-vW ? J . * - T "I | The Lou a-;TF 1 REAL ESTATE If you wish to b ? I time to par for it. If you wish to sell > ' * RENTING PROPERTY ANP CI * tenant We will also collect your rent* ' UPC AND PIRC INSURANCE , ' Are. An insurance pblicy on year life i 1 Your savinjrs and accumulation! of a 111 I MONEY If you Wiah to borrow m ?s-i? abeoluUly yilt edge security, and chara on allt edfire security, whether only a f< 1 vices and the sere iocs of our attorney, i , WECAN QIVE YOUR SOND I ( >oar bind, instead of asking your friend I x We bare enumerated in the forevoii "j | '; a number of other ways and we offer ou - i ?^ i DR S P BURT I PRESIDENT l . 4 H- u I TRBi | : Fl \ DR S P BURT _ . j5frWKLtN TIMES ' A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Managei ! ^BtOAT, February 4 1910.. ??fc???? ? IDE* TO IBW 4UVAhTISE?^Tr E~fe' Ford- buRufceg- ?? _ H W Wilder?For Sale Eddie H Eaton?Notice * Hill & Sledge?Furniture Finit National Bank?Statement , Alston Company?Selling at Cost ~~Wj B Ruffin?Commissioners Sale o Land! W j H Yarborough, Jr?Land 8ale . Sale if Valuable Town lot Fa mere A Merchants Bank?/ Bapl's Best-Fxiend?'Condensed State " nwnl TAR PROPS. . \ ? Idr. J. R. Collie bas purchase tha i gsidance of Mr. D. A. Pearoe o Chu: ch street. ? Don't enter the race of politic tao < arly, er you may get tired ot befb e the race is over. ? Sfill Ceoke says be is getting i so in thing new all the time at tb Bar; aim Store. Read his ad. . ?Its gutting to be dangerous t out i own trees now for fear of kill ing , candidate,as the weods are full ? ? There are alwavs a good man peo la whe keep the balance of tb con sanity busy wondering boi the live so well. ?? - -Mr. D. ft. Pearoa has purnhaea the old Kilpatriok or Medhn plae ab? it three milea-from town and ha mo ed his fsmijy thereto. > ma. j - - a 1 v Lil i_ _ - rne grouuu uoig was ame to 8a his shadow on Wednesday and if tb ol< tradition rholda good yon ma. ? )oi 1-for^forty days aLbad weathei ?f?Mr. B. N. Willamson, manage ofjthe I/Ouiibufg Opera "House ir fdnn* us tbat he abas a number o good-shows booked for the Sprin '"% season. j?Prof. Riddrok, of the A. & &) Cjollege, and his attorney, Mr. Srnes Hiywood, of Raleigh, were her tljis week in the iaterest of Wallao wddiok Will base. * " - -?, ' ? ?Dr. Jcwl D.- Wbitaker, of Rel s; kigh, will be in Louiabnrg on Moa .""-fjlay, February 7tb. All who wiaj kis services may aee him at Dr. A.B Fleming's office. ? 1 ?J. P. Winston has purchase idle Clifton property (the. old coae shop) on Raab street and iofornjs n ||hat he wtlL erect three nioe brio I tores on same in the near fntnire. '' ?Don't oraak. Leave that t frogs and stagnant poyla. "A fei oreakere though are' neoeaeary i, every community to measere tb rare of progre" ? wMeh ljve me ' are advanoing. ?Mr. K. & Fowl reqsaeta u? j state th?t the fyraor* of Franklti nd adjoining ooanriee that be hae i lot of several kiodeof improved to baeoo seeds that he will take pUaa ore in giving to ?ny fajrjusr oallini ,y* jptrfcim alth? Iiiver?ide Warehouse uildiiiuw.iwi . --pp-1 IL-I _ T T' T isburg Guaran : AND ===== Realty Company ompanyjust established inyfcouisi , what we can do forj&dw37~* uy^arm, we will b?^r it lor youythd assist you In neyfM oar l^rm or exchange it for snapfter, we con assist you to DLLE^TING RENTS If j^Gwiah to rent your proper for you \ you desire end k^fep the property insured end We will n^D Insure yov^ife ayslnst death, end we will li rill net coe^iuch. bjjE it would mean much to your wil fe time may bRdestt&yod In a few minutee by fire, A fire oney.we will aaXt you to borrow it. If you have money e you not a matter what amount you may deei iw dollars, jf LaryeiVnounts. we Will place It for you. sh rho has made a specially of looklnyup real estate titles. ?e aryfiso prepared togftsbood of certain character, an is tobvn your bond. . x* iy/some of ths services our i.ni\ssny can render if dealra rserrices to the public. We barfn business February 1st L P HICKS VICE-PRESIDENT ALLEN J A TUR iHURER SECRETA NANCE CQNIMITTE J M. ALLEN - < j ?Don't lei your wife'a pocket3 book' remain empty. A prndant, 1? hardworking woman doea not like *>< =* to he obliged toaik li^r hajbcnd fof" hi _ money whioh really belong* aa much * to bar aa to him. P' !lil ~ Mr.Murray Alloa, oonnaal fot J a the S. A. L., of Raleigh, waa in" at- '2 tendance at eoi rt this week and ap- j,( peered with W. H. Yar bo rough, Jr., m in a case againat the Seaboard frpiu. I, Yonngaville. , ~ f! 1 ? .?The change of ad of the Rack- = et Store will ba found in our FrSnk. linton department. It coutaina information that may be worth dollars p _ to you and yon will, do well to look i n ?.There is no way of improving a ' place aa much aa by encouraging ^ good merchants, good aoboola and ? good people to settle among yon, P: and this cannot be done unless yon B spend your money at home. D n . - D 0 ?Hill <fc Sledge have a new ad ie ci this issue to whieh we direet your f attention. This ie the style ef the 8| 0 new firm who hare purchased the ^ furniture business ef T. O. d J. D. '' Hill, on Nash street, and is compos T ed of Messrs Joe Davis Hill and Vf. e E. Sledge. May tbiers be a aaeeesa- a " ful career. ^ ?A well known miniater who had H d 1 . . D | been preaching a -begging sermon, fa " I concluded it jis follows: ' I don't D - want any to contribute whs have not ^ paid their aabscnptiaa te the home e paper, lor country papers nead moo- ^ * ey a great deaf more~ than do tha y heathen." That minister \knew b r- what he was talking about. ?' si m r ?Wa are requested to publish tha following item which will explain di ' itself: Found: By the Senior q, B Class of Lhaiabarg College?tha secrete of mssonry, which secrets will be made known to the public _ * on.the evening of Feb'. 21. Come * one and all. Admission 16 and. 26 * cents." CW JJ ?Let all who can attend" tha ? '* masting at the oourt- house or Moo- S L" day night and hear Hen. J. D. k McNeil, of FayettevHIe, in hit address in the interest of the fire de- rc partment. Mr. MoNeil has the rap- ti d station ot being one of the beat era- L I) tors in the State and we feel sure the * lit DaonU of T.ftnwKni'o will Kn amnlw ? ?K'.' tf If paid for going oet - ' : ' ?'Th?.attention of our readara ia ** 0 direitad to the change of and of tho JJ * Far,Hera And Merchants Bank ia of 0 thia Mane. From it tWH. bo aeon pi * thattbey aro patting renewed intern eat in tbeir werk attd will be ready ? at all tltnaa to aaaiat thoae who are ^ o ia need of their aeryioad. Yon - will M it find alaa -hi another oolnmn a etate- b< a ment published by them which will '? i- bo Interacting to nlL, aonoarned in fl the financial workings of thia inati- j? | toooa.ae well as to show security to q< ?. all tgbojriah to give it patronage." 1 *" , <1 ' '% J -- MMMMMWMNMMkM ? ty, Loan : 7 ; jurg and read Below i da tins a loan to buy it. If ;rqu want do that'alao. N. ty- wa will aaalat you in finding a la iwpalr. , nauro your property against Ipse by ( >' fa fad children, in caae of your death. ^ ( i inaoraaea policy will protect you. 7 - ! to loan, wa will place it for you ou S ra to placa out at 6 par ocnt. interact | \ d not chars* yon a cent for our aa* | id you can have this company finish I ; .T-~?1 L Wa u. pnptnd to Mm yea la 1 l:.r: - r?z - 1 1 ? W H RUFFIN ATTORNBT NER - ' RY - t . \ e ^3= R G ALLEN ; ' -1 i ?In an ad jaining town, wbila ; die#' card club waa playing forat! >ok aa prize, the eons ef tbeae earn dies, small boys, were arrested ii hay mow wbile plmyiej; for a 50 rice. They had organized a olnl Its their - mothers. The mother; lea tnij said: "What a terribl Laoe thia townTsTopdla boys, ant >w!" Sei ved thSm right. The; licrht have konws aim iliff??en.0 b,. Farming Jn I am prepared to tell you Fertjmera on the u Vwrianpteroents fc Telephone when you want prompt attention and quick < produce. Caah r !S -r- Clifton - Corner I. TEI ^Ip.i ^5 li'j "fflnflftf 5 , X A shipment of Tun* ~ most economical an s % trie Light f / } L- P. I ON THE CORNER PHONE 10 X ^zEEE^ ^ "i, 1 * - ' / >01 X / ?o ~~ SSHHIBK5 ? ? >-* * {' ..i.. : Come \to I. . ..ii nil X When/iiMeed oi ' Heavy and ra r Dry Goods, Shoes,\ ;/ | ~ Crockery, Tin; reen a haymow aod a parlor, and i 2 and a 60e prize. REPORT OF TUB OOKDITION OP TBI * IRST NATIONAL BANK : - - ail '-r LOUI8BURG, N. C., t the does of boiioMi Ja?. 81, 191< RESOURCES: Dans tod discount* $ 109 904.7 rerdrafts \ 5 270.7 ,8 Bonds teeeeu recirculation 25,000 0 rem in nx? o* U. 8 Bonds 1,008J anklng houak, furniture add / fixtures 9,0y .8 6 from National banks (not i reserve agent*) 12,907.4 ue from approved reserve agts 7Jo68.n leeks and othAr cash Items i 79.1 otss of other rational banks A 188.C ractional payer currency, / nickels and cents / 281.(1 Dsds \ / 8,99*i .C pgnl tender notes, / 7 OCO.C ademption fundi with D. u. Treasurer <6 Mr sent if simulation.) \ ^ / 1.250 C Total, \ / $184,819.C 1.1 ABlVlTIX1* \pital stock paid in \ / $ 25.000.C orplus fund V 8.000.C ndivided profits, less Skpensee and taxes paid f\ 39Z.4 atioral banknotes outstanding 25,000.C ividende unpaid / \ 768.<] idlvidual deposits/ BibjrtiiTo check 7-\ 88.752.C em and certificates of depoAit 88,205.( tsbier^e checks yutstandinn 1,035.1 ill payable, indTuding certificates of deposit fonfmaney borrowed 7.000.C Total/ - 7-HH6Mfl2 PATt OPUofTH CAROLIS A/\ County orFranklin, ss. 1, A.G. Allen,President of tbe above nam* ink, do solemnl; swear that tbe aboj atement is tniB-lo-tbs best of my knHw )ge and belief. R. G. Ai.lsk, Preeidsi Subscribed and sworn to before me this ty of Febrsary 1910. ' \ T, 13. Wild BU, R. p, armt xttssi * t __ J. If. Allen ^ T. T. Terrell; W. H. Boffin, Di restore I have 65 head oMfiSs^that I wi til in any numkdrT UaTWto see me c rite at onee / J P TlinBXBr.Au. u r* -- . ??" " ALE OF VALUABLE TOW1 LOT. By virtue of a dMrM the So irior eoart \of Franklin cennty ade in the sbeeial proceeding en tied Henry Varhereagli et ale t Ouis Perry etVale., the "gndersign. I cemmissiendr will, /n Monday to 7th day of Marajff 1910, being te flret lt?nrfay\in/feaid, month, at )tul the honr qrnooa. offer for Je at public adctiea to the higliit bidder U/t eahh at the~~?Qnrt auaa dqpf in JLeuiaburg. said lentr era 8tate,afcertain track or troel of\land eitaahed in the town 1 Louiaburg, Franuin coanty, H. adjoining the lata of Henry arhorough, T. T. Tirrall and the eademy Grore, anil oontaioipg le aere, mere or leaa. Thia lot i^ nogeoid for diriaion aaaeng the nanta in common and it ia a fine jportnnity for any one deeiring i parehaM a nicely loeated reai* taoe lot in. the town of Louiabnrg. hie 8rd day ef February, 1910. W H YiRBOROuaH, Jau, Com. ; ' ' '* \ I , - u'i '. ) V f ' Y * ' * V " ' - " I ABSOLUTE Si "BOOB SI MIR la whet we procure our oustomers. The fiuii^l ' give sati?f action, to afford the public the dependent on these conditions. We aocept money subject to cheok, n#inter ', We issue, certificates of_ deposd? bearit payable on demand, better than moneyy^ We issue Cashier's checks free oifcoet to an; - checks cost nothing and are good nowhere. Adrawn any time. Jf I FIRS-f sNATIC -x LOU IS BUI UNDER SUPERVISION OF " ."',11.^. ... II l?M" II , J Just - F* TREATWEHT I "| ?ject is to be of service to the people, to - ? a liking accommodation. - Our profits are A. bal on these accounts. IcrVitiirfiBt. * .Kss- w ?? ^ a ~ '1 -D ? "* v**w ??vc w* *x prr CVllt) C one deKriag to send money away. These A x \ M DT inoneyTj^pceitod with us may be with- X ~ ,, 5NAL BAWK i 4 U. S. 'GOVERNMENT eceived | ?sten Lpmps. The | J id b^itifuis^Elec- II HICKS, | r A.9 I nillCBIIDA- M T? II X * - See Me | r an\ thirg in ncy Gpoteries Notions, Hardware, ^treandall nplements eat te^p. See me before making your ieltvery. highest prices for country t* r in trade ^ S ' || uJ HRELt

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