[The Loui: v.- - I ________________ ' R I J This la the title of the coi i ' . 0 1 R^ALKSTATK M you wUh to buy , time to pay for it. If you with to Mil you RENTING PROPERTY AND COL , tenant. We will also collect yourf rtnU fa I LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE W I fire.. An innranM policy on your life wll I Your MYtn*a and accumulations of n life 1 1 MONEY If you wish to borrow moi* I absolutely ffilt ed*e security, and charge : I on (lit edge security, whether only a few | rlees and the services of our attorney, wh 1 WE CAN QIVC YOUR BOND We I your bind, instead of asking your friends 1 r We bare enumerated in the foregoing a number of Other ways and we offer our a 1 no e d diidt jt un* i uwn PRESIDENT ' ,?. R G / I TREA8I 1 Fir i DR S P BURT FRANKLIN^ TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. , Friday, February 111910. 1IDU TO n? ADVUTIgBnNTU _ _ M F Houck?For Sale - " IhirneU^A^ Thomaa?Pianos Bank of Youugsville?Statement ~7 W E Murphy?To My Customers DT Smithwick?A Genuine Bargain Citisena Bank of Franktinten?State? ment. ' tar drops:"' ?Franklin Superior Court adjourned on laat Saturday evening. ' ?We are requested to state that there wll. be no prayer meeting \ servioes at the Methodist-and Bap tiat cburebea next w?ekL ?Sajit. J. R. Williams is giading Main Street in frent of Court Street this week. The work in itself is goood , but woe-be-uute the mud. ?'tfhe large plate glass, wbiob was broken oat of the front of The Beasley Allies Drug company's store sometime ego,has beea replsosd. ?Mr. Joe M. Person bas purchased the D. <5. Pearoe residenoe on Church street and informs Us that bo will hnvA ricrht mnnh imnrnvn. - raeot made thereon.? ?The Farmers Union mot in the court house yesterday hup as we go to press "before a report of their proceedings could reaeh us we can not give it this week. -tv ' ?A correspondent from Katssville iDfortTYB" us-that it is reported that there ia a good oaae of innall |I?I si Mr Wilny Hnlrnea pent" there. However we hope that this . is amistako. ?There was forty-aix applicants thaf stood the civil aervioe examination here Saturday before *Tre~ K. K. Harris, postmistress, fop the positions ?of Census enumerators. Among tins nam'oer wire eighteen nogrSVe?We received a message from | 'J Margaret yesterday saying that a horse belonging to D. T. Loyd came near killing himsolt on Wednesday afternoon by getting his neol? caught in a hook on a wagon wbile<feeding. ^ in polling oaoa to get loose ne lore i great bole in hia neck. j ?A woman went to a newspaper office and wished to advertise for her husband whe -bad disappeared. When told that they charged two dollars an inch ebe went oyt saying tt wuuid break her ep at that rate as her husband was over six foot 1 long. f . / ?Dr. J. B. Brigga the" moat excellent Grand High Priest of North Carolina has graitsd a dispensation to the Royal Aroli Masons of Looir burg to get together and restore tbe old Loniabnrg chapiter No. - '26. They held their first convocation lsst night;In the Matter Maeons Ledge room. V , _. " . _ .. '"' !' " j ; =? t I dMbi sburg Guarc AND ===== fealty Compan npany just established in Lc what we can do for you. farm, wV will buy it for you. and assist you in r farm or ex^hanre it for another, we oaa assist LfcCTINQ TONTt If you wish to rent your i r you if you das\s and keep the property insure 'e will also insure yhur life against death, and ws 1 not coat much. but\?o\ild mean much to yot time may he destroyed uh^fttw minutes by firs, j sy. we will assist you to bor^Ht. If you rou not a cent. No matter whah^nount yjp ma dollars, or larger amounts, ws wthmlaceiffor y o has made s specialty of looking u^mweatata 1 are also prepared to giro bond of ce^eii^harac ioslgn your bond. f some of the aeirices our oompaapcan render if i ervicsi to the public! We besybusinees Febru si L P HICKS VICE-PRESIDENT kLLEN J. A Tl LTRER SECT MANCE COMMIT! J- M. ALLEN . / ?An exohange gays tbat inth stomach of a calf killed a fear dai ago was found a silver spoon, a sai cellar, a table fork aod a carlin| iron. Evidently this"'young boas waa laying in a store for a obalio dish party, or had-run serosa a bale of hotel basb somewhere. ? ?This is like all other oities of it size. It ia not- .without the croaka or tlie kicker. Hit presence seem indispengible to k?ep up the eontrai between the enterprising citiae whose influence is felt and seen 1 the march of pregreaa and improva mnnt and the man who finds hi greatest delight in throwing a wt blanket on " every enterprlze thi tends toward impieving the town. "i- ' *, ?Den't leaf on the streete an tell atrangers that the tewn is dear It ia not. The trouble ia not that t a dead town, bat that of dead enei giea of two many of its people. Sho; that yon are alive-by -moving livel; wide awake by jumpiag into it, o the alert by improving your oppo: tnnities, and getting there beeani year are in the lead of tba procai aion. ?Yoong man, you bad better g to reboot while you now have1 an oj portunity, and thus seeufe an ednoi tion that will enable you to eon mand more than common wagi when yon grqw up to mpnbood. It the fellows whov play "hsokey" i their boyhood who ""-will growl th moat about hard-tunes, ahd^werk ft a dollar a day. Go to aohool and g there to learn and not for the piti pose of acting cute in'order to a trsot the attention of the "big girls ?We would be glad to see some < ,our leading citizens get together an arrange a' corn contest for Fraukl: county. VVe notice that there is good number of the tiuuiities in tl State taking this more and in o< opinion it is a'+good one. It wi aiuiaID W? ?? ' ? ' ' yioij VX3 ttll 111 Q.BUHTB rtllll] raorq com and if the ' farrae throughout the country would rail more hoae supplier we would e. perience a great deal mora proape ity. Let aome one take hold nn make a start. ?The trouble with moet yoen men ie that they do not underetan the dignity of manual labor. The do not real ice that honora amd foi tune may be more readily game | ootaide of the to-called learned pri faaeion than in them; and that is jni aa honorable to eWlng a hammer c to hoW a plow at it it to make ipeeoh in ooart or to ampakite limb. The leeeon yooag men aLoal be taught as early aa poaaible ia thi it ia not M much what a man tlot I fm a living -?? bow he deea it, nn that-manual labor ia aa honorable I any otbar. MLESiMEKS ' ?'vv " . ' _ - , y . ' , . I ... -'yy xC ~ ' V * . ' ' ' wsaww NsaaasS^ iM*M4MMbA inty, Loan! ^ _________ i iy > ; misburg and rea^/^below j i negotiating Uwi to buy it. if you want 1 you to tin tyralao. ^ 1 property,will assist you in" finding a d and Ja^spair. wiURnrure yoor property againat loan by ( and children, in caee of your death. ^ fire insurance pbBcy will protect you. poney to loan, we will pUf? Jt for you en I iy desire to place out at 6 per Oent. Interest , ou. and not charge you a cent for our se~ dtlei. J ter I gnd you can hare this company furnish | ' v ' - J 1 ' I: ere prepared to senre yoa ia 1 W H RUFFIN ATTORNEY JRNER JSTARY ; . I.,;.' TEE R G ALLEN ! ! I?" s\' Jil'' ?js- * "r - 11. j Old Qfntlsmnn?Wbit'i the maN~ i ter Sonny? It Small boy (prying)?Pa'e on a g rampage, mad ?- wiiti .varyy body. J 0 (,I(t fl.nt1.iV.Bn. 1 _j -, - ??? uuaia mey h trouble wilh Pa how? " ./ Small toy?Ha went to town ?iterdaj and bought him a>?/(? of * clothe* and an otercoat, an this >r morning he wu trying 'eiDibn when " ? laid, "Pa yon aAr a aerinible man. ' I picked these very clothCa eat for n yon at P. S. & K. AllenV the ^ other day~when 1 vtjnii town. They *aid yeu could take /up whole lot at " 88. '*H ?r? aod^hui*UrH aay* Pa, 11 "I didn't net 'en-Jat Allen'* and I 11 paid $10 "tor u?n. Why in the thnnder dido't/ou tell raa thia. You d j hare made ml loae >Pf\ Joat like ] i yon durn w/ueo folk*. Koi always ,{ j hare your Xnoutba open I when yon r. ought to /are them shut, and alw way* amit when they aheuld ?be a open."/Pa waa in a rage, and aal a our oJL paaaed Pa kioked him out r. the yoat door aod he landed about: ]# 80 met out in the yard. Ma Waa i *k?ired, she waa, ao the raa in the kitchen and ehnt the door, and I waa sitting in my little' chair laughing. Pa, he raiaed hi4 fort and kioked me chair and all, out in the yard almost as fur as he did the oat. 1- . > I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Trffc ~* ^ "? CITIZENS BANK / ; ~ OF FRANKLINTON, W . I FRANKLINTON, N| C., ..lafctlt* ClOM Of bllBin*?fw Jmwl At VOI O ^\RE90URCE8. * v -y Loan^Jjpd dfosiunU 76.816.14 Overdrafts ' n. 44120.08 <3 Purniture and flx|urfr*. ^ 1.588.89 Due from banks riwd bankers * 5.207,18 in Cash items \ 644.88 Gold cpin V s. 595.00 a Silver coin, ineln<1h)^ll mii?o| coin fiBrrency \ I - WS.I6 National bank notes and etna* tr D. 8. not** \ 1 2,801.00 U, Total, * \ /$ 02,147 54 >_ LI ABILlVlEfc. !^f_ Capital stock-paid in \ / 5 15,000.00 re Undivided profits less exposes and taxes paid \ 4,784.11); ?? Deposits subject to check l\ 70,868,82 r_ Cashier's checks outstandiAjV 1)884.30 | Certified Checks \ ^68*47 r- TofZ"~ ' \ M,1*7.K4 1? STATE of IfOBTlt CABOL.ina,) \ County of Franklin. / ' ssk I, Wm. F. Joyner, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly swear thAS the iff above statement Is trne to the best o\ my * knowledge and belief \ " ld ' Wm. F. Jotkbs. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn te before me, this p. 9th -day of Feb. 1910. ji R. Mollis, N. P. ti Cobb swr? Lrrxwr. T*"^ jr C. 8. Williams B. J. Cheatham, It B. W. Ballard, bireetois. * A Genuine Bargain Not Often to d Ete Found .. it 113 sores tie beall farming land ? in Dunn's towVshipiS miles from jj Banns. Mo Vasty land, three? fourths ill timHbrJ Will b? koIiI M privately by me Vm- not sold before will be aoldX without reserve _ first Monday i i/War oh at Court House dpor fof'dfeWon among a I large numberof heirs. 1. D. T. WlUTHWICK. >- V 4 i'* & - ?-* ' v- '(< * rn ViWVfi ' . ' ' " . > J v . .. . > JlMTEREST CO j QUART! 7 Beginning April 1st, we will oocfipound interest on i is sufficient to start an account, after which any ami All moneys including the first dollar,- payable on de X X A PLEASURE TO A Do not hesitate to eall on us; but make the fullest A come in. If you wish to send money away, use our X costs you nothing, and is good anywhere. ABSOLUTE SAFETY X Is our first concern and. next the best ssrrios to ou are bonded, we carry burglary insurance, also fire i security and our bank is under the ^u^twjsion of t any serrice it will be our pleasure. I FIRST NATldl f LOUISBURC 9 ~-T. UNDER SUPERVISION OF J X I Just - Re A shipment of Tungs most economical and trie LightNv . ON THE CORNER PHONE 4 v " f III. ' ' Come to - - When in need of nrj Dry Goods, Shoes, fa Crockery, Tijiw Farmi ng^ofm I am prepared to aell you Fertilizers on the nest" ariangeminte for tl Telephone! when you want,prompt attention and <iulek tMt L produce. Cash or ii | TJJFPI ' jr - -V ' ;?' ?i?r;S*" '' "iivA ,:?&& ' I 'V "" * tir , Siik.-jLtit. y. A.AAAAAAAAAA A-A A A A. A IA IMPOUNDED | :RLY | SSSpS5E5SEESSS55SB5SS55^5 "' *avinge deposits quarterly. One dollar J junt from 25 cents up will be received. maid. No charge for our service. _ ?? s :rve you r i use of this bank. If you need change y cas tiers checks, better than money, for funds * r e stumers and friends. Our officers X net ranee. We lend money only on good he Q' S. Government. If we can be of hlalvs^nk I u/>l^nxgovernment jceived j ten Lamps. The beautiful Elec- T MCKS, j 2 LOUISBURG, N. C. ^ v v> v- *' . See Me ;fchirg in J 1 *?^?'? "?;'" # ',-? :y Groceries . r .. fV*:'Vi r. ; otions. Hardware, ..." are and all * : . dements . , ^ t^Un. , See me before making yonr fo/30 ; 1 trade UjOsborfc N. C. ^

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