-1 ? ?yfea ? ? .e._ ' . . * _ ; ~ LOCALS. - ?Quite a number of our poop! attended court at Louiaburg Satui ' T" .? ?If yon don't take the Timb ?-11- s?take it?Yoa don't know what yo ' are minting. ?The band ,ia "tooting" agaii It aeema aa if the dead ia a beat t come to ?Several of oar oitizene aad pao pie from thia neighborhood wen over to Louiabnrg?Saturday U stand the ezamioation (or the poai - . tien ot oensoa enumerator. ?Mr. E. B. Clegg reoeived a tet eg ram Saturday etating that hi, brother, Maj. Oeerge W. Clegg died that morning at 4:30. He wai 84 years old and had li. ei ai States llle for many years. t - ?New* reached town yesterday of the burning of the home, smoke ~t?? home and crib of Mr. J. E. S troth er nsar Grove Hill, a few miles from town. The report says that he lost almost everything he had. Cause of the fir* was net learned. . ?We learn that little .t* illia'm Beit won the prize of $2.00 for selling the largest number of Saturday Evening Posts in this territory. Willisana working-hard to win the pony and he says he only, likes a ' ? small number reaching the mark. ?The'horse that pulls the delivery wagon of the starling Cotton Mills Store became frightened at something last Monday a^d ran away ? jbreakiog the harness t* pieces, overturning the wagon throwing out tbo driver, Tom Mitchell, brnsing him ? - up right much and breaking the ehalves off the wagon. ?At the regular drill of Co. F. ; \ : . Ifvt Friday, owing to Re*. T. li. ; Juitioe. their cl.aplin, having moyed away, Rev.' W. VV. Rose, of the" M, E. church here, was nominated for chaplin by Sergt. S. R Holmes and unanimously elected. Sergt. Holme* was appointed a committee- of one to eee if lie would accept. ?Lost Wednesday morning bis majesty, the ground hog, in aocordanoe with an ancient custom made his appearance, but to his consternation he saw his shadow calmly running along by him, so back be went to remain 40 days in his den while during this time we will be left to the tender mercies of old king frost. ; ?Mr. J." M. Winston, ? foruifi" business man of onr town but who meved his family to Norfolk, Vs., in 1907, diad at his home in that eity Saturday. He was 71 years old sad was raised in or near Fraaklintoa and was a brother of onr townsman! Mr. Walker Winston., Ho wra a member of the Odd Fellows and Miasen lodges of this place and was buried by the latter at the old homo plaee near Youngsville, Monday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock.. Mr. Winaton has bWll failing in health far several months sod death was not unexpected. . Little Harold, tlie foor year old son of Mr. W. T. Rogors, who lives on Capt. L H. Kearneys land about mile from town, was Darned to death last Wednesday afternoon. " Mr. Rogers was cleaning ap around 7- 4 Uia house aad waa burning op the traa ?his three little boya being, with him. Becoming thirsty Mr. Rogers went to the ' house for a drink of water and while returning heard George, the six year old aea and Harold eerearning. George calling "papa Harrold ie on fire." Running 7^--' immediately he found the little boy almost oempletely enveloped in ' ?- flame. Mr. Rogers hands were terribly horned in attempting to ec tiegmioh ike flames nr tear the cloth ^ from the ohita, wbieh ,#are all new hnd ha true unable to do. He wai * buried at the cemetery here Friday Mt 51 e'olook, Rev. w. If. Rose aea i 'ductwm the itt lieae. > 7. tjeH^rf gfternecn abeut fott their hemes by the Sterling Cottoi It w?t found to be the wood wer< Miik 7, , o , n v ante -- if. _ - the >:V '.fry 'I ' 1 ? F R A N K L ed by oitisena, ?oon hud the fire all - oat, bat while assisting bv helpine e hold one epd of a hoa? need to play water on the fire Mr. R. A. Proit! = waa knocked down by the neaale -d ? the boae, getting away from thoee ? holding it^'tlialooating hit skonldei and breaking a am all piece of hi< ehenlder blade, and all moat drowning him with water. While il it Q . m | . a very painful to.him, he ia doing ai well aa could b* expected. 1 Peraonals. ' Mr. W. M. Peraon, of Leaiabarg. waa ia town Wednesday. Miaa Robhi- gams "Visited frianda in Youngnvilla Saturday. Mr. R. C. Underwood, of Youngs| villa, waa in town Wednesday. Mrs. Terrell, of Norlina, visited her father, R?v. W. W. Roee the paat week. , Meeara. Plater and Dexter, who recently left here for Roanoke,spent Sunday in town, t Messrs. Dnrward B. IJearuey end , Hugh Daniels apeut Saturday and Sunday iu'Oxford. Mrs. J. C. Black ley, Mrs. F. L. " fhatler and litile daughter, UaattlBT' retarned horn a visit to Selnia Saturday. TAKE IT IN TTWB. Just as Scores of Louisburg People Have Waiting doesn't pay. t If you neglect the aching back, Urtnai^ troubles, diabetes, surely *-! ? \ " J Doan's Kidney Pills relieve backache \ / Cure evert kidney ill. / Many peorte in tine 'locally ree. omraend Doaifa Kidney Pills. Here's one Ale: / I-?t. P. H'yVn| 'CTrrn^r.t Street, ; Henderson, X,! C., /says: "I pan pleased to give a atAement in favor ^ot Doan's KjdpeyYPBIs, as from per-, sonal experience, wtow them to be worthy of praise. AFor a long time my kidneys werJ mesrdered and I was caused maty. fmnoysnce by a frequent desire/to pass the kidney secretions. I also hsd V psin through the small of am back sad often after sitting in sne/>eeitien, l\ was hardly able to ansa. I tried Blasters and liniments, by they broagU, me only slight relief>nd wben I msi about Doan's Kidriev Pills, T prneimd a | box. Tbey soon drove nv)^r alt my trouble an! made me feel better in i every' wajl" 1 . For said by all dealers. Pries 60 oenta. Foster-Milbum Co., Baffalo, Mew Terk, sole agents for the Uait^ Stetea, - Remember the name?Doan's? aad take no other. Deafness Cannot b? Cured byJocal Appifeatiou. as they cannot reach tbedieeased portion of tb? car There no only onKway to ear* deafness, and t>et is by conettWttonal remedies. Deafness is erased by on inflamed condition aMhe mioons lining ditbe Eustachian DAe, When tliin tn*ii is ingomtd yen hnryo mmhlinm eonnd or imperitot beariog jJBd when it ie en tire I closed, Dsafosss ie^he resnlt' aad unless the inflsroa^on dfN taken out and this tabs restored flkibf normal condition bearing win be destiWEd lorerer; nine cases oat of too are eMia/\T Catarrab, which w nothing bat an iBwudl condition of tbe mneoM eerfwen^ \ We wilt MifrON Hondrbd Dollars lor any I as* of Deafrv-e/(eanaed flk catarrh j that ennsot beeurfd by Hairev^atarrh Cbrer' Send tor iM?b ?* \ r. J.CHBRET * COi Toledo,O. Sold Wt Drsgalete. T5e. Take Hall's Psnllr Pills for eo DstipseloD SALE OF VALUABLE TOVVN LOT. By virtus of s dearec qjf the Superior court of FranUfn county, made Ha the special proceeding entitled Henry YarbeiVugli at ale Louis Peyj at ale., Ae under signed eemmwhiener w?, on Monday, the 7th d?Vu>f Ma/ah, 1910, being the first UsNay m said month, at about the hour A noon, offer for ale at publio Mbtien to the highsat bidder forfuash at the court #n\ Iieutebtrrir, said scanty and Rsate\ oartain traok or 1 parcel of lenA attested In the town of Louiaburf, FranVlin county, N. 9., adjoiniad the ltd* of Henry YarboroogMT. T, Tefrell and the Academy Onpre, and\containing I ? * rSj fare or laaaT \Thia loiis f bmng sold for diriaion aasang the 1 tenants in common and it Is a fins , opportanity for any one desiring to psu-ehsae a nicefjt->a?tedereai1 denos lot in the townof Lcuiaburg, Tins 8rd day of February, 1910> w H Yarbohoooh, JafOhtr. r " ' . / - ' ~ \ ' 17 N T ON WKPHEtPAY* f tJOTICE V By virtue, of the power of sals eoi ' tained ia a certain truet dead jnade t ' me which ia of recVrd In Fragtlln cou t tv, in book 143, at MWe 81. jn will o Tuesday, February lath, 1J10, offer to fc aa)? st-the Court HoduuOoor in Louti , bur* to the hiabaet ladder for cm* a hit to the eeatheaatrflart of Iiouii ' bos described In adfd trfiet deed Tfci f January lith, ?^JTi nelae . ? * "U D. E. MILLER JEWELER LouisbiW, N^C With a nice Veil eafccteil stock of JiweVi Irani in position to most any one desiring anything in my line. I Also An Repairing of WATC1HE8 anAJEW- " ELBY \nd will gi^ you ' y the vary betv .of worV Very truly \ D E MILLER . Joseph YaVborough A. T. ViL Building ' bouiijnrg, N. C: I am prepared V> do your pressing, ekanint a\d tailoring at vary reasonable ..rfl^ee. All work guaranteed. v*jiTr nn a inai and 1 Xw_-^ The Best Policy The Safest jompan y 1 The streiWtbj eonperratisni, and economical mmaeentnt of the Equitable Lira Assurance Society of roe B. S. Hake it the safsstchrapany in which to Insure. The libtrali tVand adaptability of the I \ New Yo<j Standard Policy Make it the beat form to select, full information . and rates furnished upon request. Address \ Specia AT Rackety^r Una of White Goods, GinghamV Pi , Laces and ^ We mil especial American Be The best on the market. Call and sel th baby caps just reeeired. It Brill MRS. A I The Choices A ' My stock ef Heary and^fa A choice and select lot I ooali B lines l osnry. When in n? A see me before buying. IL ^U-p?jjgrg steel plowa/tha beei-i i M. C. PL ' ? ? - ? ?a ? ? ? ? " ' V , ' ' ' ' a '" '~V" ;r-7 ?- ?1 > ' - i ^ . ' ? . - V,' -Ss ' t J* D E F? A F FEB 9. ' f i?, COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAM 0 By virtue of the dir^etions contains In * decree of the Superior court- ol Frank tin counto in the special proceed . ins entitled I 0 Tharrington and wif< t TOyioe Tharrington. E H Hight, Nor h man Hight, C H Perdue and wife Annie B Perdue, and Kucene Merritt am wife Lula Merritt, ex parte, the under signed commissioner, will on Monday toe 7th day of March, 1910, it beiig the fliat Monday of said mouth, al about the hour or noon, offer fofeele si the court htuee door in Louiaborf; at . public auottm to the highest bidder, ' certain track or parcel of land situs tec 1 in Louisbarg township, Franklin oouh ty, bounded \>s the north by RkhJaix! Creek, on thAeeet by the laitdym O C CottreP, on she south by the M R Hight dower tkact, and on the weet by the lande of Mia. L B AHejg containing seventy acree, more or IrMF and being a part of the old Wedding Hight home place, and ia nosAbeing told for division among the heVeAt law of said Bedding Hight. }( Terms of saleimde third cash, balance on credit trtelrs months with interest from Ay ofmale; the title to said lands tome reeenred uatil the purI chase mooe/ij paid in full. This is a I valuable trait of larua situated only about five nfilee from the town of Louisburg, and I here la a qaantity of good timber upon it. Partite wishing to purchase a good farm nlar town, or who are interested in tracer lands, will do well to this tract of land before the day of sale. This the 28th day of January, 1010. ' W H Yasbobouqh, Jr. Com. SALE CF VALUABLE REAL EATATB ? Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Franklin county, made in the special proceeding entitled W C Bobbitt and wifa, Ella Bobbitt. vs J C Tharrtngton et ate, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday tha 7 day of March, 1910, it being the first Monday of said month, at about .the hour of noon, offer "Tor sale- a* the court house ddcr in Louisburg.Wl public auction to the highest biddm^ a certain tract or parcel of land 1ying and being in Louiebjfg townshidr Franklin county, on the Henderaon/ond Nashville road, booaden on thwnorth by the lends of J C IharTBiKtonmnd others, on the east by the ten otJb C Cottrell, on the South by the HatAraan and Nashville road and on thamrest by the lands I of Mrs. L B AlienAonUinnur ninetv six acres,ttiiore or AsV and being the lands formerly ocropiad by Mrs. M K Hfght, having been allotted to her as her dower in Xhf lands \t her deceased husband, fteddife HightVnd her dower ieslite having/luce falica in by reason of her own 4?pthr and thn saTe is being made forftllo psrposa of division among the wire at law o\ said Redding flight/ Termaofsale:\ One third cash, balasce en credit \f twelve months, with interest from day of sale the title to jaid lands to be reserved until the purchase money is paU in full. This is s fine tract of land with a good dwelling house and all necessary barns and out-housea thereon, situated only about five miles from the town of Louisburg. It is a splendid' opportunity for any one desiring to purchase a well improved iarm near town, upon easy terms. This 28th day of January, 1910 WHYabboboooh. Jr. Com. I Sales ?. yStore srcCe, ; Madras. Sooiting and a pretty Sraitjroideries attention to the ? iauty Corses em. Saitole Hne Jof Ladies hate and be to yonXpterest to see them. M hKllc it Groceries | nfy^Or/oeflM ia^.theymo?t _.X; lf?,ii>r? airtkToih'er # Kid M/anvthing in mj lis* A ^vwCTHr I oarty th? Ly oh A ^A^ANTS ? ip^' -U*f *11"' 4 . 1 _. . :. f f. ' ;r-~rr~ -? R TMEN T i ' X Frankfia i - HORSES ? i . " Cash onf I S Don't buy until nta/?t X otaar big Ut of in* bjbran 7 tew day*. r ( ' ~ ; ?wag- .j-ii ...in For Blank .Bool Job Pi of all kinds and please yd l~ranklinton Ifri ? Franklin! Prompt Attention to MaS Or***** """*>5, LOT- - Y in(T? that th Aw hole ? nnouncoment\ next i Z- Egerton I I a. A * " }*' I ^,v,rr*^r^r -jf--.-,? , _.. _M GOOD DR When in need of good dry strj^rVft pleasure i? sending it to you at mCn. U mill and! we will furniah it tojtCn for 2.^ GRIFFI'N ~&L I Egerton \ I ~ Whi a \X/ ^are rec6'v*n this week, tha for before the big ; } * - ?an save you money 4k Calicos, Ginghaij ' Waistings.Lai i Hamburg, Bj set and kt X ancia lot of title thi X'v town seems tote 01 > space for our/>ie a | ftn . . . ^c*; ' v- ^ > 7Tv^..'. ' ,& . -j *> * ^' :&c1 vr ' *iL r - Af#| jjiti H ^ I ^V!rovviai| I wS( MULES -jf|J --On>Vrime? it we h?Tei Wilt hate as- 2 H I and muleX to arriTa is a . . 11 - _ .* .-" ?. ,iH is and. Up-to-Date I intirtg \p6rlz that will I u, \ry the filing. Company I on, N. O 1 P. O. Box 307 Y STOVE I >2? I Sj*?fc|],np phone 92 and we | will take I his wood is arc ontsides from our saw iO per cord and is sawed up readr for me \ BEASLEY __[___ - - "nI r <""* ? I ite I Front 11 a ^ o f\ ' A I \L big lot of goods IJW gave orders I A in prices, and s# I fis, Whit* Goods ' T es all to Match T I

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