I Remedies && Ne Were we perfeet, which we ere not, "S-? not ofteo be needed. But einoe our . oome weekened, impaired end broke ia Ms Holloas whlbh have done on iron through eoaatleeb fenerations, remedh eld Nature uK^orreo tins our inherits soquired mail iVeses. To reaoh the ttmImicim and oAueauent digestive i nothing so food as Ik. Pierce's Golden stT. a flyoerio oompdund, extracted In inal roots sold lur o^g laili peats n Weak Stomach, BiltousdLs.JJverCosn Heaftffurn, Bad ^Breath, Hwiial of lot The genuine hum on\jts J outside wrapper til^ f jnjk Signature \ f . You oan't afford to socept a seonli bono, mediotiiC up muss outuugnilW thereby make - l;t,ln h'ff" profit. ^ Or. Pierce's Pleasant Pallets rcfuli bowels. Sugar-posted, tiny franulaa, FOB 8AliE\pR RENT / : _ -- 17fi auras of lam At wo barge l/tm - farswhtTatien jthe Aere farMMjn one and a hal railel of ] the Aiunu HTgh School in DuVtsa to/aahip, Franklin county, will well Zr rant ehsap. -For farther inkrmtiOn ap ply to 1. J. II. BaiM when last deen was wearing an overall suit, TEN DOLLARS. For John Stone, n black negrc about' 6 ft. 9/inches ill height, wearing a little /uustaohe, Weight aboul 160 lbs., smmmers a little in talking - or has a little stop yln his tpeeeh tfTVE DOLLARS. This Dee. 3rd 1909." * r - H. C. Kbajhtsy, Sheriff of Franklin eouoty, N. C. rr- , " * k X 9 ' ' ' I. SPIRE~ I want ho buy/all your old sora|: iron, bones,,/rubber, hides, furs etc. Call u^jsee me, will give th? highest mar Bet prices. When you want dailWiaperB, magazines, bool?, etc., eali\o see me at iny news stand on JvSsti street where I hate a full tine at\ll timei JAKEBPIRE* * . - ' . " T^~- - ' " I f Pianos" / - A Organs ^ ^S^=?jraT=a=:. - ' s.t ArMJuf object of\bnyn*thIs ad'vknlsing spaee lAto 1 sT the pee*' pie of Franklin CApntf know that t w# are still in the taAie business selling a line of g\ops that are '. - Just a little better tUn the other fellows, at about tJaame or less | money. A m lL By Sqnart Honerakle/DtlNaJ Wt last jf i waaggKi^ r. -r* rWe pay eaahBi daTs VirFrsry J. thins we buy lad -favA all disT| offunts, oy -dillJg "this w* -are- In ij'-v, -j ' position to safe you at lefet 16 to DARNELL & THOMAS - -fc ihWtt, N. C. * 'f ' *, Xi\ ' * ' i"-'7 ift V - - ; ;rt\, - ' - ^ --- - ... - ? . jfctrs: ; a /lowa through lie Mrty (?, VH^HL ' fire nwM to , if Jnd othtrwiw i#Tof .toaueh fill ' :{Juble?, thare la . % |/| edicei DUoov- ^ it native medio* < Ih Jreet Mti&ieotioo to ell usera. For . ifllaint. Ptin in rfi* wffff ? notify all wriuji harig alaime against th. skats of sad de teased to present them to the Xicderiignrd within on. yeaXfrom Mete hereof, i or this notice wiU be tired in bar of their recovery \ Pftiee iadebt d te said estate ddllf be expected to eettls promptly.* \f tig' Jeeuerv Wth, 1910. 1 > J. E. XiCHOteoH, Adaer. NOTICE Having qualified as admixuetrator of Matthew Eaten, deep seed, data of Frbplclin County, ^1. this is tQ notify all peTuony trovmg1 claims again etteaid estate/to pre> sent the same so the aoQersi^aed I on or before the\lh day/>f February, 1911, or thk -no/os'.-wtll be plead in bar of th&r recovery.?Att:~ persons indebtvrhA sjfid estate will please pay at onothA. This Feb. 4th, EDDIE H. EATON, Adm'r , W fl Rnffin, Attorney* 1 | Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers i Of Carnations, Ro^s, Violets, etc. Floral designs and fmwers for all occasions. Potted FernsVndydll Ikinda of | pot and out door bedAfg planjts. Vegi stable (plants in iwni> All orders piuuiplly 1 . H^TEtNMET/) florist. 1 ? Raleigh, N. C i ??????? Good - ^Gracious ! v Aliveyf ; JNGL WINSTON > has just go\the nerve fu buy in one big lot of fancA shirts Jo the amount of 2000. Now aVt th/t what you call grit. Theseo-ibirtw were bought way down under the\^lue, they go the same way. Yes JWO yards of Chinese matting, lot of UniVs coat suits bought late in the setaqfi at\) cents on the fl they also go at A sacrifice. I alVt forgot the men folk/ 1 bavAlOOO pair of pants, a big lot of springVdothing, oh - -|-forgot I h?e> lot of wtVion shoes, w.iting paper, boys tegglne apd men's leggins, also a big lot of Hjsffg rubbers, overshoes Vand a great many other things. *"*. J P WINSTON tANDBALE By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county made in the special proceedings entitled R A Moore t Admr. of R. If. 'Moore jfiecsased, vs. 1 Mabel Moore and otbeiVheirs at law, > the undersigned Vimdgfisioner will, on Mondav, the 7th day mf March, 1910, 1 at lloelock noonjylt at public auction at the ponrt hoAe door in Louia lung, to_the hirhesgbidder for cash, all that certain tract Ar parcel _of land situated In Frankli/cbuntyYancT Hi Cjl" IEres8 Creek township, adjoining the J Lnds of E W Moore, J Ok Matthews and Mrs. S A /Moore and containing twenty-live acpss more or lees and being the tract Af land owned by said J W Unn~ -Ai? "? -? ?-r- J-" ? - ?-w.~ ?vu^. wuiv vi uia ucaui. This thei 4th day of F?broary,1910. W. H. YXXbobocgh, J*.,Com? ' . Plant Wood's Seeds 0 For Superior Crops 0 Wood* 30th Annn&L&wd Book is orikolthe rnont ua^il mad complete ptiA cat&loeuB issued. It (fivse prsbtic&l information about thej>est Ad most Zrofl table seeds The M&rktft Grower I The frktm Gardener [ Wood's OdCfc are grown mad X the soils mnSwimlts of the Bouth V aud orsry s/u ill enAajaater should have Weof s Sssdaook so as to be fully patted as to tfe beet seeds for southern nowlnf. dialled free Tyoroop jT sows. Oraaelmd Clover tsejs. Seed Fe"irttntirtr M ' r~w. 'Ijj p7 " t* / - "J ,),Sunn ItemaThe people are greatly . nihnesd over the prospects for- a i chitting mill. The Dew* oomee that t i company has been organised', capallied at $26,000 and that the milt #iil be pushed to completion *o M j o tarn out thet manufactured pro- luct Iwfore the end of tlie preaent ? rear. A number of gentlemen in | hie section have taken stock aWf~ liia new enterpriee, whioh n.eane ae , innnh iht ^ind nuunty.m'T'r 4 tow absolutely enured. ( ' There le no longer any il.rnbt that _ the Montgomery Lumber Company s will extend the railroad from. Mann j to Raleigh. An offieial etaiement Irora the atockboldere of the com- ; pany to thie effect appeared in laet | Saturday Newa and Obaerver. By khe proponed extenaien of tha now railroad le the capital city Bonn ' will be plaoad on a direct lute from ' Raleigh te the eea. When thie ie dene, Franklin oonnty will have ' another live, progreeeire town furnishing a ready and excellent mirket 1 for cotton, tobaoco, and other prodnoe, by reaaon of the direct route ( to water. ( Prof. R. B. White will deliver an address at the .Academy here next , Tuesday night^it beiug on the oc- 1 oaaion of Washington's birthday. , Banu Huh School is having the beet seeaiea of ha hiatotV. The . people of BunD, as a unit, are standing behind the taboo! end especially j because ot the fact that lie did' to' ' much to stake this uS'ate High | School, tliey will be glad to hear 1 Pref. Whlui : " i On last Friday night the Philatbea 1 olaaa of Bunn Baptist Suaday { Snlioral crave* a pa/?us.?l?? * D? ? *vvc|/m\ni W IU? UIIS* na. Despite the unfavorable weather quite a numbei yoang Ladies and gentleman were present. Misses ' Mary White Sykes and Etta Alford served as a recaption committee. The Phllathea class room in tli^ Academy was haantifnllT~~- decorated with evergreens and ??ed as tl>e reception room. The chapel was furnishedwith neatly decorated tables, around which gathered the merry party, and deliciods refreshments were served. A number of instrumentaT selectionsJ were Tendered', by . Misses Poole, I' Syicea and Wright while the refreshments were being served. The Philatbea class was' organised last fall with Mies Virginia Mills, of the High- School^ faculty, a? teacher. The* slags has a large enrollment and ia a great addition to the Sunday Sohoal. The building for Bonn's new drug store is nearing completion. - Mr. ;Mack Mullen has recently moved into his handsome new residence near the Academy. Cross Koa^s Items. As I haven't seea any items from this Route .lately, I 'will send in a few. The farmer's around here sr?h be* ginning to burn plant beds new and making ready for their crops. There'w&s-a party given at Mr. W. J. Balls, February Attain honor of Miss Minnie Johnathin, of Bpeom. Matthew Ayescue," of Kittrell, waa a pleasant caller at W. J. Ball's onTureday night 1s t. Miss Leslie Foster, who is teaehing school at Alert, spent the first Saturday end Sunday with her mother near G upton. We are glmd^ to know our friend, Henry Gapten m rapidly improving He ia new "viaitiDg Mr. Rend-dph JBpbbitt, in this oomaannity. Rev. G. M. Duke 6lled his regular appointment at Mt. Zien the ' first Saturday and aendey. Miss Mary Etta Tharrington, #f Alert, spent last Saturday and Sunday J. R. Parriab, of Laurel. - 1. V Messrs. Joe Gupton and Arohie Parriab, of Guptou, passed over the hne one ledt #Mk Oil llielr nay to Henderson with a It ad of tobaeOe. Messrs J. H. Hunt and John Bell j htf* ju^fJegun to make tliehr saw aaill, on'Sanday Creek, bus*. I Tba hunter* around here teem to have a jolly time ohauing be aly tel. He aaenii te be very bard to capture. We are glad to know tba bob lots Seedgy school ia still rapidly inmeaning number ^ Ztr. Zc. , -. . < , " > v liiiwSB >V. Hiukory Rock Items. MbEiiitoji?A? you havea't hoard inrthing from this section in lomtiino I wilt send in a.fow items. Meson. W. T. Hedgepeth and ?. ?. Dickrrtoa, of Wilson, passed ihrougb on thuir aatoaaobils last Tuesday ( enroute to Henderson. The former stoppel a few hoaty with lis parents. " Mr. I>. C. Tharrington and niece, tlies Leaeie Wilder, spent a few days ? * ?ft' w*ik friend. ind relnt'Tte it Rooky Mount. ?7 - Miss BnsaisGoaa. of Louiahurg, was one .of the gaeels on the- Rook est Sunday. Tbera is a flourishing Sunday School at Mt. Gilead now.?rvm? joys and girls and lets keep it going. Mrs. W. T. Wilder has been very lick with lagrippe for the paat few lays. Wo are glad she ie improriag. Mr. Willis Tharrington is able to tie out agaiiNifter a long ill oess. The school at Hickory Rook ie Itill inoreasiug. The new ooat of paint adds right uinob to the appearanea , of Mt. Siiead obnroh. Quits a surprise was sprang upon bur peeple on last Monday whan Mr. Thomas Helms md Mies Sail is Hioks were married.' ;?_ Wnx-o-Wisp. Deafness Cannot ba Cured by localYpplieationn at they cannot readi the diaftam portion of the ear There Jru anly one w\r. to cure denfoeea, abrt tbjfMw by const it n (%>"'? I remedies. l)e?fneyT in p. (Nfd by anViflhnied condition of the mi:miH lining of ldie Eustachian robe? When this ialwJ?infltoed you hftre ly^urobling sonnd or imperieltb earing an^wben it ie pntirel doA?Mi, BeMpees ie tiwr result' nod nuleM the luflniDntrao :sn broken oat and thie tube restored tolta njfrmal condition bearing will be dc*troAdHOT*v?r; nine naeee out of ten are canted h^uatftc-Hh, which ie nothing hut an inflaryfa condition of the raucous surfaces jf Ik ^ We will give OD^muodrel TWillars fdr-^any aee of lleafo*** JFauaed by catarrh) fh'a^ ceuuot be cured? by Hall's ^ albrrh ?ure. Sebtl for cin-afcre. cree. " .... . yA t>ff BNHYHk-GO,. ToMu U.Rold UVHrngiciste. ^ . Take "V1'* Fa nil? Fills for constipation S^ALL P0X0R0ER The B5n ot County Commissionera their regular mating on Monday, February 7tW, 1910 passed kie following onlUr: .^ Oi dered tl?t the Counts Superintendent of l^iblio He&ljjL be and ne is DereDy authorized/ and empowered to vaccinate al/personam Franklin Countn who,In his opinion by re aeon of \xposnre or location may be in daVgsrf of contraction or spreading \ small pox and quarantine all suclWersons in h's opinion the public Zenith may require. j\ Be it ordered fir\her that anv person refusing tp submit to vaccination or quaaLntinb regulations shall be guilty />f a yniiwlemeanor and s^all on aonvictlan' be fined not exceedingjIBQ. andbot exceeding thirty da/s in prisdn. And be it further old.red that e ico day -reftisal to submit to vaccination or /quarantine regulations shall constAute a separate offense within th ' cry Stable and am prepared to It All Times. and guarantee satisfaction. Safe * . ' . ' * . . )? Samples { iv line of Samples V elling cheap. Come A I have T DKE 5. FORD Vehicles and at? ^ ^REHOUSE jj| e He ? * ?i? :-i?. IMES *er--| v| PRINTING. - \'.l *