V V V &1BER OF COMMERCE. . w mi T 17 ' T1-i'.f HIM UAV NIUHi, uric ur...Aia jjSf ENTH U m A3 i iu mac untrs v '"t nnA CrfXD n nrao eit' Ld Much Work DonePres- 1 - j i j1 i did Fine Work Chamber of Commerce met to a . WW friday nigut last ana naa quite nthusiastic meeting. There jjqaite a good number of members. Meflt ana jrxesjmeiii.. vom auu -tiirv Hemine did their work ir. . H. liurhn and others jjesome very interesting:' and, en- . It.. Ui V. . . .1 Uiastic taitts wureu were greauj joyed by all present. The' large it ' f .1 . T J A. t;nr was that of appointing the lomitteest that follow, and it was ted that the nrst ' named on U committee is cnairman or same ,odand interesting meeting is as- all who will attend tonight. 1 m committees appointed Are as iol- The President on motion appoint- ... i n' v -; j committee composed oi messrs. JKattin, Ivey Allen ana K JS. 'kough, to recommend ji board (Irectors. The committee reo jnend the following gentlemen io were unanimously made the Vcialbody: J. R. Collie, , D. F. Hinne, T. W. Watson, C. T. te,R. Z. Eejerton, J. M. Allen, H'.Ford, G. H. Cooper, B. G. is, R. G. Allen, F. W. Wheless, VI White, T. D. Tyack, ' P. G. iton, A. II. Fleming, W4 H. Ruffin. h, W. H. Ruffinmade a motion jttbduesbe made $2.00 with cUlkr assessments as C may . "be WeJ,.ihich motion was carried. I fl Committee on Railroads an ojjurg. n: c.; friday; august 2o, 1909. " man.whose .name appears Vn;.the -. u, m0 vjuaiu uer. 01. -Ayommerce pflioursburgand aUptfiers-who'-aro interested in Xouisborg be- present tonight that everything mat be odra-' pleted and some good wcrk I' startedr ivitn tne interest, already, showa J bymany of its members we "'are " on the right road; and something of inH rerest ana value to the, town will be accomplished. ' ti. r In conversation 7with the : Presi : dent one day the past week-; he : er. pressed himself very anxious to have every man in town- present tonight w noo own mree orionr nt t.h most important Committees to be ark pointed and that he was trying not to get any one member 1 on more than one Committee that he fiaight devote all bf his spare time i to' insf. that one special work. "Let ; eVeryl body go out. r " lifUH f J 1 w ir r vAd Viaftln 1 -.w.l. ; At. 1 ' 'Tfc "t TLbffin, which was received tdaW that more time be-granted Mich was done. v" ' ' luuuuii 01 jyxr. j. a. Turner iident appointed L Yar i,F. X. Egerton, F. B. it,!. D. Tyack and Ivey Allen 1 . wnnr a.z yi ' . iuouii,ev:tjpuou committee. ; i motion of Mr. Tyack to ap f In . . . - "uiuummmee 01 nve to assist. itary to solicit members the appointed W. H. Furcrnr fl-V. Hollingsworth, B. G I.L. T - - -, p.lving, F. W. Wheless. lit lw.H. Ruffin moved that Mnadg committor Ko or,A?r,.'-;i ajuiUbCLi. m which motion the President Noted D. F. MftTTinn T? "7 fGeo. II. Cooper, P. S. AI- .foiiie, J. R. Williams. 9 r '.. Ir9- M. F. Houck.-E T Harl p k Johnson . and Geo. TT: Were received as new mem- 1 .r N motion of Mr. Rnffln ?iS--. pmittee was appointed by lent to confer and work; in 'nwith the board of town liners The members" con- W committee are Messrs. lWon.V. H -Rnffl'tv' a v ' Johnson nd'.T A Tnii v " A ui If ft K r"'-',V,L ' McKinne tlee to nW-nff : wukT Wn and rnnntP inmniia f . """11 'WUiUllB- v paiUK-a.-:puOHO- tr 8 piace on the streets of for the dumb beasts. f?0D wa then made that, the J1 appoint a committee t? be ( the Louisburg Natural ir;na Hesourcefdomitte "00 was carried and the fol--V !fe aPPointed the Tcmmit. rfl' ftSmithwick, P. G.Alston, ,;Mi.G. Allen, K, p! Baseball. - Baseball fans for th , .. ,f - " VV A have been delighted, amused! re- quitea ana enthused by.-with and oyer the games played on the home diamond. . In .fact At has been a week for" base iball; in Loliisbur o- Business interest of . the town seem e$ have lost their fancied and neluring charms ' which "ihey ; are accustomed to commands : TurniW patches and duties upon the-farm seemed to have grown monotonous and everybody, took a peculiar de light in turning out to see "the games as a Substitute for their aily routine of work. , j 6n;Friday.the second game with Ioanoke Rapids resulted in a scor a. for iu to 1 in tayor of Iaou,burg. Monday, was the beginning of a reries of three garnet with Wilson's Mills and as-a result a JjigV crowd turned out toi witness ;. the; e-amfti The visitors proved, iini the first so evenly matched .that it' would take extra (work to decioejthe win ner,- but as a result of aorrror-voh a 1 . a. f n " 5 - r - . ' me pan 01 tne visitors Ijouisdi rg won out by a score of 2 to 6. i - Tuesday's game proved to'b the wiuiiiiig one ior tnevisitors and where the home boys did some pretty play mgj the score stood 7 to 4 in Wilson's Mills favor, at the wind-up. - ; v . Then came Wednesday's eame. the one to decide the stronger team; which was attended bv the largest crowd of the season. In the beginning, it seemed as though the home beys had more than they could handle, but after the first in. ning it was easily seen that ""theV had a walk-over and that the visi tors were easily out matched. This ame resulted in af score of :ib to in favor of the home boys and-- was tne easiest game 'of the series. ., Features of the last same were Ellls,iC(sensati6nHt catch 't in right field when he fell down, twice turned a omrjleW ; -. vuuuiiw s CU1U corae!up with thebalLv TKa i nn. reasonable kicking of one ex-leag- ner, ;rap Harris, n The terrihl a pounding given him by the home wain wiin,,ma . yfiianess , cost ;tne visitors the ame. ;i .1 - ; .. six-yearld jBhould' blrnnt AVe will obey the law in thi Sk-yWdchild u, uui we positively can not receive any child who is yednger thanix. ; . Examinations ior: he w pupils ' will be held at the Graded Schnnl f 9 till 3 ocIock"bn : August v 27: :-8 and SO; ' Ir ivV . . . - .A pupijs ana any iwho ; may wieli to try for promotion attend :W one of these days.- Come and -get your entrance card and begin wort ;wth the other members of your grade. " - ;There will-be no; change ;in i-Uie teaching rom'last r CYei.'Firit Grade,iss GeprgU Joym r, Second Grade and lower section bf thehtn: Grade, OKsX-MaVVBeei" Upper section of thffr;:Third - Grade 'and Fourth Grade, Mrs.' Rosamond' Rags! daK FXfo and ."Sixth; Grades, Mw4 Mary, Tarborough. 'The Seventh Qrade-and High Schol work will be divided between Mr. E. L. Best and Supt.- Mills? . 1 - - - -v . , We earnestly -aak trie, co-operation and supports the patrons in our enorts to make this the beat year in tre I history of the Bchool. Yo have given liberally of your means to the maintenance of the school, but this will be wasted unless you have your children in the classes from the first to the last day.- . - Those wishing to take shortbflnH typewriting- and. bookkeeping may Yr? a LUl buuooi. inese .branch es are free to those in the bi,h school course. the : pviijQ.. people. THEin IIOVEUENTS IN ' AND 1; out: op TOWN."-; . ThoselWho Have Visltod Loois tinrgr thejpast Week--ThosV V Who Have Gone Elsewhere .vfor; Business op pleasare. M; F. JIbock went to '.Vafrrnton Xuesday. -v, - H. M. Sltnfgq returned vtt.r4.v r .. .. .... - j utddj aTtstt to litckory. , ariv returned TcUy itom, a .v iai 1 1 o N orfol k, - y.Unft telithrea in town. ?Mr. D. RivVa, of Oxford, vu i: . 5 Vur m lown iru week.. i, t HOKE EH 27 Tb. trip w cud, i,, A., . f-ti.Uau.,Sa W. V I. Jackaon this FrankUn County Union. The Fran!flin County Union will meet with Mount Zion Church. August 27, 28, 29. On Friday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. T. p. Bunn will preach the In- troducty; sermon. " N . ATITRDAY MOBXING. i3t con. dudtebby ;l5ro: Howard Jbhnsori;- '10 Enrollment of Deleffateiland r II - Address Rev. L. Johnson. 12 Dinner. . 1:30 The Present day Church as a Keetraming Force, Rev. M. Stamps. 2:3 ( The Present day Church a an iivangelmg ;Force, Rev. J. W oiedge. V Sunday Morxixg. 0:30 Sunday School. 11 Sermon by Rev. L. Johnson. 12 Dinner. X 2 Sermon Rev. E. D.poe. Suggestions to. Those Coming I to The Contention. For the meeting of the State Far- mere' Convention on'-August 24-27, at Kaleigb, N. C.j retarn1 week-from a. trip to Oif r.d ' -jiJoa Hlrri w vUiiing frindi and relatives in Rocky Mount .. ' . ' ,. " Mra. A. D. Green left Wedre day for Littleton to visit her ion. ilw Bessie Jacocks return? ttn. wele)tff?ra ;vi8t to HendemonTill. 'Miss Tirginia Carroll, of Oxford, is-visiting at Mr. W. H. FurguraonV II. -Winston Davis, of Rileigh spent Sunday with Mr. J. A. Turner. Person, of Charlotte, was a pleasant caller at the Times oft c yesterday. K N." Egerton, Jr., and slater, 3tiss Cathleen, visited nlatiycs at Creek yesterday. Mr. V. C. Williams returned one by this week from a visit tohwper ple near Kifi ell. flVS -Y G1' d family of Mer idhri, Texif, is visitinc his brother MiT. S. Gill, near town, MiSA AlirA Vlv mnA K.,.,JT on at Jjr. X. b. Gtlrs near town. Mr. Aaron Deiu tccorantnid br Missee Annie Stone and Idlie GU- govv left yesterday for a trip to Hal- W . k iUUe Misses Manara and No ma ifollingiworth are viiitinff th-ir - auut, Mrs. t. 1. Blackley, t Frank linton. Misses Helen Daniels, of Halifax. . Mimie Beck and Eraflv Tinslev. of . - - Richmond, are visiting at R. C. Beck's. Capt. J. H. FinlaOr. Conductor w on the Louisburg railroad, who hat oeen oit on his vtction. returned to his work here this week. Mr.Josephua Daniels, editor of the News-Observer, of Raleigh, was a visitor to onr Jittle town this week to the delight of his many friends net outfit of Pullraxa cachet ct ui parlor, dinb oUsmuon oropirtrntnt kind that went oat c the Sutel : Dr. Richud II. Uwis,0f IUJ. igru who wenioo the trirv 9pU in tbo higheit urrog otii ani cf Mr. Gattis omsgtment of the Uar. SaU hit I inn Mr mBpS of thedellgbUo! Uviuirs or aUut we , axuouoa given by Mr. Gatti. K wm aa dciirUj tour or the oooiiaaL arv4 I do noi UTTtve that a bnr mta. aged one ffaa ever ba tooIoci!. The itinerary wM etrtfatjy p4anai nd all U dtUiU were atu&dcJ to properly. We met otbtr pxnivt ad people, and I saw w had the bi of L The train waj a laisriosj ct uu we wsre entrUifwl .( iK . i hoUls. AU oa ' the nip wtT charmed with it. "There was praiw for Mr. and iln. Gattis on rry hint ao4 the pu-wngers printed iha with a beauuful silver tta terriot oa a handsome waiter. The7 iataipti on it waA.- (Prnttd io Mr. atd Mrs UUicS tUr a bar. a w Wft tro-, tLegtx w . , . - . r-sL OtUt f of tU M.ux.ua dck a U t U focr wj .n U;u fd f,nU a .nw tck Prvc loalibo'rj: Tobtcto EcinJ cf Tra4e. Oa rtiiar. Arrtui t.. t tbaocn rw by ih. 3tiDa c t UUonit cwtv, PrfJat TLsm D. rra IWiiw-j, N. ffarU 5wury voj Tum;, J. r Chas. II. fJntU u tat appreciaiian of iht Hfwi-,- ..t ( . ... rtesy by the participant, in xht j Pf i4.al Tracks aal fff. courtesy by the particitan - Aroond-the Continent Toor, UQQ.' MBemdM this w adepud om resoluuoos to b sent to the ottt of the Seaboard Atr line, ana the wero signed br every on in the prt These renolotbra tt . out appreciation and enjottneat of ! trip and UUxd the alteauoa so hip- put pten m Th rtni,tt read a follow- RxsotVTioss or ArrxaATio We, the undr:gT)d partietpir.u in the Arooad-th-Coauneat Tp,V J tJ? wttf. 7- ( now drawing to . a.. , , - W. D Mi hich vt will t alJ-.v i . tae, tJiw lUifxJ lrrJ vMjJ r German at Uoiibor. fclUilo-rujju Him xh a4 WiM W:u Msiic ai fiuix4 , Uriu-, '' a wr. H k eipret to ta a do, denire Xj the micc ratal cf Graded; School j The Graded Schools will ,bpn for tha fall forrvi . rwr : Tri J i L 11.1 "r ; v' V- .MCv.yv :ugUSl l3ftjw;yi eqursb of .stu nine fulFrnonths and a fewj daysf lost Sit the beginning of the term will prove a very serious handicap on the whole years work of the pupU. We wish to urge upon parents the n ecessity ind rpy un ,ot; commit- xai rrf lt -""HBiong concern- aA- a motion was ; ui . ttft UW1 next Fiiday "0I1 adjonrnQ'ent'-was xvaicigu, x. v.j ' tnjjii vt uw many in A Reception Committee, of which WvD0 are alwJ glad to see him. W.aridge'Ts chairman, will 'Mr. J.D. Hines, who has bee a meet all train arriving t th TTm5.., -ro i? xr ..iy.-tog, T,.d4y eral yeat left Mond.y for Kl.ck. andVVednesdav. Wfion vftii v . i.n ... 1 .S. . I tllrft'rABlMin ..M.I. 1? T TV rxeceptivn uotiuuittee, or forVeign: r 0,"v'" - iiarnman. who j egret to see him leave, wish 'for him much success in new r.orae.. but his Headquarters, Reception Committee StateJ. Friiiers'-- Convention an1 ! . . - , . . . .. - ' j jnakehurself known. The Commit- tee WHI fair flaro'f' " ; ' . Those who prefer will li assisted lnflecuringsatisfactory accommoda. o '- . tionVin the irtJh ,hL''w.!, ,". Splendid wish to room at the'ColIegeTwiU ; be . Work bf Mr. C. H- Gattis. escor5eailnero fl? and : provided Cwith o Thoroughly t elighted with their rooms free and meals at costJ: tour; of the continenr the passeo- ; lno8e who intend rooming at : tie gera of.the Seaboard Air Line RaO college should notify Mr. 'EBr 6 wen .wi'y, ersonnlJyv conducted party,1 WestRaleipb: when r.Hv. urlll . I ulnAri In fi or.... 1 f. f ' t t riv Mailar to o tbu'r'WeeVnot 6attia.'dMtrict'' pasaencer acent of prevent finyone from securing a room the road, with Mrs. . Gattis as th 1at jthe College otf his arrival;, Those chaperoned reached Raleigh yeter- I BTnantinn fA .1 "1 . 1 f 1 J : Z . - . r-fyft w. iuviu 5 ow uw , voi i e ire i uavrmo"luii-ier oeinc out oi 8ou!d bring towels and pillowV with i North Carolina for'thlrty-three di -AJ wiU Uha t2.f.-.V tlx fee aboard Air Uat IUar ar r. 11. C HuxS live toureatin-and nbrW j 5, WtM ft 7! J.1u through a !.rgo part ot oar ciWt; r, w- they hle given us. llSUSST U' tU" -The trip ha. ben made under U. Sr. f KiM ideal condjuoas, with aa taUaerary j A- 0. A. t oai couia not btlereU a loxori- i "31r r. C U". uu compieu ta aJ iu apjct. ! .7" r. aJHru. r. tl. Mr r II, ACea. Get Into the &ooiUo? EqU- raeuw, exoe'leni Mrvioe, and enlir relief from all car aal rri. biliry io secunag roomi at the btit hotels, transport tic as of rroa sad kgg to and from du-ou. srraa-. ' W9 meats for aide tii;, and fricticaJly i& every waj. ii' f our appreciation of the r4Bi. D.,paUr f . management of jour anu ifr. h.io Gatttu. Hi rrasp of the itatka in Ulromir 3,1- . a . I . vbw-.ji c--ir-a. Il lUM .t .U n..s b.. , KvW ...f, 4 , .rm ,C5 t&t kiaJ e4 .4!il Vo? sia'i o tit .a flb tesy and good humor are worthy of CnM the highest praij .ni deerv and Ht jtt !i desired that" every,' ; rThe- school"7! aw admits children ataix years of age,' but it is the bpin icn'of many, of :our ' most eminent educators and physicians - that v: the receive our cratofal acl:rowI!-.. menL Wt feel. too. that a similar acv koowledgetaent shoold be made of the jmpsthftic help f Mr. GstUa hen needed ani Iikwuh tf Mr. Bock y, of the Polltaaa otic; Mr. Livey, of the dinioj car; Mtm. Allen and Gattk, the barcarecuji. ar j term, and to the other sabordiaaU fr their efficiency and poliua. News aod Obeerrtr. 'A Mammoth" Clock Crow LCJ.l (cir a Wf ter, f t . t. i . . ccsj aAl w if, rt-9 If s3Tie o?trr ftJJc wV'iiL Sad ri:i liie esnirye fr. No ot'i ir-ci tawfttc co n, lis Jit rw'i . rsacj, t ! If yor lowa w tit 4 Umu Vo jtet la th Udt-ua' U. If liiaca d rm to tiit fc. A a l! Vd ewne wt i Wfca: tU tasjr wrJj a U.cua" J cm t to tp the Vit al; jff Th. lower of the M.tropoJlua WiL1? ffp lhf trance baUdt, New Yk city. .l' T, ill U reidy sn to hive t& dxk U- " . " f tailed (a It. Tt; dock wia U th J11 V r": - ft- u6wj v" i was xne exprcisioa or ine pany woo tf thft fftftt thai th : rinlla. V.o. I . : . . "r T . . " . . vvDi0 my were ceea, luerw na-Tiag oeen in voet ice aa as fnrnhure.or bedding except that fMri neighborhood of a hundred' ind, fifty ind bronxt, - duuu p 13 iaere wnoaeit xonn cirouaa on- the coastrnctn. ixt tatacte haad wiU. W at trlp,Srhich took Ciem to the Pacific j from the eeoUr pla' to the u is 14 wiah to avail themselves of it." v .cbaati-to the"Alaska-Yukon ' Erroai. ' fee Land this eUfiJ loioraoce will installed la It. The clock i3 Ulhe largest ia the world. The haadt of this cloct are beiag' Ull ca tie building of ia dock company atGfaad aad Wniocghby avtaetA, I5rooUyti. They are so Urce that U taakb a re vol a don they mm ibre s:orbs , ,.,w of the baildicg, and .when oce of thta'ls passing a window the hi is; completely ahot off, xaakia ti room wiihia so dark iht i- employe- are forcwd to call wcrk The hands are made of taaaraae land bronxt, aaare of bridge trans I . m . tkct W wia 43 cr ssf It. If joa -?oe f;n trtia Fcf to taaVe zz fTobtt, g-ci Aa y4 cxa bocut itti uiU TUi't y- m tUt lit lt &w That you're est c5 U lck It, J art brciiw it t -Vl y i-brci, Ciaheia tie W CUr ' . yfocaHcwUy5AL T UrJl war c f: cias U cow ccsitreroo. v i 'on

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