? - . : L ' ' * A > ^ , 2S f* ???? g Come to S W and get a new en! C2j 1 191( and a pretty post ? C?ffins yV We keep an up ? r nMiN?M_llN 1 IMtb W ' ' A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manner >r vbab, , 1.00 ' 'i monthfc, Si i hbbjt months. - - ? t * Friday, January 2d 1010. What a pitiable spectacle, ' One flay Mr. Taft ia going to enforce the lav against trusts and the next day the sensational report is repudiated. - "Everything by turns and nothing The Monroe Journal truly says: "A man who attacks either the ability or the motives of General Lee at this day, so clearly advertises him self a fool that nobody will take the trouble to answer.triro." ^ It looks lik^ww are between the devil and the deep blue sea, for the Charleston Mews and Ceurner says: KVV} are told that people who do not eat meat hebome mollycoddles. - Those who dj eat it become pau. . f P* " TEditob Bailey, of the Houston Post, remarks that the American eagle must have screamed with delight when Senator Gors exclaimed: , "The tariff enables the jeweled hand \6f avarice to pick threadbare the pocaets 01 nee*-" The New Born Sun than get* off - , the beet pun ot the year: "Front the way Judge Lyon is. putting the screws to the blind tigers in Anson count; we are lead to believe that . litShs and tigers are not suob good friends after all." Wa nstioe from-the report of the i grand jury that" new court hot ae ie - Mimiiemdyt Tothia we wiah to add our heartiset endorsement. <57 all the things Franklid county doe* need, we feel that a row court houee would be the most acceptable to the people at large. And (pun what we ' can laarn the oount; ie a position to get it very easily and without Mating a hardship on any one. v . - i . v * \ ee Us endar foj^' } ...Ftii i card free. J Ml and Caskets ine, all grades sad sizes, run 2 Hears s line, just the actual eost af matei rs hare prompt attention at all hou ONER A/, l_ '^ECTOfrSfrfN y Point in This or Ac ?s for Cost of Team Onl v About Anything want your business and will is too,.trouble is a .known here, ns Whether you want to buy t / HONEST AND CONSCIENTIOUS I OFFICER. The fallowing letter was taken ' from the News-Observer of Wednesday. We reprodac it . here * with ear hearty endorsement: To the Rditer: lion. C. C. Daniels, ef Wilson, has announced that 1 he will not again be a candidate tor c solicitor of the, Fourth District, 1 This public anr ouncement permits me, without violating propriety o f ' | making aa estimate of him, have the 1 appearaoe of a campaign docamant, < to pay a just tribute to a good man. ? For mora than right ynnrn my op j portumties for judging of the official 1 conduct of Mr. Daniels haver been I i exceptionally good. In *11 kinds > f criminal preeecutipn abd with all i 1 elaieee of law-breakers, I have seen him engaged, and have keen myself I en gaged en opposite sides fTom him. f him it may trnly be said that his first consideration has ever been the performance of whet he conceived , to be his dqty. No influence was powerful enough to drive him a hair's breath from the course bis conscience approved. There have been and are in the Jiwte, perhaps, , j more vigorous prosecuting officers. Among the eolicitois there may be , J found, possibly, some better lawyers ; and more acute intellects, although ?he has himself always met every re1 qnirement of his . exacting office, j But it is my deliberate judgment I that an honester or more conscien,-tious man osrv took oath of office. I i1. .1 _ a ? - nt me ?nu 01 eicnt yean of service it is possible to find in his district s few men who do not like him; there are many who do like him; bat not one, I Venture, can be found who 1 will assert that he ever eoqnetted with duty, or compromised aprinciple. ~~" This mnfih I have said because it is jost'and true. C. -? ?-?F, B. gsWwnx. : Rooky Mount, N. C-, Jen. 26,1910. Why go aronVi sbiv^ng with oold when yon Ann gas a heavy . warm ovdrooat, conVng/early down i to^oorfeet, from * K. K. AI- 'i ken for f 8.90Tworth *|.00. , . - rfT TheHoU rniture $nd CutI Prio 5 v dl-cn's \ Stl are now gellin iSScts e ch as long as all swl s and prices oj ette nil cere at 16. Tl i "* _ A J T * more ynth freight ad coverefl seat Rockers J will mail you cuts an "write for them. II I J. W. Holling Louisbu va I v. ( . . . S Endorsement of the Candidacy Of R. G. Alisbrook, Esq., For Solicitor of the Fourth Judicial Distriot o TUB VOTBRS ?F Tlte FOURTH JUDICAL DISTRICT. I ^ The Bar of Edgeoombe ct unty teraby announces thi candidacy ?,f mrfeliow townsmen. R. G. Alls>rooV, Esq., as a candidate for Solictor rf the. Fourth Uadicial District o suckeed Hon. *C. p. Daniel, whom ye understand, will] not be a oandilate to\ succeed himself. Mr. Alsbrook him been an active mu uwtHini mom per ot the TarJoro Barttor the p at ten years. He a a youni wan o splendid habits, ?nd line character a forcetal' fluent speaker, a griod la ryer, and in every way thoroughly qualified to disBharee the aitieg ot the office with credit to Limkelt and satisfaction to the publio. \ He has so lVe i his liie that he enjoys fie rettpeV and confidence of the entire public He is a Democrat of Demoeratskand has rendered the oause of Derrajbracy loyal, valient, and splendkl services, and for the past four yaark he has been Chairman of the I)enV>cratic Executive Committee ofkhe Bounty. While be has nover'abught political preferment before, \yet, at the unanimous request! of hA party, hi has served as chairman of Vhe Board bf County Education for the past eiyhi years. He lie's given greatly of Ills time and ability to- tho ?n? of pemoCTi cy anil to the pause ol education. In all thing*- pertaining to the welfare of hie people, hie tune hi* mean*, and hie ability ja at their rvio*. : ?j. Hi* sympathy i* with, the plain oonoeption of the dntie* . of the office of Solicitor, and if elected he witt, in our opinion, disoharge the itmig. ill lli? with tO all, with credit to hinreelf, and with entire satisfaction to the poblic. In recognition of his loyalty to the party, his services to the State and country and his qualification* for the office, the undersigned. Deaiooratio members of the Bar of Edge. - tife't ' . > . j * U ts % [ingsworth's Music ^St V* 4 es on Chil- & Chairs I r small 50 cts rockers at V tney last. We have most 1 E Rockers, large leather- 7 le catalog*? houses askwllf' ded, our splendid Plush then we are selling for 12.50, OUR ywhere free on request. H ;sworth, Manager irg, N. C. ! ? MWjCOPttwMiW 1 ~T- : i - ' combe cotuity, hereby heartily en- ^ dorse his 'qandidaoy J )r the office of 2 Solicitor f?r the. F urth Judicial 2 District, anl request their brethren 2 o( the Bar and all tb i voters of the 2 Distriot t6 gave to Vlr. "Xllsbrook 2 their sapportVor-this >ffice. 2 RApectfv lly, 2 PauV Jot SB, "* 2 H. A ST llew, ^ L. V.Wi SRTT, 2 JaVES Vl S'llSB, 2 W. O. H WARD, ^ H. H. FHVU-ips, 2 Henry BOHNBTON, r 4 X* JOHN IJ Bbidmks, 2 He.nrttA. GIIuas, '? - j W. StIwps Howard, 2 JauesJM. Norplk^t. I 2 G. M. T. Fountain, Marshall C. Stator. a y - 3 Our Store wiU/be closed on Tues- 4 day and Wednesday, -February 1st 4 and 2nd forXie purpose of taking 4 inventory. (M\Kinne Bros. 4 SALE CP VALUABLE REAL 4 E8TATE 4 Under and by virtue of a decree of ^ , the Superior court of Franklin county, made m tbe special proceeding entitled 4 W C Bobbitt and wife, Ella Bobbitt. vs < J C Tharrington et al?., the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday tbe 7 ' day of March, 1910, if being tbe first i t Monday Of said month, at, about the,. hour of noon, offer for sale st the 1" i court house door in Louisburg,Jkt pub-1A < lie auction vo the highest biddeir, a cer-2 tain tract oV parcel of land j/ing and II t being in Ixnfaburg township/ Franklin^4 , county, on thlk Henderson And Nash- 2 ville road, bounded on the rorth by the w i lands of J C Thitrlngton a/d others, on A , the east by the land of Op Cottrell, on 2 the South by the Hendetaon and Nash- w ; ville road -and on tin wait by the lands A of Mrs. L B Allen,VcAtaining ninety 2 1 six acres, more or lesy and being the w ^ lands formerly occupjZd by Mrs. M R A B ight, having been /llBtted to her as 2 her dower in theisms of her deceased I husband. Redding iMght and her dower A estate having siucZfallenun by reason 2 of her own death/and this\ale is be- w lng made for thy purpose V divtslun |H among the heir*f at law ot V'd Red- ^ ding Might T/rma of aale: ^ne third J cash, balance/ on credit oA twelve monthe, withantereat from da j\of aale A L the title to yd Landa to be reserved . nntil the purehaae money ia paid ill full. ^ Thia ia a Me tract of land with ajrood A dwellingJpuae and all neceeaary Dhrne 2 and out-nouaea thereon, aitnated only W about flye milea from the town of Loo- A flbarg. It la a epiendtd opportunity 2 for any one deairing to purcnaae a well V tfnpiuegdIwm neai town, upon eaay A terma. Thia 28th day of January, ttlO 2 w h Yarro rough, Jr. Com. V ' ** r- -a-.- ''V ' v -> ; ^ Ttf i, ' ., 7 .V - . . ?^Bg 1 11 \ 1 Stop! Loo Yon and your n something here fo don't fail te read me... t time, lis money fo - Come to ^^ ' " 1 >u need a new mattress, we hare them* we car folks and all size pockets youT Bed is a very yours contains no contagious germ, If you are It may save you a doctors' bill. Our prices ra iaye them all, jnst 5 eta a night, will pay for y T^of^pillowa. ' j * ?-?tables . 3 are now making in our store Kitchen TaDlea^ all PT 5 mad prices. We also keep C e line of fiee dining room J ision tables, we hope you * W'. ' 1 remember this and see f i before you buy. TJf 5: ; PRICES ARE REAS- ' OKABLE. (. - 1 r 1 Come in and See Oi . " . Store and hear sjreet music on I. Plajer or Victor Talking Mi PIANOS OR 0R6AN Music Free Con > . .' . jr ' ' -' / . k>5>C?OTte>Cte>Cta/ft0St!?SE0ft0?te3 ' = Ml ; Egerton's ; White K- ?Ml II k * VY7 E are receiving a mg 1 ? * this weekMhat |Je g P for before the brer riafe .m f ean save you mon^rj | Calicos, Gingh^mW, Wh k Waistings, tacesN^II t< W ' r i Hamburg, BarreWe; Ml and Bark ComlMyt y I I . set and Shoe L4 II j Silk Thread I I aid ajol of little things thai I I tmynlieems to be out of. ' | I space for our big announce I J \ J L v .V ery__ truly J J F. N. & R. Z. ? - . .' -r 4W / ?- f ? -~^ I r> -? 4?, -> i~> "> 1^ _ ? _ ^8283?2?^gg \ '? k! Listen! || eighbor will find QQ r you avery week KX 1 this nd. every ffg r uh all - MSf See Us ~ g % ? lit all size beds, all uE$ important matter, see W .in doubt, buy a new pft nge from JI750 to Jir>. Krtr^ our new Mattress, or 0) : j. Sl lr Pretty ".!? .yraphone Piano ' Bj le to See Us ' K * Front 1 ot of rave orders ^ . U price?, and ' -A itc Goods > Match - ' X ~ >? Side ' Cor- ' X ' \ > ; whole~ this menk next - A : X L?^ " . Egerton X j . .. .