PffT'-- . a*. ' '.ir ? J' 1 I . 1i ?1. New Ho "T g; Sewing Ma 1 I /xW. jHTn. . ^ support of the democracy of the' r? eoutr of Franklin and if nomin'atad uka tbe support ef the white people to tbe effioe V Snenff of Franklin. R B. Refill wns born a best the opening of the curil war,of anoeetore poeeeaaod of ample meana and who were loyal to their county, Stateptnd V Southland; but who in their devotion J to the caoae ef the South and State sacrificed their all, hia father aerved ? the people of hie ocuaty as Sheriffdur iog thoee that time# tried men aonl**, ~*e good women with obildren ef et war ae head on the battle field of Che South and more had te face the | dreed anttering at home, when there ' was no one to provide tbe neoeeaitiee 1 of life sa father and all. the eone iferi in the army facing the danger and trisls of war. Wash Harris' B floors ware tftM shut to their neede . dfcaths *ad hs kW? Italy and linpoTerwbed himself to do this that he .. thought was right. Re aarred the i ?- - 4?-ieds .iohtaen M SKflfiff Bit/) ?agu*u?>'?j ?? m M blot >u pot <-n hi. natn.. Alter tihrt be rerrod in th? Senate of Worth Carolina th. oountiee of Frankho, Naah rod Waha m their (Nit? with oradit t# buneelt and I ggggjg^ I JV Large Mirror 28 x -10 on Burea -?- ' ^?.*'' Bj' roll on badstead head at jjjjl' Write Us i 2S ! You Deed or went, we w ED , ' spare no pains to please ; VB I came and ask questions CS | ' or n<^t. - indorses Mr- Harris for Sheriff Speikg Hope, H". C., Jan. 28, 1910 . To the Editor: This, being the year for election of couaty officers in sour county as well *aa other counties and for congressional election also;U wiih to "name" a man who would \be worthy and who is by his owia character and coarse of life and thi second ul his father before him Vi a'l an oflie- to _ year conaty. I have Uieeo ni.r^ni that the friends of R. B. Harris, and " he hie many, have bees and areuO asking that he enter the taCeaa a candidate, subject to the action of ?lljti Dfinoti f for ShtfiS pi?PrafiHin county or the neat term. I wiah to ask yo i to allow me apace to have publisher a abort piece in his behalf, recommending him as worthy of the support lot the friends who are poshing his claims and the . _ V . .1 -J. "' I me cte ...Fl A IS w , , # ; vu, -14 x 20 Mirror on Waahst^nd. larj id foot, height of Bed 86 inches, , ' 'I': | it kbout Anything, ant your bnsinesa and will you, trouble is ..known here, whether you want to buy! - J v i - * < t % mmsmmm rould faithfully fill the duties of tb ffice of Sheriff of Franklin countj le deserves this recognition at tfa lands of his people and has been^ani lis ancestors before bim, always democrat and devoted hie time t he eerrice of that'jparty and not reuld oalv edter tits campaign sab ect to the prWiarr of the Heme ratio tin, Ht?rie "f Frankli ounly would sarvsavan he Heenicatio/party ene of it ly^fi aappcrttra, ebdtrid, tbey ee it to nominate and elect Hubert Hal is to the sfBes of Sheriff ef Franl in eounty this year. I am pof no1 i aitiaen ef Franklin bat w?a rsjee .herein, and fk row these anggeetiaa n the kindest regards for ths walfai )f ray eld home oeunty. , Keapeetfaily, Ai.rasa, jb. CHICHESTER SPILL! DIAMONO BRAN0 SOLD BY tBR EVERYWHERE gSS LAND SALE ~ By virtue of ea order of the Saperi court of Franklin county JBiweJn special proceedings entitled! R A Mwo Adqr. of R. W. Moose diceaaed, Ueluel UaAso aed ethe. taii*. st U j ?WIV MIU VUJVk, 1W>I % I* the underatfaed eommisJaner will. Monday, the 7ta day of/ March, If at 12 o'doek noon, tall at public ai tlen at the eoartyioaea/door in let buir. to the hieHcet binder for eaeh, that certain tractVr dUrcetof land i nated in Franklin tpfaty, and la I preee Creek townatfip, adjoining I lands of ? W MooNl J C Matth? nlt"" * A MtJA and coataini twenty-Bra acrea ?nr<\or leee and inr the tract of tyd owned by etld Vr Moore at the/ tine hf hi dee Thia the 4 jH.,Cc ' irfiB I hare a 1B? acre tract J. W. Hoi I .-s. ^ x " Loaiaburg, ? v - ' ' - '--O' ' ; t ? " * ." ". ? Commissiootrs Sal* of LaaA. u Under aad by virtue ef an erder ?f A ? resale made by the Superior Court of A , Franklia County at the January Term. 4 9 1*10, la that action entitled 1fn Hi 1 . Ruffio, Administrators! J V. Jnti, A deed., ra J. ?. Allan and Tbe Seaboard f% ? Air Lias Railway, wbicb otda and do-/ A . iTM tu opaa appeal of laid aatiea ta M the Sbnreme Coart of North CareUiZ a " kl tkaVU Supremo Court ijiad. fl H the aadeVaigaed eenmiaaionar, win /n 1 Monday, Vie 7th day of Mareh, 1*14, A n it holnff Vie first Monday in Mkrcb J . ibiikt I ho hoar of poop at the Xwti A " Boaaa doorVn Lpuisburw, M. C./offtr 1 a far tola to the highest bidder, til each, , that certain l?t of land ta the tAwo of 4 * Loaiaburg, inYhe oouaty of fraakMn r- and State of North CaroliW oa tie 1 . East aide of Main Street, edjmaiag the 1 S.A. U Ry. deJUt and merajfarticalar < w It defend aa Allowa: Bemanlng at A Uie^eorner of^tboV \m% ^r.. 'iTl - two nuadred and thwtr mar foot, more < or Mpa, to ^rhot^dF*yoe Jw Nnr Z. L. Af^SmS^ MM the liae of the i r 8. A. L ky., WmVTm. twahoafeed " I and eoreaty nine foot/mere e? looo, to i w the center of aatd /railway M Main 1 Street; thence along/aaii Main Street J H. S3 1-4 W. one huniredlwd forty faar 4 xirixteipisKieE < bouse lot, upon which th?Me el tooted 9 dwelling beneo aid about See ball in i width ol the JeaedTobaeco Worebeaae \ "ind^y virtue A tbe add Mar and 4 / decree of the Sutorior Coort, \alfiawi f J by the 8epromo Court oa ifonkid, the 1 eederoigaed wUf eell alow wVtb eaid . s < h able easement In to and a pen thfe o&ip d ? of lord on the f outhweel oida ar Aoryla " = of the depot ake ol the aaid Ilk j Ry? more particularly described X fat- ' or Iowa; Hegmthn* at tba VarttWieot . he corner of tbe feundatiou wall ea Main I ,re 8treet at raid Warebouae now diata on U tba Una of fee oald S- A. L.JtLj., I IA t)uklli>A slAfltf tM aatrt linn e# 4Kw f A ' ae- U Ry., UwfuH* Wn Lounges, Couch- ? is ^es, Leather, Pan- E ? - : _ _ g tesote,Nantucket ^ V elour a^ d Plush B6N 3 Come in and see |M\' g our beautiml disH play- X \ Aclr AKakI1 r^ v ; ';V.. ;) -W Mugio^ree .I i " I V? ir . < * ' * " ^ - - . CONDENSED S ' * y := OF THI i Farmers & f r ^Bcjh [ January \^1s ? m i\ / v y , . / \ r . RESOURCES / .. CMh-ta Veurt. ...I;. ? 8,910.21 C ~ Loans and Discounts . 88,945,28 r I 1 Overdrafts, 8sc tired and Un- I I secured . v 8,439.84 I Doe from Banks 6,315.06 Furniture and Fixtures.. ,n 8.930.48 r Keel Estate 3.300.00 [ , \ , i . ' 128,941.87 r C. ^HEATH4M, Pres. ^ I R. Y. McADEN OIRECTX m T W BICKETT C B CHEA rHAM DR. S P E J W KINO F NfGERTON WH iiiiiittliiif- I 'li^'rrfi II I " g Pianos - Organs @1 ; Undertaking | An ' * >Sj ?1. EGERTON, Yice-Pres. .Mvl P' *'J'4 ?0W J B THOMA^ 0 T 8TOKE8 PLBASANT8 R Y M'ADEN jitt - ^ ' - '?1 '* '' iiiciii ridii. Ldsy w Prices See Our Pretty I sweet music on 'hVraphulie Piano I I r Victor falling Machine*. ---= ANOS OR QfcGANS Come to See Un *. 1 I I a? n ! ? i ?-?? ?? STATEMENT I Merchants I ? I ,1, 1910 I ! ?; I I j _ _ I \ LIABILITIES apim Stoek ........ 924,500.00 ..:!.....> . 77,182.74 Indiridecl 1'roflU anil Sarpl#s k Fund. 23 259.13 JyM M l M \ 133(941,87 "