^ ? g Come and - 8 Music | Good i 11 Comprising !?; Music Fo ' Gradu All the New I _ . time an And About Had in SI Music "r.?~ Higt Only 10 - Sheet Mu Castalia Item*. ^ Mr. Eani* Peirca, R. F. IX Carner, rtpwiil the birniag of B/F Uaney's residence near Mount Tta . bron, ever in Franklin, aleat. 10 o'clack Monday marning. The origin of the fire and the extent of the loaa is not known. Mrs. Jae Collins,.aged about tl iitt -years, died at her heme hart last 'Tuesday.- She was hiptily ee-vm-d * 'by all who knew her?and lea tea a husband and a little boy, and Tnany 'relatives who have the deep sympathy of all in thair sad bereavemeut. , An election was (ranted by the County Commiasionera yesterday to _ lengthen the pnblic school term here, bat owing te to the remoteness ot portiens of the district, and that we have rsoantly voted a $15,000 bond issaa te naild a railreed from Iiecky Meant te this place, end the agitation of a tax to improye our pstbTie roods will eaoaia a strong sp position to the maaaora. ' Mr. Samuel Harper, ona of aar oldest landmarks, who had jaat paas. ed his eigbty-fonrth rails peat ef a very assfal sad wall spent life, died st his hnraa about ona Mils from -bare oa last Wednesday. He "Gad Jaag beeaja traa and oonaiatant mwa b?r of the Baptist church and was as haaaat, honorable and trna citizen. ... ^ Hia faasral waa preached by Bar. <3. M. Dake and hia remaiaa wars tenderly laid to rest at bis hoaa in the pressnoe of a namber of friends. We arc gihd to aota that Or. T. d. Capped a a and hia most excellent wife hare decided not te ware ta Oaatravilla, bat will ramaia with aa. Bat vary "tittle wark baa baaa doaa en the farme>in tbie county awing to .. the anfarorWfac weather conditiona. A boat the same crops will be plsaf ed and as aaaoh fertilizers need aa in i waara Dtwardif i; fiiar nrnrn and raiaa Horn* auppliea if foo want ?o gat wt ~?ha ffolr ttno yoart la j? ^ . farming ipplatnaDttdaatroTod by fin on Saturday aftaanaon. It * thought ?' tiia ohitdrar,*l'il'- at plar.untl.oUeht?'.Uy aat tb? build in# on fire. \ Try the New * r on ..Qui' Pianos^ " ' . . V. Vv t All Classes o r Beginners and ates of Music. opular, Classic, Rag d Sacred Songs - * * Everything to b< leetiMusic. This is Worth as I a a flPi /?4-o i u?o w wo ? .?* 1 - ** * r * ^ents Ifpqj ?| [7 sic 10c J" J V ! - . o Katesville Items. s ^ Mm Nellie Mitebiner visited h? - aiater Mra. Sberrod last. week. One voting men called on hit gi last Thurediynigbt the 3rd and hi | sot been seen in thede-. parts sine The answer lur have bee's in th negative. toy h<vw ha hu dieeppeu , W* * ^S. . We learn ana man n??y Kacesrill j.a' i.iloiiii and pays diOft foe small lead of wood wbit there i Jtboat 154 cords in 400 yards of hi heose bat it won't fit' hw firs pise - or stove. We think on? friend Strieklsrr still nseds a enardiea as he is bars ing plant beds for tebacoo and love te sleep as good as a child. Wo be anto hie oarea nsxt summed Mr. N. A. Tnnstall and family ar visiting her sister Mrs. A. T. Bed dingfleld. ' . . - * . ' . ' Wte learned the other day thi Mr. John BeddingfieH, an old so' dier, had to spend the sight Sati i d?J on the roadside on aeooant < 1 fear of snail pox. X. X. Centrevllle News. Oeatzerille is, slowly bat sareli rising to take its plaee arsoeg tb other large oitiee ef the State. ] isn't so far oat of reseh of averwher so wea thoagbt at ooe time. W now hare a train to eeme witbi hearing and charm as with its mi edioas whistle. Trareling men ofte make their way hero hnd And profitable te . visit oar tbrirm , _X W. Neal spent Monday 1 | Lonishsrg. i Mra. ElijahVlriffin.ofCedar Rrcl i visited her father, Mr. J. 8. S treat ii l Samrdat and; Sanday. Mr. Sid Mat, of Caatalia, |pa< * Friday and Saturday with Ills ?uu > Mn.Jobn Aadrewt. . Miaa Nannie Gorton want oterV ~I,a?raI Sunday. Mra. (i. W. K-iticv, yiaited he mother at W ooda laat weak. -iP''; . - . r.f. .. j.l: ; We Have Just I . . ''?? 4. J.* Two Thot Pieces erff /. X/" u "" *- 1 ^v~ ^ c ?n y^H 1 ' rl / 3 r ' ~ M Vau. w. HOLL yT -^1- I'/ LOUISBL '?. .-X _ ^ Miss Hatti* Nnl, of Castalia High )r School, ?ai in town Saturday guest nf Mr?. .! w. Neal. r) Mies Veasie Jenkins, was the gaetl M of Uih Viola Shenrin, Friday night a. Dr. Keith, of Cam, will loeate bora to practice tho profeooiao *1 r- dontistry. ~Hij Box Party given at th? o Academy,. Friday nigh', February a 4thr was a audcwaa While the pre oeeda ameonted <o rmly twelve delit lata, we look ape* the oeegsion as e toeoeeafal. Every ode preaent fead a most enjoyable evening, and ananid raooely agreed that the party meat be repeated. m fiuam Gumta. * ~~ TO MT CUSTOMERS h wish to to custom ert e I that my bills ile ue^verfMonday I- and please csllXapmind ta , settle same or ba resdyYor them when I send Ihem out, /rteour orders will it ba tnrned dowa. \ hare to pay h tha essh sad I mu?l\?y? tha cash; r W. R-NMUBPHT. 1 REPORT OF t** oormtk)m bfthi BANK OF YOUNQSVILLE, at younqsville. n. O.. ft* rtoa cknAol bo*in#-n* Jan. 81. 1910 ft - \?CSOU(7CC8. m Loan* and diaA>nn t# 9 26,690.69 Or^rdrafta \ 8,660.98 [t Banking-boon*. \ fa mi tar* and flxtw#, \ 860.00 bamand loan* \ 94.63 Dw from banks mid banker* 11,831.36 Gold coin T . *66.00 n Sllmr coin \ /- 717,66 National bank nofb* and />tk*r U 0. R. aoto* \ / 3 *93.00 n Total, \ / % 60,461.96 it liaJ^it?ci. Capital atoek paid itk f 6,000 00 g Barptoa fond / \ 6,000 oo rndiridnd profit* mmi mmmt akpaan' a and taya 6*td Ofto.ia ^ Bill* oajmU*. f | 4.*00.00 n?. MnlBrae* f *.7*0 81 ? "birttin i-li*k _ io.uio.m OoofcW. dMetwAatatei^ng, >11.ft* 1, - Total 1 . 1'" ' ftu.tft'fSo , or Son-Ji CAkniM^TT '. Cunotj of Franklin. I / m. X. V. O. Iknttrr of tbik^ahovr. naurd bank, flo olemnll that th# fc abovn ntar*m*>nt fn trn# M i of mr p han 4?4 >wMa. 1./ >. ' HykiiiUM*.. f'it?bi#r. _ '^pbngriW<1 and ror^iri Wotf ni?. thfc Of b (Tar of Tib. T PTCK - J-fc if ' "> f W: Dukr, .. 1 .< . > ' Cl??4? Cbwitha*,. ' =fC ' '* . P'rr^t<w'a iX; i ' / .; $j3jf % ' Vf .... v - v. ^njnuifim .1 pi; psjlt "i _ -- --- .. '' t. ^ . "j '; , v 1" J deceived Invoice For * ..V"*"? J isand Differer -V ^ ~*"'' INGSWORTI IRQ, N C. * . ,.# ' i Commissioners Sale of Land. Uadcr sad by virtue af an order of ^ ' reaala made by the Superior Conrt af ?a)l : Fraaklin County at the January Term, ry ii , ltlO, iu that action entitled Wm U. i " Ruffle, AdminiotratoJef J. F. JeaeaT ,1U, deed., re J. ??. AUenknd The Seaboard *1S0 Air Liew Railway, Which order aad de ' erea war upoa append of raid aatien to I the Supreme Court fcf North Carolina ^s= by the said, Supreme Court affirmed, the nndereigtied commissioner, will en _ Monday, the\7th day of March",' 191*, [ it being the fireI Monday in March | about the hot* of /noon at the Court Bouse deer intLoaieburw, If. Cir offer for tale to the fiWheat bidder,, far seek, that certain lot of land ia the tawa af t;? Loniaborg, in M county of FraakHa and Stats, of north Careliaa, on the Eaet side of Mali Street, adjoining the A. L. Ry. dent aad morWpaalieakr[r defined ae Allows: Beginning at ' the cbrner of tlfaj. F. Joaae 1st aad C. B CKSikth. dWo w? u. ?_ meriy the BwtUilt Prise ITnuaa Jot, .. on Main Straetf alF^jron slate, thence _i, along C. B. ft. St E. {,' two hundred aid ttirty teaefeeS, mora n: of leas, to earned af the Tar Rirsr ?? f Manufacturuw Company's 1st ranger- v.i ly the_Cooper?lot, it the linn ef the 5> , _ ? if. X^Ry. atone the Una ef the ! 8. A. ft. RyT N. 2ftB-rW.-*w?ftnndred Ey and seventy liina feet, mora or tees, to ' i ' .the corner If naidl railway aa Main Street; thanes alenglsatd Main Street , S. 3S 1-4 Wlone hunarsd aad forty foor feet, moralr less, to the point ef begin th nlng, H beftig tha Joita Tobeeca Ware- * 1 houae lot, ppon wbichtthere la aitaated a dwelling house and (beat one halt in S? width of fie Jones Toaaaco Warahonae ~ building. T \ \ -j And by/virtue ef thekanld order aad decree of the Superior Court, affirmed M by the Sfipreme Court SB aforesaid, the ? nndersi{fised will sell anrag with said and to nia highest bidder, lor cash, a ft deecendtble, trrnaferatle and assign- U able eaiement in to and apon that iMs of lan<yon tile southwest aide or margin of thoaiepot alto eTthe eaid - S. A. L. X ' By., more particularly described aa folIowa: Beginning at thft . * art h west corner of the foundation snail oa Vain ~"" Street cf said warabouse Wow situate aw upon arid land, and nm?t HMf 'be along Main Street twenty I three feet Im to the line of tha said S. ft. L. Ry., thence along the said line ot the S. A. L. Ry., S. 2d 8-4 E. the full 'length of raid warehouse, one hundred and seventy one feat, mora of less, than as. a linn at right angina to Main Street and the first named line twenty three feet -fa to tha North East corner of the founds- sail ' tion wall of said warehouse^ thence a u?.- ?? ? I,-., - _ " - ? M.io I^rnncu to lUB 5J, ft. U ItT., line - Klumt llw ftmaJullUli w?ll of aatf wrrliDOK, one hundred and aeventv one awM-i; what oyer osa half of said waeelouae tn .widths the >nld o??< nienlbelnj limited however, by aaid decree to ware* houae pnrjtoaea oo'y. - t. . ;iWi?tfr?ptryio. n vjjSwl$~?9", C?m"U**k^ 1 . '.-4UP?OaU^sX <-**.1 a / " - > .---v ,fb ' ' :J -,-Mi \ HfrjBBr''4*! - rf<,*; ' ???_? _ -?.. V . .... i. LUJi i*,s or f;Y.t>aH,y Trjj ?-T- - ?|T|7,;;" XS88??8@889 We Invite it :_ Pp^es a Write 'for Catali we will Mail KHasic Will be By M - S .A "?. . Etemember we E lid Line of Pianos Sheet I FOR SUE leap forhuiek a;\*h buve-r. Will my hor??,\ ee/t out auder Sur- ? i goad repViii set of hikhi?u, 1 * a wagon aU harnee* all for . 0 R^. EGERTON. nV SS 1 ^anos . r and; * ? ^^Organs i Our objecKpf buyfig this ad- q rtising eparflUy to /et the pea- 0 E of Franklin Oonaty know that i are still in the\pusi? business " lling aline of.goods that are it a little better! liVi the other II p lows, at about the same or lo?? 1 n ,ney. f -\ fl al sqiart Hemrahfe DuMbAHe Hire I a: lalh ap Rue fiepautiea tM Par | a lulacss U GA>wl?g Ewrj Yjy ii We payeaari 30 days for EVrying we bur and save all ais- ?' am, by doing this we areVjn | n. eition to save you at least'15 to I a] per cent la the purchase of ah ? itrument. Send for price liee . d catalogue " ssssssssssss ARNELL & THOMAS 1 bug, a C. -H DWARD ' - T Lggies, ^Va^fons arvERSE^N ^ Call and i ; I r"^l Comparison nd Terms |H ogue Whichy U . 51 You Free V :c9 - - ^ ?' : { JM Sent Yon jjfl "**7 ^_" ';* V 56* ^ fgsssssSs' cvJ F ^ 3vl !ave a Splen- * 5 3 and Organs a JCJ - <? I . .c i fiuslc 10c i SI I '?V "arV' I FORfSJ&E I 200 cord* of Mwed wood, ashH ak, hickory, ^f/amore and pineH t 12 a load, (Tail phone 61. ' M. F. HOOCK - SMALL POX ORBER I 'he Board of County CommiatfionH ?rs at their regular meetvnfH H on Monday, February 7th,-19lM H passed t'le following order: Oi dered thai the County SuperH itendent of Public Hfiklth be an^| e is hereby authorized and >mH H owered to vaccinate all pereons nH H 'ranklin County, who, In hi?' opinH >n by reason of exposure or loca^J on may be Vn dangeyof aoalracH on or Spreading small pot anfl H narantine au euch persons in hi^| pinion the pabic Ziealth may rtH aire, \ / I Be it ordered! /nrther that erson refuaina to aubmit ikn stion or quAantine regn at - trull he guilty Apt a misdameahoH ad shall 011 Jcfariction be fiqefl ot exceeding^!? and not exeeedB lg thirty da?a iA orison. l_!i_?B H And be ltfurtner ordered thaH icn day refusal tC,submit to jseciM H ation or quarantine regobiVoe^^^W rail eoostitute a separate offenaH itbin the meaning of the r*gnli^| ons for the public health, y H Be it ordered that all prisoner* H >11 fined in 'jail or sentenced l| ork on the public roads of Frard^B H a county shall. be vacoinnted bH H le Superintendent of Pnbl^B ealth at the County's expense. 1 T. S. Cou-rs, Chairman I W; M. Boons, Clssk, H s. forcB 1 I I -jb ~vj i, Vehicles I >? at ? warehouse ^ I - V.-:'. . '\1 V.'r \>' - s?! " -? ' >" v ""? & \;,..;':,r.' . .v

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