SByo/araiofao/ jCard ~ pR? ARTHUR H fNES'FLEMING, Honra ?Jo 1M. P% Me a TJR. *. A. NEtTE Lf '* , JEHJ J' !'? ' : laoaleharg, N. C. / Phone No. 156 JMUNXLIITON I feTEL ['. Jfrnuitl L*onJJ.C. 8. A. Bp. I. PwVrttUir, >77Goo4 lire ? In couoeetibn .. ? H. BANKl V . ? DENT A , EURO EON 77*-. - n. . li-ai- era N. C. offleein Hielte nilaiW, HiJn Street. A L= PQ; COOKE ATTOi NET- T-U*f > . , . ' Lou ebnrg ? *-^UiMr Cooper A flleenajte StJre. Prompt Attention given al lega busioesa entrusted to roe. I * JJU. J. E. MA .ONE r~ PHYSICI IN aa< 8UKUEUN r~ / Lo taboo , N. f.\ Offl e i4ftrnr of lensleif-Alston JDrug Store. D"SSr>r B&BT I 7~ PHYSICI IN a id SURUEJbN ' . ' . . Lo isba g, N.JC. Office oMf?. >. A L K. Allen's Qkore . <V_ = r gR. U. F. Y kRB( ROUGH PHYSP'I lN Mid SURGEOff t/ Lo isbarg, N.*C. J O.-fico in Y*rbi> >a^i A Bickstt .building: Night oalle nose red trdm T. VV Bickett s residence, phone J 41 & ~~? g B. MASSE IBU^G ,v ATTOHWT AT LAW p." '4 Loais/arg, N. C/ , Will practice in ail/the ooorJM oi the State. Office in Kgerton building jt f- / HlYWfOD RQFPIN 7?? , iTPffi NRYj^T ;L<W # Lo< isbarg, N. C Will practice tp ,11 courts of Franklin and *t<lj'Mn-A< coon lea / also in the Supreme ?\? ?rt \ad in Orated States District and Ciesait Ceure. j Ifltte orer,"First; National Bank. / t|t B. WILDE J ATTO NET, AT LAW jH^-V -poi tburg, N. C. - Otfloe on Mainfalraet in Cooper building. gVRUILL A /HILDEN -A^lpMBtiiTLiW j*- jjoaimfrfr, N. C. Will attend tlfln comrte ol Franklin, Tance, Granville, ?Va r*., kn-1 Walt* soiatles. aljo the Suprrae Coalt of Sorth Carolina. Prompt attee ion Aiwoa to collections Offlee in Sprafll bsllc ing. 1 T. W.Blefc* fc. 'I R. B. White "J* L juUbcrf. t, C.. J Fnaaklinton, N. C. LAVTTIM n. o. Tbe aefcfcleencnt r>r edtLtee for ex tea to re,) Adroini'tWiton ai d Guardians is mads a spee* ialtj, aa<* * *el onde Hqaired by law oan be n'cnred. hi se ttfiee.l Office In Tar loroufh A .Bickett buHdlag Main street. 1 M. PRISON 1 ATI ORNflTB AT LAW I ouiaburV. N. C. Praetieejn all ourto. Dfflce on Main Steaet W H." TAl BOROnin, Jr. - . ATTORNEY UT LAW BottUbufd H. c. A.II ie**i btislwm lntraaL?1 to m tl tecelre j?romot attention. OB re] In ZjEfftrton M r TK V . CONTRACTOR asd^ BUILDER : ILnnifiborg, N. C. Trading arait for all kinds of building supplies. artist it Mantlm and Tiles. Arehitsct-nral design submitted. " _ -OR FORD /grraklintonjy. jmSTJE B. 1 / Jfb* place for qanbtj n?n will be e.g.- WHITE'S RESTAURANT ha?i?#-?eeei?tlT raeratf-In Meadowe new butUlnir. A flret-elMi* meet ran ana ylH be tetrad frrab ??d hot, ifllb the Wt tie Market: affords Oom* to ?m ?A > v *" Teuri te ^lera>^\^_^r> _ r- ? t ^ From Arctic I Automati/ Smoli prevents si.ioking. Tt^e is no possit This rr.eans greats heat-power, j and a sure conversioUTof all the heat-e In a ct'.d room,/ight the heater a glowing heat that carries full contient. Turn tlie wick pp as High as it wil In e veer thing Avat appeals to the; Perfection Oil Heater, with its new cisively leeds. Finished in Nickel or Every Dealer Everywhere. II Not At Y< to tbe Nearest Ag STANDARD OH . - (IaoorfrewU Fni ivmrsi JU JMJ TblOSTOHESuro] FEITCUTG Wri&to Suffolk, MarMeJtbrl Watch T H<PE^ ^ .liL Tvy/iC?i^g ^ ti.'S-lsKCiK io ?i:c waBerfu vcs/? $?.-? ; aira cf ?r??aOrroole iKOsVj^LJC i J supengr tfU Il.y dA^OROUELiC1 j ractioftigr Ueaijyiof ?ad waterpr il-Sii a> ?o flaaafclc tins coaamon sole Yoate ?f c ^Mcwt aad concentrate SI JOHNSON ?4. /1 perfeeNag the tannin yejt greet**! aefcievJbeat W the century In tl Yet, wMhfall theee rtaartrahle go. |ffl no wore thee ate other Wad. ' We leeve thea tee ell vha I 5 'H - feu ere ?r???rW eeei?I tehMteee <d d 1 J *~T r-MWfMlTiik tojtAer with NEW MEI1 I kare now opened an up-to- aa&smei baildin^ and will oarry a Rood h ^alltUtime. My.pfreei.ti, i? ibtftrn by prolupt.deli Wh?h in neid of m? I *1J lb my I Phona* r a wtfl alao Nfltunt my ICS H0tT6H( wiU?' I0K until tb< D G? P - > . ? . .T " / ' ? Hp t * ,* ^ to Tropics Ten Minnies _ oil beater hasr a higher ncy or greater heating IREeCTION>ir Heater jpped with 8mokeleee Device) it you can go from the |f the Arctic to the warmth rsTropics in 10 gainutes. ;eleds Device lie question about it i . more rapid diffusion of hgat nergy in the oil. ind in 10 minutes you'll have a 1 go?no smoke?no odor. yrovident and the fastidious, the automatic smokeless device, deJapan in various styles. aln, Writ* (or Dcacriptirc Circular ency of tbe - COKPAVT " ^ li" 4~ . . . . .. [IBING and IRON to, Suffolk, U. his Ad ^ACR ??nson $g? I 15? Shoes I ? ??????fc" ? M I aew sole leather that out* B s. to rdinary leather that there B k](M 4miKlo ?A*-a?f/*A Knf ! 1c nr? vjvtviwhj vui 1k. is mm> *- is lighter in weight and le?her. . i .iJ, d elm wen spent by END1COTT C preceVs Of KROMELK. It Is the K le shoe and leather industry, kittles, KROMELK soled shoes cost for Masa sad Bart. HICKS I ia btliifi<"KHOMELr, i?<impriq? I ounc EKDtCOTT-JOHNSON CO. J MARKET * -C mr at market in the old dispensary ?e of beef and freah meats jnVfor your* orders will lata or anything on 1U. uu. |h4 will W "fjhrit- to fxrrnnb y? I i mmod loa*?. ~ TF ______ " j \ ? ? ? EARCE. ~ r . * ;-v ' 7 v- L r 4 * THE SUNDAY SCHOf Lesson V.?First Quarter, Jan. 30, 1-910. THE fNTERNAlTONAL SER' I t > x 4G^Memory VarM.,44?Golden 1 <*.1att. v, 48?Commentary Prep uy Rev. D. M. Stearns. .... , > ? . a unre tin*?protnlosttt I whi. h we must keep tu mind In al Me tndy?the Bible Is thr-Sih&ror salvation; salvation Is of the f. i lvatlort Is of the Jews; known ' 'i"U are all His works from the is ultiK of -tht' world. He worfceth thills after the counsel of Ills O 111 and.the eternal purpose whirl has purposed III Christ Jesus Is all the ends of the eurtb shall see -uHpiUiou of our God nud the w mirth he tilled 'with Ills glory. To end He (s steadily working, and I '.lie different' parts of this bocik. w la forever ir.liej |a heaven, we J -- oale jihase of the Working out of teruul purpose. -The wfioIeTJIBJe ! points on ward to a time wheu "a ale..'.I relgu i:i righteousness. * * tile?work of righteousness ahnl lieace" (Isa. xxxU. 1. 171. Our bj? laird was ulwa.VB talking about kingdom and giving samples of power that would he manifest evt the bodies of His redeemed when kingdom shall have come. Beti His resurrection and ascension di those forty days He. spake of tl pertaining to the kingdom of God. lu this "discourse, spoken to His clples probably In tile 11Mring Of uiultitude. He describes the right, nesk which will be fully manlfes earth when the kingdom come righteousness of the Ten Cogim ments, which He here teaches ui fers not only to outward acts, bi the thoughts and Intents of the Ji He alone of all who have ever lire earth manifested the rlgbtedusnet the law perfectly in His life. He c truly say. "1 delight to do Thy wl liiy Cud; yea. thy law Is within heart" (I's. xl. hi. Having uo sin of His own. for wiifnvltbout sin. He bare our sic His own body on the tree and bee the end of the law for righteous tu every nun that belieeeth (Ruu I; II Cor. v. 21). Anything less. the righteousness which was than In the Lord Jesus Christ cannot s before God, and one Is able fectly to keep God's holy law written, "By the works of the law ua flesh he justified." The law k our mouths concerning our own r eousuess and points us to Chrtst we may-receive Ilini as the right* uess of God most graciously prOv for every sinner (Rom. ill. 10-24;\ 11. 1U: ill. 24). Yet there are man so called Christian lands, membei churches, who, being ignorant of C righteousness, are ever going aboi establish their owu righteous (Rom. x. 3?. None of those can in case enter into the kingdom' of hei (verse_20i. According to James 11 breaking one command breaks t all, for the law is oiie. From Rom 7. we infer that Paul thought he kept, the Teu Commandments unt the light of the tenth he saw hlr a sinner aud guilty. Love is the filling or the law (Rom. xtttf 10}. aa we can oliiy munifest tw-lw God by our love to our feIJows,_tl fore with the Lord Jesus Christ na only example we must remember words in John xv, 12. "Love one other as I have loved you." Ala I John iv. 11, "Beloved/if God so 1 us we ought also to love one anoti When the Lord Jesus lives in us : and His spirit has full control -o we will manifest even here iu thla toe love tnat is mild to I nose wnc untliaukful and evil, who curse bate and persecute and despite use us. Any one can love those love them, but to love one's eneml uot possible to the natural man. poor Indian once B&ld, "This In can't do It; God must make n nev dian." When we have seen our and tbnt nil our righteousnesses only filthy rugs and hnve-ttuly re ed the Lord Jesus t.'lirlst then v,( before God In Christ, and "He Is i unto us wisdom, righteousness. sati cation and redemption (I Cofi.1, otl.i are Justified freely by Ills grace, J tied by fultb. Justified by His blood, there Is no condemnation to theui are in Christ JesuS, but It Is all tc end that the righteousness of the way* be-fulflUed lu us who walk otter the flesh, hut after the Spirit The light of the knowledge of glory of God In the face of J Christ having shlned In our hearts must let the light shine through v Ills' glory that others may receive too. Verses 44, 45, do not teach us by loving onr enemies we become dren of God: but. having become children by receiving Jesus Ci (John 1, tt), we ure manifestly sac the eyes of others only when #e si such. We are not. only sanctified, perfected forever by the one great rlfice of the Lord Jesus (Heb. X, 10 and now w? are to walk not es ot who are still In the workj, hut aiming at a more perfect rfisnlf tlon to other* of the love of God t, for if we low one another God d' oth In ue. and Hli love' Is perfect* he and He ts sees tn us (I John It, It la only ae we und era tend the I iom, which la rlgbteouanesa and [ and Joytn the Holy Ohoat, ttt wi w|lk- worthy of It (ftom. xlv, 1 Tbaas. V. 12) and manifest In onr the life of Him who when He was la HI* humiliation revealed the Pa DttaUlnf in Hli wa dwell la brve, His lava eHceneliaU aa. . ),.+ >'r ... ' "v 4 *' - ' \ " A'' ' . r ; ?f? ? ' " 7 P?r ift- "I had a mishap at tie age.of 41 fix," writes Mrs. Oeorgia Usher, of C "I was unconscious \for three would have fainting spells, dizzines IES. headache, heart palpitation end many "I suffered greatly with\ ajlments r38.^ M litc^andhad 3 docttefh, hut fcey did nt r'x*; I 'Sin^Uking CarduT 1 km so mi * all my houseweij^ 31Take |N^R iiutii ~ 4 SNA o|u I The WonWs^ timt Do not allow yourself to get into' i the get in so bad you would find It hard hole Better take Cardui while there is that still in moderately good health, just to c hi "I I am* keeP y?u 'n "p top condiAon. Imve I 'n is way your troubles, Whatev this I ually grow smaller instead of larger? itofr up-grade instead of the down?and kin; arrive at the north pole of perfect hea and Oet a bottle at your druggists' to tssed | the ""% * w~ BReceiving Ev< iring \ . > * . lines \ the ~ , \ . ;uuk- _ eart' A. large nice y^ortinent d on ceries ifcd /n- are sellinj oul,j npU 1 all. Yoiirwill do yourst " ? If ml bttorwooming to see u? I [ botff Droved no he et.iaf He / 1 . A T is 1n> ? ? 1 \ tamte f / \ loess " " ? \ than 'I. % V lfest / "V tand jf *S?A. \ per i I GEO. xH. .O that ? S? I^XCCCCO)) ^3 gm. 9 . p| . First National ^ Ij " flenderson/N hpni 5K Reeoureet over oatibird '*tj? million d T" X *^wlnR' J' ?? j 1FIRST/^A^ION/J "Trf His ? o In oved ?. as gMiiiiini :? Z The Choicest Fi an<1 e? la Z My stock ( Hhavy and Fas^yUrsc A3 a A choice* and selectSot I flduid get, as (llan \ ^ " r |?. M lines 1 oarry. Whatf in need of an guilt (B - see me before bn^lngN^Bemember *?' A tanooga eteonflows, the nett made. 5 t / - ?^ ?S i M. C. PLEAS , Olid ' - ? that > the lttW ??? s To Friends and' IS to \ ftlm Aeooeoeeeoeeo that \ "llts Wc extend oor many Wanks and apj brist patronage during the p\st year and b :b In ity in abundance for tbU new yearJr !t" \ BSC- \ ~f We will continwto g TOT / \ TZ. mors the best>of Bargi ttr> / \ " K1 In / \ , Hi and will at all UAiea be' in' pwillta klnc- Gall to eee ue bflore making year par etcf / \ >.<*? / \ Uran / ?eeee?eert?e? tkir. . -> / ' v .."V' Jfab r 1 1 " ' V : ' ' . , , -- 4'-^ . ,-tv : - - r A ' v ,<v. . ' -:.j ; ? .iSt.X* ? . t.l.V... 'libi ^?* t| , which left roe in bad ^ .onyers, Ga. days, and after that I g, nervousness, side H strange feelings. due to the change of ) good, so I concluded jch better and can do DUI -Tonic . _ a Bad fix. You might I to fta out W i time^while you are S :onserv$\your strength I er they are/Vill grad- I you wilt be on the H by and bye yonrwill. I day. ?H-r ' ery Day *' v . ' 4 i * ' - **? " ?< ,*3 ' . of Heavy and Faaey Gro; them withiuthe reach of * *'%? ilf an injustice if you buy , Our prices and goods actorv. ' i L. A A A ?11 ?7r r. *- .-H ' '' ~ * ? DOPFR /^ank ~| lotlati and continually. T * BANK : J ^^~bJ|fArF |j leriee is the most (B are all the other A ything in mj line B V I carry the Chat- A ssl! . Cflstomers. irj/ations for your ^po^of^roaproi^peF ' V r* x ive uur VwUbio ains to be bad "" V\ ?\ ji>v- * $ 1 tfr' i'1 il

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