j 'r~. 'A_ N Boston ideal educational ' ed a' committee of eight sewinj jjjP , and select one make, the best, the New Home was the unanic ?'" " - IR Schools. For fifty veane thi M largest in the world devoted t Jb and use of the New Home in 53 ton Schools toda \ will be the flH Use, the machine they will sui 2b Does the Boston J 8 Home Searing Mm< tice with machine ' ? .* * .* I? new! . New Terk ( Please -?n^te o ? >>.' PS * ^__ ' I J. w. t i '..VBJ , Mmsmmmsm .. J ' 1 FRANKLIN TIMES ? . l' their ; A. F. JOHNSON, EdltofviBd PC?M|tr. ./ ? ' " I the i / '?** . - - "l-00 foil, ?A - ^ ** jaup] !'!XS HCiaTHS. - - -*6 qQ^g Friday, January 14. 1910. , ^ ^ f avoi 1? BEPORI IT'S TOO LATE. ; f?n i_ _ An tlitra wemi to b? right much gt \ talk of the coming cafapaign ia this ,ar;, countv there is ona thing we wish tej 3, , . especially remind the voters of ara v li:_ - ?- - -? -1?* . ??1 i X-1<1 ur\J1 Li vuuiihj HIMj mai im 10 guaru j?jjq\ nt-ll liieir 'actions and voting* more j tuie< especially in thekelcetien of delegates I docs to the convention that the selection j f c mdidatw tnav be so nniyeroally 5t satisfactory that this good old conn- [.jour ty retain it* standing as second j p . in the State fer Democratic tnajori- j faTO, ' w "ties. '--There is absolutely no person- j P . el reasons; in this,'but yon will re- rjn member that the number' ef dele- favei gates both to State, district and ano(, cottnty rmveations are based open (o til this tuajoritr and 'he more you can ylsI< have at ^ifhsr the stronger are the jr chances for the reocgnitien of tbe cgar( oeunty in their rsspsctive noroina- favei 'ions. Jfi By all maana gentlemen hear these dnrii things in mind and ba sera yos at* ,what right before it is teo lata to act. Tarif ' and ( a letter. . The editor ef the Ttsrs is in re- p#pe aeipt of the following letter from tmds * "" " Senator T. P. Gore, dated at Wash 1 logton, D. Cs making the inquiries contained therein and immediately | after each inquiry will be found the ;a ^ answer furnished Mm. The letter is apirs as follows: / Al January 1st, 1010 JJJj* To thU SnrroK a pr< - My'TJear Sir:? The editor 5 usually the ears and eyes of his community. He knows as wall aa t H ... Uxui th?" snyoira alee,^ha' ?not asada of the people and the State This jifti (ft in iaad t?dener ef Dnblio antimanf In ftO Sti government like oar own, the |**| Congress should be e mirror. The L_ l?w should be, J* far u praoticsl, a 'red reflex end an WaogS" of tST^.oj.uIjr Tbit will. Tliat public offioial oonserrra CITY OF BOSl /" BUYS IEW H< SEWING M^KCH sjstem embodim iwetractkm in sewing In every! Boston Grampj * teaahars, experts in the art of sewing and thcjns of sewing n according te tWir judgment, and adopt it as the sewing mac] nous choice of thcN^jtaaaittee, winning qut on ite merits, was ac a New Home has aeTall kinds of competition, and the fact that o the exotnshrsmanufacture of Family SewingtMachineB and S all parts of the wox|4, indicates something of its merits and sue luture home makers, hence the wisdom ef teaming them the ar ely want whan they become housekeepers a few years hence. School Committee's choice menn ajrfy 5hines. You will then be In a position 09 of merit. Sewing MncniiresJoearinj HOME sj^WlN MAIN OFFICE LAND MANUFA' 'ity.and Export Salesroom, 28 Union Square ? DISTBIBUfm? POINTS: Atlanta, ??., Chieago, II!., ur Agent to send you one on trif lOLUNGSWOR , - " >*r. Mmmsmmammmsm people beet who beet knows FOR SALE OR lASC needs and -wishes. I aboal^ 174 urn ol lead, yfo/Tp<rse f .for., be deep!v indebted te vou in the mjgoAffarm. i . , e sod a hall mifcs offtht B n .xprww.cn of your Tiews end Blgh School \n fi./nJ town. riewe of yonr motion open the Franklin counV, ialD AU or j wing .objects, so f.r * yon rosy eheap. For furttie/ information eased to comply with thil re- P1! to p- BAtyjUiTiaa - y" Bfcnfi, N. I re the people of yoer section ! ' IT 17 Irsbte or unfavorable to; ' 'v iWTIC^ t The'recent tariff lerw? tin- AU Stockholder H Direct.. M tke Faraaera A Merihaats.Ranl rslne. - Louisburg, sr. yWl.e*'?i to id Farther redaction st an present at the .degalar an. r date? Favorable, . m.eiis-g, wbisb Xwill he < d Free raw material! Tl.ev t? order promptX at 3 o'c in favor of free raw material, P ^ Tue.day, J.A..V Wth l . , , Place, i arrners I aal -Merehi *n>Br> the tariff on the mannfac- "Bank building. / \ 1 product of the material is re- T. W iga-rsoACasbit kJ in the game proportion. _ ? ' h Ship Subsidy? Unfavorable. Land Sale' h Conservation of national re- Jn acco-dance with the power I.,v sale contained in a certain mortgagi *' favorable. .ectited on the 13t? day of DSe^ [> you and your uen;.!* view with. .190-1, ^uy N. D. Gr^n and wife. t'? - jij4in jri. nunn, ana rccortifo in I rrrdtstavor: 158, page 400, .ftegiater of Deeds c t Central Bank? Disfavor. of Franklin counta, default Ma , r. . i o : r> _t,l? ru- been made in the payment of t* d Postal Savings Banks. Dts- therein described arB secured, JI r, unless the money deposited in on Monday, the thirl day of Jam . , . , , , 1910, seH at public alction to Be 1 banks is required to be loaaed Mt bidder, for caah.fet the </rrt h e people in the community qr door in Louisbnrg, Nl C. hptween , ... hodrs of eleven a. m. \ and/two p. i where it t* deposited. ^ the'following described pk^e or. pi d Federal rather than State of land, lying atid bciig # the vil , .... i O t?- ?f Pilot, Dunns to*iphip,. Frat ' * interstate carriers. I^is- county, North Carolidjh boundet L . follows: On the XorwTby the land ta.be r.o, living advanced ^ orj,,1irfa^Thehebj:, ig the lest year ana if so, to the pob i? schoolibt; onlthe West eause is it attribatedf Tea. the lands of E. JR. Stallmgs. coot f and trusts protected by tariff mg 56 square nfcls according to the :be example in extravagance set ^^^^DeeemL, 1909. .eqple bf Coagreee. Will** M. Bonn, Mortgage t ran nav', inia in leas fm a rial Bickett t White. Atty's r it?? m?ntll. wj KwJ IB8 *??? SHlB WBS tSltpSIlM I r than sir months agoT ff. bay Xut(ld janlia.T 27th, 191 a r old contract nude January ? L. 1909. TRUSTER SALE Op LAND, trust that you will not deem By virtue s power of sale coot i inquiries pres am plaque and led iu thai certnii deed of trait, ei nr? tKftt voa viltf them 10th dsr of December, ZuZ . ^TT u , by Marcus Rain to M S Clifton, 1 e patriotic spirit that has in. u'# and duly rAorded in the regl a them. ? of Franklin Ooknty, in boeWla Marina yoa that I abeuld fpsatly page 468, defaulter ing been/nadc seiate the ftvor of an answer, I Jj* W?"' ** 'pdakted^s th to remaw with beet wiebee lor bX TnAJ upon xperoae Mew Tear. trustee tor the parti hv/ng the t Truly yea* friend, recti red by said dee\ tjft underai, T P fio>a will, on Monday the s/h dey of ruarv, 1910, at abootlTie hour of ? ? aswK'wy'fe.'sst time the regeUrs iri beginning interest in that of ruin Vract or ps ?t so ana?y that thej ?? iffini nf lend by amid/aed of fcait oon*< ace alt the rapnbiieans to etiek 2J*i *r VtltTi ? Isnnon fy deoteriag theopinde ?a,?by EoSix &slewoo!? a <uth sale ' sad aot entitled to Mt Billiard Tafcoro and V. n. ' v '> V, "... <> 1 N r~*' - *- ~w"" " ^ ' V V\v -- " ' " ucwwwwwcc?x?x5cc?x9uC6eo ' ' ''* v r- *" - : >?? y ,r I Hceently U)?<Boaton School Board appoint>ao| try outirnthe different makes of machines lint BojjKfn schools. After exhaustive tests, lopihp^ieen installed'in the Boston Grammar ^'tSew Home Sewing Machine Plant is the'ewijiue Needles, and the unprece' ented sale j eesi girls who are learning setting ii; the Bos t ?4 on the raaohine built especially for Home tbih you? It will if you deal s i tofc any and all conditions~of s ? 4me NEW HOME Hold by 01 g1-machine CTOI ORANGE, MASS., U. S- A. Lendon Qffiee, 24 ai OlsrelJio, St. Leois, Mo., Dallas, Texas, San Franeis tl. Al call and get one qf ou: !TL - Louisb | iocim - 10RSES A |ji " m >ffice 1 *<b3W ^,nK !? ligh- I I ^F ;' I . m. A J Sj -1 5CH0RSES, ' I: - J 1 TO A | Ffday, Janu< S I m/~V T? T? OA in- * A VJ JOH, a\J Lft 2 Iaciow in St. Louis ai TB rove A j ttj - X sound j o| g|t JiA - I . .. wr> II I Iiinyl n mtn^mSmjS^HSSm^ ? trie My ur the line^of New sewing ai it moment's_no- * !g| ur yuthoiized dealers only ! | ; COMPANY i ad 2G Denumu Street, S. E. fij | CO, Get. r New Year Calendars \ || mrg, N. C I ... IAD OF "f* NU MULto I J\. 50 MULES I *y2W, 19101 Lbjrtf- Tllto vv | )A Kansas City buying good X roung 8took *" x~v, 1 m . . , ..'r.rai, jr'.i * HILL j H -v SBO^

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