X . 1 i ~r?- _____ ' jf " A. .. uOCALS. _ ..?, ' , ( ?Mr. R. A. Pruiti~M# accepted a pimiiinn at Tar. Rirer with tha hridpe crew. " ~ ? ?Don't forget, Mi:. Merohant,that printers ink spread upon your business will be e^ual to the grease put * ' upon the axle of a wagnD. ' *? Mr. J. C. Fugleman, Vhe has ^ been at Reanoke Rapids for some, time, has returned to Franklinton and taken the position as foreman m r the Cotton Mills here. ? Mr. E. W. Morris was called hy " wire to the bedside of his brother, R. F. Mofrts, in Durham, on last V,;.t., aim .-..I* ill It. .n turned Monday and reported big "* brother \^rV| lowx. ?Dr. S. C. Ford lias moved iirte the boms fotnierly eecuM^d bv Mr. J. W. Mc?hee, mi l MrOMcGhee has moved to the residence of IX. Mi v Cooke, ' which was recently puK. chased by Mr. B. T. Ureen. ?Old "QRclb" Alfred Thomas, familiarly known as "Hons,*,'' an old respected colored man, who was the "weather prophet" for our town for twenty years died yesterday morning froip the effects of a stroke of paralysis. - . ' v ?Mr. \V. W. Mcintosh, who lias been employed as foreman in the Cotton MiHs here, left Saturday for Roanoke Rapids where he wit! till * ? a like position until the new mill is completed at WariuHton when. h& will take a position with them. ?A farmers institute will be lit lit in Franklmton on Saturday, February 5th 1910, at 10 o'cloc'.:, tn which all the farmers in this part ot the county are ?specially invited. There will be a -w (man's institute ai the same time. These institutes are of great value lu both farmers an.I their wives and all should make thsir arrangements to be present. , ?Cspt. I. H. Kearney requests as to say to the members of Company F , that-ill, regular inspection of the company by dwji ttie State and United States officials wilK be oh March 9tb, and that all members will be requged to attend the rsca- I ?)ar_dxilla from now until then, and that.no one would be excused from any drill until after that time. The i regalar drill* will be January 21st, 1 ' Febrnary 4th and 18th, March 4th. He alao requests all pcop<-r y l.?x longing to the Company to be re i turned at once. ~ . Mra. B. T. Green spent Tneeday ia Raleigh. Mr. E. P. Blackley visited Louiabarg yesterday. Mrs. C. A. Conway is visiting her people at Raleigh. Miss Stainback, of Honderson, is vimting Miss Margutrite Moss. Capt. I. H. Kearney and Mi. C.S. Williams went to Durham Monday Miss Josephine Henley retaraed to her school at Winston-Salem ' yesterday. " . ' Mrs. Dr. A. It. Wiaslen returned 'yesterday froiu a visit to her people at Mewbern. Miss Christianna Colvin, whe has been visiting at the home of Prof. E. E. Sams, returned to her home? in Asbevillo Saturday. - Mm. V. L. Faller and little daughH ter, Lucille, who were ea route * from Cheraw, S. C, to their home in New York, stopped over and visited her people here a few days. * Dr. 8. KspWi, of Dnryk, will Wotopping at the Louislurfg ttwtst, . Wednesday, JsVuarT^mib, for one day only. Hsm&Afr that yon pay noting for Sinmjjbtion of yonr ayes in biviirhlisiaonnia and I fnreish oaly the b^t qeilV glueee** ? iiodvAtifrvH. \ pnae DieiiSg. It is Sear St Hi ad to Hnn r drsds pf Loubsb rg Bssdsrs^ Den*t eegleet iU hiog beck. ^ Beckeefte n tk.\| Use/'* err for Wp. > \ Neglect harrying \ > their eid " r; Mease ?h?t arinarl trobiee follow \ ' ' ' '' Louisbutfe, IN. C Witb a nic^ well selected stock of Je' :etry I am in position to Vatisfy most any ens dei ribg anything in my line. \ :i _ i I Also I o \Repairing of WATCI ES lU JEWEM'.i and will glee yon the very beft of w y * ; ~ - e FRAN KL ' IL";' . ' V. quickly. p Dire distress, diabetes, Bright'* diseu*. Piofit by a Lonisbnrg'eitizen's experience. ' Mrs. A. B. Alleu, Aft'tit lit, iruui*^" btxrg, K. Ch**?y*: "I can r-commend Dose's KiAnev Pills in" return for the greittJirWfit I derived from their use. J suffered. from Yidnry and bladder trouble fiit-a. long tinie^ the kidpey secrettpns betag/very unnatural and containing a'ssdimeht. .Mr back ached o>ast*ntm I had paina scrnts my kid keys aid altho-ikh I ug.d many reiullies, li did not succeed in finding relief. I finally ob tainVd Uoin'a /Kidney Pilla and it required bun the use of on* box to relievo in A iJid make me feel fetter every way. \ will be glad to repeat what I lave" said for publication to any person who. calls upon uie.' ? For sale by all dealers. Price oo] [cents. Fostcr-Milbum C".. Beffaio, |Ke*' York, sole agents fojt. the United States t? Kemetnber the tuttte?Doan's? and take ItoNttlier. / S e Dr. Kappjftt at the Lauisborg Hotel, Vei. Jin. 2litb. If. you want to haVe/voitr eyes examined anti ?1uia? talnnrnH : - o" - will he here one ^?y only. BaarN^il mind %he day and date. Mortgage Sale of Foundry. By-yVtue-of a power of sale contain e l in that certain mortgage deed, executed by^B. S. Harris, to E. L. Harris, ou the 27t\ day of September, 1907, ana duly recorral in the Registry of Franklin county \ book 159 at page 177jBefault haringk been made in the Payment of the ^debtedness thereby se- ] curodi the uruVrgigned will on 5yndiy . the 7tl? day ofVebruary. 1910, ly being the first Monda\ in February, a# about 1 the hour df noo\ at th? couk house door, in LouisbaiVN.C.,otrer fip sale to 1 highesKhidder at public' aucjfon. that | lott'of land in the tabrn of Lu?l>urg, on the, east side, of Louraurg and . Franklinton railroacV known as the I Louisburg Foundry lov foynerly oecu- ' pied by the LouisburgV Ppw Co., and t more particularly descrMd as follows: i Beginning?at??rf_8ale? cmu, Ot?wfw?half cash?and?balance? with 6 per cent, interest in 12 months st the option of the purchaser. This 7th day of January, 1910. E. L. HARRIS, Mortgagee. Win, H. Ruthn, Atty. D.xE. MlLL^t m \JEWILER I I INTO NT I __ WEDNESDAY* ,JA^ " - 9 AuaA AAA wwwwwwww t Dl A/I/I C\/ O dlaviu.1i ay VrankfiatM^t. Z HORSK^nd I ? Don't buy until p en see ^rbat we bi otaer big l?.t of Mine hnrnrV and in W WW WW 7 . ' V - -' ^ ; VJ. For Blank Books Job Pjrir of all kinds\anp wo: Franklinton Printin - Franklinton,N Prompt Attention to Mail t' GOOD \DRY Whan itTnaad of goad try atom Vood, call i planum In Medina it to von at on*/: \Thia worn mill and w? will fnrniah It to yuyfoT ?M par ao QRIFFl/ A, \B K. . D E R A-R T M E I 19 / , 1911. ~ rmr^rrr ^ / t a * 1 ^ ^ At ictich'tiruH I mt io<34 well-knbwn tifn fi to take rneasun you may requin , ? SPRINQ, ^ .-aiiu *?tcure tu yi *? W jpilivitluality l v ft onrt (liatrnqtroTijj , McGHEE X>' ' : 7 - ' ----- - l~: ^ SALE \ 'POWHI X "V" V/TT 1 1 I bevadecfded to run ag ^ wrv? the pub]ic with 4ULES v.. i Pirw' Will be pjlad to have a tiberi X teams and polite and accbir Time yM ^ _ - ' yr > 6, Will have an- A R/l iulea ? arrive in a ? ~~~ FOR d Up-to-Date Bann&a, Apples, Ora ^ 9 save money. Itin? A. W. , Ol i I rk~ that will A CJoaMi g Company TIm law compels mV t The Gojod P, O.'WMfff ??- ^ 5" ? _ it- ' tXj^ , Th? STOVE At Y Y~Com* bay l( . g /sa ip phono t> ?ad wo rwtll toko \ I is dry ootoidoo from oar *ow 11/ |_| rd ud 1* mwod ap roody for DM *. ' W# T|# yEAQL.EV ' w n s * * t' N ,7F . ~.r_ .- . 1 / ' - l- .; '""t i^nr^or*" I rL Tailoring j ' j Wfreciate choice fabrics, <0 ;< N. Tea and finest tailoring. *k '^V^C I > ng Exhibit 5 W OF 2" A ,ve Patterns J J Novelties j# J V ligh Art j / ( tp A D 4k 9/9 n lauored j j j Made By * 9& | ^Brothers \ J I Hjmore~~ * ^ J will take place on v ^ aA 3. Fri. Sat. J J h, 14th, 15 th > Z ;h e_ieprabiiiitftuv? -?! tfeis ^? ^k." ?B ' will be at your; service, ft fl| is fbr such Clothing as ?t and SIT \fi\IER 1910 ft J Ml that_i>erfes, | fTtuller mt ngM^Unii, Nuts of sll hinds son us tsi P^RRV, JR. CO. I le Out Sale I to doea mp th^busnasdef VSVP. N?al & Co !k Hav/to be;? Sold I refoM if^ou want to buy (flj qiL^, Own Price H \ one#. AJ1 matt b# seld by Chrislmivt. .le N^w On H 1 VARBOROUih I I par (Mr of WN**l * Co. _ ft