: r~"? ' ?-. . ' ' i r/* f I't..'( . r *: " > - . . - --.1. We Give Avuay JAsduiehFree ^ People'? Com aoo Snie Medio*! or Medicine SimjAfied, by R. vihiei Consulting Phyiioiattlo the love] !>? Institute et Buffalo, J book of 1( 700 illustrations t in strong paper stamps to cover eoet of mai%ig a?(j>, at Over 680,000 oopiee of thiiacompfbte . An Ii11d it regular price of 11.50. Ai are given away ee above. IA near, lor mailing. Better aeod N?W, befoi nieur Mudical A?sociatio1, R. V, ?H, I'IKKCE'H *ATO; THE ONE REMEDY loAroma A tbat its maker* are not anU t --J3917 ingredient* No Ssortta-4 the one remedy for \ the survey of Brantly. \ " !>is 3rd day of December, 1909. \ William M. Bunn, Mortgagee. ' Bickett & White, Atty's The above sale was postponed until Tuesday, January 25th, 1910. Commissioners Salt of Land. Under and by virtue eX- an order ef sal? made by .the Superior Ceart of : Ruffln, Administrator of J F. Jones, deed., vs J. M. Allan and The See hoard Air Line Railway, which ordar aad decree was upon appeal of said aetian to the Supreme Court of North Carolina by the said \ Supreme Court affirmed, the undersigned commissioner, will?oh Tuesday, tbeyStk d*y ef January, 1916 It being the second day of tha January Term ef Franklin Superior Ceurt, at the noon reeeaa of rourt, at tha Court House door in Louiaburg, M. C., offer for sale to the Utgksst Dirtier. for sash, that certain lot S land imp he. town of Louisburg, in tha county) of Frank Un and State of North Cujuliaa, on the East aide of Main ^Street J a4jeiaing the S. A. L. Ry. deperVnd nfcre pertuaiar| ly dafinad aa follows:' ! Baginalog at the corner of tha J.\F. poaas let and C. B Cheatham 1'riAe House tat, Sormerly the HeatwrigbnPfize Houae lot on Main Street, an irhn stake, thenee along C. B. OheatbnmU kne 8. 56 E, two hundred and thirtwfour feet, more or leas, to corner offtba Tar RlypF Manufacturing Compaajrs lot faryokrly the Cooper lot, in tits >ne of the 3. A. L. Ry., thence alone the lias ef tha S. A. L. Ry., N. 28 3A W\two hundred and seventy nine feetl mdra or leas, to ? the rornar qf waid frailwly an Main Street; thence aloptfjaidd Main Street S. 38 1-4 W. on* hundred ana forty four feet, more op-teas, ta the poiAt of beginning, it being the Juris* Tobanc* Warehouse lot, upon whip! there id situated a dwelling house add about ens half in width of the J ones/Tobacco War eke see building. J ' \ And by virtue of tha said trier and decree of the Superior Court, Affirmed by the Supreme Oourt as afceetliid, the I undersigned will/Sell along wiii said Tand to the highast bidder, for oLsh, a > descondable, tnnsferablo and anaigaable easement m to and upon thai etrip of land on thoAuthwest aide or ntsrgln 1 of the depot sCe cf the said 3. 1. L. Ry., more paaticulkrly described a follows: Beginning ttHie Vortltweet . corner ef the/foundation wall oa Main C t rant fl# a aid meeaXnnan. nMa u?vv? ?- ??y ?VWXNIUIIW upon said Ifnd, and running thanes along Main (Street twenty three fsat to the line Of the said S. A. L. Ry., . thence alone the said line of the S. A. L. Ry., S. 26 3-4 E. the full length of said warehouse, one hundred and aev> enty one feet, more or less, thertae a i line al right angles to Main Street and the first named line twenty three feet to the North Kast comer of the foundation wallof said warehouse;- thence a lihfe paraded to the S. A. L. Ry., line along the foundation wal of said warehouse^ Ane hundred and- seventy one feet, more o- leeeMo the point of beginning, npon which is located somewhat over one half of said warehouse, in width, ^he said easement being limited however, by add decree to warehouse purposes only. ' This Dec. 34th., 1908. ViCtn. H Ruffin, Commissioner. Notice to Tax Payers 1 am itmtractecFbj^fhe Board of T own CMmissioBBrS to collect the taxes f the hren at once, one half mutt bApakf hv-PshiuBiy 1st; and the bah^o by March, 1st. You must par or I will have to collect by K C\HIGH Tax Collector \ ' :-r i ,-V- ' v i > ' , . ..* . . t: . ? '*#"/? 'fiM . v. PL MYfrijloiay one vending 21 ooe^eM , in Frdbcb Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Famil/ Doctor Book were sold in oloth tenmis, one and a ball million re u ere gonq. Address World's DisP^M .Dm Jtulih^o ,N . Y. rsWnUsr ailments good enough ( print on its outside wrapper its Ho Deception. v-^ " 1 * - in which contains no eloohol end from scthre medicinal forest roots i. FOR SALE OR BB^fT 1T4 aersi of Tl^d, two Inrse farm| IB eultivatlob, tbiX^beve/farm ie in | one and a half mifha af/the " Bunn J High School in D\ani township, Franklin county, wilK/oll or rent" ohoap. For farther iafcrmation ap ply O J. H. BaIi.KNT1?K Bnah, N. C. Land Sale. In accordance with the power of ate contained In n Certain mortgage executed on the 13th day of December, 1904, by N. D. Green and wife, to William M. Bunn, and recorded in book 160, page 400, Register of Deeda, office - ot Franklin county, default /having been maw In the payment of/the debt therein described ana secucga, 1 will on Monday\the third day /f January, 1910, sell at \ublic auctioiy'to the highest bidder, foV cash, at trie court house door in Louiaburg, N. t. between the hours of eleven a, m. And two p. m. the following deBdvibm piece or parcel - of land, lying and wtng in the village ' Velve things to do in January. (1) S^rt tlm['.tear likn a Unaihrs*] man. Take an iu%< n:w ?n- reudiiiTO-f r kvttv^t plantingf" - . X^) -See that ?" stock and jijiditrVi are properly sheltered. SMSeUtr. :b cheaper than feed. (6) tend for_joat>lciga if dialer*, in improved seed's, implements pn l maehineTT. Plan to g$o?- more productive varieties of-ail crops and cu! tivafwith all puaaihle ulu-ap horse power instead of rX|?-n*ire hand Tabor. (6) Set about getting an improved bread of poultry, hogs and cattle thia year. (7)- Clean. up the spreu a anil brash- and fill up the gullies that separate your patches ami unite them in great broad, eveuty cnl ivated field. (8) Don't go crazy about the old line "mqney ciope." .Then is money ip corn gad hay and csttie. OTTeeJl " your farm. It will probably tie the moat fertile spot you have, (10} Map'out a scheme for-yonr whole farm,. lndieatir.g tlie crops to go in each field, all arranged with dee regard to the value of rotation. "(11) Keep m hesitjj. by using warm elot ing, fresh air in sleeping room^, moderation in?paring,?anh prompt attention toeolda. Let patent medtcinus alone. (12) See your county tiehool uperintendent and o'wrperute with him in organizing l>o\ a' corn chilm in your county.?Raleigh Progressiva P..in- .ml The Gold Mine of the Farm . I visit-d onoe an intelligent (anil er in Alabama. who was breading fine stock ami making JtUge crops of wheat in a section that had been devoted to all-cotton, and though lie kept ruanv- emtio, I found Ids barnyard so-Clenn.'tuai a lady could'have walked ever it in slipperB. "T*his man realized that hie nuiiww i'at a gold mine and did not lej^ft rue to wraate. He said that whefr ne hegan to grow wheat, he laughed at, but he persevered, though his first crop was bat afi bushels per acre, and wlien 1 .sTas there be was making 4,000 to 5,000 bushels of wheat at the rate of thirty-five bushels per acre.' He was a man who found that it-paid to-feetJ cattle ir. the South and tnake malmjgc wupg uf he did not have to rake.pine strawi for bedding, bat had a"grear .tjrplus of straw, and soine of this lie need for ooveriag old ren galls and gulliea on his faym. , He showed me large spots which were formerly bare galls. He> covered them two feet deep with wheal straw and let it lie there to stop the frosting off and washing until it was eompletely rotted. Then the rotten, straw plowed down dOeply put some humus is to the seil and the gall was no more. _I? the gullies filled with straw the soil collected, and son tD^flftiiiiM o*"in ne pio?r?xi m ana vtre|hajirur?, W hereiKjnan practice* a"t o???i rp^^eriSr^S ; Wood'sVlth AnnualfSeed Book in ooe^f tnc moat useful and complete seed\ataloeue? issued. It fpvoa practical information about the best and most profitable seeds to plant for \ I The M&rftet Grower* The PrivhftJGardener The FartteA (1 Wood's Seodsfk\ srrown and I selected with Bpefial inference to V the soils and el i ml to olwhe South, [1 and eyery southern planar should have Wood's 8 aid Book so as to bo fully posted ad to the bat seeds for southern growing, Afated free JOTi request. Wetefortt. \ TrWrWOoO & soire, Seedsmen, Rlohmond, Vs. ' We are headquarters for Qrass and Cloyar Seeds. Seed Potatoes. Seod Osts, Cow Pens. V, Seta Beans, and all Perm and Qardan Beads. I ** I ^ ;,r . . . " * t.' V : . ir lati.Jti ?.f o-'ufo, grow* email grain ' I f good forage tV oa?Me,plo?a idc-ple ant subsoils the r.id hills, b- ?i?m tin'la (Imt in tbe manure U'utln ?n lb* farm lie had a real gold in'ma Ibat iiioreaaeajn Value and produution year after year. The mere manure jMHlw -mora feed oaa be gr-?\vn; the more feed, tbe more oaf.tie can be-frd; and the jnoriLinanture, farmer is independent of "the fertilizei mini. . Italsigfr l'tugVeaaire *F rmer and Gazette. VE ARE Heifi; Who? ThVjPliotepaphers of coarse, *? are over K K Aliens etere We make ii'i^sTing including the little stomp pIctuuB&ind up,cabinets, groups viown, etc. -lirAui. automobile for sale. Five Passenger^White-Steamer Touxiuir Cat, "king at the highway," to be en Id before Mae 20tb. - Original cait $2500 anocfraightfrom riovclaodyOhio In thorough repair and is gnMSntoeq to do anjthfhg that can be du^B by any levUf 1- VI ?- - ^ * tuMiiiivvuv mi any miuur una any ti.ue. Will mU on upprynil to responsible and reliant* pej^On who taeona tuaineas. Noiaelea^^rdorless and uo cranking. . Easlswfriding car made. Car will be djlfrered anywhere in North Carolin^Virfuiia or South Carolina any tinee over atay road .Reason for selling^roought tart just alike at a bargain. Will snow youS.will sell for ca h or oirgeod security apd-at a surSrisingly low price. Car can be handled r ia boy. Addreee "A" care of FrankliN Times, Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE By virtu* of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county, made this 4ay in the ex-Aarte petition of/If. A. A ford et. a- far the sale of real estate for division, I skill on Monday the 7th day of FsbruaiV, ltio, ft the court "house door in thaltown m Louisburg. se I at public allies >to Iht highest bidder for cesb a hertaiu tract or parcol of'land lylug aitfldieiu^ in Franklin county in Dunna T^nisbip, and bounded as follows, in/forth by lands of S. J. Alford, on aJkl by\ lands of Oullea Safterwtaite, south Vr lands of J. II. White, eonyoiaing flfty-Wht acres and it sown yn.h e John Alferrhonia place, rime or sale. 13 m. This Dec' 23. 09. F - S. J. ALFORD, Com. Wua. Person, Atty. To My Friends and Customers. X I wish to aniViunce to lnu/manj friends wnd uust^mars flip! I Lave auain i.pened pnfcneas a/my socio old fitsuJ on hIi\8iro^, near the bridge, Vihere I hiJAp glad at all times to serve toii.Jf As practically all I had wna des^Ved in the fire of November 8thcl now have a full new stock auwl shiul be glad to bars you wunt to see mo. Remember rk^ I treat all my customers rbpit and wd aim got together oil prices.' Give me a call Respectfully, W. S. HAktTHOLOMMWRcward .for Escaped Prisoners. For the\capture and delivery of tbe following described prisoners who escaped from the /Franklin county jail Vm Nov. 28th., I will give the following rewards: For -lack' Srren alias VVIII Ross, a light gingeY cake of S. S. HaaadaU. daaaeay rs. C. E. Rajisdall.fW. C. BaasdaB at. al. heirs at law. tha kali?tailit /aainataaiaaar, will.- n lbs With dav al Jaanary, 1810 it baiaf tha aaaaad day ml tha Jaanary I term af Franalia Smparjjar aamrt. at tk< noon raoaie uAaaart, aatha newt bsaai 'door ia Louiabarn, offer tor sals ta thi hlfrhnet biddar Bar aaah IBnsn aertaii truete af laail lyytf avd bsia( ia Freak lin aouuly.auarnWrtfeularly daflaad ai fallows: \ f riant Tract UsuAL-/! aa ibe aorth by tha lands af LawiAEakar, aa tba aasl by tha lands af i. \Jl' Maaa, an thi kouth>*y iha land a af J. X. Maaa, mat an Uta wast -by tba Ma da af Mary Den ton! containing IbuaJaraa, sara ar lass beooad Trjfl Wait a lad an tha east i by tba lands of hAUaYVThalana, aa tbi north by tha lauds/ af it. C.' Knaadel and Susan Drirar./ao tha waat by thi lands of W. C. Htkadoll dad J? Whe laan and aa tha aalath by Blra lands ol Jno. Whalaaa, containing ua huadvec and aixtsan and ana half as Vis. mars 01 Third Trait), lluadod an Nthc north it tha laada afpfatban OdaA. on the Kurt bv tha Units sfvA.rthar sAtaUlnnd on the Sauth Jtj tha laada if M. L. Kansdsll andLjCanis Bakar ; and aa th< West by tha taadr of Laaaa Bakar, can Uuniaff 31 1-3 a sail, mats ar leas, ?nd boinr tba haaa taut af said S. S, Kansdell. This 34th day of Daaemhnr, 1009. Cass. Ki" Bsisusll. Coaa ^ . i " .. '' ' * ^ ?4 ^4-4 more B '^1 HBi|yj^ w pB -r? - ?^? ,-^-4-. ; I cing of ' L 1 ' t 1 analy- , I". *' ? 4 w ' f There is I to a Ferl | than Ana ? The mere mb materials^to obt air g sis requires ro knowledge. T ie of a fehuizer lies source from vhi plant fooaSis c bta n Each irvgredi< II Royster goods is 3 N with a view of\su] H the plant from 9? g until harvest./ Tl n is not overfed ? g time and starved other. T w/e n t; years experience gc ~ *very kaS*~jf ^ S REGISTERED U Sold by reliablejiealers u the South. M F. S. Royster Gu H NORFOLK, V/ ?' ic?'- A - '< 4AAAAAAAA A A A A AAA 191 X May we a)f h I HAPPY and PR* J NEW Yt ; vve thank Vir man] l. / Customers ft^r the , gave us in 1 ! gerton's \ I To Some J t wp Fvtpnrlpi I A T V I I ~~~~ I [ Y who haxe as jet not paid us what the ? J " will do so In the next few davs. We . X due ub settled at once, no exception. I X because we are ashing you for what j , ^ the money and'must have a settU mer IP. N. R. Z. I .. Louisburg, ] * special rj rI value fi'V iti the fj. ' ' . ch the fe i ined. . V] ;nt" in ; i lelefcted - j|" pplying routing le blant *\ \ r : 5 * i\one \ | ' ? .. .' f; ., %' throughout . -v tano Co. *? ;? . f mm _! ^ V."-' . ave a - ' x ' ' JSPEROUS -^C m - . ; m y friends and rade thev m L . / U: . $ Credit v'~frj$ y.ow?. We tope they must have all accounts ' We do not dislike you, ou owe ub but we need. , - it. Don't put it off y - j 1 V C 1 ? v Jul ' WWW ' > "T - ' ' '