Jr. J-L JllLJi - 7 L. ,' , I . -J JAS. A. TKCMAS, Editor and Proprletcr. THE COTJ3TTY", THE STATE, '1'H M "CntTIOT. ::::::?r.:i: :i.: Fir Tur. sturi u i.'T-r.t, VOL XXIX LOUISBUItG, N. 0, FRIDAY, 1URC II, 17. im XUHBER5. CHURCH DIRECTORY. 1 ' METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Bakes, Sopt. ; Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. Hi., every Sunday, - ; Prayer meeting1 Wednesday night. - ; , : I G. F. Smith, Pastor. . '! 1 Baptist. ; ; .' Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Thob. B. Wilder, Supt i Preaching at 11 A- M., and 8 P. M., . every Bunaay. Prayer m eting .Thursday night. i Fobkest Smith. Pastor. l'rbt'essional cardii, , JB. S. P. BURTij f PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, - Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Bnilding, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs front. . ' THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON XIII, FIRST QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, MARCH 26. Text of the Lciion, ComprekeailTt Quarterly : Review Golden Text, : John x, 27 Commentary Prepared by toe Rev. D. M. Stearna. Copyright,' 1899, by D. M. Stearns. ' Lesson L Christ the True Light (John 1, 1-14). Golden Text, John 1, 4, "In Him was life, 'and the life was the light of men. " Three of the leading words In this gospel and. also In John's epistles are FEAST AND FAST. DAYS. BILL ARP EXPLAINS WHY THEY ARE NUMEROUS. Many of These Sacred Days, However. are Now- Desecrated by Hi - ' larlty. &c. would prance around, too, and oar preachers would " be better pH than tbey are now. Bat tbis carnival or mardi gras has degenerated into the extreme of dissipation and intemperate bi larity, baring neitber penitence nor absolution in it. Tbe pageant intbe streets is a very beautiful one, and costs lots of money. . Mag nificent cbar iota, drawn by flue About tbis time of the year there JresBea witn ster-spangiea fight, we and love. Eaxh is ful snin are so many feast days and fast narnessun arivers aressea, iixe Christ "We are all natnrally darkness, days and days dedicated to the the S0"8 ano- carrying, beautiful but He so loved us that He gave Himself saints that it keeps me by study. "oiPen arrayed like the goddesses for us and gives Himself to us, and when . , , v . , J , ' .j ,m. a... wereceive Him He becomes to ns both life i the books so as to be ready to od h"Je cupida. waving flags and and lights Inasmuch as He is the Creator explain them to the children. Oor banners, while delicious tpusie light! thlng8 how 816811 la tb and namerous posterity bavo inquir- filled the air, and -gorgeous W lessoh n.r Christ's First Disoipies in e minds and had rather I would blems streamed from I every4in- (Jofini, 35-46). Golden Text, John 1, 88, ... t. m f. . BtnA tham nn daw.: Ah the eharm. of. it. thills. ;.- -- Heremained I " -V ; fv," : , ' V ' T J ' 1 .uiug was OPPORTUNITIES. Senator Pritcbard'a Blast. poor BOYtf wno hate wox fort- C3LS OS DISTISCTiOS. t Aim niH Vonoar Van. Bat' Always y - Depend Upon Yoar Own EJTorU If Yon T7ih to Succeed. In an interview, Senator PriUh ard gires tbroagb tbe Poet's Wash iogton representative, tbe plan of campaign which bis prtj is to adopt in tbis State in opposltioo to tbe Suffrage amendment to b- rated on io August of nx year. He relies mainly -upon the aaaop tion that. Gov. Russell's has been an able When, in an effort to incite the ambition of tbe youn? or to en courage them to effort, Instances are cited of poor boys who have I and economiisl administration; won foHuoo or distinction for That there was no negro dotnin themselves by their own anaided I ation in this State. efforts, Ibensualeply is that times N L 4 .Mlrat the food mere dtfdous end vholcscn3 Tbe Eeport of the PmUe&t of tbe C aire rally. B. MASSENBtTRQ, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. .' j LODIHBCBS, V. 0. ' Behold the Lambtrf God." on earth till He had finished tbe work the Father gave Him to do, the great work of Will practice In afl the Courts of the State . Office In Court House. q u. cnoKB a sow, ATTOBSBTS-AT-LAW, ; LOUISBQRe.V.O. - Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. 8. circuit and District Courts. . for themselves. It mo.tifies mv beauty.or HI It maies one leei as r atiiBr pv vu pwt wort nrida if tbev ask ma historical or Ud the oW woman who . lor tne atonement,: and by His life had shown tia pr'ue n tney ass me niBLoricai or . . the life men ought to live. Now He wants abstruce questions that I cannot firet time went to a circ,us, - and ;R5e'l.-:?:?,?.af answer, and an I trv to keen, ahead wheo- the grand cavslcade of iifiKH w nil w 1 i .-nm; nn iw . i-i i tt aisauae r them, but who will steps and let- Him His Spirit His own life to the glory of have changed; that there is no lon ger opportunity for the lad with- fat.eapiUlo InQaence. Bat the said In the slxtiae, when the rich and influential men of today began their business ca reers. Few of the millionaires of Tbe third annual report of Pre- ident Alitrtaan, made to tbe Col. These assertions, and tbey are versitj trcsUes, contains many only assertions, constitute tbe gist Interesting facte as to tbe growth to-day thought at the outset that li follow fully in His and maintain my reputation for epangled horses and grtders came j attain their preeentpo-' IfTrgloroi wisdom as did Goldsmith's school, marehing in, whispered to the old Lltion. almed OQ, at 'John I say Johnhit's eomDetence. but fortune smiled Sjone small head could carry "-all it more like the klngdem of J beaten upoo them and ' they atUined i- knew." - than anything I ever expected to oore tban thejaonghU Money is . . IS i .At IfiA Ant wAAanvA i9 t . Db. S. S. Fostkk. Dr. j. s. Maioh' RS. FOSTER & MAXONK. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS SUBGEONS, 1 Xoulshorg, N. C j ' Office over Aycocke Drug Company. - Lesson I1L Christ's First Miracla moit t noannnila vnniaiai1"lin man! Ullll XX, I'll J. XJKJXUXDXX U, X X, ''And His disciples believed en Him. this feast and: by this miracle He manl j i ' m v - iHoagy.. .aeaiwayaenooor- .. . - .. . tM. knA tr..t ages His disciples to patience and faith-1 JNOW thev want to know about ' .. 1 Sa?dhgo and about as near heaTeu as tbe re;eMifd. bt great fortnne. so com in the case of Abraham and Jacob, Moses mardi gras and- Ash Wednesday, ,ers W,U eTer el tor M lDe n,Dl and Joshua, Isaiah, Ezeklel and Daniel, , T .io5 v : . follows the day, SO follows thST 8X- Peter, James and John and Saul of Tar-I " that St.Valentine.'sday and Shrove iro,uo V1 u",nuu' .ooFivU enameiess inanjgence 01 ippeuw Truly . - moniyaviena sneeeesiai eiiorl in not obnoxious to tbe Federal con- any ea.Ihng that one may .titntlon. of that great Institution. Tbe fol lowiag facts appear: There are IS professort, 3 assistant profeeeors 11 instructors and ataittaaU and five c(H cere. Total namber of stu dents WO, divided as follows: Academic stadenta SS2,profeasIoal students 147, iiomir school 143. by tbe 8upreme Court of the United Elghty-fl ve counties are repreeeot- States. Gentlemen learned in the d and 14 Statet. rJinety-tirve 1 si si ff nattnnsi uiuvuai mm v t s v ew tv i r - - rv r.nut; ,...tv.tt,. North Carolina wondsrful . wPneimi vo notes- e w w w w wwwew w mwvwmwb V 1 i.t-.. .r .v ... ...(.I..!, ord efitrv csUtbs Kvta. Ths I - j ur v is sw-v v sun ssv "rr I --.- - - - - tbe qualifications for soffrsge are UnUerelty leads tbe boutb la the studtnta. of bis paper, upon both of which the people passed last ' November, and determined in direct' opposi tion to tbe views of tbe Senator. Tbe other point suggested by tbe Senator is the unconstitution ality of the proposed act This is a matter which most be decided despite a straight paring. In tLLs case, temporary relief is ebtalned by seraplag tbe reatre cf tbe call very tblo.or by trlamleg tbe call, opposite the inward growth, ex tremely close. Netar then cates sxertioo to supply tie d t tlt, er U crow la tbe direction fro. which tbe nail Is rsaevti. Do nt, however, ct from tbe frecious pink toes cr flsgtri ef tbe baby, tbe nails as long as tbey caa b pinched off; but wbta perleg becocsee neeeasary be s.re to trio tbe former at etralgblly as possi ble. Ferbere babr is iae'.lnad to 0 -toe lo,M wbieb is a ccrtifvier deformity, and gives sa adult s.cb w m. HAYWOOD RUFFLN sus.- - -'-s-'" . XUErtxnsjn X . - VU11BU CUIU 1 lUUUtlllJ US I m . j. J I roesaav. or maroi eras aav. came 16, "For God so loved the world that He toether this vear. and how the -nd pa--n- gave His onlyi begotten Son, that whoso-i . . - - , . . . . - - ever believeth in; Him should not perish, j Br- wa8 nxed, DUt tno Other was j "There was a sound of revelry by nig;ht, but .have everlasting life." No natural I movable because Easter was. And I "And the Queen City had gathered there man however moraJ or ella' an 1 - . - , . -M , R. I -Her beauty and her-whatr uerstana sue .nines oi uoa. lie muss nrss i - 1 - - - i mu cused for taking it as tbs best of I measures. There are occasionally great artists or great writers who do not become famous ssotil after tbey hare ceased their labois, and consequently get no money reward t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i j LO-issuae. jr. o. ' W1U practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, alBO in the Supreme Court, ana id we umusu out vbb -Circuit Courts. 1 Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. : . rH08. B. WILDER, I ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, i LouisBuae, m. o. . Office on Main street, over Jones St Cooper's store. ; receive a nature capable f understanding tine was a Christian martvr who What a desecration of-th day therefor, but tbey are tbe exceo- these things. He must be born from above. ... ... ' . , . t . 41 1 Lessoh v. Christ at Jacob's Weil (John was beheaded in the third century Tjf penitence and absolution! Hat tion, at least In our day and gen- iv, 5-15) Golden Text, John lv, 14, "Who- an)i he wa8 g- a g00j kinCt ov. 0Qr protestant people do almost a e ration, jod ooUide the profes- soever drinketh of the water that I shall ... , . , , , . . . . , , give him shall never thirst." While re- ing man that he - was afterwards bad in tbe way tb6y observe Christ sions success is properly measured ligious, moral people mnst be born again ean0nized and enrolled among the mas. and this holy day has become by the money returns ofe-fort. sinners such as this woman may be born - " v v v v. again. Even Samaritans may come. All saints and a day set apart to his a senseless holiday. , It is-true that tbe aggregation may receive the living water which will be a well in them ever satisfying and fiow- There is one thing certain, the experience of this people with no limited negro suffrage, whether the 8eoator calls it negro domina Hon or what not, cannot be contin ued. Tbelaw aspsssed is a conser vative measure Intended not to op- prees the negro, but. to portect number of academic Nina hundred aad ninety-nine stadeots have attended tbe Cat verslly proper etciudlas' seamer schools sine. last General Aeeena bly. Nine yooag women have been enrolled. No aerioas slcknee among tbe s'odeots and no serious violation ot college discipline. remedy tbe trouble by rubble g tbe outer side of tbe leg npwards- Da tbis regularly when pntticg baby to bed. also when tbe little see climbs la your Uo for bis rigbtfel mothering." Held tbe foot firmly in tbe left bend, robbing vigorous ly wilb tbe right, Remeebr,do not rub tbe loner side ef tbe leg. bat begin below the ankle, rob him. hr denvincr him the rtower to r I t , .r-a T- r . 91 tt - eontrol tbe destinies of this StaU ' JM " tohiso.n ruin aa well as the ruin Wilmington; February 4-11. 1KW, I 11 J .V. I mi. Preachers to tbe Cnltereltr wsre w "f "T" . . . in noor'ia ana sirecgi-sn ice cboeea as follows: ' December S. SPRUILL. : attornet-at-law. - I I.OUISBUBO, H. C. ' memory. It was believed in tbe ; But.m v children.there are many I ' pltl in corporations iotend olden time that tbe birds mated on other notable church days about a to ao tne work ot l-4lvtduals, edhViv, Easter win tbe Increased use of costly ma- iv, as, "Jesus saia unto mm, uny son uv-I ior young people to coooee lueir 1 come at the close Of Lent, and yon I -"-" " - ni u- more r ecu. -a hnnsn." and of discipieship is set forth as beiiev-1 ters to each other. Thfey don't do j in the meantime we will have St I ro- en to close the avenues to incr. and in this lesson it isbelievinff with- I .. . ' . . " t- . . I . . I ........ - jr . t.. I or : 0 .. n. .a .mm .1. . n rm ..t.mt . . . . . . w mw i ucrnH .11 iiiti iw ii 1 ii.i . 11 r l 1 1 . . . out seeing or feeUng, just believing Hist uu l" UT -.iUi5 - 0.0u., mr,eB uay on lOB Uiooi mi-cd. - "w , , these two periods Strife SCd de- Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance QranTille. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. . Office over Egerton's Store. f W. BICKBTT, ;.-,C -i ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW." :'. ' .bouisBuae w. o. - ?i,-a-..- - I Prompt and painstaking- attention given to eTerr matter intrusted to nla hands. . . Dof. Phi. InrtlmRlianllltriL HOD. JOI1D Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. c'. -n, a. .XI . 1 TnnW A-ff Win. Buxton, Pres. First National laMoi I . 'c, ' . riort ivtmiM frt15a onnn in nA. .A.f1 T.. AA frt. 'the Ravinr tnil Olnntl k Mftni'V. W ITIbLUXI, g-UUl-l taf- i .j 10 tuuu-ui -"" y o I nuvua u ua wviwi v v m S I v i vvu .-iu - - - - word because It is Hia word. j I but send tbe most ridiculous and I trft Mnnthr aood mail l.ol lD67 a -OKo so; ibey onlj CbADge (Joflrdl0 hateful pictures and-hurt-feelings came to Ireland daring the fifth direction of the force, that 42, "This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour instead of making love, and I century as a missionary and I eon- ,eJ to fortuo. The corporations boJ a hSed, nowt'.lVwS know that the good saint is grieved Terted-the whole island to the 4 lm.ta . hav no ability in who had been suffering for 88 years, but and mortified about it. Christian faith, and as the Irish loemseltes even capital is belp- it u ithe same all powerful worf that does . .V v. . lesalf not KlselTirte-U--ul lc. iiiiH wuru ut wniuii 'iui uulikb wo i iuuui ac x ino uav io xioar ,ajtxv vqito v.varemioaKueiu w- wp ... - ' alonSSe and the railroads have advised and venomous insects and reptiles! ther, and He alone can reveal tbe Father, cheap schedule to New Orleans, for Next comes Palm Sunday, when All judgment has been committed to Him h& . ; , cit in the United the priests bless thousands of pal IDS and likewise ail power. J- r . . Lesson vul-Christ Feeding the irive states wnere tne trrencn ana iiai- ana give tnem u t.ne - peopte in .Tr" rvrtrrr, rTrr. liana and Creoles are numerous commemoration of what the con fif UUU VXa Wa - as IIS IIXIV wivuv, V --w-v. of Monroe, Chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake Ior- est college, Jion. is. w . iuainwia ? Office In Court House. opixiBite Sheriff'-. God, who is all sufficient. Inventors and managers who can devise new meana of serving the people efficiently are .always , in demand. Just bow the poor yonng man ef to day la to enter Into com. petition with - great corporations and succeed in spite of . them can- of all other interests. Senator Pritcbard knows that tbe Govern ment of this StaU, la 16C3Y0and lfc.7-83, waa eesentially tbe crea tlon of the one hundred thousand or more negro voters. He knows. as all tbe world knows, that daring beoebery in pnblio affair- were the rule. Without these negroes, no such could bare occurred. To prsvsot a recurrence of even "good government the Senator affects to'tnintrB-iobtatneann pasrtwo tun: tnd ta rtreaerve order ana , 9 I ... . . V- eod roverniant in troth alona- looa on w 8a" k.nMt influent lines, tbe dressed to attend a party w lib ; o ' I . . rendine constitutional amend-Intra meat is propoeed If tbe Senator beiiev Rev. R. R. Swope, Baltimore; April 1-S, Dr. 8. B.Torreatlae, Charlotte: April SO. Rev. Jontoe Millard, Baltimore. It was sbowu that tbe income of tbe University was praetleally con sumed In the boslneasof teaching. barrlog tbe montog expenses of tbe plant. Koadsqiate margin is left for repairs, growth and expsn eion. outer -soscles, which are too weak. Immediately after a bath, a little olive or cocoa oil might e-ctaally be emplojei. Unctions oa tbe abdomen after the bath prove most eCcaeious for constipation, and ere far belter teo pbrtle. wblch a lse writer advised tbrewlog to dogs. If tbe babe Is frail, or weakssed by slckcees, anoint tbe whole body Ub oil after tbe bstb. Fancy L. Faacber, in Christian vVork. fralM Tour Wife. How do I look f" asked ayoong Tbe Separate Car F1:L M. PERSON, unconstitutional and preme court will so declare, ho should not manifest so much eon- .v . t p'te was readlog, looked at i vss that it is , ,, , .y. ..... . .v . .i. o critically, and said: "All ti that the 8a- , . rr v . . . , . Yoa 11 do." Her heart saek i FsjLtices Building. ! ATTORNEY AT-LAW, j iotnsBCB,ir. a In all courts, umce ww s jib neeas do i . , nr.. I i ' tt i A T. . . . tt- tii i nHLrxLH uia luiuLiu caiuifai xu.ar- i w iinii tin ruwiDU iiiiu .ciuhicui aavice nom us, nor any iioip. n.o ynxxx i r . - - . . i I v . f .T . If : ,,M V, 1 A let ns be His fellow laborers, but the work A means Mars, the cod of war. 1 Then, there are the three ember no1 M "tel4,U a oonid be would and all provision for it and all the glory I ... t T7-an.v ;ti.- i.;.i. .nm. 9H I have HO Opportunity to reap the of it areP whoUy His. He can work en- and gras means fat. In French .t days, wh ch come on the 22nd, - PJ" J P tirelyapartfromus,oriiemayTewns,sii8caile(1b0eot: gras; Ot fat OX. in 24th and Xotb Of BlarcO. iness' -- - - , ,, , I earn over lu sdontion bv the teo we have and bless and multiply it. ' .TJ,- ... " t,.a,.H :.V. f.-ti I Una ofthoosands of individual eern 0fer ,u aopnon ny me pw J! e be observed w, h faaU p0 -4 i MU.V7 t . i-tinoT t ott .innn . v i . s a . ww . . a-i-i m iaos-imv -s t i . a -iB-Ma sv o a m una tpia v eeatt. ' tr- ' j via, n w - 7. --.v-Avavu 1 10 sjiio .terUiuau vaiuuii. vaiouuat a i luif auu urav ci ucva-fl- uvj - - r i I U. Heal 87, "If any man thirst, let him come unso at rr.- -- mv... : r 4 v.-1 open there IS UO reason to dOUbt. I A oe people are sic a. 01 f,.-, Vgr Inibl.d lud lit failed . VwwU - r Bra I . . I ..,! .. x..r.iirl. Imlinpill In- I Thirty years ago no one could i ".10 receive it. lie raised his eyes from tbe pa ler ght. and her i'pe quivered, botbe did not know It, She waa conscious of looklog alber best, aod sbt want ed a word of praise, of admiration ty H T ABBOROTJQH, J B. ' ATI OENEY AT LA W , i IXTSBUBO,N.C. - t Office on second"floor of iNeal building Main Street. - All IpmI hnamess intrusted, to him will receive prompt and careful attention. D B, D. T. BMITHWICK, ! 1 DENTIST, 'V'."'v. ; ; -- - I LOmSBUBG, N. C. Office in -Ford's Buildinpr, 2nd floor. Me and drink." Bread and water repre- 1 18 caiiea Dnrove xnesaay. annt thhtxtr. TJPhlOtl rnil nnfllAfl HHU1 T(ir HUB- I W eVM. ea wVi fat I I .... m w llsrtvti ff estn douw w---i i f 1 HiuHM 11 a a a it luai n. iai ua a lava a a i vHriKi ts u 11 1 u ua. wucu uo we x ai i j r -- i . . - . ... . e tenance, and onaof the great promises Is, L ... r . . ... ,v. :Jh.v rone intn the knaineaa of eident to the oubrldled exercise 01 Wfc b KrodrUrf of bis M-O l eV.lT K. irinan him hia vntAM I 1 I1HH11UV 11 CBUia IIUUI By VUSIVIU I icr IB UTHf BUU KUUOl UU ua IIUIS I . -"I.. . . . , I shas (Tsa6xxxiii,l6). While we nf KntehHR h VeniCs; wto. on fn, th. .in.inf bird, hu eooe making locomotives without large ui.sge DJ "roe o, prftlaeP A,k lt. .var.ge man would not think much ,ol ! such , . i di et it is I - - . J for lbe bo,Ine8a was in the D3 ou eJ t- bo answers bis wife in that way suggestive OI ail our utwus, nuu axx vxmu. .uo j w.-.. - - - - need is met in Him who is the living fine8tf largest and fattest" ox they heard in the land." - handrof rich firms and corpora- bread and the fountain of living waters. - B .... 1 . - ttnna nri4ei with labrte mtlnir TheJews kept the feast, but knew Him could findand dressed him up in a mne truth is, tbe Roman CatbH uonB Prfaa Wl aoor saving not. We may be very religious, but it is f.nf.v costume and bedecked him ,v-- v.. urt fc.it few rlav. Iri machinery which in i'self cost Himself aloneand not ordinances tnaxcan - , " " nn. Af At!.r. VetnneArtb Paul took ffteasure and etorified 1 with Mowers ana seiail.lie ooy o I v. ir,t ure not eat anart or - . . . . , , -5 j j m I . . 1 J i a i . vaw avewwe w m - - w- - and part satisfy. in infirmities that the 'wonderful power of 9-10). All that God does Is that His dear streets with banners . waving ondertui power or . . , . . i theonch the t.i Christ might rest upon him (II Cor. xil, I " ; ' . ueui-a.-u .--. oiu . . Son may be glonfled, and wnen we re- . m end children shoot- a ..t ,!. fft, tK. ana Honor mm oiu .u-osi.j-... ... Aalm .nil nrnisili I n TT i m God isweii pleased forthe testimony. The iDg anc following along just like qq the days gave out, and they mUSt 150 Bpend Md 1,6 our boys and negroes follow the bad to stop. The priesU have, omi Lesson X. Christ Freeing From Sin hand wa?on of acircus now-a-davs. ...t ,. n rv one of umce u ora ciiuuiuk, u.w. -- ... -OTt ..v. . -o - -v - - . Gas administered and .teeth extfa. .l-JJ this keepa', mumm. yoa y0 Bhau free indeed." xnose this parade to let their - customers the ire They are making an honest effort. in kindness rather than with a spirit to injure or oppress, to re lieve the State of such evil. Thy tbe white people, will not be do- m li .11!. I. ft . 7V -. . i;.nli!n..t(w!r ! MBnMurf ll-ffl U..-IB IU -w.r,. when she asks bis opinion, as she Invariably doea, and be will tell yen that she always looks well dressed la good tails aod above criticism. But why doesn't be eay that mberf Or, rather, why TB, K.B. KINO, . . i DENTIST, - LOtJISBUB--, N. C. Orrics over Aycocke Dbtto Compaky. " With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. . . you tree, ye snail oe iree lnueeu. j.uo i paraae these self righteous 'Pharisees, be all I Know, iney eomUg'aaembersof the firm. Their ik ill a-d raugbtSTnen, m scb an les , . i i.:. . xr. .t i ana inventors woo ihbb vu.ir tne gooa peopie aiivo vj tnoir. uuy , wouldn't have any .vnvm.n von fi.a P'ces in me nrm ana servea ae an I " does be not make a little lover Tike years ago were without capital of ,u rest sting aod power to 0D Qcb aa o.e41i0nf Even aui without arff prospect 6f be d d hS a ,e,ab lf l dU the couteons remarU be would bo- loyai, lores, toa. me oP"" on the costume of an ordiosry Court will construe tbe act uncon stitutional. Tbey will do their duty, leaving the court to do its duty when occasion arises Bal- rllhbeld frot They Were Farmer Bova. , HOTELS. FKANKL1NT0N HOTEL 'TILAJfKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. '. - ' Good Livery Attached. ; J - I .. . . im. I . I 11 1 1 , WDt wrong. If a man think himself to be more meat for forty days and SO .here Ara n0 church pe-pie ?HM.1 W CJ' . a OU . PoJ, sometning wnen m?to"r'.--Ai.,-AlimmnnA ol thet i .....v.J ,v.:. Oas Men u0 lOOnaauon 01 severar - o eth himself.- These blind kunseea were ujr uu .. - e. - taore-aevouiy stitcuwi - sinners and did not know it. The poor wo- day and that the fat -ox would bo cbQrch than the Roman Catholics, man was a sinner and knew it. - A sense ... . . , , - . . , . of sin is necessary before one can enjoy the slaughtered at noon for a banquet, and no christian women so aoal forgiveness of sina . , . ; . " I that night. , From this ignoble be- ona in b00a WOrks as tbe sister of Lesson jLI unriss xieaung n cuuu i i v ' " r I Man (John ix, l-ii). Golden Text, John ginning the annual celebration. of cbarityi I saw them in . Memphis L 22? L n7oniv dI Shrove Tuesday grew and grew in- duri tbe BCoarge of yeliow feTer 1 frt a orreat frolie bv dav and revel-1 a . nrn,vimr end IDlDgawurii 6 - e:- " . - . I "" uv-'." v'u " O 1 I u . .V. , .1 . 1-.. f2vif rnt; Oil T.niTl fTS HU HVHUle. I- . A 4 L. -l.nIav I - a . I I1UW BrU AaJst JXWJ tae-a XWa W W V We V4B ar.tron-I an' oooaalon to '7 Dy,n,ga., an an .? nigbt to help the poor ana pvayea eero- f. dhey are. great fortunes. Twenty years ago it seemed (o a yonng maw engaged in the retail trade to be in tbe bands of great' monopolists, but be attended faithfally to bis l.ttle acquaintance are bis own wlfs. There was a husband be is dead dow who need to say to bit wife My dear, you are chsrmlag this evening'; or. "I love yoa best In that blue dress of yours." He we a poor stkk cf a man in the way of worldly success, but bis widow -anonixed bin for lust tboee io' Tbe following is a copy ef tbe act passed by tbe Legislature re quirlog separate cars for tbe Wo races on Railroads la liortb Caro lina: Section 1. That a!l railway and steamboat companies as ccnaoa carriers in transportation of pas sengers for hire la ?orth Carolina, othsr thau street railwsys, shall provide separate but eq.al accom modstlons for white aod colored races on all pstseeger tralei and steamboats carryiog paaeenfira. Such aecommodatioBS may be far. nisbed by railway coopacles either to separate paiisoger ears or by compartments In psaaeegtr cars which shall be provided by the railwsys aaderthe supervision aad direction of tbe board cf rail wsy com oamio&trs or ctlcerssae reeding tlbelrpewer; Provldleg, that tis shall not apply to relief trains In cases ef aeclde&t; to Pall man or sleeping cars or tbreogh exprese traits that do aot stop at all stations and ara cot cs I ordi narily for travellcg from station; to nejro eervacls In atlendaaee a tbelr ecp!ojer; to officers or guards trans porting prisoners, and to prisoners so tra&tp-erted. Secticn 2- The railway com ml ' .. - . m . j . r , a work. The blind and lame, tne ueai ana was more ui-guiusout in . i- dumb, the sick and dying, the weak and in any other city it was called the infirm, all give the Lord an oppor- -uu iua jl tunityeither to be giorinea m neaung me carnival oi-v u-. .- . showing TorS rmitteTkis Now, children, you must know meeknessand patience nnaer wiai, wr u tne wora carnival is a jatin ornament ot a mees ana quies e I . . . j ....fall tAfl0V" OavI aUU Uicauo iaiunvi ww with them to the last.. All other wo; men left aa soon as tbey could . get away.; :". . :. Bill Arp.. - There are some foollrh enough branch of the bnslnew, learned UQ ftl lhe bomely virtue cf qr uibotet( gla to her with a farm me. mey are ioruoe-j.7, j0Tert deference after maay jear tended hie trade until be ceo- ou luo ; ' B I W mmm k r W SB 1 BH VT. SB manded consideration, and to df TOW,D ''T . .. " he is an associate of the men who the sight of God of great price (I Pet; herdiJohnx, 1-16). Golden Text, John uing of Lent, and no flesh was to x, 11, "I am the Good Shepherd, be eaten for forty days. UKAnh-.wi m vfiT.n i-i iH iiit. lui ui- auww kJ'U" ... TT. for the next day was the begin- The first For Obseryatlon. Selected. control theodtpntof the country. The iuUauces could be' multiplied almost indefinitely. It Is true that one cannot sue teed in'bosiriesa by pursuing the methods of one hundred years ago; OSBORN HOUSE; C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. . . . a . -1 a At T..nt ..0 called Ash Wed- - r. .. 0 " rnn.'H.srnraf ham- The talkative old man gave the . bullneM tUu before-tbe glory of his Father and the good of -en --y . - tlnintr uhei young man the followmg advice. day. of Machinery; but it is also lor men anu womou d- "- . i mvu - , - u .n1 nnr ll, , v ti 14- i r,Bf;Tir TidchUdrenarJlsiamDS wnom i -.aj Tha eshen ere I -;--- r- jr -u-6 - ,- uuo ikiwuimin -,.--..- v- ' . j i , i on iuBiriw .- . . :. .nmAthin, that makes am oia, ana i ve -eter ec.u . umuea ioouui is at v .Hrk fore while. It is an unfaithful to her mother that ever ay young man who baa proved by He gathers with His arm, and carries in His bosom (Ps. c, 3; Isa. xl, 11). When we are willing to forget and deny self and n. .i tr,T Trim and for others, we will i I AAY7 - AJ - TTS Good aCCOmmodatlOBB for the prove In oy that we have Hla Dniri. ah seii. bto.i"is r " are contrary to His Spirit We are saved by beholding Him, we grow by continuing to behold Him, and we shall be Ue XUm when wo see Him as He is (John i, 89, 88, II Cor. ill. 18; I John ill, -) ' traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. J P Massenbnr; Propr aTITJESSON. ii. c. j Good accommodations. Good fare; Po i , lite and attentive servaat : HQRWOOD ECUSE . tVarrenfoa, KcrtUrc:::- W. J. NORWOOD, proprietor, i Patronage ot Commercial Tourists ana raveling Public Solicited. " ' - Good Sample Room. JHasSTOTW.T9.-'3"'-1' " M ,eP6monv that came down from came to be worth a one-eye button hig worksUat he'ao make pro- ' 1. . , 1 J Tt . .. ! .11 tlx C - . V . . x r. mv KAfnre Tr.fi toner nnsoana. x. - r"co- vaoie use m iw. rur v ta. we. . ,-- rw...r--..-, . ,j ,v. ni - , m .v. Bv.. Thaov beeanse It len t exaeuy wruwu u u - Ceeos many vin-iu, -u. csimu j - i.. . : .. .. . I . v.r.. .tVet dav the church people 1 ble, bat it is writwn iar. uu I may not e aa nuuir h o, vu j - - ; How'ThisI rl Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'S Catarrh Cure , . . n m a l l-mrv v ni. B p. I a .. - k w -rr . 11.. .n.alirne(l. hftVB knOWn Jc. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and be- lieve bim periectiy nomm nels transactions and financially able Mn. ' out any obligations made by the wSt Trax, Wholesale .Druggists, Wholesale Waldinq, Kejtan & Marvin, x T 1 - It actin? directly cog earfaces nu va . yoponthe" blood and mu cf tbe pysteo. Trftimo times to look at the list of great men who come op from the farm not all of them, for that would fill volumes, but some of tbe most not able ones that flash Into tbe mind in a moment. Nearly three fourths of the men whohaye been chosen by the peo rO fo- the -real odcPS of tbe OS- K" " m lion are man who were familiar with wooded bills and cultivated fields. For example: Washing . . xT 4 V ton, -Lincoln, U-ani, uirnwa. ITamlln, Greeley, Tilden. Ilajes, Blaine, Harrison aod maoy others I equally conspicuous. Henry Wat of wedded life. 'Ohl" eaid a disappointed wo man, I would like to be a man. just to show what a good husband I could be." Catholic Friend. Hints fr Mother. slooers or C-Hcera saeceedisg ta tbelr powers are hereby author xd to exempt from Ike provliioas of this act, breech lite and car row gauge railways, if la tbelr jodgmenttbe tsforcemot of Vbls act be necessary to secure comfort ef paatengere, by reason cf tbe light volume cf pa4ecgers,tra-e or small number of negro past-en gers trsvelieg en such narrow guage or branch Hoes. Section S. That when aaj coach or compartmcet ef a car for either race shall be completely fillra at a rlat ion where ao eitra coaca cr A little child over the wsy bss suffered much from lorolog toe nails pain which, I thiak. caa be I rir ctn b. v j ft(j tncrtaaed num crevenUd. In this case lbe neual remedlesof bottallow, etc, proved unavailing; beoce tbe family phy sician deemed the nail extraction necessary. Kaowieg from eipe rlence tbe torture of ingrowing uaiU, I made effort to discover tbe ww a r ..a lie itf aaii war a - . m m s . . i.Q4 i . .. i a v v xes rvsiiiLiirav. ia ui as asai gathered in the churches and pro- loi ids miie;is . - , fessed penitence and were shnven home. I'm talking for ; the boys U quite certain that the opportunl "d c bi8 early year, on bis Sroveor absolved from: their thistim -If one icf you boycomn tiesfcf aarancemeat exist o-day sins by the priests. This was bTobe across a gifl with h?r face fall of aathsy dii when the l7 ier p-nt his youth in a village, . f ,1 . j tv.0Tr felt roses who says as you ome to the as able to-sst op in baslnsss lor 10 -f-u J early in . JWt go foJiMrtr olnotea, hllf-wUh no other e.piUl than dividing his time between farm so eood so seeure of salvation tnat u--x, xvu-6 , m emrjlovment and bis studies, they danced and pranced and for the dishes are no wasbedyou f'f1 wb7teC Beid was a bov ou an feafted and frolicked with great hUl'? Ohio arm. Tbe reader can add i.n.itw end manv of them joined on the doorstep and wait for Ler. Caritlit ifthsnext ge.eration. unio ..,,fB! . " , I tt .V.. r-llr.- nut I i ' I names iu- cw.- . j : H. . . ...nival nun i UDuauog ovxx i . . - - t . . I 3i . ..ovnivil end I Because ...nylons. Well., mavbe come along, and carry her if we Protestants believed that our and right there you have lost preachers could absolve us from sin angei. f r". -? C"T EJlTAll.U ,i:(lllU v - away an o rrt c f iUJi;3..vi -tui r- terton spent bis early life in rural I e4u,ef and then the cute, or rather the preventive. 1 have ucceeosd in a measure, since thirty .resells whieb have been under my super vision from inTsocy, are not Ib .lined in the least to grow iewe-d. Andwhjf Elcplj becaowlnever round off the corners, as is custom- try in trimmlDg tbs tmtr nails. But 1 eau not trim tbs toe-nal! straight!' enlaim sobbs mother. Probably not now, since this men be begun in infancy, fora curving growth indaces a curved grain in U ctll, wU. wlU t:?'A cr j 'it. orofessioual and bosinees men cl bis own acquaintance wboee foun dation for success was laid on the fars. Clrhtiia V.'crk. bes of parnger cannot be fore eea, tbe cenductor in cbsrge ot tuch train is hereby authorised to tslgn and stt spsrt a p.rtloa sf a car cr eonptrtaseot arilgned for passea ers of one race to paaMBgers of tbe alber race. Section 4. That all rail wsy cam panles shall furnisbt fifit and fee. ind class pns-xr accaaoda lions. - beetioa 3. Tbst say rwsf ;ompany failing -to eoaply la todfallh with tbs prsviiicts of Ibis act ahall e liable to a pesalty f $100 pe day, to be rvcovert-d la an action brogbt aasiE.tt s.ch .ompanj bj tbe railway coata'.a-" ioners cr clT.etrs i ice 'Izz t tbeir powers, in the ec ;!y of Wake and c.-erei I'.a te :t' tr; zrj