V? 1 - . Not Sisters ( Now and adeln you aaa twawoma pa >n< down tha atreat who look Ilka eistt You art aalnailahad to Uarapal they mother and daughter, and yok taaliza t a woman at forty or forty-4vt ought to at her finaat and fairaat. Whk ian't it I The faaaral health of wocnan la to timatoly eaanoiatwd with tha Vocal bat of ttt* MMotitUy feminine If|um i there, can ha DO rod ohoeketandytT* form where .there la female dcpfneea Woman who' ha-ra euffynU fror thla trouble have faidhd eromp relief and dure in/the u.okrf Di orfana of wayfanhood. Id otea area and tadihat tha ahaahL A No alcohol, or habit-forming dauga I Any aiok woman .may oooeult'Dr. hold (s saoredly wtfdfaridi Mdu<M World'e Diapenaary Medical Aaaooiatic ?? T? FOB SALE OR RENT * 174 auraa of lahd, ttfo Jfhrte farm >B eeltivatienf the farm in it. one and a hal miles off the Bunn High gchopt. iu Duajfa lu ii atht^, Franklin chanty, will/eell- or rent obeep. For farther information ap , Ply to J. H./Iaxlextim / Barm, N. 0. TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND. By virtue af a power of sal? contalntd^in that certain deedof trutt, eiecu-_ ww win aay or uecemoer, lum by Mareui Ruffln to M S Gllfton, Tnnsand duly recorded/ in the registry 0* Franklin County,/in book 102 at Paf^e 458,"default hav/Qg been made in the paymentef the iido\ited?eas thereby seeafea, tid domaad for foreclosure having bchjLmade upon . the trustee by the partwTif>ldtng the bond secured by said deed, flke undersigned will, on Monday tile UUKday of February, 1910, at about the hsur: of noon ?t the court houBs vtoonri Canisbnrg, otTer, for sale, tor the highest bhtder at public auction lor cash, an undlvldcHJ-8 interest in that certain tract or parcel of land by said deed of truat conveyed and therein described as follow Bounded on the nerth by A T Neat on the east by Kutrlx Hazlewood, 8 luth by Hilliard Yarboro and w ?st by Dr. 0 L . Ellis, it being the lot of land left by my ' mother Martha Ruffin to her three children. -Tbts 14tb day of January 1910 M S CLIFTON. Trustee Notice to Tax Payers 1 am instructed by Board of Town Commissioned to colleot tbe taxes of toe ta/n at once, one half nmst be purbv February 1st. and the balances by March 1st. I o^I will have to D. C. litoH Tax Collector Railway Mail Clerks \Wanted / The ?overnm*t pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to\l,200 ajk ether employees np to\2,5Jg.Annually. tlncls Sam will hoB spring examiaations throughout UpVraatry for Railway Mail ClerksyClustVn House Clsrks Stenographers VBookk ampere, DepartmentOlerksAud others Government Positions Tfiousands ofXappeintment will b? made. Auy man or woman over 18, tu'city or country can get instruction and free?information by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 28M Hamlin. Building, Rochester, N. Y. = " ' w Reward for Escaped Prisenm. For the uapturJ and delivery of the following described prisoaer* who escaped from the Franklin county jai on *oY. 28th.,' I will' give the flowing rewards: , For JackVjrJbn alias Will Roaa, a light gingw eake oolorad negro, about 6 feet toM, weighing about 180 lbs., age about 82 years, who has a burn oulaia left arm not healed, and was Wetting an overall suit when laat bo?u; ten DOLLARS. for Charl/e Lews, a bright mulatto negro,p feet M-or II inehae in height, Weighing \bout 170 lba., f-.nnth fa?, age alAut 80 yaara, who when lost seen wLi wearing an ' overall sail, TEN DOIsLABS. -v. For Jolia Stone, a Black negro about o ftl 8 inches in hjug])t, wearing a little mustache, weight about 160 lba, stammers a little in talking I or has a little stop in his spessh, " FIVE DOLLARS. This Dee. 3rd 1909. H. C. KsiBirar, fl Sheriff of Eranklin couaty, N. C. I T SPIRES to bay alPyour old scrap ' etc. Call to aee me^j^fi"give the I bighost market prioeX ? When you wanffdaily papen^msgW^^j^preB.uooks^Wl., nail to one nas at H ?,y news stand on Hash street I where I bare a full line at all times JAKE SPIRE w 1 > n >\V-' ffrj BU . : ..... i _ i i _ It give* vigor end ill sin go ths r* th. oomplaxioo. brightens the honfsinsd in "Favorita PrasirHption." Pierce by letter, tree. Bvery letter Is we?ed ie s litsin emslope: Aililiessi in, Or* R.V. Pieros Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. Notice Htyitg quaJilad ss admUuateator ( Jibm K. Wright, Assessed, late of Friaklin Cemilr, this is to ' bU^osrasoa having slaiius gainst thejatefe of said deceased to prsssat thadyto the utidersigaed within obs jtprbom date hsrssf, or this notica wily ho plsad in bar of their reeeTarj. YPartiaa imdebtsd te said eilate vnJl be sapsctsd to sattls prolaplly, YTbis January 12th, 1910. J. E NichoiAon, Adasr. NOTICE Having qualified aa administrator of Matthew Baton, diseased, late of Franklin County, C., this is to notify all persons'" having claims against ^pid es^afe to present the seme ty the undernamed on or before thaJWn day of February, 1911, or >6ik notice will ba plead in bar of they recovery. All persons indebted t^aid estate will please pay at onse. \his Feb. 4tb., 1910. * EDDIE H. EATON, Adm'r ' W H Rufifin, Attorney Choice and Fre4i Cut-Flowers Of Carnations, Rosek, - Viohjiafetc. Floral designs' and FloVpstffor all occasions. Potted Fafprfflkd all kinds of pot and out imt bedding plants. Vegetable J plants in seaaoto. All orders promptly filled. ' \ El. STEIN METZ, florist. ._ Raleigh, n. c. n a rv ' bjtooov- uracipUs Vlivey' JNO. WDCSTON has juBt got the i?r^ to bay in one Dig lot of fancy shiijp to the amount of 2000. Now ain't/lhat what you call writ. These stfirA were bought wayj down under tim value, they go the' same way. Mes 20W yards of Chinese matting, lot it ladiaAcoat suits bought late in the s/ason at Bp cents on the $1 they also gcfat a sacrmcr.I ain't forgot the men fpiks, 1 haee 1000 pair of pants, a big lot of sprnbg .clothing, oh I forgot I have a lot oil women shoes, w.lting paper, boys legglns and men's leggins, also a big lot or men's rubbers, overshoes and a great many , other things. X. J P WINSTON LAND SALE / By virtuf of an order of the Supenor court of Franklin county madejf the special proceedings entitled RyT Moore Admr. of R. W. \Moore debased, vs. S'ibel Moore andwther, hairs at law, the undersigned <\>mmiasK>ner will, on Monday, the 7th dky ar March, 1910, at-12 o'clock noon.teaH at publie auction at the court holpe door in Louie-] buig, to the hirhgsnbidder for cash, all that certain traar orVarcel of land sit-1 uated in Fran*in cofhity, and in CySress CraekjRownshia, adjoining the] ,nds of Moore,A J C Matthews] and Mrs. Hf A. Moore land containing i twenty-live acres more or leas and be--] ing the tract of land owned by eaid 1 j W Moore at the time of his death. Tins the 4th day of February, 1910. *' W. B. Yabbobouoii, Ja.,Com. Plant Wood's Seeds 0 for Stomor/Crops C Wood's MthVnnua/ Seed Book to one of the nut useful and com plete seed catHogu* issued. It . Sires pisoBerf-ltforfnation sbout the beet and modt cOofl table seeds to plant for \T The MarkekGrower The PrlvaM hardener The Fanyf \ : tWootTs 8sMs are\rown and A selected with special retoienoe to I - the soils and climate of the South and eeery southern planterhhould " haVh Wood's Seed Book so as to he fully posted as to the bestaoecs tor southern growing. Hailed fret on request. Write for It. T, We WOOD t SONS, Wesrs SssSsssiisis Mr Obnaa and Clayar Seeds. Seed Watateee. Seed ?eta, Cow Waaa, ! jr-?"-rrt.',rs*.'i *"m ?w.. y*V 1 *. , j? * *c \' s - - 777>"\xT^df V J .(i 'Uttif from .OhHfornta. Fowlih, Oil, J?n. 14, 1910 TlUNRLIM Timmk, Leuieburg, M. C. Mr. Kditor ? la thia Uttar I 1 thought I weuld toll something ( I bow fruit was managed in tbe pack- 1 ing houaea. Peaohes ara damped in rge bins, and ara uauallv dry. Tbay ara token to'the gradar and ara ran ' through. They go over a lino aiave 1 that baa reund bolaa of diffarent 1 liaaa, and fall into email bina. Than 1 thay ara token to tha dip and made 1 wet ailli eatoi that bai a little aalt * aad aoda in'it. Tba fruit ia upead oa trara and ran in, tha aalpbar J bauaa, where it take* aulphor famaa ' for flyo or aix hours, Than it ia 1 ready for tha ladiee la "feooe." Tha 1 taaa ia pat in the bpttom of a box, 1 J than tha box ia filled, pressed and 1 lidded and it ia ready for -market. 1 Bexee weigh 6, 10, 'if, 26 and 60 1 pound*: All -nut and dried truit ia 1 managed about tha una way. Pigs 1 aad prunaa are dipped in bet water. Prunea have liquub in tha water to put a glare en than. All fruit bould be waehed .before it it eater, 1 raina net exeepted. Wonld- you like to knew how raiaiaa ara prepared for market? They oeme to the paoking houae in grant loads. Pour horses will pull aix ton*. They ara pnt in aweal bo tea and the boxes-are taken in tha booae and ataohad up until they want them atimmad. Than thay are dumped in tba hopper. Thi* maohibi ia something lika a wkaat aep...w Th. ? ' A- -? The foftMrinjf whi<9> we will sell ^ etwap forfcaeh: One Car Patent flour, One Car Red Dog Mlll\Faad, Ona Car of i Lime, One cV/ No. 1 Heart * . Shinglea, One CJrNaila all ajxaa, i One ear of Rebhroid Roofing. " A ?oa big lot of tfheaa. Hate. Dry . Gooda, Notion/, CoffiAa and Can- i keti and liai WiiB uf y da- I . acription. / ? a J. H. WEATHERS " & Company 1 . BUKK, North Carolina i . . . _ . l 1 < \ . . . V . \ ' -v ' ' r.:'. a?HVT?. * u? v/iiuuvi rm IUOHQ VI woven wire, end the eterue are MU((t in this and the ravine are palled off. They go over screen* that have holea in- them. The tonr crown are eaught on'the first eereen and the three orown are caught on the next, and so on, at many grades aa there ia. The house that I worked in oeuld stem 30- tons a day, and one man eould nail the tops on the bexes as last as they come to him. 1 like the three crown beat. They are the meat uniform ones. When it comas -to layers is where ladies put lSTheir haadiwurk. This all dene by the ladies, and la tee tediona to write. Bat you .can aee that it ia nioe werk, and some ef thetn make as high as $4 a day. The last time I asked the price el raisins in 50 pound "boxes was three and one fourth, cent a pound. I have not ssea a seeder but there it one in Fowler. Theie are twe kinds, on* takes the seed eut with saws, and the other puneh thera out with little pegs. Notv? lor a little Japanese language.(Heigh yu mucam uo)nohman,( savy ) understand, heping the Timks, a prosperous New Year, and all my old friaads happinaea. , Yours truly, Jr J: Edwards; In Mamorlam. By request we publieh the following article, which islan eulogy of Queen Viotoria, written by Mr. Q. R. Smith, wko is well known among Franklin Bounty's older citizen*: The noblest woman ef the greatest people ot the grandest age the _ world has ever seen. Born in 1810. Crowned in 1837. Married in 1840. She lived to be the mother, the grandmother, the mother-in-law, the step-mother to all - Earopo?and god mother to ohristendom. Qneea of England, Empress of India, Czarrina of the British realm apon which the ana never sets, and the hum of her Industrie* keep time with the whirr of the world through space, mistress of the sea, monitor of the nations, chaperon of the people, matron ef the heathen, she has with one caress wiped the tattooed marks ftom the feoe ot the New Zealaoder, clothed tha nude Australian in the garments of the Strand and taagbt them in aooents English to ' sing portrait, one of the first of the sun'* paintings, she heard the first faint shriek of the locomotive, stood sponsor at the birth of the telegraph and under he< fostering osre,-she nursed thee* things into the titian giants of the world's werk. From bar -palace tho offing under a puff of rt?a;? molt its white wings of canvass as all bird its plumage and more npea tbeil waters as things ?t life going and jj jU4V- < \I V' vJ X-7'-! >*.. ? jl RP*..-rJI . 5irV. oum'iDv iu the l?o? vt ? md ami lid a, while upeu the lana the locomotive < >a its iron ways with ' ponderous Load* af merchandise ami a great oenoeurae of people goes darting paal ?-?ifter tbaa the weaver'# ahultla, oat aoroaa the broad Atlantic towards the aettiag aun. She haa Beer that wayward offspring of her houaebold denying parental, authority landing with ona foot npon the land the other in the aaa with bar head in the clouda atrtaa a match upon the ikf, light the eleotric are tranaforrai"(r fha nieht inla day, toaohinp the J winda to bahave and the atartna to . herald their ooiniog. In aheer wan- < tonnsM'hs la toying "With the sphers, tearing tha elamaata, laaaooing .the j ligbtninga in tha oleuda and harness- i ing them te bia oommarcitT threads of thoogbt that weave a plaxua aver avary hill, and under every aaa ' landing than on miaaionn of heraldry to tha enda of the .earth and far off ialanda of the aaaa with a fleetneae behind wbiah even lag the awift winged arrowa|of light. In tha privacy af her own ohamber by tba till amall voiaa of ihe wire mounter witb the copper tongue, in bay/ own varnacnlar ahe reads tomorrow's tranaaationa ai the Eaytern world a litters! treapaaa upon divinity, a leak into tha futnra whareiu it M i written, tiipe waa but tiaae ahall be no mora. Hare in tha fullneea *ot tiaae; the couipletneaa of lifa'a wark, aa aha paaaea)out into the "ever and forever witn tiTiX tow breathing, fain*, ami fuiutar pulse, all lieada are bowed and all bearta whisper her | national autoera ox "Ood Save the | Quean"?and > mete it ba. O. H. Smith. nFOR SALE >1 I have 100 bhebels >ff Simpkins l'rollfic Cotton Seal lor sale at . $1 per bushel. YW. O. STONE. Rr F:' D. No^^^ouiaburg.yfi. C. FOR SAM: / 1 have 60 head of goatsXhat I will sell in any number. CallVb see me or write'at once J P IbaiUiBnAiui, HhuiaVr*. N C NOTIQE ? I offer mv Ber\ibqjn.o the public as auctioneer. W? be glad to' serve you at any trtnX See me for terms. O. xl. JOHNSON. EASY TO TAKE 3F . . j* tfut bard to get rid of. That's the torj- about oolda in generaj. T*y /)ur \Cold Tablets Tbay ar/ easy teUake, and if taken in time *ill save jVu a doctors bill. They prevent as vhbII as cure. BEASLEY-AliTON DREG COMPANY Just.. Received f ' "*" *?. ' | Are Y< 9 Hones H With your land w yj? ?sake of savinga & yoviv use a fertili b onlyNrecommendj p analysis. It requi] Icial knowledge to rials to analyses. - of a fertiliser lies terials usech so / over feed time and starv&a This is why Koys are so popdiar. , gredient has its ??'work to do. 1 years experience goods for Souther ^ enable^/ us to kn required. ii See thai trade mark is [| trade mark I =^1 fij RESISTEREE F. S. Royster NORFOLK, SALE AN D I have decided to run aqain a Sale / Li wn the public with A f ^ First Class Vyeams Will be glad to hart a libeoa^tWre of patronaj teams and polite and accommodating drivers. R. F~. FUL " 4 * ' Z New Line of I have just reoeised a niceu - * and u lot ojnew goodi that I am to see me aud^tal^e a l?ok at whal | n B^O Fending investment of idle funds l our certificate/ * V. y < W Which are partible en dafnand, tn i ment, negotiable at my /ank, and * varying rates, depeadmg on lengi Ac mains on deposit. (lo/respondenc W vietv invited. \l f? THE - CrnZENI y. ? "' * \ HENDERSON, K k J. B. OWEM8. President ' . \ FIRST CLASS JOE i , fe' : .. * it!\ ' . hen foptfie /\ few dollars/-? izer whope \ '/= ""Vition is/its 9 0 res no'spe- $ / mix'mate- ^ The value r in the ma- ? as not to | mt at one |it another. J iter brands J Every in- ' k ' particular * r "wenty-five a in making j n crops has j . ow what is gj on every bag ||' luanoCo.^ ^ ^ /LIVERY Z ivery Stable and am prepared to , At- All Times. . -* ->? ore and guarantee satisfaction. Safe v 'l . . ' -LERv ' > V " \ selling ehekp^Come Ajrvt. z ^ X'..^ _ ' V^^taH attention to ^ of -DEPOSITS inaferable by endorse- w earning interest at X tha of time money re- ^ t J te or personal inter- 3 - BANK 4 , c- J - 4- ? W. A. HUNT, Cuhiar ^ I PRINTING. ' J

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