an ingenious religions live the life and work the works. Paul I , , - , i said, "I live, yet not 1, but Christ, liveth uwouui uivu ui- '" . '"j in me." , - : I be bronebt to a eavinfir knowledge 6. "When He had thus spokenHe spatl f .f K Tt ,a ha it .SU Dr. Kingsbury in Wilmington essenger. Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of tbem all. Psalm 34:19. One of the northern Mehodiet Advocates has much contempt for tho -oW reivaltinethods of bis own church, including the class meet: ing and the 'mourner8 bench." It proposes instead "a spirit of con secrated ingenuity, of zealous in quiry, of holy zeal, which will de-' vise fresh methods of securing con versions; modern revival helps and appliances adapted to the spirit and life of' today." If the old were in use as formerly the things soughtjn this paragraph would be realized. Itis like talking of the higher Christian graces and sanc tified power without the "work of the Holy Spirit in the bou! in re generation and sanctification. It is astonishing to see a paper of the kind a pooh-poohing of the means that have proved-so wonderful in the Jast hundred aud fifty years in building up the Church of God and in leading so many immortal souls in, the way of life. But the new doctors propose new quackery and scoff at the long tried old remedies that cured houdreds of thousands f sufferers. .Some newthing is sought after, and the "old-time machinery," that is repudiated by that particular northern Advocate is sent into the lumber , room and new fads and new plans are resort ed to. . :And the old; song" -runs, "old time religion is good enough for me." That writer eays the old revival methods are - "obsolete," and out of touch and are not ."the to right means to be nsed." Perhaps Responsibility for .Wrong-Doiii. In the absence of other explana tion, it is generally assumed that some men are of & "criminal na ture." -that they inherit their crim inal proclivities, but this leaves out of account altogether the good men who go wrong, and they are not an inconsiderable number of those who engage the attention of the courts and of social scientists. The good man who goes wrong has not, so far as is known, inhejiWd more than fair to recogniza that the man may bare been tempted to his first offenses by IbB . neglect to maintain proper safeguards abnt bim such safeguards as auditors of accounts and eiaminera are sup- ! posed to proiJ. Baltimore Sun: ANCIENT SUPERSTITIONS. THE CSLVCKY. DAYS. The Ancients Had a Lonz List of Days to be Feared. wr - PAID FOR THE WISE. Ana bair Aever a Word About th Con of the Bottle. In ancient times the heathen were rvosoperetltious with regard to certain days that they wer pointed out io their calendars with different colored characters to mark the lucky ones and the onloekT. "Isn't she a eemf said the I and all classes arrant A thm any disposition to crime; he has Traveling Passerger Ageot to the of their daily life with refareoc been well trained, knows the dif- Local Preicht Acent. Jnt to thesVmarka. ference betweeh right and. wrong, the. action will too dean a .Un- - We of tba nMhl..m tn and is not inferauentlv a teacher i ... j n k. r... r i . . r-. av.u. ctt, ucu wen up, i iico wuui in , kuis, dqi many of ethics, and yet, in spite of all groomed'to a hair y George, old there are who will not fm a hese helps to right living, he be- man" continued the Chicairoan. journey nor niece of work on Fri- trays a trust, robs bU friends or enthusiastically, "she's a thorough-- day, nor cut the hair io the last commits some other offense not bred down'to the ground-" qiarter of the moon, and who are only against law, but against the ..Yp(, it,. !..i rv much frightened if lha .oft principles of morality. .The first inj- eritiealU t tha r,.,.m- v.... rave of Lona chanee to fall an nn mpulse is to denounce such a man nette as she crossed the street! lDa tce hile they are asleep. n unmeasured ter ms, to punish "yes. she isn't bad lookintr. lA -Friday isever nnder a ban: even mm witDout mercy, lbe pooish- she?". with regard to the weather. Here ment may be necessary as an ex- . .Bad lookiocf" cried the trav-M" Jd eTing w'hieb declares resut "orcfestruclive It Monroe, Chii. K. Tylor, Pres. Wake For-1 eat college, lion. a. w. J-"""Hi,Tnr. Offlceln Court House, opposite Snerui a. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ; (LOUIBBCBe, IT. 0. i. Practices In all courts. Office Building. ! I - T. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. t touisBVBe b. a ' . . i...vin .t-fcTitinTi o-lven to 70V??7XttZnin nn the around and made clav of the soit- " Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John I and He anointed the eyes of the bllpd suggest "Christian Science" as the uuuunz. oou. wuv. " i i ttiati viKn thflftiav. fsoTnucimfta tie worKa i - . .... . . . . -,r . BurtonrPr. First Hat onauox " - -:met!mea bv a touch and Pper SUDStllUW lor Ola letDOaiBt at other timed as here.- . He uses means, 1 theology, or. 'lneosopnj S a sure but whether-by a word, a touch or other - lnstrmeSali it is God who worketh. antidote to em and prompt relief In the clay we have the dust of the ground for the llL to which nesh is heir something of God. Is not a saved sinner Religious empiricism IS not dead JUl.nl A-hI a n-M XTla mnwlmianaritn I w prepared for good works. . So Baidtbe Master. Perhaps a new - 7. "And said unto him, Go, wash in the 8y8tem although may be discovered iSnnl nf fillnftm rwhlch is by, interpretation I J . . . .... sent). Hewent his way, therefore, and that will work on t the fallen in washed and came seeing." How often in their souls as wonderful changes sent of God. How suggestive, therefore, and results as hypnotism the Ola is Siloam of Him who was and is truly njegmejign, 0f a hundred years ago arm-. rVnal" - fPVtA lov la fet Ka wiienan " off Into giloam. He who made the clay worfcS on me pnysicai man. U Neal I H YARBOROTJGH, JB. ' AT10ENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C - ' .-II I -n.4-r aoiifllwAii If Ytnf fa- f-.f HilYlCAlf I m it T - - Office on second floor of ieai Duuamg .o," fT, j, r XTk inere is no leuing wnai ingenius Main Street. i All. legal business intrusted to -him will receive prompt and eareful attention. JB, D. T. 8MITHWICK, ! . DENTIST, ! . LOUISBURG, N. C. - ,' Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Qas administered and teeth extracted without pain. , ' - rvR. B. E. KING. - DENTIST, ' LOUISBURG,' N. C. OrriCK oveb Aycocks Dbuo Company. . ' :o; - - - TKa' il.v Vtaa nW hnnnr -saved and laid up as a precious thing, but J empiricism may not dlBCOVer .some oi us for to be washed off into Siloam stick so close to people's eyes that they cannot see, " 8. "The neighbors, therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind said, Is not this he that sat and begged?" Formerly a blind, helpless beg- ear. holding out his hand to every passer by for the alms . they might be pleased to give, but now upright, with opened eyes, seeing like other men and enjoying what be saw as none others did, for he had never seen beforer" He Is in a new world the sun. the sky. the trees, the flowers, the faces of his friends, but, best of all? a little later, the face of Christ. 9. "Some said, This is ho; others said, He is like him, but he said, I am he." Whatever others knew or did not know, he could say. "One thing I know that whereas I was blind, now I see" (verse 25). the sinners that they m&y be waft ed Heavenward "on flowery beds of eaee." ; - C. A rf tt r t " w V 1 f,l3 tha food rr.oro dcTiom end vrfjclcsoc A Terrltle ifpettrt. Br litii C at oaao. ample toothers, yet it is also, de- Uliog passenger agent "why, too lbat ..ulowlru Bomtnmg oi we darned icicle, she's th ewellest reasons xor nis iail tnat, we may mmiA T'-a i . vear. s oy mis knowledge help other good me jUBt tbe susoicion of a o-lanc a i a. . I n enioKein we siraigni ana Us she went bv. W and Le Dulled Al fTM a at I " narrow pam. iu, prayer oreamea his blonde mustache mdiftirl by all Christians asks that we be ... nA man I. delivered from temptations, an as piration that recognizes the dan- gerscf temptation. Those who utter the 'prayer are bound by it to help their weaker brothers by keeping Friday's moon, Come when it will, comes too soon. In countries where capital pun ishment Is In vogue Friday bas nearly alwajs been "hangman's day." There are many superstitions connected with New Year' day, one that is still Qrmly believed by many of tbe devout is that of open ing the Bible at random and pat- tiny the fiuger oa anychtpter con tained in tbe two open pages. It is beliered that the lock or unlock New comerf" said the local "only been here a conple of months lives in a flat up on Fifteenth 6treet. ' tpUU from tt... . Do ,h.y " . (in anr ha oni.a. . tn k. tnn.A 1 ,"SlightIyf" replied the local. I ,T . and breach of trust by men of good uo acro" Der near'T eTerT tw9n' of the coming yeas will in a great- reputation, who apparently have X wa7 oome vook oer io er or lees degree be foreshadowed had little excuse for wrong-doing. 8UPper0DCfl0 ,Ce' . by some of the lines. O f a a rm I The history of one case is repeated - on' ",a lDe "goan. Again, others believe that it is in nearly all. The defaulter was r cw ",n ine ,oc' "aeT18D ery onlucky to take anything oot trusted with large sums of money, oou company, ioq, . - of lhe boo9e 00 New year. 0,0 far beyond his meager salary: he "By thunder, she't coming back 'uf befor taking somethiog in; had established such a good repu- this way," raid the Traveling Pa lbe 0,(1 oyme which expresses this tation that no one thduKht it nec- I enger Agent, who bad kept bis essary to put any guards or checks eyes occupied io a dilligent search about him; bis accounts were left for another glimpse of tbe fair one unaudited, or if an auditing com-j whose charms had so delighted beiieirunsas ioIIowb: -Take out, then take io, Bad luck will begin; Take in, then take oat. whatever statement was made to I if there's any decency io yoa.you'll them and made no real examina I introduce me. . tion. Sometimes his Deeds, some Just then the door opened and times his ambition, pressed upon iocame the pretty woman, all him to take money not bis own for smiles. She greeted the local fa- temporary use. He found the way I railiarly, remarked that be didn't open before him and began in & I seem overburdened with business small way to speculate with the and struck bim for 10. funds at his disposal. It was all ,.pve foQnd tLe i0fenest chafing so easy that he kept -on in his d6h, dear." she went 00 -you course, lulled in to false security by k w wa need one 80 badly. the ease with which be covered oprKi. ..n;nn r.am t I o. j. - 1 -wv,m j 1 uorn on Duuuay, you AN IDEAL OF CUUNTfi LIFE.". Baltimore Sun. - : 1 - A correspondent of the Chicago his defalcations and rendered more and more unscrupulous by the stiflincr of his conscience Before he had fairly realized the tendency of his course he had gone too Jar to retreat. Bolder and bolder he becomes until chance reveals his crime aud he atones for it by sui eide or at the bar . of iustice. Who is responsible? Not the malefact- tor aldHBTbut also those who help ed - to., tempt him. beyond his strength. Sometimes his employer erally some' particular attributes given them which tell us that the child: : Born on Monday Is fair of face; Born on Tuesday, foil of God's icrace; Born on Wednesday, sour and sad; Born 00 Thursday, merry aud glad ; - ' Born on Friday, worthily given; Born on Saturday,, work hard for your living; will never .Debt leads to extriTijaac, lai-ry. defaulting, etotu!icf, dahocrrt fail- ore, bankruptcy, and throajh tbrar to ontold loScriDf. The com mind of God, tbe example of Jroi Christ, the vtrdict of jhiloao- pby, political economy and com moo aetse are all agreed iiott the contrac tion of deb. Jjhn Randolph prang from bet artt io tbe Hoose of Representative sod said io piercing tones; r. Speaker I have found it," sod ia the stillness which followed added: ! have found tbe philosopher's stooe. Pay ss yoa Horace . G ret! y wrote: ''Hanger, cold, rags, hard work, contempt, sua picioo, or just rrpvoacb, are dsagree- able; drLt is infinitely vone thao them all. If it had pleased Cod lo spare my sons to be tbe o port of my de clining jearathe letsoo I shook eaia- estly bsve- sought to impress upon them is: Never roo into debt,' avoid pecuniary obligations as yoa woald pestilence or famine If )oa have but fifty cents and ran get do more for week, boy a petk ol corn parch it and live 00 it rather than owe any man a dollar. Greelj 's lite was a commen tary 00 bis words. Benismio Frsoktia said: Thick what yoa do wbea yoa go io debt;yoa give, another poer over )our liberty, If )oo cannot pay at the time, joa will be ashamed to see your ' creditor, joa ill (ear wbeo joa speak to bim, ) 00 will tnake poor pitiful, sneaking rx downright ljicg, for tbe second vice is lying, the first is ronaicg into debt. Poor Richard ujs: 'Lying rides upon Debt's back.'" The word morrgige is derived from two wotd' mesairg death-grip. S;o and debt sre tbe devil's mort gsget 00 tbe suul. and be ts always ready to foreclose. Be iodebted kt booting tfread all owt the city, aad 004000 500 icfjruted roe a wtrt ia front of the e4Tce ecakicg a t j demonairaiioti. The cocstaUes wrre kept ptaooeis ia tbe magistrate's of.ee all e gbt guarded by the tber j and ha deptiiie-s. Tbe local railiury cooptnkn were ordered oct sad krr the crowd pmaed back. There is co danger of a lyochlcg, bot jwfcjic setdi- ment is wrought ep to a k gb sute, a&d should Mrs. Stewart d. as is proUUe, ieeliof will ma t ihcr. Meaaares. of Con a try LL'a. XoHUk Tirjlalaa aa4 PGoi. The person who does tot love life Iwjbe eoootry las lost the test part of his life by bsicg- cast ot of Us gardto of EJsa at an early period cf lift, to" be artifclallr reared 00 th sights, soonds and smells of tbe street,' alleys and ewers of some city. He knows ootbiog ef real hoaae life el tits bare very little, as a rule, eulr number to and so, soch a itreet. He has vary little hbii tf home Joys aud affectloni, the pure air and water ef tbe country; its holy qoietades and gentle appeals to all the senst; iU olitad, where ta aolt and mob osvsr intmdt; iU dellghtrol woods; its sporteaod pleaiares; it loyesaed frltodihlp, by the dost and grime eferowded Uoements and tboroor.4 ttroagh fares; iusaered privilege aad clatiaoi; )ltar; lu freedom and deenaods of horryiot: urban life; and iU 1 acred exemptiocs fro a th grots contact of the l-aitling eod crowded street all these, acd more akia to thto, otkt roral tend ths coottant peresare of calx ed and crowded population. caaa only $2.70 silver plated and every thing. , " My dear." said the local, want to iotro lace our . Traveling Pasener Agent Mr. want. The Eight of a Wife. Tbe common law which formerly Most charmed, I'm eure.M said governed mariUI rlgbU In this the Chicagoan, bowing very low, country ha, undergone more "I had no Idea that er" changes than any other, and by "Didn't know I was married " Supreme Court decision So ehfsugeested the local, 'only came off two months ago. You must come and dine with ng be fore you leave. We've a bit of is oartlv resoonsible: sometimes the directors or auditing commit- nal nP 0D tee of a corpoaation. If all con- "Yts, do you most, really; earned inthe transaction had done said the pretty brunette. "We Record living at Ganges, Michigan, tbeir dnty ff0m tbe begnntDg be shall be softlad to have you. GockI gives an attractive picture of country WooId ' not have been tempted to bye." ' life m his peihDomooa. .tie snows . . fi- , mimt. Th ta . m5nilt(,s ,h. nPOnpl can not well take cognizance of tbe I tor of a refectorv some few doors np the street opened a quart for A Weil-kfet Xlarr' Not locg sgo, ia Eartpe, a died at the sge of 73, who be pa at tbe sge of 1S to keep a diary, which he conu'noed to keep fr 51 years. It Doihirg but loe, and evco that be rare I is now jcbJahed sod is a soott ssr.k yoa pay ia kind, and that yoar ..pay j ing commectary oa tbe lift of a cere menu are frtq-xnt." I wyrlilirg. Hlife was cot cccve- - The wtgesof him fhat is htrrd shall I eratCd toai gh idraL la tbe bock not abide with thee all eight until the I be left be suit t that io t s . years be morning thoa shall lore thy neighbor I bad tmcked 618,715 c gsrv, ol which as thjKlL - Lev. 19:13, ia. I he bad rtceirtd 43.69a as prrsetu. To oppTeta the poor by lodeUedoewl while fur the remaioirg 385,013 be to tbem is a sin which cries to God be I had paid a boot 110,433. Io 5 years vengeance. Ja 5:4. I accotdiog to bit book-keeping, be bad csoi set tbe example. "to owe 00 1 drank 18.058 glaasct of beer, sad 5,- man soithirg" when be wrooght a 1 05S glawrs of spirits, foe whxh be miracle to pay bis taxes. Matt. 17:17. The brrower is servant to tle lender." Piov. ta:7- Be thou not one of tbem ... that are toretks for debts." Frov. ai:6 B. V. ... Better a the poor that waUeth 10 bit integrity, than be that is perwrse io bis watt, tbooih be be tkh." Pror. a 8:6. R- V. He shows that intelligent and public-spirited peo ,T1 With an experience of twtnty-flye years 4 they could not gainsay it nor take It people ordinarily go to live iu . the , nnjA is a sufficient guarantee of my work all from him. Argument is not profitable; ... tA-.5n- This man the upJio-date Unes of the profession., y Beesaton Is '- Cities in order .to enjoy. Ibis man not netedil HOTELS. V FR JLNKL1KT0S HOTEL ; IUANKLINTON, TSL Cr . - SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. ; Good Livery Attached. V OSBORN HOUSE d. OSBOEN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. . f . t?r rr. l pie can tree country i.ieo. us m cou- 8econdarv forc tbat belrj to cre4te They might argue all they pleased he spicuous a isaa vantages anu unag w . a mnt,itkt9 annA nA t 4-Via nArantna tat nf nnCSOfiClTICF HffhAt I . r . . t ' I 1 I ' uwiu. jv, v . i the countrv most 01 tne mine wnicn 1 , . .. . .v. jt -he never possessed in all -his lite Deiore, 1 ; . ' - - - isoouia aim o corroc mo cuum der which men who are . .... I-..- 1.3 possession Is. - : I v " not nereaiiary criminals are ieu 10. "Thereforesalcltheyuntohim.iiow lives nine miles trom ine nearesi ran- . . crime Those who pray to be were thine eyes opened?" And ,when he ran H i mMi stanre from the . .. . -. . , told them they would not be persuaded, Y"" " delivered trom tempiaiions snouia butiteked his parents, and so tneirques- smallest village. Ana yet mis iru.y . . TftAi5.B, nhe- mAn f.om tbem nrofitL Thewean- - . ... . j. j 1 "--f ar 1 r-ini roi cr r rvjv t rrrf nQc cmru 1 uranrii I m of onr warfare are SDiritual. casting u.. e, e,- . tt a I 1 .1 . ? 1:1 I down reason or imaginmgs Kix vor. x, , tree scnoois, ana a circuiaung uorary, aboQt meQ W0Q occapy position 8 ' 11 "He answered and said, A man that fowned by the State, which is reinforced of tpQ8l BboQ,d be made fQl 8afe. is called Jesus made clay and anointed J (oat tinoes a year by consignments of mine eyes and aaid unto me, Go to the . . i;hrrw. Karh and washed, and I received jight"- He 1 Winter there is a course of lectures, . a - 1- X art1 - ( stuck to iTaTd InlisS thaVthman m costing $12S for five lectures. There is be of God or he could not worK such mix-1 a majj jajiy and oftener during part of that one born blind should have his eyes the year, a local telephone connecting opened. The Pharisees were so blinded tbe farnihouses ot the neighborhood with each other and communicating Lansing and 7 other and which the Chicago man paid mouey without a murmur. bis by their views of their Sabbath day and o Incensed by this man who paid no at lection to their traditions that they would Hot listen to the man's story of his eyes being opened, and so they oast him out. Then Jesus found him and said, Dost thou hoiiaw nn the Son of God? The yountr Good accommodations for tHO j man, never having seen- his benefactor, 1 said, Who is he, Lord, that . I might be- traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL JTF MaaBenbxxrts' Propr HEIIDEBSOIT. II- C Qood aoommodationt. Good fare: 7 lt and attentive s rvaat Ueve on Him? Being told that He was talking with him, he said. Lord, I believa And he worshiped Him (verses 85-88)--The goodness of God brought him, and Urns another was added to the Lord. ' K03Y00D K2t1Urc!!:i lYtrrtsfsa, Patronage ol Commercial Toarista and wvetlng Public Solicited. GootSampIe Ilocrj.l . . flow' This! 7 We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . - - F. J. Chbjrkt & Co., Toledo, O. : We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 .years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their West & Tetjax, "Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O , , , WALDrao. KE5AS& Maevus, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. -Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cosa surfaces of the system. Testimo r r 1 1 esnt free. Price 75 cect3 per bot.e. with Kalamazoo, towns. The people own pianos other musical instruments, have horses and carriages to enable them to enjoy so cial intercourse. In nearly eery school district there is a- literary society in which both parents andj children par- guards, not merely for the protec tion of the aetual owner, but also for the protection of the custodian of the property. An auditing com mittee that does not determine ab solutely the correctness of the ac counts submitted to it is' worse than useless; it may suggest to the mind of the accountaut.au easy way of obtaining tbe use of money not his own. It is tbe use of money, not the money itself, that is the object of nearly all de faulters. They do not intend to steal; such a purpore would offend Home Talk. ticipate and engage in music, recita- of ri bt but tbey can Hons, readings sou ucualc. b mo fof & me aod n Such a picture of country life is tarn it before tbe aaiting com charming. It requires m any leruie miUee comes around.. -This is the farming d'strict onjy the enterprii tonjptatiori which has wrecked the and intelligence of a lew leaamg men reputations of many men derisive- to reproduce all these things, mere 1 y termed. "good " but who might is at least one such farming communi- bave ren,ained good jn fact if they ty in Maryland, that at bandy bpnng, t&d not fceen tempted-bylhe care Montgomery - county, - and perbaps leegnes8 or neglect of duty of those others. But there should be many appointed to watch them. With more, aDdxwith the improvement m oot excusing the defaulter or pal roads which is bound to come tcey jiatjDg bis treach of tru?t,it is no should be general. Take reed to your converaji o at home. What is its tore? D you Ke quarter to criticism and censor li.usr.es -? Do you say haish things about pe-ple Do you impeach the motives and count the doings of tbe more promi nent and active people io y or- com munity? Have you unkir.d things to say of the minister, the doctor, the teacher, the grocer, the otxt door neighbor? Lokout.. The. measure ut injustice whfch enters into the con- versati5o in some home is amaiicg. The habit grows insidiously, and docs not willingly loosen its hold. What aVaimosphere in which to live! What chance'is there for the growth ot re spect and confidence toward ' society and the church? That boy was wide open eyes and cars. That girl ia amat ingly susceptible to impressions jusi now. You do not want them to grow op to distiust tvtr)body and every thing, and to look upon the world as a hollow, painted mockery. There is much goodcess and rcalcess all about Jyou. Talk about that. Qiole the good Indiana takes another forward step. The law used to regard tbe husband and wife as one, but the busbaad as tbat one. But all that has been changed in most of the States by statutes which have left little of tbe com moo law io force. The case to point is peculiarly Interesting by reason chiefly of broad application. The husband kept a shoe store ia which bis wife worked as clerk or saleswomao for $7.50 a week aod eaved and invested her money When the amount of her eatings a a a reached 11,UU Der Lutnana r-.-.,,, c r Feb. it Faor business fell off, and she loaned Siale conj,4t', charged with tbe en- .. I! lilll 11 1 money w mm uum is wava u guu. 1 , orcementof lhedrnury law went Then be made an assignment for . ; o'ci ihit evening to the resi- . . . . m m m aa WW I the benefit ot . Die creditor, lie denc, r.hQ Siewart. a rrwuble - - BLOODY AFf AIR AT CULUMBIA. Dispeasarr Constables iThoot a Man and HU Wife, pent I5.350. The dary cIjmi wah Ujck words: have tried alt th:ng; I have seta many; I have accomplished ochiog. A stronger sertnra coold oot be preacd thao to pat this trttlosoey agtiou that of the missionary spoat'e. Paah -I have fjeght a good Cght, I hart notched my cocrse, X bare kept the faiih; heoceforth there b laid up tor aae acro wo oi righteocssess, which the Lotd, the righieoot yigt, ahn give me at that day. a Tim. 4:7-8 Selected. A etlnxi&T Bebskf. one .year s cjlizeJ1 ,D(j a cb;rK j oe of tbe b g- tcst mercantile Tbe 11 B'ojamla II. Brewiter. President Arthur attorney gen eral, whose face wa terribly dis figured by tear, was once eogsged also owed his wife wages, making her claim f 2,37a , . aeK.oiiie estaUhmenu ia the lo c0 ttoruty for tbe Psnn- ..'The assignee refused to pay her , lhe of chibg u to I jIaoi, railroad, sad the eppos- I ".a.- a . I w " ' 1. a-a... a because be said tbat a Dusoaoa if htre mu ao- hkkey is the I Ce7 eoanMl, lo bis eJosiog speeea. could not make a valid contract! i,,, Tw i-m iih a search war- od a most traUl attack ea bio. to pay hia wife for services. The I wcre mtl tl lh jjoot by Th d- aliogs of the railroad. Circuit Court gate judgment Mrt S:ewart. She sent f ber bu- stid, "are a tortaoas aod tt le 'is ted against the plaintiff ou this ground, but the Appellate Court reverted the judgment, saying that had the service been of a do meetic character then there would be no contideratioo to support the contract. Tbat would be against public policy. But the labor p r- formed by tbe appellant was not of that character. She was under no ebligation to leave her home and clerk for her husband, and she did so under contract tht she should be paid for It. Tbe money which was paid to her and which passed again iato his poaaeesion was aleoot that contract, and her claim for it all is good- This reasoning crows out of . a K An rr! n it.d rniH-lf as toe ifiiurrs CI ICS DIB Ttl rv refuJd to'nnit the search The prenUd It- Mr. Brew.Ur gave , constable stated that be bad beta io ootwara sign formed that he bad bee a sell-ng whis key contrary to the law and were de- ermine J to mike the search. Word followed aod fioallv blo Sewan that he ftlt this crusl blow o&til be had Salshed lis argaatnt. Thta le aU: 'Fcr that first time io toy life th per. 00 al defect from witch I safftr la bee tbe sab"t cf pob'Is re nnmi t-onvtaWe Lrtwiora l r nun slipped bim. S;twart raa lota the nark. I will tell yea low I cars h. H.awile had com oct 00 the 7 " 7" v. ,v. A,m . .:.. .,1 ag I waseoday pUyinr with a words petiple speak, the good deeds! jnetiee and common eecse. The wife ge ts w bat is due uer sta ids creditors a.re cot injured, for they are do worse 2T than if the hus band had employed another per son instead cf h s wife to work in his store. thev nerform. Let the conversation 1 of the home inspire confidence in vir tue, manliness, righeousr.ess and all things that are of good report. Ep-J worth HeralJ. ptJtxa. opened fue 00 the constable. Craw ford rrturned it, at-3 hot Wra.Siewsn ti.t brL-r rirart- The woman was dangerously wouoded, tot do killed. he rs lying io a crit ca! crid.ta at he city bc-pital. S;ewsrt i alw ladly sh-t io the rcKiih, ba tor.gue ting nearly teverrd. ! th confa ko that followed Cooiiable Crawtvd as srvt ihr.K3h the left wrut. The j -br fTand several p-kfrnca arrested yooeg titter wbtn tt fell into an open grate where Era via burning. I Trog o her ifiiiUcu, draj giug ker from danger, acl la d liij po I ftll ojself, mill my fae npea ths barnig eoa'.t. Wlta I was picked np ay fac was a bTack" -aa-1 hit Bnertraniix J bit aotaou'ut that cia'i bean." the cocsta. let asd j c:3;!str:c't cf'ce. carTitd t.;a lo a , Tt-r cti cf tit Ta-t lJl '

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