? THE HJWIE CIR PlBasant Evening Reuer caied to TirBd Motl ths Home Bipele i Wjf-j , ? ~T~ ?- r- - ?? v. . i.. ^ .J!_? ' - = ? CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM tUThat the harweat ehall be will de- 1 pend mainly on what we plant and g sow. - ' *' r- r * A happy home ia within the reach of every faihily if they paly choeae v, ' tSimake it eo. , * . * * *l Intereating picturea should adorn c the walls of every home; they are a loop holes of e9cap? to the soul,lead- a ing to other scenes; they are books, fi histories and sermons that may he read without taming leaves. ii - 7 ~J?LOfe is. not easily provoked." I What a paaactm for every irritation " good, noble mother, a . con- f,l Py' _ Mecrated, loring lather, all J harmoniously working together for ?] the good-of all mtntind, that home {, ma J bo- hemble, but "home" in the truest sens* of the word. And atter *? "--years may bring temptatiens and g that homecan nerer bo blotted ont u atronger than enueetion. Firat it - M i;vi fluenoee will last nntil life itaelf it jj gone. If our inflnenoo aonnw for ae ?1 Kkfil inuch, ought we to grow weary J*l alriving to make '.hat influer.Qe strong u ? f(>r goo J? But how eoen, when w? ^ hare made -good resolution# end L kiad, do wa Call bank '-into the old J JK -1 of hom# lifa. How it wards off those" * hasty impulses and prevents tlie en rape of liarah reluike. Hew it. Iwnds lt low the* heart until the storm passes 1 and then how much brighter is the ^ sun's glow when, the midst has " cleared away. Let this leee tllumi- ul nate your home and vou will behold in it the counterpart of heaves. . . " . . m When once a hotae is regarded as y( only a place to "eat, drink and sleep a) in, the work is begun that endl in e< . gambling-houses and reckless de- ^ gradation. Young people must have g[ fun and relaxation somewhere;if they dt> not ind it at home thev will seek ^ it at other and less profitable places. ^ ..Therefore, let the tire burn brightly (l| at night in winter and let the door* ^ be cheerfully thrown open in auni> >( mer and make the homestead de- |t > hghtful with *11 those little arts that parents ao well nnderatand. (j( ' ~ ~ ~ ~ P< --r . People who hare warm friends ate healthier and happier than tlioae who have none, A single real friend ?-.im a ireuurj wvrui more roan gold or precious stone*. Money can bay ei many thing*, gnpd and evil. All the ct wealth of tb* world could not bay a at friend, ot pay you for the loea of on*. ?i and We are the weakest and worat of ei spendthrift* if we let a friend drop p< off thr ugh inattention, or let one in push away another, or if we hold w aloof from one for petty' jealoasy or ai needles* alight. One good friend is m not to be weighed against all the til jewels of earth. le ? " # * Try to make others all aronnd you . * happier This ia religion. Tni* ie-T^ God'a kind of religion. Protect girls j 7C in the viriae, bovs in their manh'ood, 10 adalte in their earthing, and man in "1< bis sublime right to think as far, aa fast, and in as many directions as it 1*1 is possible to pierce the gloom. Be active. Gat up an get. Do not sit J" in the house dav after day trying ,n' your heat to be sick. Do not grant J or growl every' thff6~a little pain orjan ache lights on voa, or camps in your 'J0 door yard to be nursed into active on beiigerency. Dp not think that yoa *' are the onlv one who has money. ln __ The only one who baa land. The only one who has sickness. The on- 00 "< . ly one to whom sickness comes as a the process of physical dissolution m goes on. > ^ ! V . e *n \ a Do any ef ua know the power hi influence? Give a child his first d( years in a loving Chris tisirfyproe. a ... 1 \ r CLE COLUMN. 168 ?R Column Dedi"lers as They Join at Evening Tide -THE EDITORIAL PEN iatteaaneai and let oppertunities for ;oed pats by, that would make tie ieh with tbeir bleaainga. ? -prsft, pi-su. If there waa more push in the rorld there would be fewer hungrr, yelf - clothed, hoineltaa, suffering kildren; fewer b^stcen-dowu, digipated men aid woiuep; lent need of Ime-hoaeee ot correction and homes ?r the friendless. Push meaaa, a lift for t neighbor l trouble. Pneh meane a lift fur oureelf cat of the alough of dniiondency ".and shiftless, out of oable,* real and" fancied. Pneh erer burta anybody. The harder le puah the . bett. r, if it ic given in te right direetioa. Always puah-up ill?few people need a puah do* n ill. Den't be afraid of your muscles id aintws; they were given. von to e. Don't be afraid of your handa; lev were meant for service. Don't ?-afreet of what year companion ay aay. Don't ba afraid ef your iDseience; it will never reproach in fftr rvoaif /IueA kilt r,n?k ? !> - ^--? - - uui )> "i\n 1 yonr heart, might and soul, wiiun 'er you Me any thins or anybody at will be better, fur a good, long, r.uiig determined 'phsh. Push! It is jast the. word for the and, clear morning of lile; it is just le word for Strang arms and voting" saru;u is just tile word for a worUt.. lar is full .of work as this is. If lymody is in trouble, and , you see , don't stand buck, push! If there is aByt(ung good being . ine in anr place where "you hap n to be, push! : ' e e ' DIBT? IIEWABK OF IT. . J Voting man, yoi that are about ' nbarking in life on youI own as-, lunt, as you valat your hopes of \ iccese, let not the burden of debt isr rest on yvu with its blighting irss. Resolve that though you sesess but little it shall b? your own trwth and in deed. Reeolve that hatever you own shall be yours, ' itrammeled and fres. That no < au ahull hold a mortgage over your :lr, and that no scheming money, ndei shall have the chance to step and take advantage of your hard ' rnings. It you can't piy for wbat|| til wslit Kottae * ??A "* ' win.i |w niiiiuui n until I i in can. Countenance the contract- f g of oo <1ebi? except in cases of |' iknest or other unavoidable causes, little self denial al the start often ;-s the foundation for rr patiod of ' luence in after lite. Live within ur means, and grow np as your ' tans increases. Break free from i, e old rata with their galling chains id institute a new departure. Tarn mr plew into the old field and root ! it the; last ventage of the detestable , ted that has so long been encreaeh- ? g npon true progress. By this we < i hot mean that yen sfoakt le vetens, niggardly,^ for this, too, it , vice equally to he shammed, aa we ay, with the jediter's permission, ive osession le speak ef it in some ture number of these papers; but ist yon may walk np the journey of ' 'e without the crushing burden of )bt Jo drag you down and darken ?or pathway, that yon' may peace# illy enjoy the fruits of your labors, td ihftt Tour fh?n?*e O# llltstsee*.. iccrm may be brighter, and freer I >n? riaka. g^aeege^eB ^1 IimKI, $100 T ? rfiwlor* of Ibis paper will be pleaeed^ ATU tbat there. tint U-axt ooe dread# jf tee tl ot Hclenrrf hV? been a b e to euX?i e eta?** and tlieM* C hmi|>. Hi V ? ?rrh Core la the AW ^oeitlre cm lot rvowoto the wediekf fraternity/Catarrh rinic a constitution dWaiep, reqnjfes a conitutioti.il treatment.\ Hall's iratorrh Care takMn rtlernally. actlhg dlraftly npon the Food nnfl tun cove BurfLrc^l I be aye tmm. M-rebjr rftatrnyiag theVMadatfon of the aid wring tbft-jyBieJt strength Jbf Jltding ap the conetiiaflon and aeefMing fare in doingit* urtrK.VRie proonetors it* Sonne* t*TT*Xn HiVuraup* ****** int tb#y offer OimfundreApollare for any ee that ft fnil^o ears. feoffor liet of (ttaoBitb./ V Ad dree CHKNKY ft C\, Toledo OM ftoW by/ft! Druggists, 76c. \ . take iflftU'o FamUr Pflle lor Yomttpatio* }' " * . ; . * ' M-r- . fife j mUk c . - " -?-'' foiTsa/e My residence on inain street in Louisbarg for pbdow and terms see \ /J. L I'lLMSK. and a pair of heav Wnulea, formerly beJ longing to tlie fouufl|ry, inTot/ce I offer my s^viyi to the public an auctioneer. \|>ll he glad to serve you at any Hue. See me for terms. C. & JOHNSON. IMPORTANT. I wish to snaaaeae / my euatomera , sail tic UlinV. F JUouisburg and Franklin county Xhft I wilt Aohtieue I sending off IttaM saoh was*, and will [ be glad to hbumwu hosts for and I deliver same.uscWtii aae ever phone and a hey wi* he dia pete had at once. Tuo w. Kino. NOTICE ~ Ijavuig qualified as administrator ef Jamas K. Wright, daaeas^d. late of Franklin Cdantr, thisje te uelifv all parse.isXhaviai^elaima .g.i-.i the "At*y^i*uit^ to present thsm <o yL^undersigned within ons year frgffiX date hereof, or this noticejpffl he plead in bar of their jr?cevery. Faniee indebted te said estate will A- expected to settle promptly. Tuts January 12th, 1910. J. E. Nicholson, Admv. Administratrix Natice. HavturSuualitieil a? adatiaiaWatix of the eotatoVof Wi*??t<i UjKiorhil.l. ileeMsad, late\f Fraallio j*uatr, North Carol iaa. thiSua to all ' persons liaviag ^imsX^aiaap'the estate of said decedeat to o^Ui, them to the uaderaigaod at t-nJffchTg- or before the 10th dav oUMeembtr, 1910 or this n6tiee will bypload^ia bar of their re vwMiy IBUCUMU ?v naiu estate wily please toaake immediate pavment f . \ Thii lCHn-day ?f D?\ 1?09. Ml*. fLOIIMCI X. 0|fDHB11X. Administratrix ?f Wiaat* Uadarhill. W. H. Ruffin, Att'jr. ? ^ Admimistrators Natice Havie^ualifled as administrator of Sarah Martin deceased, tote of Franklin oouhty.mia 'is to notify all persons having elainW against^ the estate of aai<i <1k?mi?(Ku exhUfit them to the undersigned ?\or before the 10thday of Det*rrtber. l?U)^r this notice will be >k)fi<l in bar ojf their recovery. All persons indebtodr vo- said estate will Eleatfe-make inxriodiWe payment. This eeember 7thf 190$. \ '/ > Widpam Eaton Administrator of Sarah Martin.deceased W. H. Ydrborpugh, Atty. Land Sale dty virtue 61 >-deurSe Of Hi* rtipwlat court ci Nash (ounty,m*yin the special proceeding entitled jLpnah Col- j lins and others, hx Parte, Tthe under^ signed wil\>nthe 18th dajy of January 1910 offer foYsate at the JCourt Hoyise door in FranBiin county'Ithe following described tract^f landy That tract of J land in Cedar Xpck Township known as the R. E. CofWns/and bounded as follows: Bounde<Ndn the North by lands of Dock B. Jseonard and others and adjoining the/artds of Henry Griffin, James ShearyTancK others containing 77 acres mo/ or leeA See Book 03 page 370 Franwn Registry lor full deaeriptlon. Tdrms of aaJe One third cash and the b&labse on a creatt of ninety days. ThVPececsbef 1Mb *909. The abote sale has been postpoaed until Tuesday. January 25th, 1910, R. A. P. Cosurr, Commissioner. v VALUABLE LAND SALE Ry virtue of the power conferred upon fq? by a certain mortgage jAeeutod by Fau'kner and Lena^aulluer and duty recorded in Mortobge Deed, book Nd^59. page 282^ in toe Register f Deedsidlic^ of Franklin /onn ty, de-1 mutt tiarTJS "Bean made In ih# payment thereof I shall oftef for sale at public auctionfor cash/at the court house door inAouisburaf at 12 o'clock m to the highest bidddr,-on Saturday, February 12th, IW0, Jpe property described as followsV Bjfing and lying in Hayesville townslNgr beginning at a pine stump, T II Gobch's corner, in the J J Wilson, now Jnper line; thence s 45 w 68 polea to aAockXnd pine pointers J A Falkners/cornertn the Shearin line, th nee n Bjfw 76 polds 11 links to a roek, J A Famners eornek. thence n 18 e 96 poled 14 links to a persimmon Iree, J A Falners comer on vVisham's line, thence j 89 e 95 poles 10 \)k8 to A. roek, Graham's corner in Gooch's line, thenews 1 w 50 poles 6 links tddhe Beginning/containing sixty acres mare or less, jfand lies neat the L^uisbui)^ and Henderson jhiblic road. Upon, which if located tliree room dwelling house, rood well of water and all necessary otft houses; plenty wooded and timber land. Land well suited for All t>v|/g 5JW- u iu hi ib vciniurj, X Ills | January (5th, 1010 REBECCA SHERMAN, Mortgagee Henry T Powell, Attorney S*l? of Valuable Land By autrority of a judgment of thp Superior wnrt of Frankha eeuaty, JBterod at tbe Ostelter seiai. 1900 najrby consent of s\ parties interested, Xwifl as conmaiiourof the court, onf Monday, the 2<th utif .leaner/,/910 at 12 o tloek m., Ml to the high^ bidder for eash at puoliX auettoa atyne csart -house floor of Franklin eeOMy. Louisburg, X. C.. that certain trsbt of land situated _ in FrankliUVEs township. Franklin county, ad jam in# the lands of R. H. Winston. Ucoluaf Winston and (Others, and more parrMllarly described as folfoita: / Bounded on the wrft ay the laodCOf D, H. Winston, so/he Vouth by the lands of C. b, wlliamn and George Winston, on the JKast bVVho lands of C. 8. Williams *MT". K.\Herrs, and on the north mj the lauks of J. L. Mitchell, eont/ninc 132 aXes, being kaovn as thyiarbArotigh Iibme plnsn and lbs tamjf Ined conveyed V> J. F. Yarborcugl/by M Pureloy and wife and recorded In book ltd, pageJ8, records of X?glst?f Of t>eedj offlre tot FranklltJtoonty sndths sams corVi-ycd So M. Pgrefoy by deed frem J. E.Jrarborougb, Mortgagee, recorded in book 148, page 146, said Register's office. This December 20th 1000. W. N. Jonis, Com . V, . 1 ' ' 7 : : ' 7 '~~ v M?M r) VJ" *?&'{ : -a ' > ' - - . - y-'mr L'>p"pi mm?^ I yirl Win ? IVliq-Yrtfi ^ Our Mr. P. S. Alle |3 from thfe Nbrthern jjS puretmsed anvei ; Sg - ^ Clothing at S I /N*V f 8l-V^VV i 1 Among WhichVvvtf __?? _ 48 Overcoats,?usual?pticejOgA from $12 to $15, our prices * Uu Its Suits, usual priceJtf>m ? A A* $15 to 18, our price f lUiUV^ The abo^e lot of clothing is al W uj^to^date. consisting of"fin? R> / ^Yoratede, efa. Conie"i I P. S. & K. Vfjy ? . ? * ^ ^^m Choice and fresh Cut-Flow^' ######4 Of Carnations, IRoses, Ysrflets, ete. W I ka Floral designs sad Flusd-rs for all occa- w | 1 sicps. Potted Fwsand all kinds of pot and out dt^FYieddingr plants. Veg- W ? etahie rplvds InVsesson. AH orders V promptlyynlled. 1 ' " h. STEINM^TZ, FJorirt. # Joseph Yarboropgh | |j|^ a. r. > ^ | CAPITAL / a t V Z WM BAILE I am pwpartd to do ypur>?Te8- W sing, cleaning and tailoring at S very reasonable rates. ATI work guaranteed. Givr me a trial and I will please you. : ' - - i j?] 1 i? Reived The following whlMi we will sell ; cheap forkash: - j ' I'm One Car Patent FMbr, One Car I ! ' Red Dog Hill Feel, \5na Car of u ? Lima, One car/Nil Heart ~ th Shingles, One Ca< Nals all sizes, . - Y( One car of Rutfcoidk Roofing. 1 A'soa big lot of rfiees. Hats. r Goods, Notions, Coffins land Cas- , _J _ Th f keu and hardware of e^nr de- i Ca I scrip tion. I \ ? ~?1 "?|Js ! . I \ * ? J. H. wkTHElfi I I | tympany \ W-EHl'SN. - North (*rolni?\ ~? t y ^ . 7:??: ; I"1. ' ? *' I ' *' T"1 : ie 1 iter Sale - if ~ -:= - ' % '#. ML. TI has jusfc returned ? Markets where he ?? lormous stock of e? iistonij-hingdy ffig 3hk5ES 1 ^ner the Following ^ from J4 to $ , our price ^n?0 h50 - vS5 32 Overcoats, usual nrir** *% -w+w*. C^j ' 1 from $6 to ?8, our price "" ^DU lll g I oklaBt falls stookpstylish and S . > Mettons, Thibits, Beavers, i ? j iarly and get the pick. v. j SB tK. ALLEN'S | Timo iiiiv i U 1/vpU^II f \ your money ie now. Don't " " \ wait until you get more. Z spend what yon have while \ _ '. I?gS 88 well as Jooffdepoalta. <* w- \VeLjj?((oyou to beeome a A .j,jEjUKpositor and < 11 j ? ' the facilities a man of V mjjflj times of your means rmers and Merchants Bank | AND SURPLUS DVER $40 000 i Y. President " I v bra t /vr r\-c * Ji^-TL^R-p: ! Having ju?V returned it pi a trip op I lieh I bought tee of the l/rgest and beat ee of furniturVever carrial in Louiaburg , im prepared to bay to you that if price ami "* commodatlon iaV conaideaation aa well aa j e nreeat gooda tolbe bail for the money 1 >U HAD BKTTHfc Sm MR BKFORE ( II and aee it_ RemeKer my undertaking ' ^ partment irilwayt kad up and i? at your i WHITE Fl|NITlJllkcOMPANY ' - t \ I "V '"' r-: lA' 1 ' - -'-1 :_ C "* . * / , . ...'. " / (' _ ' ^ '_N

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