w r Come and .'S Music I Good ;|L Oomprisinj > g; - Music Fo | ?I Oradu 1 All the New I | ; v time an | And About - ,;|i" Had in SI c;-- ; jg Music /J Sv Higt :. I; Only 10 2 V m tnongtit ?t one time. W? J bow have a train to eeme within * hearing and ehartn na with ita meladioaaT*rhiatle. Traveling men often ' make their way here and And it (irofitmble te vMlt o?r thriving f [ "cHy." v . ' V'JL" w. Sthd at*nt Monday ftri 1 Loniab?,y. J [ - Mre. I'lijah OrifSp, of Cedar Rock, k Satai'dav and Sunday. .-V' 1 -Mr. Sid -May, of. Cattalin, a pent \ j Friday and Saturday with hie-easA- 1 I Mra. John Andrew a. k pT Sx^> j Miaa Naunic Gonton want over tp H niareTSiadaf ~-"^7 - - f Mra. G. \Y. lianey, viaitad her ! mother at W^odn last Week. ~'K -'4 31? - '"V-'v'' . it ' . ' .* __ ^ 'Chitalla itemsMr. Ennis Pearce, R. F. I), oarrier, re parted the baroiag of B. F Raney's residence An Mouat Ha hroo, ever in Franklin, about 1C o'clock Monday morning. The origin of fhe fire and the extent of the low re not known. Mrs. Joe Collins, aged ah->tit't!<iity years, diod at her home here lasi Tuesday. She was hiptdr ee'e-ov-d 'by all who knew her, and leaves a . __ . -husband and a little boy, and many . relatives who hare the deep sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. i * ' . An lection was fronted by the County Commisifonere yesterday to lengthen the public school term here, bat owing to to the remoteness of portions of the distriot, aad thai wshave recently voted a 115,000 bond issee to naild a railroad from j Reeky Meant to this pliee, aud lbs agitation of a tax to improve our pa blie roads will cause a strong sp position to the measure. ' Mr. Semuel Harper, 7 one of -dai _ oldest laadmsrks, who had jaat peased his eighty-fourth rails past sf a very eeeful sad well spent tifs, died ?at hie home about one mils from -here oa last Wednesday. He bad Ja^; beeaja tree and consistent mem. ber of the Baptist church and was aa ... heaest, honorable and true citizen. His faaeral was preached by Rev. <1. M. Pake and Ma remaias wars tenderly laid to root at his home w the presence of a number of friends. We era glad to aote that Dr., T r Ceppedga and his most sxoellsnt Wlfl hava deeidsa not.le mere ts Oantrevitle, bat-will rtmiii with as Bat ?ery little werk basbeea dou on tfca farmau> x hit coontT ewinf tr the anftjon^le weather ooridtiibna I Abnat the mum crop# wflTbelltNt : ed ayl ee ?aith fartjlfaere need M it former years ThTertlfj Tsarcropi ad raise boree supplies if yea wan ? ??to_Ah? o" ""If trne road w plea vramf iifaaigirmce. . jr; Mr. Jee Griffin, of riser'here, baa Urn bare aad all Ms oorn and mant J., iiiit children, while at plar.untliought odly est the building nit fire. p? __ tom. ; r- '1. .1 " - - - ? ' Try the New orf'Our jf Pianos ? ,? V . * v. E All . Glasses of r Beginners and ates of Music. * i* opular, Classic, Ragd Sacred Songs Everything to be tieet Music. This is ^Wortk-as? 1 as 35 cts Cents l|p?f / sir ldr ^ ~_? ' -T i Katesville Items. "L L Miss Nellie Mitehiner visited ber ' ' sister Mrs. Sberrod last waste. < ) One young man called on hia girl last Thursday night the 3rd and baa < aot been seen' in tbaea parts since. The answer may have bees in the I negative, any how ha has disappear- ? led. We learn one man n*?r Kateasille J j g.wa i<> town and pays 8?00 for a 4 small lead of wood when- there is c aboat 150 oords in 400 yards of hie 1 heaaa but it woa't fit ha tire place s ar itnva I" We think our friend Strickland r ' still needs a guardiaa as ha is burn- ' ing plant feeds for tefeacoo and lores ^ ' sleep as good as a child. Woe be anto his enres next summer. Mr. N. A. Tunatall and family are t v viai tin a; her sister Mrs. A. T. Bad- ? dingfleld. 4 I - C? learned the other day that 1 Mr. John Beddingfield, an old sol- ' ' dier, had te spend the (tight. Sati r- . day on the roadside on aeooant ot 1 fear of small pax, 1 - X. X. , ________ I I 1 . - ' Centre ville Hews, i ' " ' Centrerille is, slowly bat sarelyr rising -to Ukt its place snofig tbe I} other large ritiee ef the State. It 1 ian'tao far oat of reieb of everwhere ] \ . - [ ^L ,L | " -r-' ? * C * '*We Have Just H wo Thou Pieces oH . ?" * W- HOLLI LOUISBU r <, Miaa Hattie Naal, of Caatalia lligh >eboal, waa in tours Saturday gueat >t Mia. J. W. Neal. ' Miaa Vc Mis Jenkins,waa tha gaaat >f Hits Viola Shaarin, Friday night. Dr. Keith, of Carry, will locate tare to practice tha profeaalea ?f lentistry. Tba Box Party given at tha Vcademy, Friday night, Febrtiyry Ith, waa a aodoaaa. Whila tha pralaada amounted <o only twelve dolara, Wa look open the oeenaion as naoeeafal. - Every one preaent had > fa oat enjoyable evening, and nnaniaoaaly agioad that the party meat ? repeated. ' Cum par Uhiatil TO MY CDSTOMIJK& I wish to key to my custooiera bat my bills *he uy^very Monday ind.please callXaynand to settle iam.a.or he ratdyYor them when I lend, them out, /rSwottr order# will >a tamed down. \ have to pay be cash and I mtia?\ave tha cash? ... ur a niTmmr* IT - JUb iaVMiUA< REPORT OF mi oaKBrrioN ?r rmi 3ANK OF YOUNGSVILLE, f 'v at YOUNGSVILLE. N. O.. ik the ekiJUf baaioeas Ju. 211. 1910 /mm and AM>?nt? S6,ftM.QD hurdiillf 1 8 ,<160.93 3ankiBg-boaae,\ hi mi tor* and efxM: \ rr^. 160.00 >vwaod loan* \ " 64.63 h?e front bask* And banker* ll.S3l.36. lold coin T v S66.0O lil r*r cola \ 7lY,66 National bank noma and other U. fnraa A / 9.809.00 Total. \ / % .'.0.4ft 1.96 >T" LIABILITIES Safdtftlrtoek paid IJC ' ? 9 6,000 00 feralon foaff ~f\> ? *,0 ) 00 Taufrided profit* ~tf*A rnrrant LIU nawnhie T T , AfOniMi Ina cdftlVate# Jt riepbei t - H.'j H1I.81 )*DO*iU nb^ctJto rhAk 96.1ll0.40 ToUU y \ 1. W;O. Biwlti. 'tiftiMer of the Abovelamed bank, do aoiemnlt ?w??r that >h* ibov* statement la trtie ta the l>*?t of ui.v ^ ?W^r. mtometc. t-nehiee.- - ; Pahtfrribad Mad ?worn*to before nie. thl* Kb dav of Feb, 1910 I W. IfrreatLL. K. P. ^: . , /*. D?k?. $ ? )* ClwAtham, ... ./ *) . /,*'. , ' . . ^."T lUrfrt.n.' . ' : ' ' I V~' * 'r : ^ ^*7; . *' 7 4 ' '* eceived Invoice Fo v . ,,s ' . - sand Diffe * i? Sheet Music y ' J? '' ? INGSWOF RG^J-J C. ~ -1 -r.t' Commissioners Sale of Laa Uader aa<f by rurtue ef an order resale made by the Superior Court Franklin. County at the January Tor 1*10, in that action entitled Wm. KufFia, Administratorof J. F. Jon deed., a* J. 1. AUeannd TheSeahu Air Xiae Railway, which order aad < creo waa upoa appeal of laid aetien the Supremo Court of. North Carati by the sai\ Supredw Court aArai the undersigned eemmieeiooetv will Monday, theytli day of Maroh; 19! it beinr the Aral Monday in Mar about the hoi* of /noon ot the Cot Heuae door inlLosisburg, If. C.,, ofl lor rale to thetiitfbeet bidder, for ?o< that certain lot of land in the towm .Louiaburg, in tao county of Frank and StaU of lUrth Carolina, on t Eaat side of Mali Street, adjoiareg t S. A. L. Ry. dest and morw paattcak ly defined as Allows: Boginning the cemer of ttUj. F. Joans la* a C. B Cheatham Prise Heuae let, 6 merly the Beatfnuht Priae Ilnuea h on Main Strata *A iron state, then alone C. B. Clfathnm'a l?no St SS two hundred dtd Oiirty four foet, me or leas, to cfrneil ef the Tar Bis Manufacturing CoApany'fc lot ferns ly the Cooper/lot, it tha line ef the A. L. Ry., thinee along the Use ef I S. A. U. kylN. ?Hw, twohundi and seventy nine feet, more or lees, -the corner if aaidV railway eo Mi Street; thrflco tisen arid Main 8tr< 8. 33 1-4 Wf one hunitad and forty f* feet, moreir less, to the point of bey i nine, it belie the Jorisa Toboeee Wai house lot, npntt whiehkheie is sitaat a dwelling heuae and about MH hall width of air J abet Tolaeco Warohon building. J * Andbyfvirtueof thalaaid order decree of the Superior Court, affirm by the Supreme Court ae aforesaid, t undersized will Mil with u -?ua via mgneet DUMer, lor cash, deecenAble, transfer* # sod aasig able eaiement id to and apon that ?ti of land/on the southwesthide or marg of thfHirpottlta ?l thesdid S. A. Ry.. mora particularly deacnbed as f< lows: Begirtling at tm *ertbwe corner of the fatmdatloo wad! am Ha Street cf said warehouse aow situs upon .aa id land, and ranting then along Main Street twenty! three fs to the line of the said 8. A. L. R] thence along the said line o(?he S. i L. RyS. 28 8-4 E. the full length 1 said warehouse, one hundred and se enty one feet, more or less, tbenee line at right anglsa to Main Street a: the first named Hue gaunt; three fe to the North East corner of the found aaatijiw JWCT' art along the foundation wall of said wgr tmtfse, one hnndred and seventy oi feet, roefo or leas, to the point of i ginning, upon which Is locatad *om what over ons half at said wgsehou in Width, the snid eMemeitt being 11ml ed however, by said decree to war house purposes on'y. * >' This Pah. 4th.{hW>?- .?? WmrH. HuJBCT I? ' i Commlsslour. Ptnesalvo rW'\ ttin UU |y,- ^llp^ fe IiM *. ' - _ _l _ __ I -?^ r r We Invi , ielflr ~^ ^ - Pptes ) yr -" Write for Cat; / we will Ma Wflsic Will By \ Remember we XdidLineofPiar ssi 1TH s,,^ ?L?? - ;. * ' ,... ' SftwSO'OO'OO'lBttwSC'wP'QffOCwl 4FOR SA/K #{ Cheap foiM?uiekm?a buver. W; at sail my borp?,\ se/t out under Su ro. ry in goad repair/ set' of harness, H- horse wagon s\i h?rnes? all f< Si tt&O.W (R Y- EGETSTONie *?i ? to - M * ' ' T ? Pianos r| AN0 . %' | Organs *' 1 Our objeeKurf bnyZg"thla"Td>t. I Tertisinc spaeMs to /at the paO!* ' g pie of Franklin oonsty know that r" B we are still in the\/tusi? business ** I sailing a line of. goods that are ' * J just a little better Ahan the nthak - fellows, at aboutf he kme or lo?s j; taoney. _ f \ ?d tjr Sqsare HansrahK BeaUafv'Wt Hart f? Ksilt ap ? Flat jkcpautiM aad Oar Je" BuIkss U G/owing Extry Y^r "r We pay ea&h 30 days forjleeryn_ (hing we bur and save all ?isCounts, by doing this we are\in position to save you at ICaat 15 Vo "r y 25 per cent in the purchase ot an "? 1 instrument. Send for price list <d B and catalogue, ? DARNELL S THOMAS S | mug, N,-t lb \ > I gO WARD kr ot ; m '*[ Buggies, ^VJa.go w ; V- T RIVERSIDE \ Gall anc ^ rV-V-'V ~~ "l 11 ' * ]?raR*j lie Comparisoiv k and Terms " r Sot ' , XX .' W ; .J alogue Which 2g ? ' ^SHw^iaa il You Free -1- 85 pBfi be Sent Yofl s Mail S ' *IK 1 - ,r .: "_ . Y*3Wifi| Have a Splen- eg los and Organs i S? V ' -- (% m ..? -r-- m j - ' J?Y 88 I asrv i. 'M t Music 10c . ^ | I 1 J1 O Fon/fyfLE ill 200 cords of ialwed wood, ash, r. oak, hickory, swamore and pine, X at 42 a load, vail phone 61. ,r ' M. F. HOWCK ???T? - \ SMALL POX ORDER " ITbe Board of County Commission-*. era at their regular meeting . ,1 On Monday, February 7thf?4910 , . passed fie following order: Oi der'ed that the County Superintendent of Publjo Hehlth to aiid he is hereby autbiirir.ea and powered to yaccinate all persons in. Franklin County, who, In his'opiu, itarby reason of exposure or location may beVn dangenr of aaetrac' tion or spreading small pox and quarantine all such persons in his opinion the nsblie /i?*i?> ->?- ? quire..- A J J " -; ? J Be it ordered iurther that any - person refusing jo submit to ?ac conation or quarantine regulations shall he tffcilty Apf a misdemeanor and shall ou acmriction be ?t?ed not exroc ding/teO and not eaeeeding thirty days iaprison. Aad be it^lurtflef, ordered, that Jd escu day refusal tesubmit to' 1 nation _or quarantine regolitions I.sMLLeonaUiiitaj^_floparate offense ! within the meaning of the regulations for the public health. v(i Be it ordered that all prisoners eon hoed in jail or sentenaed to' ?a work on the public roads of f^rank- , sj lin county shall be racoinatqd by " the Superintendent of PubUb . Health at the County's espenae. T. S. Collie, Chairman W* M. Booea, Cusl . 1 r > S. FORD * ^ tir P^^^gPTCies aaacK [ tess at : 1 N^arehous^ ' 1 1 See Me 1

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