T: -* -* T' -jf*'"; . * .' . - .v N*- ' THE HOME CI Pleasant Evening Rev cated to Tired Mi the Home?iral( CRUDE THOUGHTS, FRO The voice of duty in never still. I whispers to ue morning, noon am night; it reaches us from the rosr o tliy'"jl'll(i teiu|n>st, the sigh of tlx summer winds, the soft, gentle mur mur of the wayside brook. Tba still small voioe will not be hushed What volumes our faces say Some speak of love and kindness some of anger ahd hatred, others o pride and rebellion, and others atil of selfishness. We can't help out faces talkiog, but we fan mat e thensay pleasant things; and all should try to have them to do so. e e e "* How la y?wr two.week's eld reeoMhH?twHf. lawy up Instead nl Mag ep- Mc *? ike 'try'' instead of o? the *|teM" ewd Ike end of ,ths yewr will fwd toe siren**', belter, ol lighter heart and #->meehat liuper feet, than If yon "deejare there's m as." and tell completely beck ip tht eld-way tklik with the bogs of "bad habit*" > s ' , I The people who have so muct sympathy for those who have gont beytfntl all oarthlv help, might uge a little of it in everyday life to > good and excellent purpose. Tht v idea of kiektng people when alivi and then for a person to weep ovei ibeir grave when deacfls what toe many of us doand ie one reason why the world is no better today. Speat your kind words to the living, and when yon are dead you need not care what is said of yon. e e e -r ~ Country life may involve hard work, and the misaing of many pleasures obtainable.it) cities,' but the mother who has chances of bringing tip her children in health and away from tht) temptation of cigarettes and saloons, has a great advantage; and if she succeeds in bringing them to maturity in anblemtshed health and purity, she has already done a good work in the world. If ahe has tatlght them to like Birople, wholesome, food, she has given them one safe-guard. The boys probably will not thank us fur advising against feeding them much on pies and . doughnuts, but it's good advice, nevertheless , -* * There is an enduring tenderness in toe love of a-mother for hereon that tranaoends all other affections of . ^7 the heart . . 1* * , e God sends every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the riest He givct us oar daily bread, bat it is through oar own labor. e ?- ? N, N.v e - ' 2.-2 HOME AMD SUNSHINE. In view of the fact that home touches and lives in all hearts great eare ahoald be exercised in making , it a cheerful and sunny place. The plant that livea in the ahade ia aiekly and unsightly. The animal of darkness ia reatlee8, troubleaome and fieroe, And what la there worse tban a aiekly, unsightly plant, or a wild ravenous beast? Nothing bat the roan whose home baa been oold, , 8 tor my and cheerless, with atin shut 22 out tiH everything above him is black. , every room a swamp, every picture a weeping willow. He is woise thar a funtral procession, with hearse and eaaket moving silently through th< streets. These have a place anc a purpose. Bat a roarmering. fault finding man is ths worse thing natan ever ordered or pinduoed. Neve happy never allowing others to b< happy in his' presence. He carries i taoe as uheerless asm tomb atone,an< ai gloomy as heaven's arch in a than der storm, minus I he lighting. Hi prcsenoe ia Tike a discordant orgai ground by the hand of fate; b drives a bearee through every socia Hi, RCLE COLUMN. eries.?A Column DedfDthsrs as They Join 3 at Eueriing Tide M THE EDITORIAL PEN t on the walls of home and hastens the 1 death of the sick. We are provokf ed to 8irr<5 in his presence the song of a the it touted Blias.' = - "Go bury the sorrow, the world has t its share; Jf . Go burr it deeply, ge hide it with . ..... dare. , Go bufy thy sorrow, 1st oth-re be blessed, - * [ Ce gire the world sunshine, tell Jesus the rest." r If you want cheerfulness* in your ( home vuu must have sunshine and I genial* hearts. Plsn to live in the sunshine; if there is a pleasant room in ynur dwelling, live there; if there is dark room, shut it up; keep the ohildrso eut of it; if yoa have trour blSs shut them up there?never take ' them into the famify ctrcis?give ' bonis the sunniest thought and plans ' ef your whole life aod fill it with ' love joy, psaos, gladness ? sunshine. "?- ' e-? t |. _j a sabbath school thought. Ia our common schools, academies colleges and universities, each have their courps ot study, and text books for the same; and as a student masters each hranslt, the text books are laid asida and he graduates to a higher. But in the Sabbath school it is different. We have our text book for the whole course, and that course should be for life. In the bible there are truths which the merest child can understand and ' depths of thought which the. most v ? r " learned cannot fathom. It may be called the railway guide on lbs In-acT to beaven, and, the Sabbath aebool lunch counters along the way at which we may * refresh ourselves. One of thergraodeat sights for mor1 tal eyes is a whole family; from the ' tottering grandparents down to the prattling child, all in school and studying the sanae lesson, and that lesson for etsrnity. A person should never be'too old, too rich or too wise to pease being a Sabbatb sohool student. *" e * a FACT PLAINLY STATED. If jjirla were educated to take care of tbemaelvea, they would Dot be so ready to marry, and they would marry better, and thare would be leea trouble ?fewer divoroes. If ther were brought Hp. to work, (bey would know how to use the broom, the doater and the rolling-pin. There are certain qualities which are juaf at valuable in the housekeeper and the mother, a they are in the bus neaa man ? skill, intelligence and ; good tense. When these qualities Iare rated a little higher in women, domestic machinery will run a*nA * . ? p?-~? deal smoother, and children will be brought up to fight their own battlee and earn their owi bread. We all know what that will mean?leas crime, fewer pauperi. The press and the leom instead of the prison, the alter, instead of the scaffold. Again and again the/qne?:ion is asked, can a worn on folio# any epecial calling, and be a good mother? Lore is bom, so is good sense, The woaaan Who has those qualities will be S gool mother, whether she is a hand-worker or head-worker. It ' is not diSerenoe in station or occupation that makes the good mother ' ?it is the spirit. Furthermore,some ' ef the beet mothers, according to the ' old standard, women who toil early and late, who never leave their j home, who deny themselves every Comfort and give np te every right, have the worst children. They do ' the hardeet wor4, they wear the r poorest clothes, they'try to" aav? "" their children Irem every- hardship, * only to learn, when it is ^00 late, that they have made tbeiuidle and ~ - A? forWle 1 1 have rn head JCgoata vhat I will 1 sell to Any number \Call to tee me 01 _ writa at once /J PYFtttirraau, 9 7 W?biitfT? Co y- " h.. V, - _ s ' fia' . ' Fok 9y?E My residenceNpUr main street in Louisburg for pubes and terms Bee ^?; y\j. L*. Palmkh. and a pair of hmlxv mules, formerly belonging to tho^oundrA -? IMPCWTANTy I wish to nnmiiiiW to rJj customers aad the ilMBt eKVbuiaburg "had Fran* Un county that jC will continue seed In* off leeedny and will be,le3 to s?nd to your tnu for and oohtror oaata. Jutitll IrrSjyor phone :i?d a hey wUt be4fcepetehsd t?t once. J MO. W. Kinu Administratrix Notice. Having qualified as admiaistmriix of Ihc ?^utv o! VTumw I ndethill, deceased, laVs of Fraakha nyy, North i Carolina, this is to aotify A\\ persons haviag claims against the iatate of said decode at toYexhibit Ib^ta to the uaderaigaevt at \L,onisbarpC oa or before the 10th da' Dooesafeor, 1910 or this notice will be pUad it bar of thoir recovery. All pewm indebted to paid estate will pleat# make immediate payment This 10th daerof lUe.. IfOO. Mas. Florence jL Undbrrill, Administratrix of Wirihate UaderhilL W. H. Kuffin, Att'y. \ - > 7? Administrators Notice V aviag qualiKed as adatiniatraSSr of Satfth Martin. dAessed, late of-Franklin oeunty. this >? V> notify allAwrsone haviag eUiais igaVit the Atate of aaid deeaatad ta exniblt ttUtn to the undersigned on or before Jnie 10th day of Dor?mK?r, 1910, orVhjk notice will be .dead inbarqi thmpf recovery. All persons indebted to A\l estate will please make immediate payment: This December Ttlr. lWy \ /Williai^IATON Administrator nySxrah MartiVdeeeased W. H. Yarbarough, Atty. Mortage Sale of Land By tirti\ of the power contained in certain mortgage deed eareacuted to e by L B. Kilts and wife/ Hattie EV ?nrt T T Vk\i- he fK* A -f ? ... uwip Afu HIS U UO V Ul December; 1?8 and jaftcorded in the Registry of Duds for jfranklin county in book 159, pure 297/1 will on Monday the 7th dav of FwbruAry 1910, at 12lm o'clock, sell at \ujflic auction at the! court house door jp Louisburg, to the I highest bidder fnwtosh. a certain piece j or tract of laneen, consequently I will not have the money to spend as they will have, nor if I had a mil/ion of dollars I do no' beneve I would,' spend St in iminmr to intimidate rnewto rote for me contrary to Hieir own dense ot duty. You remember two years ago I was defeated for noiWaation Mr Sheriff, My friends insisted chat I hnnouuee myself an independen\ candidate This I refused to do, .because I did not think it right for me V> dp so. Yon remember I bad a cartTwbJished stating thatl knew thepeopKn&d nominat ed a man whose past ndcord would show him worthy the horar they had given him and tlat I vw*ied to say that I would give him my lAyal support as I bad always done, /torn I am willing to leave my non*nation to the consideration of the people. Uf defeated I will support the eomineaand shall ever remain true to me principals of the Democratic perm so long as it ad-1 vocate. eqaal righto to all fr'h and - -special privileges fa none IT I am nominated and sifodld be elected 1 promise the peopfe .that all bhsineaa coming into my binda-aa Sheriff shall be promptly and Accurately performed without pertialittr to anyone man or set Of men. IT furthermore promise! the people that every act of mine concerning the affairs of my office shall be performed with the purpose and under the consideration thatl am the servant of the people and shall endeavor to act as soeli Yours very truly, " s R B.HARRIS. ijtMffitfli . *. 4' , _ I B I Mid-Win :| dor Mr. P, S. Alle 5 1 from the Northern '? i purchased an er '>Qlothingtat i I r LOW f ? j. Among Whicn\we M -AS- Overcoats, usual price t] cX K from $12 to f 15, our price? f Jv jE5 175 Suits, usual price from -4 A AA 915 to 18, our prisa^ iUtUv i JjR ? The above lot of clothing is aU SE ^ up-to-date. consisting of fine i ? i - Worsteds, etc. Come It I P- S. & K. T f 0 HE 1 HORSES Al *_ ^ f 50 HORSES, . / ' X. '% I i ^^\VTO AB I Friday/ Januai s /TO BE SOL] X I am now in St. Louis aDd X sound you * i I K. P. Hii ~'v: . ,---2 - . . '??*" y. ' ~t. ' . ~ iter Sale fc u pas just returned ra ; Markets where he loranoue stock of - \ Sg . isfonishingly w? =JRICES i Offer the Following U2 pairs pants, usual price Ca 1 8 1 from $4 to |6, our price 1. JU St , \vercoats, usual price n gA ] tt | Ifrom J6to S8, our price v.Ov ffi 1 of last fallkstock, stylish and : ] S > i Meltons, Thioits, Beavers, j S sarly and get the^ck.' ] 8 1 K. ALLEN'S -Jk jn Mill co i yLLO^j \ - 50 MULES f py^l st, 910 I } ON ^IME - ~ I Kansas City buying^goqd X ^ ing stocV 75\ ...V. ... :^viyi^S6|.x d