' ~~7' ' THE jftif y Pleasant Evening ftev 1 oated to Tired Mc the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FRO _ havpy bachblok. The bachelor is feeling good :x ' And deems himself a lnckv wiitfit He saws aad splits ao kindling wood ' He has no kitohen fire to light. ~~ When day is done bis oares are o'ei And oooe in bed be takes hit ease ? He need not rise to walk the floor This chilly night, a obild to please For him there are no household "dares t he breakfast bell his slnrebei breaks. He dresses and deaoends the atairs To oatmeal, mush and buckwheat bakes. - For him life's rirer sr?eothly rant, He's happy, jolly and content^/ He has no wife aad little ones| . ? On whom hia earnings adust b? "V' spent. " / Let him enjoy it while he can, When age apd loneliness shall r , corns He'll wial? he wete a married man, With sons and daughters, wife and home. S " * X s / yf If there is ever a lime when silence S is golden, it is -?hen a man is mad. ^ ' There is evil enough in man, God knows; bat it is net the miseiou el every young man and woman to detail and report it all. Keep the atruoaphese as pare as pose ble, and fragrant with gentleness and chari tv. _ . "x- _ e e Earn yonr own bread and see hen sweet it will be. Work and see how well yon will be. Work and see how t cheerful yon will b*. Work and see how independent yon will be. Wort and see how happy your family will - be. Work and see how religioui ; yen will beX^. . e e e The religions man who goes about . with a long faee and bis lip hanging down Over his chin has mistaken a ssae sf dyspepsia for a change ol heart. The trae christian has a ready made smile always on tap and is glad in heart all the day long,from . _ January 1, till the general judgment. # Heaven's best gift is s hopeful heart, which rises superior to every ad verge element and : stems every opposing tide. - One such spirit-in a family is a blessing beyond estimate and if a whole family would give out all the sunshine it could generate by continually striving to outshine pverv other member there would be f,"w cWwjdy days in the year." mM. v . Too littl.- attention in paid to tht email courtesies df the home. Fathers, mothers, grandparents and cbil dren should remember that happi 7- sees is derived (rem the little kindlj a eta and words of each member of family. One alone eannot make i " - ebeerfol home if the rest make no ef tort. f ' THS WKWSPAPBB. Of all men the newspaper met wbo are to select from the world'i fer ~ ' doings and the community's d iijjg that with, whish the public is to Is made familiar, needs to be wise am judicious, sad to jay stide bis dis likes and elsar himself of all malice If the newspaper which you take i - -to decide what information concern iuga tha. doings, good and bad, in tb< r~ world and in the community, ye1 and your family ara to be made (a miliar with, have you not also a dot as to the kind of a Dewspaper yoi I tdke?whether it OLWthat parade add patronises viae and crime, am I sneers at goodness and deceooy, a K-. .one that doss the reverse of thk ' Doe* h make a differanoa whatbe Jtm atfrlil,-daily or weakly, to yoa frV' JmsoehoM, a paper which baa/agar ^^^^^^gL^MM^UHaa'and. fairness, or on \'-r t rw - * i , iuwimi yoarseii in tneir pastime, etc* > By this means they will learn to treat and confide in yon, and are ' 1 not easily jed away by outaide in- ' I flue nee. ?; Fuiag fiakertqupe in Leeia- J burg, one pew ei/room cottage, \ 1 one 8 roaip two Wory reeidenoe. I One two room tendrit house. Will <1 sell all, or either, f Trices low and 'I , terms easy. It net Void privately I before, wilreel/ firit Monday in March at pnhlil?10, at W"ut the hour of a 11 o'clock, on the prci/ises in Yoongsrtlle, offer for shU tc/the highest bidf Main street, in the foWi of Youngsville . T and weU known d ti\ M. Wocdlief I? property. A lot jHth frhot of 82 feet _ on Main street if- rur.nink.beck so as i * to include the *#11 near thV dwelling ir wi 1 i>e sold in ?e simple. And the re- , . version ia the dower of the brick dweb < ling boose lot Arllt also be sold at the i a same Brne, bct separately. This 27th , 7 7 ""wii. H. Jgorrnr, Trustee ' ' ' * v( ; .... ROLE COLUMN. j: eries.?R Column Dedi-5 ittos as They Join t aOTMng Tide ] M THE ED1TOEIAL PEIf"^ time to suit its purpsse. To the newspapers sre committed j great leeporisibilities, and ot it there ^ mast be corresponding demand. The J responsibility of the 'paper, of those < r who make it give it its charaetei, ih , great and this responsibility ought to < be exercised under the power and , guidance of noble principle. But the 1 paperand they wl.o stake it have ^ ' net the only responsibility. Tbsy who select the paper which they , will take sod patronise bare a re- 1 sponsibility for their selection. He whp.sapports n paper in anyway is responsible in a measure far the * ' character of that paper. This com- | inanity is rasponaihla for the kind ot 1 patera which it enoeoragas and sop- < parts; and especially is there a re- 1 sponsibility aa te tbe character af the j paper admitted to the home?a re- ' sponsibility for admitting it. There , ia no place where a man should mere ' eerafally and firmly exercise bis moral and christian principle than in the selection of hie paper. . . " w-* . ROMS RAPPIKKSS. It makas little difference is home i happiness whether you own your | heuae, or have one little room on the < sixth fleor of an apartment hoove. ] Yen can make that one, little room 1 ' the perfection of ail that ia worth. | ' living for, a quiet harbor to which a I buaband will turn, feeling that he j has rur out the storm of his day's i work into the security of something j r thht is real. - 1 r We are not all born with the sua- , r shine in eur hearts, as the Irish peo- . I pie prettily term it, but we can all ; coax some of it in there if we only I "7 ' I I The faculty of Swing the bright J aide, or, at least the edges of that 0 ii(le\ is one that married peeple 1 . might cultivate with profit te each r , ether. ? ' , \ # E Courtesy is of more value in the I ! home than many believe it to be. It * is easier to leva a person than if it to * be always coarteous to hicmknd yet it is one of the most valuable recipes r for keeping that love freshwithin ll . a our hearts. 1 / ? ?*?- ? / ? , , ll Smiles should be a part of our- * , selves every day of the week. Do t you know we esteem those persons c oor best triemls who gieet as?with a smile and a kind word. A torn- j munity composed of individuals who t look always on the bright side of ? everything would, in our opinion, be. , an ideal community. What we need 1 in this life is sunshine, and a great ' deal of it , . e e - * ' Take the trouble to get u ell ac- < qnaiuted with yeur chihirer, and to ] -- ?? ' FOB 8A1.E J My residence an'THton street iu | Louisburg for prions inAurma sec j.L. flse" tod a pair of heavy mules, fprmeBuJie onging to the foundry, \ f - IMPORTANT. I wish to mini to my customers ad the sitjesBe'/"to Ooulabuiv '"tm/f Praaalia aouaty thaft 1/toil] sontiabe lead lag alT laaaday UW weak and will ha glaa t* eead to yaaflkeasa for and tahvar aame. J art sal/aae avar phono iU^NyvilttoRadMiK^toWL Admipilrtratrix Notice. Having q'uslifiad as adaaiaiateatix of the aatdte of Wiagato Uadarhill, deisa^ed, ' '? Of Framklto aaaaty, North Carolina. thia\ia to aatity all panaaa iaviag elaima agaiaat the aetata of said leeedaat to althibii " thaaa to the uaiereigaod at Laaishaag, aa or before the 10th da-' af Desambsr, 1910 or thia ctice will be plead tajtokaf their rolovery. All pertopd^sutbtod to eaid mtato will^^tbe make immediate tayment \ \ \ Thie 10th day afTiae.. 1900. Mas. FlorexckAE. Unmatih tdminiatratrix af Wiaoate I'aderhill. W. H. Ruffin, Att'y.x _ Administrators Notice Kaviag qualified aa adminiatratar of larah M matin, deceased, lata of Frankin aaunty.\hia is to notify afl persona laviag eainrfc against thiT estate of mid deeeased\e exhibU^ham to the jndenlgned oiiyr before the 10th day >f December, 19W>or this notice will ? ulead in barofttheir recovery. All ' aersons indebted V said estate will please makyTmmediate payment. This Oecember 7th," 1906. \ Willi am Eaton _ Administrator of Sarah Kartin.deceased Bf. H. Yarborough, Atty. V Mortgage Sale of Land Tl.. weUwa; ~r tk. ?? '-t :?j VI Hiuo VI Uic punci cuuuiiuea IU I certain mortgage deed exeacuted to | i by Li B. Ellis and wife, Hattie E-'and T. L. Ellis on the 2Srd day of December, 1908 and . recorded in" the Registry of Deeds for Franklin county n book 159, page 297, I will on Monday the 7th day of February 1910, at 12 m Vclock, sell at .public auction at the ?urt house door in Lc jisburg, to the highest bidderTbc casli a certain piece jr tract .of land Jgioi and being in Franklin county, Trby Jams township, bounded on the north the lands of S. Strickland, on he^east by the. ands ft (irifiin and BeAJey,' on. the k>uth bv the lan 1 ofO riffinVnd Beasey, on the we9t by th lands\of S. 8. Strickland, containing/2 acres more or ess and beiug the ladns purchased by aid-mortgagors of Z. L. Gheevea. Chis Jan 6th, 1910 Z. L. CHEEVES,. Mortgagee. V. H. Ya thorough, Attorney. ~~fF 7 3*"" T~ VALUABLE LAND SALE By virtue of the power conferred upm me by a Certain mortgage executed it Vt M Fau'kner and Lena Faulkner rui duly recorded in Mortgage -Deed, ook No 159. page 282> in the Register if Deeds office of Franklin county, deault having been mSde in the peyuent thereof, I shelf offer for sele at iublic auction for lash at the court iou?e door ih Louiseurg, at 12 O'elook n to the highest bidder, oh Saturday, February 12tn \l 9101 the property detribed as follows: /Being and lying in layesrille townUifc, beginning at a line stomp, T B Vifcoeh'e corner, in the J Wilson, now Jasper' line; thenee s 5 w 98 poles to a nek and pine pointrs J A ralknerm rprWer m the Shearin iae, th-nee n-81 wlteVolca 11 luika tn > rock, J A FalknJra Sinner, thence n 8 e 96 poles 14 links to\a persimmon ree, J A Falknerskornerxm Grisham's ine. thenee 8 89 eB5 poles'W links to i, rock, Grisham'l eomer na. Gooch's ihe, thenee il?(o poles 8 linke to the leginning, cnutaimng sixty acres mere >r less.' Land tiealneai the LoVisburR ind Henderson public road. \Upon rhich is located three room dsArfling louse, good well of water and all nteesary out bouses; plenty wooded Imd imber land. Laud wellsuited for \ll Tope grown in this territory. This lannary fith, 1910 * \ _BEBECCA SHERMAN, Mortgagee 1 fenry T Powell, Attorney i A C?fd. ? to THE VOTERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. As the campaign year of 1010 harf ipened .t will be the object end purpose of the people to select suitable and competent men to fi 1 the various county offices, end In my humble /circumstances financially 1 wish Ug an BRBcOIjliR m cuqiubu ror W) or- ! flee of Sheriff of Franklin Counw, sub ieet to the actionl of the next iCounty I Democratic Convention. In declaring I my candidacy I moat aay if Iim nomi- I oated It will be through the Aympathy of the people. * ! hare nolf been fattened on public office aa my expected opponents have been\ ccrsequently I I brill not have the mohlj to spend a* they will have, nor If I Old a mil> ioa of I follars I do not believe B would spend it in amanmr tolntimflele men to void I f?r me contrary to their town Dense ot inty. Yon remembe/ two > eara ago I bras defeated for mnneaon for 8bdrlff, I iy friends inaiated Ithai I annoauce I myself, an independfct candidate This I refuaed to do, localise I did' not I think it right for Jne to Mo an. Yon I remember I had afeard puHiahed stating that I knew tie people Bad nominat I ed a man who rf past rcrfcrd woo Id lahew him worth# the bonor\ they had kivm him and Wat I wishqd to aay that 1 would give him mv loyLl support he f halt's!ways done.?Mow lam ?41. I ling to (save my nomination to the I convderatton of the people. If defeated I will support the nominee and shall ever remain time to the principals of I the Democratic party so Iqng as it ad- I Ivoeale. egaal rights to all ro?n and special privileges to none If I am nominated sad should be elected I promiae the people that alt hmrttrom homing into my hands as Sheriff shall be promptly and accurately performed without partiality to anyone man or at If man. I furthermore promise the people that every set of mine concern lug the affairs of my office shall be performed with the purpose and under the consideration that I am the servant of tip people and "hall endeever to. Pet * > _>C r-- -2$e?ra .. , . . <<: *. ? . I Mirl u/r, I IVIip^T^I g Our Mr.V. S. A] ? from the^forthei purchased an ' Clothnng al 5 Aipong Whidr w 48 Overcoats,\ _usua^pric? t] \ from 813 to $15, our*icee ? > . > 175 Suits, usual^rice from -4 f\ / 815 to 18, ourCfice iv>V I* ? The idwive lot of clothing is jjt up-to-date. Consisting of arsteda e(s flnm I P. S.&K. f IOOK 1 HORSES I 1 50 HORSES, / I '^Br i '. M | Friday, Janu | TO BE Sp t w I X I Z I am now in St. Jjonis ai S ^ sound 3 A r ^ I K. P. 22A i : . '. '? l_ - ? y " : . 1 ' ' i nter Sate jgjj lieu hasJust returned 111 'n Marfejxs where he S' x enornrfous stock of ' ' - ' x-i ft' t astonishingly 11. Prices I ^ (Jffer the Following ?' JA A82 (win pant*, usual priee 1 CA ?fi 1 J\f Voni |4 to $6, our pne* l?Ov I R i U\ 82\pvercoate, usual price 3 CA 3 ! A A/ frouM5 to S8, our price P?jU JWf A i all of lasHllls stock', stylish and - - .1 jg fine Meltons, ThiBits, Beavers, 1 Br e early and get J ^ K. ALLEN'S 1 ||= 4 ? . ' i EAD OF T ' i /. k\ vND MULES I =========2=======zz=======zz=z= Z 11 I 1 \ Rrt lurrrr T^n X I * uv JLXJL U J | IBJttVE i I ary 21st, 19101 LD -ON TIME j I I " ' m A. ad Kansas Oity buying good ? <4j| K oung Stock ?? ^ * _ =sss=?=:. ' ' ' ? HILL 1 | ^ j. ^ ^^^^ ^ ^ _999 mil an .?? ' < " ' . . * * ww v,j ... . 1 ' 4 r .r, "J. - .... ' ' -4 ,v ik :