I ' / ' 4 . ? <* c? . i-,.; ' * -'v ^ 7 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pr It the t>Mt of ell msrlVia? for. the disorders snd weakneeseA peculiar to only preperation of its kinAde vised by ated physician?an experienced and sk . the mm&m of wo mm. \ It Is a sale medicine in an^eonditioi THE ONE REMEDY whkh oonti end no injurious hsbit-fonnnj dr creates no eravind for suek Ytimuli _/ : THE ONE REMEDY so *odd tk are not afraid to print its c\fry each outside bottle - wrapper hid truthfulness of the same under Vi It is sold by medicine dealers everye i*t it. Don't take a substitute of unki known composition. No counterfeit is r *ho says something else is ''just as go< W is tryinj to deoeive you for his own s > trusted. He is triflind with your moi msy be your Jie itself. mat ym gt jcrsmAOR|IENT 174 a.r.i ofNaad, tw aba* farm is iu ne end a half iXiloa Jl the Bunn High School in \puapa towajhip, Franklin county, will /aall or ^eni eheep. For fnrthaAilforraation ap ply to J. H.U.LLnrruii VlDD, N. G. TRUSTER SALE OP LANDy ? Br virtu, af a pWer of sale conaaln? ed in that eertaia deed oI trust, afcecu ted on the 10th dat of Dacembdr, IBIS by Uarcua Ruffln tst by Dr. O L Ellis, it being thwlot of land left by my mother Martha (Ruffin to her three children. This 14th day ol January '' 1910 M S CLIFTON. Trustee Notice to Tax Payers 1 instructed by file Board of Town CoDinmsiondrs to collect ' , the taxes of thC town at once, one :?half must be pafli JSv February 1st. . ? ' and the balanced by March 1st. You must pay /aI will have to colleot by law. / \ | D. C/" HI$H , Tax Collector i Railway .Mail Clerks [ Wanted The Government Vays Railway Mail ti|erks 1800 to and ether employees up to t2,sW Annually. Uncls Sam will hoiif aoHpg examlnations throughout thafcouatVy for Railway Mail Clerks, C/stem HVise Clerks Stenographers, Bm>kkeeper^ Department Olerks an# other Government Positions Tboudands of appointment will be made. y man er -woman over ,1 18, m city or country can get instruc't. tion and free information by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 28M Hamlin Huildtng, Rochester, N Y. i* J M * rb tft/ijViCT/\ibi * J r niiuiun HAS MOVED Over to th? Sfy ail 1 Bayding, next tc the Tiwee oiw, riefct down in "t front of eoufh loiur s law J ~~~ office. You can etlnd in Bekeley | Alston Drug store front, look dotsn j, you will see the old re'iable gelling clothing, shoee, (hste snd thousnnds other tlfng'. I will go Sj - North in a few date- and All the I ^fruill building bries full of aofQa? thing. The Times will. teJKyOu when I gst back l J Wl^TON OSCAR STEGAtL \Barber / |'~y LOUISBUrX Northftarollna I have purohasXl the barber business eMpillie Wilkine 1 nnd will oontidfce the bueij[ n<8? at the san^ wace, and I I shall be glad/to Have all my friends and/ny others wishing first clges worA of any li j Kind in nfy line to Vail tVtv' I j loHie Wflkins is wn roe and' will appreciate his I friends caning 16 see Mm. : escription B. cure oI fdiaeeiaa, women. It U the regulwty (rmduillod specielUt in MT a of fncaayatem. line noj eloohol Ufa mtM whleh J ^ ""* I " Let its maker* " I IvJ I 'mul f to the JP ' ith. here, i ad any dealer who haan't It oon abwn < >mpoaition for thia medicine or i^lio aa the genuine and the druggist jdba >r. Pierce'a" i* either miataken elfiak I enefit. Suoh a men ia not to be it prkkieaa poaaeaaion?your health? K eknya aa* f*r. "NOTICE Hanng qualified aa admkuatra tor ef Jamea^l Wright, daaeased late of FraakliW County, Jcis ia tc notify all pcrgbna hajfag olainu agaiaat the aitalVol aafd decaaaac to prcacat tham t\ lhp uoderaignea within on* year t'JP data hereof or thia notioe wilwt plead in bai of their recovery PVj-tiaa indebt d t* said ealegh will V expectea to settle promptly. Tine Januar; iath, i9io. v \ . J. E. Nicholson, Adar. vNOTICE . By. virtu# ef aa order of the Super lor court of FrenaJln county, aaerie thi, day in the cx-p*rt\ petition of Ig. A AJford at. at. for tea aala of r/al as tat, tor division, I that dp the 711 day of February, 'InlO, af tbe cour bouae door in tbe to*K * glad at al times to aerre TotV An practical! all T had waa rUaArad in the fir ?i? asir r a? i a~i wj. a?vi?u i Mr. Charlie Collins is the wisest I man I ever heard of. It is said "he ' is working with his girls father to ) pay him for her before he gets her." A very quite marriage was solem1 nized in this vicinity on Sunday, ' January Iflth. when Mrs. ^Lizzie Conn became the bride of Mr. H. 6. .. Conn, Rev. Mr. Collins offisiattng. The groom is- the son of Mr. Wm. [ Conn and the bridge is the daughter . of Mr. D. B. Pearoe. The bride was J very neat and tastily dressed. AfI ter the ceremony the bridal party j left toi the borne of Mr. O. O. flight - where a bountiful supper of delicious | goodies was. given. Wishing them mush success in life. 1 , Polly Rolly. i * '* * Pocomoke Items. Mr. Burlie Fuller has left our oommnnity and has taken s position on a street car in Richmond. Rev. J. L. Foster, Superintendent | of the Orphanage at Elon College, I DILeq Mr, Kattons appointment at i -Pope's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Carson Moss, of Crewimore visitsd Focotnoke Sunday. Miss Mauds Fnllsr has rsturnsd from Kittrell, where alie has been nailing relatives. Miss Irene Pergurson visited relatives at Wake Forest Sunday. 1 Mrs. Bud Caple died last Wednesday and was buried at Pope's on ^Thursday. Mm. Caple was adaugh ^ ter of Mr. Walker Winston, of ,1 Franklinton at whose home she died. .s She leave a husband and tour little a children. She expressed herself as U- being ready and willing to die, and this testimony should be a eonsolaJ* tiou to those she left behind. We it extend our sympathy to* the bee reared. i ' I.INXS TO THE MEMORY OF J. A. THOMAS, Tift DECKLED EDITOR OF I. THK FRAN KLIN TIMES. >* Ever may he swsetlv sleep,' Down in God's sacred keep, ^ In life, ha won a worthy name, e Over the hills snd through the vales, Rosa, in triumph, above the gaits. Time oau ne'er efface his name, " However swift it runs the main, ' Out of the hearfiTof those he served, Making friends he well deserved. And now may those who loved him best, Strive to meet him in "That Rest." -7 DBOSB. * DON'T EXPERIMENT. j. Tou Will Make No/Mistake if 7 You Follow Thjfe Advice. [- Never neglect you/ kidneys, s H yojtMiave' pain in the hack, urinary disorders, diuuness and nervousness, ith- time I to act and no time to expenment/ These are all symptoms of gidnpv trouble, and you should ?eek\/einedy which is known to oure theLcidneys. Doa'n's'Kidney WLs is the rerae^ dy to use. No nied\to experiment It had oured maify siul\orn cases in this vicinity. 1 - \ Can Lonisburd ri-sidentV demand t further proof than that oon\iued in the following testimonial? \ N. A. Sptnoer, Sr., 428 So. yWilmington St., Rmeigb, V. C., lays: "Kidney troublelhad fiae in its grlap for years and although I used rart one remedies, II wta unable to ob-' tain relief. Thfe kidney secretion# '' deposited a sedinisnt and ware oth? erwise disordered but the most anj rioying sympt/ms of .my trouble were dull, nagging baoksches and * ' * v - > ' . - I ... *,r"k n J'y-iLLi ' ~ x.;VT' v.^:J ' r sharp twinges through py body whwiigTar- nwjud?or lifted. I.earning ot Roan's KJut*)' Pillf, I procured a mix anl/atmr using them a short lir?\, I dhNsed several gravel atones. Hroiulhat tluii* uu I ' ave since rt^nViuipnded - l^oan's Kidney Tills at ? r/ry opportunity and wi'l continue tof do so." ~ For sale by all dealers. Trioe^ 80 nenta. Foater.MiAinrVfin., Ragahy Ni>wYork,sole agents lor the United States. \ ftemember the nam*-^)oaii'a-r and take no other. \ - NOTICE \ I offer my services to the public as auctioneer, ^ffilt be glad, to serve you at any ykae. See me for terms. G,yE-^IOHNSON. I. ySPJftE I want to butr all Vour bid scrap iron, bones,\ruhbir, hides, furs, etc. Call to see me, will give the highest marke\ prices. When yon wantnajly papers, magazines, books, eti., ckll to see me at my news stanA on Nash street where I have affull line at all times JAKJE SPffiE EASY TO TAKE bat hard~fo gdt rid of. That's the tort slrnut colds Try Our CplcL Tablets They are "east to tjike.Nend if taken in time will save roua Vetors bill They prevent aty well a-> \ure. * BEASLEY-ALSTON DRUG COMPANY Just.. Received The following whiah we will sell \eheap for cash: Ons Car Katent Flour, One Car Red Dog Mill Fe >d, One Car of L!me,> OnW ca) No. ,1 Heart Shingles, OneCs r Nails all sizes, One car of ^tu leroid Roofing. A soa big lot ol, hses. Hats Dry Goods, Notions> and Caskets and hardwi re of every deseription. \ J. H. WFATihtRS & Company HUNN, - North Carolina riant food's Seeds Q For Superior Crops Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book is one of the mAst useful and complete seed oatif ogues /issued. It grive* practical toformltion about the best and most profitable seeds to plant for 1 J The Market grower The Private gardener 5 The Farmer' , Wood's SeedJare grown snd selectod with rfifrrnnM to Tnd snd every souths nipl&nter should have Wood's HseaBook so ss to be fully poetodsa usthe beat seeds for southern psDwinA Mailed free on request. Wrtttlpr It. \ T. W.WOOD 4 SONS, Seedsmei, Richmond, Va. We are heedooartere for Qrait and^lovcr SeedL Seed Fo? Seed Oat?. C%? Fees, SowSeeeet e*dellFerm : ' " ' Y ' ' * A \ ia..r?^.!.TSar7 ' JV. ' ^ , " "r "1 ^ ? ' . - ' * 0 Are Yo * WiHi your land wh< y sake of. saving a fe p you us^ya fertiliz only recokimendat analysis, mrfequire cial knowledge to n rials to analyses. 1 of a fertilizer lic^s ii terials used, so\a; over feed the pl^ ! time and starve Ax. This is why Rdyst are so popular: H gredient hXs its i work to do. T\ years experience i good^lor Southern enabled us to kno .reqfciretkr - ^ See that trade mark is o .. TRADE MARK ' fl ^ REGISTERED BF. S. Royster Gi T NORFOLK, V % ' 1 2 big lot o: s FXJRTSJTTI v I - K ' \ 1 I > Having iuBlSreturned f? 'which I bought one of the Ir , t lines of furniture CT(er carried , . I am prepared to taydo you/tl accommodation is a consideral the nicest goods to be Viad f I ?"YOU HAD BETTER SHE , l " BUYINtfk This Furniture is coming A 1 . Call and see it. Rememler n I department is always kent up j services. 7 J ! W. E WHITE FIRNITUI I t Lonisburg. N. I I J ? I The Time To * vx The Farmers and Met Z LOUtSSU?Q. N. # CAPITAL AND SURPLUS2 WM BAILEY. PmtdMt ^ T VI iilliiiiiiilt 4m* *~r' < * " * / * . ,'j " > -i ?*" :{? ? - -vv'A.,'1 -W-^r- rs t? sn for the ( :w dollars ( er whose \ iion is its :s no spe- ^ nix mate- * The v^lue { i the ma- ? 5 /fiot to ' H Jt at one 11 ^another. U tfr brands 7 37 Every in- ^ particular ? jL , venW-five J n miking i/ cropls has /; w what is $ n every bag L-j v jjj ' P . rr^* ia no Co. r?; /*-. ? ' f . . : / . om a trip on _ i ; tgeat and best i , in Lomsburg t i$t if price and ? 1 a [ion as well as * 'gi^' ,M or the money P \ " ME BEFORE ~ T ' dw every day. Pj' " w undertaking P . tU is at yonr Jf ' I IE COMPANY | ~ - ? w ur money is riovr." Don't it until you get, more. iu will be tempted to ^ Bad what you have while ' itiag."' We acecpt small well as large deposits. ' b invite you to beeonse a ~?^ positor and * 1 > j i \ A ^facilities a man of my times of your means ??? * V\ chants Bank r_ OVER $40 000 |