1 JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. Tims CQTJjsrinr, the state , " 'jL'jdLu TJrioiT. " ' T 4 r f AS VOL XXIX CHUKCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. - , Geo. 8. Baker. Sopt. . Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. y Prayer meeting Wednesday night, v SMITHt Pastor.' BAPTIST. ,." , " Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wiudeb, Sopt I , Preaching atrll A. M and 8 P. 11., I every Sanday. . Prayer m eting Thursday night. Fore est Smith. Pastor. 'llrotfesHioiial cards, A WOMAN PUT TO DE ATH. Mrs. Martha Place- Electrocuted in Sing: Sing Prison for the- Mur der of . Her Step daugh ter Weiit to Her . v ;- Death Bravely. j stepped in front of her. He mo- huubu iiu bus women ana tney came np on either Bide". -It took bat a moment tq strap her in- The edge of her skirt waa .LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, -APRIL, 7, 1S99, night tilt morning Good Associates All the wholesome proverbs,tbst have come down to ns from distant times relate to the association of lifted quickly, the BtockiDg drawn j nsen and women in person. "Evi. Sing Sing, N, Y-, Dispatch. 20th. JJB. 8. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Z Louisburg, N. C. " Office in the ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. ; Up stair front -- down overshoes and the electrode fastened by one of the women to the rijrbt leg. Then the skirt was Mrs. Place was electrocuted at dropped.. The head cap- was Sing Sing prison today for the mar clamped on, the straps buckled der of her stepdaughter, Ida Place. I across the face and a pad dropped She was the first woman to die in over the forehead. - The women the electric chair in the State of attendants, stood with outstretched rials-grouping themselves because New York. i Her death was ruetan-l skirts, with Dr. Irvine ud a male 0f an affinity of ideas. - The pro. Attendant on either side, almost I verbs were made long before books shotting out the-, view of the wit- began to have any. marked influ- nesses, and the signal was given, ence npou the lives of -men and Not communications corrupt good niau-' ners.' We all know that to be true but associate it in our mind with personal communications between individuals.-1 "Birds of it feather flock together." , The idea suggest ed to our minds is that of individ- an instant was lost in torow- before newsnaners were known Hardly wit- They need revision in' this age-, or ti-ey.knew they bad, when it goes without once varying its tunes. It can be relied upou to sleep peacefully all day when its father is down town, and tj all uight when Le is particular ly sleepy. It may be the naughtiest dirtiest, most fretful baby in alt the world, tut you can uevermake its mother believe it, aud you bad tetter not try i'. It cau be a charm log and model infant when no one is around; but when visitors are present it can exhibit more bad temper than both its .parents to gether. It can brigbteo up a house better than all the furniture ever made, sweeter music than the fin est orchestra organized, fill a larger space in its parents '"breasts than THE CONSTITUTIONAL AVDD ! MEST. Why It Khooli be Adopted. B. MASSENBDRQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. toniSBuae. jr. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. " 0. L COOKS at BOW, " ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, . ' lOOlSBURe.B.C. wtii attend the courts of Nash. Franklin. 1 UallV enoill?h --- - . i.T.i .1 I . . n .. nnnrame Coart of North C&rolinp, and the 13. 1 11 1 e 8. uircult and District Courta. taneoos, two shocks being given. - State Electrician Davis threw down the lever at exactly 11 01 a. m. The voltage of the current was 1,700, and it was continued I down' the leveriT for four seconds. It was then grad-1 ness saw the i convulsive movement I at least an extension of the ideas J wy it cau canse a greater vacan- ually diminiehed to 200 voltage, that.; follows an; electrical shock. I relating to - communications be- CJ nd leave a greater blauk thau which was continued for 56 eec-1 The. body merely stiffened. The tween individuals. . I all the rest of the world put to- ondB. 1 I face remained calm; Mrs. Place's J A man's evil communications in I gether. Dr. Irvine, the physician of the thin lips closed tightly together. I these days may be through the me prison, examined the woman and I It was almost a smile as she died. I diom of books or newspapers, not then ordered a second shot. ! That In her hand Mrs. Place earned through his companions in the was the same as he first in power, a praver book, and when the shock flesh. The birds of a feather with and continued for the same length came she gripped it tightly. The whom he flocks may not be bis of time. About 1,500 volts are us- other held fast to the chair handle, j friends or companions, but the to destroy human The woman's month merely closed; j authors whom liints About Milking. ; pa. b. s. Fostbe. . i Dr. J. B. Maloitki .RS. FOSTER 85 MALONB. . D PRACTICINQ PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS, Loalsborg, N. C ; : .- -'.i .i. . . - Office over Aycocke Drug Company. "YY"M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JbOUISBUBS, K. O. Mrs Place went calmly to the chair. She : leaned on Warden Sage's arm. Her eyes "were closed and she seemed neither to see nor bear. She murmured a prayer. l wo women attended ner, one a prison attendant, the' other Dr. Jennie GriSin. Mrs. Place was calm beyond ex pectation. Death was lustantaue heart ceased to beat within a min nte the face became a trifle paler. Her Disregarding for the moment the moral influence of literature, , ob serve the effect of one kind or. an other up in the language and cut A&mu,i.m. I lnA M thA i nrl I tlfl III) I lfA man whose tastes lead him to read only In a little book, ''Great souls at I good books, by which- phrase is Alwavs confine cows in the sta ble to be milked. It is better than haviug them chase one another he most affects. I around the yard. Have the stable clean aud have the cow clean oryou can't get clean milk. Litna'an'i 'whitewash for walls and posts is a good thing. Land plaster ie a good abeorbent in the stable. Before comnxencing In milk. Prayer," recently issued"! in Lon- meant, books by. cultivated "men, I brush all loose dirt from the sides don, is th'-: following prayer - by J insensibly - acquires a training 1 and ndder of the cow. the late Roberty Louis Stevenson: I which leads him to speak 'gram 'We beseech Thee, Lord, to be- matically, though he may know wiu practice in aii the courts of Franklin j ous and came with "ess struggle j hold ns with favor, folks of many I nothing of the rules of grammar and adjoining counties, also in Ihe Supreme Court, tna iu u uiuuiu duwh ajibwi auu Circuit Courts. . - Offlce in Cooper and CUf ton BuUdlng. fJAHOS. B. WILDER, , . " . , ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, - Offlce on Main street, oyer Jonea k Cooper's tore, i than was ever witnessed heie be fore. Just as she sat down in the chair she 8a'd;':God help me."; No one who watched her could 'After, a little manipulation of - the teats and adder, tbA milk is ready, to "come families and nations gathered to- On the other band, the man who down." Then is the time to take gether in the peace of this roof, I has been taught the rules of gram- I it atfd do not delay. weak men and women subsisting 1 mar, but whose associates are vul- ; Milk as rapidly as possible vi th under the covert of Thy patience I gar and uncultured, insensibly out Irritating or worrying the cow. Be patient still; suffer us yet a falls into their modes of expression. I fQ definite role can be given as That the Constitutional amendment adopted by our last Ltpi&latnre and to be submitted to the people for ratifi cation, at the next election, is of more importance to .the Democratic party. and to the future good government of our State, lhan any issue brought be fore the people of Njrth Carolina since the Civil War, is conceded by the majority of the wbite people to day. But, st ill there are tome Demo crat good cltirens true a scoall " mi nority who having paid little atten tion to the discussion of the Amend ment as yet, feel either distrustful of 4 f . j i w ?,!c!vC3 tho food more dcTidous end vNho!csocr.o ever, haw can any Democrat oppose nay, bow can any Democrat aerp from exerting hit uttermost tnSneoc io be half of this reeasure.wh.ch ondoaU- ediy prove -to t the salvation of the Old North State" poktically. CtJiJ. B, B3EEtTT. SEXT YEAR'S CAXPAIUX. it or are regardle of tu nlitmate fate, j rituvilt OWrte. I believe that it this class could bel It ta tecomirg locreu'rigly evident made to realize of what import the I that the Chicago platform of 1 806 w.ll amendment it to the white people of I he re-afErmed by the convention oJ North Carolina that they would not I 9 and that Bryaa will agaio be the only give it their earnest support, but J nominee. Great hope have evUeruJy ould expend their most atenuoos J beeo raised io the breaits of the Mc- cfToris in behalf of its adoption. I Kinlejitet ;hat Chairman Jooes akk- Ai you are well aware, the fate of & would retail in the se'ctwn of an a great many issues depends upon the I Eastern Democrat as hia stjccosor. fioal ratification of the Amendment. I Seoatoe Jooe-i the pet avtrsron" of I say Gual, because if Uts defeated j the McKtnlejitra. He a a sirgnlarly this time.it wtll be defeated for all I upright, clean, coarire-ot and able time; once dead, there will never be I nao, as we have had occaiion to aay an attempt to revive it, and when you J before, and it is Caove foe sincere re kill the" Amendment, you kill the ipicing among loyal Democrau that be Democratic party in North Carolina. I w no so far recovered thai there i So we may expect the Republican I oo longer any tkehhoo! that he will be emissaries of Mark Hanna, to bend j compelled to yieid his place to another. every energy towards its defeat, more I And ao long at be remains at the helm. especially, because If it is defeated, J the tZotlt of the re act too is is w:l prove North Carolina's eleven Electorial votes cf no avail. will be Republican. So we need not The M ch gao Democratic conveo suppose that the National committee I two has iost pronouoce 1 io fa. or of - of the Republican party will be penur-lihe Chicago ilatfjrm of iSjS. Io tie ious in the use of its corroi tion I of the attitude of the Democrats of fund," io this S:ate. . Tbeo agaio, de-l that Sute io the campaign of iSi feat the" Amendment and the spectre under the lead of Mr. Clevelatid'a Som 5orth Carolina Ftlloo;hy. Ettrr qo hs Mat peeiliar tralo of thought which he falls bark opon whao ht ii alone. This to a graat derrt coalds tia maa. Tb good and nobis, whtapaaa 4 from lb a daylight of life, lsav bahiog a twilight cf ctssoryfall of uigestioos cf lUrry i;isra. In pioner dajs people cftea fel- owed paths blaxsd through the woods. Follow the rath markal by the'fooUtepsef the godly la all ages. It will lead yti horn. If good Banner are not prat tleed at home, bat art allowed to ia by ootll ocenioa calls npea their wtartr to anus thaa, thty are tare to he a bad flt'whca dea- nad. It Is hard to pertonale and act a part loeg. for where troth is tvot at tie bottom, eatara will alwara be endeavoring to rat am, and will peep out and betray htrtelf one time or olbar. In order to rtaeh p-trfactioa it la aUolately necessary tohaveellhar very faithful Meads or Implac able ao eta let, since we cost be made tetttble of oar fa!tts either by tie adooaitlooa of the former, or by the iovectivea of the latter. unflerstand what " change most while longer with our broken pnr- IHs evident from this example, to how the teats should be bandied ! NcKro domination w ,11 loom op former cabinet ro.nbter. Mr. Dckio S.SPKUILL. ATTORMEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBDBO, BY C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake couuti a, also the 8uprem Court f North Carolina, t-rompt attention given to coUectione. - Office over Efferton'B Store. have taken place in the woman's I poses of good, with our, idle en- I which may be verified by any . oh- D milking-, at cows differ and nature to so dull ' her senses that I deavors against evil -suffer nsa I servant man, that literary as8oeia-1 bands differ so much; but be tore she could go to her death so calm while longer to endure, and f if it I tion, as well as the association of j of one thing please, the cow if ly andimpas8ively-as Mrs : Place may be)helpus to do better. Bless individuals, has much to- do with I possible. did. It bad not been expected that to its our extraordinary mercies; if the formation of manners, and that There should always be a friend- she would do so - " 1 the dav come when these most bel one may be judged bythe literary) v feeling between tbelcow and the Th lARt. wnmtfn ' condfimned in I toVan Kra n tn nlav tha man I romnanv he keens as well asbv miilrvr i.it n.;iVn iinnU nnt hm I ne lo pfO this. before u more formidable than ever I too, this t eveo more sigoiScant than before. In brief, -if you defeat the lea-Vice President Ssevensoo't recec Amendment, then farewell to "Wtuie I olteraaces. The New Yew k Suo, oow Supremacy" io North Carolina. la radical Republican lheet, make do It has beeo charged by ha oppneots J attempt to shot its eje to the evnjent tnat it is unconstitutional. I defy any J drift it the Democratic party. It Sal But a regards its J ardaj's issue contains the fol'owicg T, W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. diedn this State went to the gal- j under affliction. Be with .our his boon companions. lows shriefeing and fighting, but friends, be with ourselves. Go with 1 " This is especially true in our day - Mrs. Place-hardly uttered aBound. each of os to rest; if any awake, and generation,, when3 literature She merely murmured, a prayer, temper to them the dark hours of I in some of its many forms haa such with closed eyes, her face turned watching; and when the : day re-1 a large share in our daily life Prompt and painstaking attention given to partly upward and seemingly no-1 turn to us, our sao and coufprter, Not merely books, bnt daily papers wery matter lntruswttwnia fvanoa. y. 1 - u..f , 1 . j i, uU .! f.. U.ln in. 0nA th taRt and rftfina JcLeiers w uuiei juBuccoucyiitsru, uv -1 vuuoiivuo ui imugo auuuu uva. i nuj van ub " iiu uviuu Mvw " -.vy inn nir Hun. KnhL W. WWBtOU. O.UU. f . . . I . . . .1 1.1 Warden sage said alter the elec and with morning hearts eager to j or aegraa me language 01 tnose trnnntinn that it had hesn mora f rW no-r to he haoDV. if hsD-l who read them habitually. loe satisfactory than he had anticipat- I niness shall be our portion, and if evil communications that corrupt ed. There is no doubt that War- the day be marked for sorrow, den Sasre feared that Mtb. Place I etrontr to endure.it. Amen." . i . would break down or make IjOuisbuba b. o. M.nnlno Run RnhtL W. Winston. Hon. Buxton. Pres. Pirst National Bank of Wln atpn, Qlenn At Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank Of Monroe, Cnaa. K. Taylor, rrea. iw st College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sherttt's. - Y7 M. PERSON, . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . changed if it can be avoided. A cow will hot "give down.Jber milk to a m'UVer ehe hates or is afraid of, aud what ehe does, give will be sufficient In butter fat. Who Said 1U constitutionality or uocorutitutiooalty, I would .respectiuuy refer you to I the t xct tsatwr vrf -the U. 3. -SapTeme court, as regard to the constilutioo- ality and consequently to the vatidity ol the Mississippi and Louisiana1 amendments. The decision hold that la 1S9& the Mtch gio Democrats, under the lead of the IIo. Doo M DtckiovinJoclioed to honest money Geld Democrats who have preferred to thick that their detachment (mm the Democracy wonlj be only tenpo- rary, have maintained vieoroatly and Errs at f lo.wj a Dcrtta. - "That it a rlJleiloas price fsr sncb an egg as thlt," aaii a Loo. doo auctioneer, when a tnaa bid $7W forao tjfg. Oat of the eon paoy bid another W, a&d at pj. body :ould be persuaded to go higher, thttggwat kcocktJdowa for 300. The egg which fetched tuch an ' Ur4iry prx wavst wn f g f the Great Auk, of which there art only 70 lotxlateoce. The laat Great Auk died half a centnry ago, acd there art therfoe 00 birds left to lay toy taort of these preelost Practices BuUdlng. i 4j0tn8B1TB6, ST. a . In all courts. . Offlce Poultry Notes. H YARBOROUQH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , XOUISBUBO.N.a - scene., nvery precaution 10 avoid it Neai this had been taken, and., he sDiritual adviser. Rev. Dr. David I Do not exDect the chicks to . ' 1 - . . . Cole, spent more than :. an hour f thrive if yon neglect them. witt ner mis morning, counseling nafmflftl nr rolled oats make the her to be brave and have faith.-Ae had great influence with Mrs. best first food for chicks- good manners may be the daily paper that is not carefully edited both as to the matter it contains aw and as to the language -employed and its construction. That paper which is edited so as to make it fit for the home circle, temperate in tone and correct in its use of lan guage, is an educator of its read- - . j the Amendments are coostitotiooaL la!,!. iht ih Ck-,- utrfm M I Dean 's-ift i. credited with .-ce they do not dominate aga.nst a pa.mg cr.xr. and that ,U Democ- .rirxidrri- -Bread is the staff of life." or d.,fc.nch- the negro 00 account rtc maro lo origitul P 'j" ; V ..f of race.cjlor.or previou cooditoo Crplc before the electioo of 1900 if Vi. at tg-wy crataM, It wa, Keats who said A thing of .ervitudr. a. provided against by the not the Erst ortuoity. Bat here tohat frot. of beauty is a Joy forever. ,Sth Amendment to the U. S. Con- io lS)(J lhe. Michitta Deocratic lU i99 tne. Mic&igi Franklin is authority for "God uitutioo, but 00 account of their peco-lSt4le Convention hudectired.toqive helps those who helps themselves.' It was an observation of Thomas Southern that.4Pity'a akin to love." . "All cry aud no wool". is an ex- Main Street. 'I All legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. JB, D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, i- ' " " - ' liOTJISBUBOj N. C. Utfice on second floor of .Neal buflding I Place," and he walked. with her to the cfeatb chamber. Eev 'Dr. Cole did . not speak to her from the time of leaving her room. He walked behind,, much affected; aud when she died (he old clergyman, who had known her from her childhood leaned bis head against the wall. After others bad .1 ; - t j TJ..l-.. i.TTJt- m. . . f . ii j 1 nri.. inn 1 it 1 1 1111 1 u 11 u L 1 r 1 b 11 iiu i ers- rnose wno. naoiiuany reaa . - Give the young chickB. plenty of htwill be insensibly trained moral- brri8- fine grit. They mast have It. 1 1- ana intellectually. They - will We are indebted to Olley Cib- Inrubator chicks that are reared avoid the evil communications that her, not to Sbakespeare.for "Rich- in brooders never have gapes.: corrupt good manners, ana on ne ard teoimselt again. contrary put themselves under the liar characteristic and hold that a ltna from the Ktlamax so Cunte. iu S ateha-th same right to provide .ooti,ble devotioo to ttedeclaratko . . qualification, for its inhabitant to of p, f jpJrt adopted by the Chicago meet, in order to become citizens, that Cooveniwo of tS 96 and It "desire u has to require loretgner to vc prop- tad Tpoe to ecore at the earliest erly qualified before admitting them to rxible moment the adopt ko and e Cittienshp. Now bnt thi pUm lo f0rcemeol of these principle in the you Of course, I presume that you are adrmntsirattoo of the Federal Cover o- Dampness is sure death to young turkeys even up to two monhts of infloence of tbe good communica- Edwatd Coke, the English jurist familiar with the Amendment, but it you are not, read it, re-tead it, study it, and above all, explaia it. to those who cant read iu .This r nothing but tions that refine and ; elevate manners upon tne otner nana. jne uo vtrlutuu .uak -1 y0Qr piiia auiy. since toese Amcna- house is bis castle. 1 menu, ddoo which the North Caro- t - a j a. a ..Wl,.n flr..V trtln- flp..V lU w Ameoomeoit oaseo, naa pern menu " C-mpiteJ to whst it was in 1896 tbe opposition to the Chicago platform io the Democratic party t at nothing." Don't expect the 96 point hen" to those who habitoallv read sensa SSt&a-SSl. bo stepped ,,!., .Mr . a7- ' not b,.4 f tb.t aM Dp , ,ia baT ,..ir ,, -. .rl.ten by JTZV. .1 ,T Water rower of the SUte Gas without pain. TR. B. B. KINO," V ' DENTIST,' LOTJISBtJBG, N. C. Opfick oveb Aycock.Dbdo Compast. :o '. - where the dead bodyrepdsed and purpose,. ; 1 manners corrupted just as surely Nathaniel Ie in loUf looked for the last time on the Lice is sure death to yonng as though they associated iu per- face. ' The room that, Mrs. Place chicks. Be sure that the mother; is had occupied was several hundred I free of them. feet from the death chamber, bbe was ready when the'warden vis ited her and went with him with out a word. They descended sev ""With on UTiunmuu nt twcflt.ff.flve TPoVrB is a sufficient guarantee of my work-in all eral flights of stairs7"through the son with the ignorant or corrupt authors who pander to' their low tastes. - .. ' One hundred yeais ago a man mfgbt be-jadged by the company j Not mnch the worse for wear,' he kept. To day he must be judged j were coined by Cowper. Keen the tnrkey" hens confined las weU'by the literature he reads. tribunal 10 lhe land, then, surely, our Tb e cuU Geolozical Survtv hat will ttand the test. But why worry .Am,,i,Uj mnA a.-- ia taQn , xawara xonirg tens us -wsiu ourselve about tha, it i plaio tnat the of eaKiie.tion a bulletin o tht wa riorin as well as toe doato, nas come t'rocaLiy iht tigtii; prtet tvsr paid for ost of tggt was lS73,ln Eoglaod. Another west for IS70, and a third for (575. Earlitr io this jearat moth at f 1,423 wat paid for oot Fifty cf tht V0 tf gt io ttiatenet art the preptrty of privatt collectera ioEtflacd, who' hart paid for lleta tstoy times over their wefxht io gold. Tht egtrt art about tht six of a man's closed fist. Iht total valot of tht 70 ergs It about 70.OOO, or coasidtrably ever ft 0,0O a do. Thct thtir market valot it eqnal to that f nearly 3.I00.0CO new lali tgga at 2 ctutt tpitet. Early chicks if given the right kind of care, are more thrifty than the late broods. loves a shining mark,7 and "A fool at 40 is a fool indeed." "Variety's the spice of Mfe."aod HOTELS. m rmrinitav: wards, throueh the durine the morning until tney i Tbat is toe company 01 me men 5t.r,n and alo3ir the corridors . have laid, otherwise they; will of the present generation which is ... . .. " 0 . I . . . . I . . .. j. i ThPenconntered no one. Usually seek the thickets lor a , piace io most poteouonauy circc.ioK sueir ... ' ri . - r. . .- I.. v: . n . these places are more or less crowd- make tneir nests,; , - 1 tnougnts, lormiug sueir ui.uuC.o . ChaHea Pinekoe gave the pa triotieTentimeot, "Millions for de fence, but not one cent for tribute." "Of two evils I have ehosen the to regard lhe negro as a noxou factor io politics, to be got rid of as qitckly as possible. No sensible mao will admit that the negro baa ever beeo fit lo exercise tbe pr ivtlrge of citienship. And, agaio, haa anyone ever teen ao) thing in the negro to entitle him to the privilege of suffrage, which be has been exercising for the past thirty FRANKLIN TOK flOTEii ed with workers, but to-day no one was there. " 1 . - : ": -. Tt was a dismal Journey, the last What is the Bible Like ? FBANKLU7TON, N. C. . ; SAWL MERRILL, Prplr- Good accomodation for the traveling public. . -t Good livery Attached. - : OSBOFN HOUSEa - C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N: C. Good accommodations, for the traveling public. MASSENBURG hotel J P Siassenburff X?ropr ;.-iniwiisozi. 'n. c. Qood accommodations. : Good fare; Po Hit and attentive servant , and guiding them in the right us less," and "The end must justify Jeir- of lsmguage. - Birds of a feather flock together now as in the olden the means," Prior.. 'are from Matthew part through a stone corridor ihat j is lined with the cells of Murder. It is-like a large, beautiful tree time, but in our day some of the which bears sweet fruit for those birds areapers, magazines and ers'Row.. : The curtains thrown that are hungry ,and affords eneiter doobb, auu mou J"f over the gratings hereconcealed and shade for the pilgrimson their by what they read as wen as o v four musderers who are soon to foV way to the Kingdom, of Heaven. their companions, o.n lor uo- l- Mr. Place ' to the chairof trtol;va .vi.Votof iewels and re eBtaonsaea in sn.r ss. death. ihe ..woman was' hui- Dr is. wiich is not only and have formed their companion- dicted yourself because of. d.f..: no to be looked at and admired, but ips. this reaecuon can n.ve uo tlf; : memory or became Toa M.u- : Lawrer and Witness. "Now, sir,'' said tbe lawyer, look'ng sharply" t the witness. "tell me whether you have contra And there b another thiog that I wish to mention jost 10 this connectioo: Tne Amendment-will dulraoohissr no white man. Nte thU well and read carefully Section's of the Amendment. Kw u it not your honest opinion that this is the solution 16 nhe negro prob- ter power of North Carolina, whM ill doubtless be'cf very great value to ioveatort who trt tetkieg for cheap aod deairahlt localities for tbe development of water pow- .a t" lt! er, wbtrtjer large or tnau 10 a (ro u tit. Tht report haa beta l course of preparation for tbret years, and give a complete and accurate list ef tht water power on tht principal streams of tht bute, loth developed tDd unde veloped, besides chapters ot tit climate of tht State tod It rela tion to tha water power of tht stream, the geological conditions which teod to promote them aod aornt small valuable data 00 tht flow of tie streams', a large seta- KCTtVuD CJS : Vt. J. RORtrOtfDt proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourlats and Tavellng PnbUo Solicited. , ., GoodSaraple Hoc: i.l ."r?it?TTtj!:r'T7jr "' ried past these and there was fhesitation when : the door of "the axecntion chamber was thrown open. The warden held her arm closely within his and with bis other. arm be ' supported her.. Behind came thewonien attendants. ; Rev Dr. Cole came next, and afterj him were two keepers. As they came.over the threshold Mrs. Place gave no sign of , fear, nor did she -seem to know what was about to happen. The war den held her np still more firmly. and the women assisted her to toe t.-;. rVia nicked her way al- ; t - . , - . most like a blind woman across the short space that separated her fr'nm death. ' She . was gently dc?;n ir.to the ccair, ana used and worn. - It is like a telescope which brings distant and far off things of the world very near, so that we can see something of their Importance. It is like a treasure house a store house of alKsorts of valuable and useful things, and which are to be bad without money and with out price r special influence. fled falsely in the first place ,VI guess it must be on account I of tuy poor memory," replied " tbe witness. "I never told a lit in my A baby can beat any alarm clock ,.fe That's why father always What a Bahyan Do. ever invented for waking a family upin the morning. . Give it fair show, and it can emash more dishes than the post industrious servant 'trirl in the country. "It can fall down oftener and with less provo- Tt isVike a deep, hroad, calm, , -tion than the most expert tum- flowinir river; the banks are deep t,ier :n t'je circus rinxr. It can and flowery, where birds sing and lambs play nd dear little children are loving and happy. ' ..- Yes 1 You can get Note, Letter and 1 Bill Heids, Statements, Invitations, Cards, Envelopes, Posters, Hand luis, and almost any kind of Printing done mate more genuine fuss over a sim ple brass pin thau itamuther would over a broken back; It can choke 5t1f hlack in the face with rreat er ease than the most accomplished wretch that was ever eaecnted. It ran Veen a family in coustaut tur jrr.lfrcn c:izlzZ till nijbt, acd said I'd never make a lawyer." . - "And so," rejoined tbe attorney, "because you couldn't lie well enough to be a lawyer, and hadn't .memory er.outfb to learn any the" occuDatiou, he let you grow np to bejut a common, evervday aes.rr V Intomnch as this appears to be the tlrt tjrae ir all history that a lawj er ever-got the rttfr of a wit- ns, tL ca?e deecrvee to go 00 rr cord. lem io North Carolioa? For it will : solve the problem, oot a we have been j r ef instrarutnta! aauremots iQcethe war.cnrshicg of iv-flow oftbest at all slarf. oq coly to Gad it a more potent (actor in politics, at the next. But boallr. now in order that we more eas.ly draw a cooclasioo. What argument caa be advanced sgalnit Ibotil The fhiilpp-laet. Tht following otwfpaptr tqoib Baoaget to convey o,rjUt a cargo cf taformalloo abot the Phllippi&t i!and: N Brooms. 1 No hats woxo. GirJt marry at Cfletn. Nt knies or fcrkt, Thty sleep at old 4 ay. Horst art a carlon-.ty. More women thao rats. Hict I tht ckitf prodact. Cattle as taail a goata Matila taj9ji t'tctriclty. Natl vta Htbtlhrjct daily. Tb,:rMhepptr Is a delicacy. Wt buy hair MafcUt't tteap. Laborers tara tea ctatt a dty. Coooeoutoil I an ilia alt as t. Manila waa foucJJ to It7l. from extreme bUb to low water having been raada by tht e ngler of tht tarvey. Raleigh Ntwt atd Obeerver. Deafness Caact b Cared - A Good Unt- lhi Amendment by aoy respectable by lot arrli1-1" W , , . ' .1 rah the di-l trti t f Ue r. J j'j Wjik v;f 117 kind. Cash, at Tirv.es C cc. hite man? I-rereat. there i abso lutely 00 rrasoa hy yu should not favor the Amendment. Bit since , ll is constitutional, since it to!r the Dtiro fjroblcm "comtletelr. eince h . 9-r . crushes ReDuLhca&urn caaiiy. s.oce ii puis to an cud jrne of our dema gogue aspiration To nfuce, ;ace u re'e rates the nnrro 10 a bck et ti - j.olitic wuhoat ili. ciirg any wtire inaa in the . reaiolrt Jrgrer; and Ut l.i.t ri t lrt inre it mke iV.e tVin- 1 - OntP lor J ocratic rany 1! . -.act ia' N-'rih Car. Tb.r Uetli cMvirbt ear ct aai tbat U by nf..!jUl rv-3t-e. lvfp U ca J It at iuzo-i rca- 3i:te r4 the asaeooe lialag of tSe Ku'.i ebtaa TaSe Vibm tike labe ts USam-i yoa ktre a rembita aaa e larrf hreHaz. a&i vbft It U atirly t'.J-U dxt ar U Ce rvisX aai H li fiissallot rv a b taa at asl 1- Cb tO tU TB3l Uo. bHa will b dwr.jy-4 f n asa tarrb. tf b fc ohts tai -a i.s Vr will Om HaaJri lh i'.ar foe any of tvf- rasl by terra) tLr eteaw te ear4 fcy l!tl!'e CaUrra tcr. . hc 1 f r k-.U"; tr Y.J. C'tsiT A C- . O. t IT I ' "-'- " Ialj.rfy wbea vucai:ba as gstal tbrtiKo-;t Nocib Cart'.a ihe f..ks l-oe by a W't Forrst school girtiKiiUctl eff a few dap aC.'otT' 7 Hr. Tajtct la " a tetter to the 5 W a! Rrcoeiicr.i ap j4cfv'e. Y- nay ee'k a'oi cvu taad dct atd uti'ia, M1 ra Jt, vli' lfta-3. &4 poo Vf- i.a.o. Crj-cg t e, p:n pne- aaJc Sti el -l kvjo s-tre the rlawa Aod s".cf'y nb-".t cic'ora'.k -a. Tc won ii le Ifift-l vice!:: :z. t Ti::rs urn.z.