1I1M C Farmers W*? place to ' - been to $ and the t are the j ceived^o ? co on th< . / xdays anc -X for we a fat I P. S, X ... and we fe . * ; and not o i / High abd Low Prices To tbi E?ii$>b:? I After a long trip/ through ma hi Slates. I am exoeeaincrlv hirrnv tc v )< again among tin kind and ho* pi)able people of I Franklin County There ie no place fcn earth when feek more at horns or am more cor diallp welcomed. I It givba me mncl pleasure-to hear if the pro* :peritAenjoyed by all the peal jer.i The (tankers,* tie grooerrmen. thdruggist, the furniture men, clmhini men?in fact ever*body tells m their trade has been unprecedented I was mandiig yesterday in free of P. ft iH.K. Allen's store die euasing thA'general prosperity, wit! several gsbt/emen, inttong whoc - there were MSeral faajbVra. One u theee farmertiwbo was listening t ' the oooveraaConJbut wh* did n? teem te "h* Janjdying flfuAb, ss^h would occaa?dnally'casO)|s eye to ene mule wagkn l'dsded^wiUf ha; flour, meal atldl-i dreper hog. Whe . the conTeraikien begin to tsgj h turned to mi, arid said, -sJay friend after all yoor big\ talk Mont goo< times, I wend likV for you to abet me where tie poet farmer oomee it Now look tlen at (bat lead of stall They mad J me paV 12 1-2 eta i pound for (hat pork,\$8 a barrel to that flour and a dollas a bushel fo ~? ?; tries!. Nye don't tka\ look like pe* ishing the poor far me A and bis fam "No, Ir. Farmer ita \ looks as or to me line perishing the \ town peo pie and inrioliing the poor farmer You haie the thing bacuwards mi dear Mend- You being! a farmer ehouldfhave that load of ^uff to ael T instead of haying it. A oountiy u A 4>rospiroiu when produoe it. high andlather stuff lew. Now walk it |H f. a. A K. K. Allen's store ^jninuta [m and let me show you seme * prioei HI that will "make your bead swim.' KjL Pete Allan baa just gotten bmet gg from the north wbera he purchased I over" JaiHHJ worth of uua-wintel F clothing and they are offering then P at prieee never before dreamed l nfflYwr 40^ pair* of pmnta thai v. . ' v V I* -4 ? -? ~T^ -. ' . r>. ?"- ' = R )EPENI i from Missouri hav sell tobacco. Our jive each and every Lighest prices the mi Jt, H ' y" udges and your ve] r which we are duly alflloor of the Big Rr i a prosperous New re in the warehouse Triers FORI y/ & _/ ' / , Those of you who, sel confident that yo iir gain is what we ? ' ooet to uyioufaal^ji^rort) $tj to $4.50 (U ?giy 1UI) hliJ Up|t^dalc, ?J?rch tnb?/ar? offering you r yoor">hd?e far $*0?. Here are a > lot of/DUkey K^r^y'a?Ae w, juat . from ftlia/flctory, which lyon know alway$u#e<* to eeU for $ to $10, ^ I yotf olily \have toJ pay $6. ^ Hera are Vreary lapg overcoats ac 1 that_ you ' aaraye /aid $8 for ya ", n!r 53.") '. Iarr-* 'J a big tot of bn * t rinejityueh auik wlicn the yean Gi " [ boy* nanallr peg f/otu $22 te $8" la( ' > i..?, oui.. $10. i \ / '' " f v . ...to j Here ia a let Xf Thibit, Melton e% and Bearer Orcfrteata that alwaya * aell for $15, thafr pioa o#f $7.50. " Tbey also hare aUtjof H> fall wool h aaita that yon/ean'tV bay lleawbere C( * for laee than /$7.60.\ I know now, bu '* yen will agrle with tee that .theee ho * pricea are Wonderful.! le, After slowing hrV> through, I tic walked icmn to the aUre to finieh bo - my cigar/and looking Ite tiie front *b ' ef the atere I aaw my friend paying bn the aftdme Jno. Yerboitough for one pa of ttiej$3.5^#vercoafa.i be j "VieiTOB." * ij'TheTime'Tc | Tin Farmer/and)! " ~ LdUiasuBcs. 9 CAPITAL AM Or 8URPLU ll?til \ "* ' >$ ? :T- - ?"*- ' - - -TT? rivEf 3ENT I e been shown^ao purpose and del farmer an hone* y. \ . s arket could affor rdict has been e grateful- Wish srerside a Merrw Year, and hopjnj business to^ta^ ^ ' > m ) &/ HAI have (tobacco st u will be our rei ire in the busine ' y. y- / lew Town Ordinances. Be it ordaiimd by the/Board of kmmiaaioneraV}f the town of L.uisrg, that uo lArd vtbmnn or pros.ute shall resicm withiJ(or engage in ts. of lewdneM within two hundred rus of the grAindfot the LoUisrg College or ?ie touisburg white rade 1 School. 1 Ay person vioting this ordinal/e shall be snbjeot i penalty of SO for each and erv offense. A*' OROpitKCE Be it ordain da b|- _ the Board of imitiMpnenf of tils town of Lonisirg, that nI per An shall rent a 'use or a robm in 1 House to\ any s-d womarf or proaitute, with nose of herf reputaliAi, within two ndred yards of tM grounds of s Ebuwaurg CollegeVor the Louisrg fl'lite Graded Scheol. Any rson violating this orjmsnce shall subject to a penaKy of $50 for ob an\l every offense. ?, > Deposit 11 / .(pur m'jn.i i. Ben. Itoa't S wait until you yet more. - a You win be tempted to Z I spend what you have while - Z I waiting. >V e accept small j" wall as Urge deposits. W J Wo invite you to beeome a A JDepo sitor and < * 1 the fttilltieaN a man fit X many time* of. your means fOjoya. ' fB larchants Bank I W a, . .... X 8\0VER $40 000 f T wt WAJ&ON, C??hi?r ,1 Z X ~ ? --T, . . L. - J' - tf"\ J.-*, ; *raf j, %\ 7^\? ? t." . g'M1 ? MNNIMMTMMM =?SIC ; .f.lri,-.- ..^ ?.|iT,.>v. td are no\r conv brminanon thr it deaK correct A. As to wheth ^i^enced by the Mg for each am Christmas, a j< ?rthat you will c v\ We are your T I T ial4e IRIS, Mai ill unsold bring gular customer ] jss for - ' V ' > ' j Lin1) ^ Lath, Shii Doors, W X ' ~*vx& I ; *=$? i | I- wm >. Oar stook of Qu_i ! i McKir I = Plant B?vl ?oth at Jno. Kings. \ / . Set your pipit bed cloth at Ji W. King. 1 "Mortf^e Sale of Land By Virtue of the power ^n tamed a oertaio mXrlirajre deed/executed me by X. B. Kilie and wile, Hattie lie and- T. L. HI lie on ihf 23rd day December, 19r< us a load and sritre . - : ?' O" w " next season. Your t . ... '.1... J , r ' : '1 - Cfen isles, Metal arfd"" Rubl inflow Blinds, alwayi Shells, Cartridges, Shut, Guns, Pistols is < rter, Blastibg po\ler and dynamite. ?INE - BRO | T OIR CERW/TE ,he Which are payable ?b daman ft? A 4 meat, negotiable at an* hank, m Tt ' va,5'nK rates, deeenAns on ;he ft' - maioi on deposit. tlirteapot he view TnvitedL /. \ | ^ TH - cflTlZE H rside is thfc I i season has \ treatment El >ne this you S I re have re- S I sold tobacq g the Holi- H aext season S I cs: | | i us atrial j m protection 2 :>er Roofing II jL I on hand. H : I 5 jjj ij t i 3 I IsftH I I joS8f j fl 'il l1?! ' II ? :i*s . . X'iH -a- * 2 i 1 V#S complete. &un Pow ThERS ;| - il i - * ' if S of DEPOSITS |a d, ,'ranaferible by enderae- V f H Oil earning interest at H leo|:tbi| of time money re- ' I H iTlenee or peraonat inter-" , T 11 J^S - BAN K | J