* "A DIRECTORY. ' v . . . .'\l -. ~r~ chohc1i 8brti0ks. Baptist?Sunday morningat 11 a and at night at 7:30 p. m Pravrr ti in* every Thursday night at T o's r- Kbt. L. W. Swops, Paste Methd'st?Sunday morning at 1 8 uguJM* st night at 730 p. m. Pi Meeting every Wednesday night ". . o'clock. B*v. R. W. Baily, Paste Episcopal?Sunday morning at 1 m.,and evening at 7:30 p.m.,every I third and fourth Sundays. Rxv. John London, Recti sunday schools. Baptist?Services at 9:80 every i - ' day morning. Geo. H. Cooper, Snj Methodist ? Services at 9:30 e , Snnday. F. B. MeKinnv, SU[ Episcopal?Services as 10 o'clock ery Sunday mernjng. 'W. H. Ru Supt. ~ lodoks. Masons?Every Araffend third T day nights ia each month. Dr. H Newell, W M. ?' Weodmen of the World?Every ond and fourth Tuesday nights in < month at 7:30 o'clock. J. W^TloUli worth. Consul Commander. * / Modem Woodmen ? First Mon night in each month at 8 o'clock. I s W. riollingawert'' Consul. Knights of Pythias ? Every 2nd - 4th Monday nights. B. T. Hole Chan. Commander. HIDDBN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely W& inga That no | Louisburg Citizen Caji Afford Danger Signal Kp. 1 ooaiea fi ~ lhe~ETdaev aocreljone. Thev v warn yoa wheathJ kidneys are si W all kidnevs oxer to a dear, am ? fluid. Sick kidnei i sand out a tb V pale and foamy, at a thick, red, smalling urine, fal of sadiment s irragular sf pasaay . Daftger Mignal . is. 2 comas fri the bakk. Bad paina, dull a heavy, oV ahsrpe a id acute, tell y of sick kidneys an warn yon of t approach of drof ty, diabetes a Bright'* insetse Doaa's Kidn Pills euro siqk kid aya and oure th< pcrmanentlyA Hi a ii proof in-1 statainant of A Dea by roaidant. Mrs. Virginia Waldan, 305 Psoas Street, Kal igh, N. C., aa "Doaa's Klines >ills brought i prompt relief vie I was safferi from kidney tteitt and it tharafc gives ma plaesum to raoomme them. I was IxnmLred a groat di . by dall, niggirmn backaehaa ai , pains in my kidJsV The kidn sacratioas ware ad old ad aoaraa discomfort, beind tdb frequent passage. I read lo mhch in favor Dean's Kidney Pills that I was _ dnaed to try tkmn ins procured supply. They-bene fisted Via in ov< way, disposing eT the baMracbe a kidney week mad I oatrXiw sit. to my houaaworl without yhe. l. iaaeavaniaace slid I attribtd my ci entirely te the Use of DoanV Kidc Pflk." \ For sale by dl dealers. Pries -l-F 1 rnttoifil' Co., Brtfa Few Tack, sell agents fer the Us ed lutes. ' Remember the same?Boon's and take no other. IfrlPtQ B fyow( acting on uk uvcr, kiq . Pending inTeeiment of idla fund^ we eall attention to 1 e? OUR CEKITFlCATEy of DEPOSITS * Whieli ere payable oo demand, tranaferable l>y enlar doraaacBt, negotiable etaaf bank, and earning interfy* eat at raryinff ratak. dapaftding oa lengths af lima ' st 7 money reataint on Ynpoyt. Correspondence or perlt. seoal intarriew invite^/ T THE --CITIZENS - BANK , H(M)[RSON,\ CJan. J. B. OWEN& President ' y.'i. HUNT,'(hairier >t, i v ' r.ry V ^ 't. I ~ "two old confederates^ n- II day H aad rnSTDRIES B1H AS?i?T*O AND ? fit;: SONGS IKTBiI OLD South r THE. OU*??TTt Good J ^SOUTHERtlflESnOES ; ? /\W?-Bd I \r\h5jQowi<5oUTfe OLD PLANTATION ' ^LOUISBppSG OPERA HOUSE ?| January 26th, 1910 i i Seats on Sale at Beasley-Alston C*ug Co. ; 25, 35 and 50 Cents X ** 7 ;> : q? n* ?g > $ 11 in|II^# # ?#;? ey X ?-t-i r I II X !< tt lo ihose Ji s| Who OVe us /* t i J, We naked those to wh <\i we had ex- A tended credit do come ardund and caL . tie and a good many of ear friend* did ao, bat a lead many hare Let done a* yea. Ndw we lire in earned. We need J wbafr^on owe na and wa *Ll haae H ?X We do not want to fire on any of our ? 4 account* far collection, but wa will III hare to do ao It the aecaunts are net paid or arranged, ao please attend to 11 X In this at once. We are receiving goods . .2 I I III I III for which orders were placed ahead be- A I A J|| tare the adraaoo and we can save yon 11^ TO money. Come to see ua. I .. V. v ? fr:. / - Henderson, N | Safest, Stronge 0 . STATEMENT AT THE QLtHUl OP BUS] J - - RESOURCES \/ W . Loans anil Discounts.., ?9,9B6,40\ / Capiti tt Overdrafts 3,867.0* \ f Surpli L stock! and Bonds 30,101.86 \ > Due t r Banking House and Fixtures... 10,732.78 if Caaliii ft Insurance Department , . v.".. - 2,2l0.4l/\ ? Acoru g. Cash on band and in other Banks ... 106,163^38 \ Depoa p MK,afui { VoFFICfcRS F| J. B. OWENS, President A. C. ZOLLICOFraR, V.ff ~ I ' . " DIRECTORS Bf Jaa.H. Brodie, Geo B. Harris, J. H. Farhsns, T57lJ--i ?? iuu b iukc won r ^ h ?tock of J4r?r/ I ?n in |%fil WLLrI po.ition loU>tiB(; moot ? W'V' 1 any on. de.inng an^hing ^ \ in ay lino. N : :' \ _ 1 Abo Joi repairing -Xow i,n.-of Whit0 Uoodti oing^ of WATCHES aol SEW- ELBY and will gire^tou th.yorr be.oof work liaCOS aD 1 Vorrtmir . s D t MILLER American EASY TO TAKE Th. beat on the market. <>n ?n ? ? - i - - , / .. ? ^>objr cap* jajt received, bat hard io got rid of. That, tho otorjAWrat cold, ia g?dbral. A I MRS . TTry^)UI^^^^T^let8 2 Ble me before buyj^i Tber .wrI ttn f Uke.Ypd H-triaS- m bntu 'wteril -plow*, th. ?mmi5T0N^Ri)G J ..U :'~f$X ' '. ' -\ - 'ji" -#v?- * > -, ?n??*???*t??n Is BANK j ft, Best J tfJJ^S JANUARY 31st, 1810. 0 LIABILITIES Aft ftl paid in $100,000.00 IP is and Undivided Profits 02,386 96 ^ o Banks 114.97 * sr's Checks '138,08 % ed interest due depositors. . 483.14 ^ its '. 481,887.(8 * #656.611.98 2r President W-. A. HUNT, Cashier 9 'par, F. R. Harris, \V. W. Kowland, 3n~~ A. C. Zollicefter oper, J.B.Owens, Sum Watkins Jv\ Zv Business J-1 pared to do a |-1 Peed Stuffs, Guano, Etc. f?# r B We Know We Can ? I ryXJo'sjuad Nayassa Guano Company'^ I fact^^cial^ftualjais for all crops. ' I )a Louisburg, N. C. - - ==== S |1 and will be pleased U) bay? their xial Sales ~ 1 AT THE : J Store Sonittwg n?d ? pretty L' aVEmbroideries J BeaiSM^ Corsets ;| d them, "Sample line [of Ledies h?te m tM It will be to your interest to m thera. -V . 'I'M r* ffifflK.* I B^RW o-eoeeeeeeoe .? a m hall icest Groceries t|| ind F%i\aj Greoerioi in . the^ meet ft I jpold Ket, a? ave nil the other B '-.'l Si1 n#^ ?' enytbinp; in mj line gXBememher I (*n-y. the Lyioh ft ?leKsants ii - - -