WBm&K " ': TT" ^ - ') * * .... '-7\. ^ : ?^i - LOCALS. ?It's a fine little girl and Mr. R W. Long ie wearing broad einilee. *" ?Quite a number of our people attended coUVt at Louisburg this week. ~ * ? Mr. L. C. Pirie returned Thursday from Henderson where lie went f to open up a new business. ?Mr. F. R. Tharringtou has mm. ed his family to the Louis Neal house on Main street. ?The attention uf our readers is J' directed to the new advertisement of MoOhee-Joyner Co., in this issue. ?The handsome new residence being rected on the Winston, heights , by Mr. C. F. Best, is Hearing oom-1 pletion. y. ?Mr. J. C. Blaokley returned from Richmond Thursday night, bringing with him a nice lo. jf tine tiomii l ?John Weaver, who was recentHill, was mi towrrtfae_paat week. He is loo king, very wellTftdwr ? ?The_Franklinton Ice Co., has bought out the stock of goods recently assigned by Mr. R. A. Rruitt, on Main Street. The business will be oontineed at the sarua stand. :?Quite a large number of the two bridee forces who have been at werk here for some time have left , fort eir homes or their next jobs. ! The remainder of the forces expeet- | ed to leave in a Jew weeks.* i ) ?.It seema as if some of our peo- ] pie are becoming very absent inind-' ' ed of late.^ It was reported on the i treats one day the past' week that | one of oar leading ouaincis men left ' his horse tied at the hack door vf ' his store all night, i. v" ?Susan Laws and Martha Alston were up Injure S juira" Nicholson" Thursday for an affray. After near- | ing the evidence it was decided that * Sue had damaged Martha to the . amount of $6.05, which she was re- I - quired to hand over. Z ? Mr. A. Z. Morton reported to the road Supervisors Thursday morn- ? ing that when 'he attempted to get travel for the new road off the lands ?f Mr. H. C. Bragg Wednesday that he was ordered to leave the . ? lands by Mr. Bragg who brought his p shot gnn to the field ss a special in- a ducement Ne action as yet baa been tak,en by tbem in the matter. ?The remains of Mia. Fmiuie "I ' ' j " AS Long, who left here some tiim> ago _ Long, of Wake Foreet, were brought here on Saturday and buried at Mt. y Carmel. She lived at Mr. H. C. 31 Duke'a, in tewn, for several years. ?Master William Beat won the prize offered by the Saturday Evening Poet ot $2.50 in gold for ?ellipg n the moat papers during December ^ 1909. Wi liam sold fifty-flve papers a Christmas waelt He is now oot to J wia the pony to be given away about h the middle of February. William ia ^ l a little hostler and deserves any aanistanee that mav be riven him. . ?Mrs. Bad Capell died at tha ' home of her father Mr. Walker Winston, oo Cheatham Street, en Wednesday afternoon of laat wee* after a continued illness far tometime. Bhe losses a hnebaod and. four children, the yoangset oT which it only eeven montha old Her remains ware laid to rest at Pope's yn Thursday evening at 2 o'clock, Rev. ?,G. P. Harrell, pastor ef the Baptist Church here, eenduotiog the servi cea. The pall-bearers were R. A. - _.Praitt, R. L. Cenyers, J. H. Whr. deli, R. N. Evans, Bob Jfisher, H. -F. Harris.' ?_ . ?Last Tuesday while standing . near a revolving abaft at D. W. Fowlers eotton gin about six or - wight miles from town Aera Dement, 1 a white My, became entangled in aaMwhjoh wound hie olotbea until a bey would wind no more then . began to whiil him ovyr it, hitting hie feet against the. weathefboatdlng of tbe side of the heoae until hie shoes ware completely worn oat and bruising hie feet and lege almost to a jolly, before the machinery oould be atnppod. At I sat reports hit is doing 'well. It aeema that no other pert 6f Ilia body wee injured. , ? ? ??: 1 ? "RAN K~L ?Claude Allen, a negro, who was ' connected with the crap game^n which Walter Hawkins lost hie life, and that left the country before be ng oauglu came in and surrendered to Chief Cookt on Saturday. He ing before Squire Morris Saturday night. There being nu evidence against Sam he was released, but Claude w is bound over to cohrt. < - T Personals. Mr. L. H. Brown, <>?. Raleigh, was in town Monday. Mr. J. li. Same returned from M jrehead City yeetertiay. Mr. Joe Winston, of Youpgstille, w as in town Wedneaday. It^r. C. S. .William* went over_to Henderaon on business last Thursday. Mr. Wm H. Weeti-r, Jr., of Hen-' dersou, spent Sunday with relatives in town. Misa Sue Cheatham leffibe past week for Ccrtea, Fla., where ehe will spend the winter. Mr. R. A. Speed returned Monday from Raleigh, where he had ' been to visit hia daugnter who is Standing echeul at Peace Institute. | $100 Reward, $100 j The reader* of thi'e paper will be ploanerj i learn that therv to at leant aj> a,dreaded I pane that *cjeu<v ban been ab, e to eu id ' it* Btajren and<b*t in I' vi ill i? ? w Tarrh Core ia to? odIj- j>?J*itive car* an a known to the me4|jc*l fraiernit.T. Catarrh' | being a conHtitatioi^diseaeJL requires a cod- i ititutiooal treatmenrw Hall's Catarrh Cure m taken inferoalhr bcfVjj Birectiy upon tbe ' i?ltr*>d nod maroon t?uHarls of the 1 thereby. destroying tbe foundation of.tbe *i*ea-e. hud giTing the parent strength by building up tbe constitution, and assisting ^a'ure in "doing ite worK.J 1 mt 'proprietors iare eo much tnirh in it A rurftaee power* hat t bey offer ?'tie Hundred Doll a*# for an* aee thar if fnile ?o curvl Send loKJist of egtinjoniitt*. f Add res F.J 'HENRY p TO , Toledo Q-. ' Sold by all Drauaists, TCc. 1 Take FVaiilv Pil'e for eojietipatiou rhe Best Policy^ ] fhe Safest oiqpany j The strength, conservatism, and j 1 conomicai jgnanagemeni of the iquitable Ljfc\Assuiance Society | _ ofTheHL S. lake it tbe safest com kahy in which to is are. The liberality in?iadaptability f the Nmi Vft.fc Ciisdlnl Dnliiw nvn y ! m ? ivj x Make it the Seat ftp-m to select. Full luiutnutlub a in J rates furoishi upon request. Address Who? Th?^re!^Sspher? ofpourte, e are oyer ? M K Aliens "stere re make arcnnauiicluding the little amp pietu spa jiff up,cabinets, groups lews, etc. Irjus. * NOTICE By iliiy of the spfts- of sale son lined in h certain 4-ust deed made to le which iaxrf record in Franklin coun r, in book 142, at page 81, I will on ~" ueaday, February lfeth, 1910, offer (or ale at the Court H raise door in Louis- T urg to the highest! bidder (or cash , lot in the southeast part o( Louisurg described in said trust deed This anuary 15th, 1910 K T B WlEhER, Ti us tee Mortgage Sale of Foundry, i By virtue ot a power ol sale eontainid in that certain mortgage deed, exe-1 rated by B. S. Harris, to B. L. Harris, in the 271U day of September, 1907, and luly recorded in the Registry ofFrankia eountv in book 159 at page 177, deault haying brnn marie in the payment of the inddhtednass th?chy se- ( UMfl. the umleistgned will o# Monday ha 7th day Of February, 191* it being he first Monday is February, at' about he hour' o( noon, at the /ourt house loor, in Loui4burgbi.C.,oferfor sale to ligheat'bidder at miblic Auction, that ot of land In the torn ofLouisburg, on he eaat aide of (tie Eouisburg and Franklipton railroad, anovs as the | Loulsburg Foundry lot# formerly oecu- I pied by the. Louismny Plow Co., and more particularly dedAi bed as follows: Beginning at- an Jron stake, the Standard Oil Compaw'a corner in the line ot the Louiabtwaand Frsnklinton railroad 00 faet fro/n Ihe center of said railroad; thence a/mglthe line of (aid ' railroad t If w-10* feel to a (take. Ferret Parrish eorner ireai a branch, thenee > 76 e 162 feet tcr a buifeh of email pop- ~ lara, Eperton'w cornet, in Mitehelr* line; thence one 239 feet to a (take, . F. N. E^irtory# corned in J. 8. Bar- I row* line, thence n 88 ll2 w 47 feet to a (take,W. P. Beal'* corner in Barrow'* ine; thenee? 6 w 78 felt to a stake, teal corner; thence 1 79) t 16 ttet to a/(take, the 1 (Standard Oil Company'* eorner, thenrfe s 101-2 w 4o feet to a sake, the Standard Oil Co. corner, Ahenee pi 79M w 75 feet to the oefinaing, confeininp about 24,920 (quota feet. Tefcs of SaleCash, or ope half eaah and balance , with 6 per sent, interest in 12 month* 1 at the option of the porehaaer. Thia 7th day of Jaauaty: 010. E. L. HARKfr, Mortgagee. Wm, H. Rnffln, Attr. \ 4; g.y-K - r _ . .f. . ; - " V I NTON D WtDWMPAY' JAW. _ 26 ? ?? ' E 191? r 1910 ia going to be it i rosperoug the highest prii L AGRICU I We outfit the farmer for the who] [ HARDWARE Kj Full line of all E MoGHEE u__ "THE FRANKLINTON'S * ? FranfcNut^N., G* | HORS^nd MUl , Cmk)r\or On Tii ? Dow't buy unnl you sot what we have, i otser big L^t of fin* hem* and mules I ror Blank Books and T Job Printi )f ail kinds anaj/work please you\try t Franklmton Printing . Franjdiiiton, N. C "tocnpt Attention to Mail Order. GQOb DRY A wpbd When in need of (toed lir^tore mod, enll op phoi ileeeure In lendmf ft to y^Tet once. ThU wood la dn nill and we will fnrnletyr t Aroh for 2.50 per cord and csr^in\&. be, '1 uh. I .. . ' T . ... t. " ' e: p a r t m e: 1? 10. " ^y> aurtrvr ' - RE ' , ? or The Ycaro ye?r for the nkn who work*. ^^ifn^rodusU > C?a on reoord.l Everj^pifoaUon points to adv. ^CSIET READYR A\ BIG YE, ILTURAL IMPLE e jsars^work. The latest and most improved t aratioa, cultivation sod harvesting of all orops. HARDWARE kinds hardware pertaining to farm work. - Pr ~ -fr- V " ^ . JOYNER I STORE OF QUI BIGGEST AND " a P BBC 1"? )WELLI' SAL^ .1 have decided to run a eeivMtie public with JtS 2 First, Class Will be fflad to have a lib# Qg ' A team* and polite and accoi ? arrive in a ? ^ ^ Jp-to-Date FOR > \ I ^ b" B?nn*a, ApplesJS^ '* ' BUT? money. A. that will ie Company | ^ew ^ , ~ " *?7- 1 h?r? just P. O. Box *>7 ^ and u lot of ne* to see me and t 5TOVE I /n. Legal Blan *SI_EY FlftST C ' V . S' V 1 -1 . " ' % ; ' " Hr ?? . . rsr- ~'r^ NT. , adyi | a % f 1910 j of erery description are bringing Doing markets. . . mjt st":l MENTS J I crolfi and implements f<>r the pFeHARDWARE I ices are right |u COMPANY 51 ility" JI BEST STORE J I , V J tl/lVERV I ry Stable and am prepared to it All Times. and guarantee satieteetiea. Safe H LER ?? :W " * " / auge^^taisins, Nuts of all kinds see us and PE^RY, JR. CO. I /? inc <yf Samples X H fecWed a nice new r.fine of Namptee i Kfnall that I am gelling cheap. Come w iEe a look at what 1 have , 1 B. CQOKE \ ^ ks at TIMES Office? ILASS JOB PRINT'NQ",

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