??TV? " ' p - |j| I1- -Come ami Music Good jg I _ C hina Closet 'Si Next week we will have wny. ?J. R. Fiaher has moved his family to Roanoke Rapids, wh?rs be - will take a position in the Cotton -ihlill*^ that plane. i' x - r * ?I. U.'Williams had en exhibition -at T. O. Jeynera drag store Betas "day, one of the laTfrMl Ultq'sare kavs aeon this seasoo. "?- - ?His many friends will b* glad to knew that R. E. Paaree, who has kna aanfinad te his room sine* Christmas, is able to be oat again. ?Mrs. W. T. Roger* seqaasts as to return bis thanks to his frisnds _.-and neighbors who ware so kind to ' him daring the death and burial of bis little eon last week. ?Norwood Person was before ;u.. t Mtj^r Om'vij Satarday night for 11 disorderly conduct. Attar hearing 1' ?he evidenoe Norwood ?a < required to hand ever $7.95 before he ooald | have hi* freed era, which be did. '' I ^ .?Mr. O. A. Conway reoeired a I '.phone amege Satnrday nadng that 'Howard Wright, colored, whe hree 'near Mr. Joe Joaea, had the itiefor. H tenwet hawing b? bense end three 'children hnrnnd that afternoon. ? Little WtHiam', the four year Hh 'Old tea of Mrr L. 0. Nine, wat rery hedly baraed about Me thonldert. -r~-, tawMed hraaefaa Sunday afternoon. "While-flaying in tha 5re Ml dreaa || eeoght, tha blaae going abo-ru hia head before it eeald be axtingtrished. i The ooeke, in whose eharge the ] ebild wae left, put oat the ?re as soon aa aha eeeld and while the i la painfull ha it getting on ta I I well ta ooald be expected.. nm F Ryv, N K f***. 'y. -V . ' '. % . . Try t.hft Near ~ * \ on Our \ Pianos ^ jiinpy| Bfc H v28 \.|i B| fdX I ' if II fly Buffetts, Side Boai to arrive twelve splendid pianos of Frames Made to < sic 10c " S ?The military company, war* on drill Friday afternoon dressed in tbeir olive drab uniforms which pre sented a rnueh better appearance. Three were received Thursday and will take the place of the eld bine UUlloru;. ?Mrs. Carrie Holland died nt ber near J.. fabe(uf Keuae, last Monday morning of unenmonin. She wan ' 71 yeara ol J and wae a sinter ef Mr. A. L. Alien, and a oooain of Mrs. B. I F. Cooke, of this plane. The teaeral was held there oo Tneeday. - - i ?The Leuieburg engine while shifting during the sleet last Friday afternoon set one of the be* sera off the track end screes the aide walk I tore. On aoconnt of the weather it t was left there until Saturday morning 'when it wee replaced en the , track. No other damage wae dene. ( Mr. Ti F. Rowan mtnmnA from Rnngamont thw week, where {I he attended the funeral of bat broths | I er, Mr. Uafaa Bowen, who died there on the fifth of thie month end H tree _ buried ak Red Moaataine Bap tiet oharch. He leerea a wife and 10 aona, three daughter* and two I wot bare, end wae a confederate eoi- I Iter. ?One of Bbpkley A Powells' I Bneat horaea while haoliag ootten 9 eod from Powell1! cotton gin to the railroad Saturday morning reared I up and faU dead. When hitched < that morning there mm epparantly, ^ anon examinauen after betag an- >1 ethor InJcrtaC found. ?? J I -Miaa Belle Barrow and Mr. J. I K. Beldren were happily married at the home of the brida la the pamiiia of onlr a few intimate frienda en 1 Satarday afternoon, Rev. U. P. Harrell, paator of tho Baptist ehnrob, t Bairow ia the daagfatar of the late 1 N. M. Barrew aad Mr. Holdrop haa _ teen recently employed on |h* Tar Hirer bridge, which haa jaat boon I e,* Meble Yann ia ,vuiting at Concord. | Mr. 8. C. Vann apent Thuraday I in Raleigh. j ' . _ 1 A. S. Joyner went over to Loaiabor^*Tharaday. i F. E. Schroder, of Hetsderaon, I wna in towa Friday. ' A. L. Allea went over to Wake ' F(treat laat Thursday-. I M. F. Allan, of Raleigh, (pent Bnndaj with hia parenta, . , ' , E. W. Morria apant a faw daja < arith hia people beta laat weak! Mua Virginia Row la, of Fraoklin,. ' Va., ia rating at Sir. J. W. McShee'n 1 Jdra. R. B. Whita attended tha' nneral of Dr. F_ K.Caoke, at Looia- ' ntrg, Thhraday. jf Mesdaroea C.vW. and C. A. Can- J way are riaiting T?lativea in Kal- a dgh. - : W. Aahley King, who U attend- J ng aahool at Ralaigh apant Sat?a- ( lajr and Bnlij at home. Ifiao Loaia* Fotrall, of Maiadith p DoltegaRalaigh, apant Sunday with J Itiaa Martha Harria. t Miaa Katie Bat MortiaL who ia C ? r??? - -- ? - * ... ?)>?ni Maturday j ttvd Sunday with her peopte here. R?t. W. W. Una? and wite ?fr? p tailed i?y wire to Piiteboio en lien- jj ' * tfT?F~ rr ----- I - , " & Chief A- B. Ooeke and >. C. ? Uackley west to Neeae Toeadey to v loll and. ? Mr. J. B. Witt, Seperintendent of ^ he Irat diaiaiee of the 8. A. L., " ?ted through tow* an roete to jt -euiaborg Thnraday. MLESC^??P t r-ll ' 4 ' " ' .j F-irsr^ * " V A9INDM w? *** ? ? L Jl p EPA FEQ; ; 1?1?. r. - r ' * 1 gsworth's I Music H< ts Combined. Kit sry best of terms, reaaf March, lflO, beinf the (rat Mefniay in saidr month, si tbonl the hour of nooj, offer foi sale at publicVuctionAo the highBSf bidder foi\e?sh/at the oouri heuse door in IAuieburg, said aosnty and SutV^sertain track 01 paroel of land siftnted in the town ?f Lonisburg, F JLiklin county, N B.,.adjoining tjfeXlote of Henry Yerbo rough, T/r. Verrell and th? Academy OrAa, grid containing ?ne aere, mojt or leak. This lot is being sold Br dirisian among the tenants in c/mmon an it ts a fine >pportonitf for any Ape deeming to Trtirfttif* t ntflAiv lance \otAn the town of A.ouieburg Phie 3rd Bey ef FebroarV, 1910. W H Yuieoeocogi J*., Com COMMISSIONSRS SALE OF LANE By virtue of the direction* contained * decree of the Superior court of Pmnktfarcountr in the ipecial proceedng entitled i 0 Tharringtoo and wife v;1m Tharringtoa. B h Bight, horoan Hfght, 0 H Perdue and wife, Anile B Perdue, and Kuteoe Merritt and rile Liia Merritt, ex parte. Mm nndeitgned commissioner, will oa Monday he 7th daV of Mareh, A910, it being he flrat Monday of Aid mouth, at boat Mm Mnr of noodf offer fhr sale at he cogrt h of tdte; the title to ild landb to be reaerrjU until the purhase money is paid in All. This is a aluable tract pf. land, situated only bout Ave ml lea from the town of Lou>butg, end there ia_e qaaoUty ef good mber upon it, Partiaa wishing to urebase a good farm near town, or ho are interested in timber lands, ill do well to this tract of land before M day of tale. This fbe 28M> day of ?nuary,l?10. ' w H Ysaaoaouon, Jr. Com. lBe?S&E&&l R T M E N T. ; ' ; . . . . ? ~ ' y. ' ? 1 U" "lJ ^ JVWUtnjVTUiri,lJ A.V rv^fi > gs t ~ * V -^? \^e^nvite^>oraparisou ^ Frees and Terms g| ^ ???? ?. ^ r jen I chen Tables 75 cts,Splendid Ones, 8jj; I ypry week, it will pay you. Write forc?t*log*e at sheet music Line of Coffins and Caskets. |; I Sheet Music 10c" "ilhi ; j buckI^T &? POWELL t I I ^ Don't buy ijjffcl ;?i M whltVe bu> win i- * 1JE5SEELI > For Blank Books and Up-to-Date B j Job Printing 1 ' of all kinds work that will HI ple^s* you, try the II J Franklinton Printing Companyll . Franklinton, IN. C. | GRIFF" I (J &. BEASUEVIi "" * I '. SSSi?. i*r - iSfe