FRANkUN TIMEis - , ^ 1 A- P. MHBON. Editor and Maaager 0?B YSA.B, - - $1.00 OX MONTH a, >nrt . aay?don't oppaaa my (action and I I Won'. oppoaa yonta?and many mam- I bora woiM'doobtlaaa ba plaaaad, oa I many aocaaiona, if thara waa aoma I thing to ehoak thair own folly.? I Landmark in tha abovaj Tha tato W? don't think tha power ahoold ba REPUBLICAN PARTY'S DBCBP r"T " \ ' ' r ' \ !.>. - ** ?- -V ' * '- ? v\? jr. v.. . :.-i -- - _?" *? . a ' _VL_ ' Jm their aoupeliM, combines ud c troBU. , ... . . y' ? That tba coantrWat large wae told, and that it believed that the Republican party in thp-Taet campaign atocd for a downward revision of the tariff ietbOoaee, bat hero tomes ! President Taft on Saturday,in ia address in Now York, and eays: "We did revise the tariff. Nothing Iras ; expressly said in the platform that this was to be a downward revision.' Then the President went on in an address in whieh there was a careful juggling of the word "revision," the head of the Republican party claim- j ing that the offset of the tariff would j he for a marked change downward. These fair words cf the President j amount-^ to nothing in view of the facte in the-^Aldrieh-tuade tariff bill. Thu c rantrVia already seeing its effect thst it is a tSriff that lays exactions upon the Americatf people. The people of this ooontry wore fkll- ' ed upon to believe that the Ropu?di- j cans promised a revision downward 1 for snob was the oltim presented. Now they are told, as they had ~aU ready learned -from the tariff law passed by the Republicans, thit there | was no downward ravtsion meant fcy J1 Republican campaign promises- Pieeident Tatt goes into many i high-sounded phraseseonoemiag tha Rood that ha nlsima tor tba new tariff, bnt tha people do not aaa it that 1 way. They am faat finding oat that < Preaident Taft aad the Repnblioaa . majority in Congress are not umak ing good" in-tba premises given to j the people. Bnt what more was to , be expected than that the Rapnbli- j can-party wonld deceive. It is the i creature of the special interests and 1 it serves these to the aftermost. All j that they demand is done, and thai | people most be satisfied with proin ism wnien are never tilled afld which ?. n?Ter'intended to fill. That is the waj of the Republic in parly. ? News and Observer. Cooley lor Solicitor. We, ths undersigned members of j the bar of Nash county, heartily en- I dorse ths candidacy of Hon. R. A.P. Cooley fer Solicitor of the Fourth Judicial District. We can say troth-/ fully of hi^ (1) that he is an able advocate anasfully equipped for foe duties of this irtirortant office; (M he has always bseinso unswerving and active Demociat,Nand (8) Be is a most lsvable tad attractive xtmn. We appeal to the Demserau ofAhe district to aid oa in nconnj; lfr. Cooley'a nomination. \J February 4, 1910. A. J. F. Btnr*,/ \ j. w. x?,v2 \ S. F. Ai'sair, \ T. T. Tnotai, ? Jacob Battue, F. S. SrXtLL, " E. B Gbahtham, Leon T. Vacqhak, Bernard A. Brooks. Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers Of Carnations, \Rosee, yViolets, ete. lions. Potted FerS^d aU khedi of pot and oat door bsfldia^nlants. Vegetable felaftta^Jp^seaaon/SAll orders promptly ttHadT ' -- -1 ? - *-, H. STBNMETZ. Florist. ? Rslilgt, ft, c j Sood - Gracious' \ Alive | jHoN^N^roir Km just get ubtls tliat application will,be made to the OoVernor of NortV Carolina W far the pardWi of G?ot>'e Battle, J who w?* V icted /at January term 1908 of >Erautlin Stjperior" A Court for a d. wSj/aml aantencsd A to two_v-e*rs rofyos reads. X r SPMUILL 0KN.DEN, Aitya. 3 Feb. 15th, 1910. SALE CF VALUABLE HEAL 9 Pnder and bv virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Frsnkiin countyp^B made in the apecial proceeding entitled 3 W C Bobbitt and wifa, KUa Bobbl tt. tb W 1 C Tharrington et all., the undersign- Ad fd commissioner will, on Monday tlie 7 lay of March, 1910. it being tbe first Monday of said month, at about- the aour of nrton, offer for sale at thy] A sourt house \ioor in Louisburg, at putf 2 lie auction toahe highest bidder, a cot- v lain tract or parcel of land lying wad A t>eing in Louisdurg township, Pranglm X tounty, on the j^enderson and fjltsh- |^F rme roan. ooundSM on the north tft the M lands ot J C TharriWton and othns, on Z the east by the lanmnf O 'J Cotjjrell, on the South by the Henderson aija Nash- A ville road and on the west by wie lands J of Mrs. L 11 Allen, conUinidg ninety W six acres, more or less, ahd Xeing the A lands formerly occupied b\ /its. M K Z Might, having been allottedIft her as her dower in the lands of iA deceased ^k suatumi Redding Hight a/d Her dower Z estate having siuce fallerfin b\ reason V of her own death, and thfa aaloxis be- A ing made for the purpoie of division Z among the heirs at law/ ot said Vted- w ling flight Terms pf Sale: One taird ^k tash. balance j on, c fed it of twelve months, with interest from day of sale ^P the title tosaid'lands (to be mm nK A mtil the purchase nrnrfcy is paidin full. > 2E This is a fine tract of land with a good T Iwelling house and all necessary barns A ind out-bouses thereon,^situated only J (bout, five miles from the town of Lou- V sburg. It is a splendid -'opportunity A for any one desiring to purchases well Z m proved iarm near town, upon' easy w erms. This 28th day of January, 1910 A W H Yakrokouoh. Jr. Cora. Commissioners Sale of Laai. 9 Uadcr sad by virtus sf an order of V eaale mads by lbs Supsner Court ef. A Yanklin County at the January Term. Z 10, In that action entitled Wo. H. V tuffia, Administrator af J. F. Jeaea, B lecd., tm J. . Allan and The Seaboard J Ur Liaa Railway, wkjaVorrWe and da- B Tea waa upon appear! aaid aation to B ha Supreme Court dt North Caraliad S ry the aaid Bnprema Court afl\ro?6, W he undersigned catnmiaaiooar, will/on A donday, thefth day of Maroh, Wll, *t being thd flint Monday in Much B ibout the hoi* of noon at the paaia lauaa daar iii Louisburg, N. C./offer J 'or sale to thelhigheat bidder, far eaeb, B hat certain let of land ia the uwb of jouisburg, in the county of nraftkHn X, ind State of Worth CarotintJ on the BQ 5ast side of Main Streat, adjoining the ? i. A. L. Ry. d*retaad mora/articular- Bti Ldefined as Tfollaws:' Ba#inning at corner of tie J. F. Im lot and B 7. B Cheatham Frixa Badaa lot, for- S nerlr tbn Boatwrlgbt Pridb House lot, w m Main Street,an iron state, thence B door C. B. ChAthnmVVne fl. 58 E. B wo nundred anl thirty fcur fast, mate 1 1 " ' 'T" ' *r*>T Tr- ffj-rr B dmmfactunng Company'b lot f-n-mer- jB y the Cooper lol in ?he tine af the 8. 1 L LRy., thoneaalMa tbs line of the B L A. k. Ry., N.fcjr 8-4 W. two hundred B ind serenty nineffeet, mora or leal, to * Ks;'.# L <3 1-4 W. onVUjndred and forty foar V eat, mora or ltba,\to the point of begin- B ting, it boinflfthe I ones Tobacco Ware- Mk wuaa lot, Bpon which than la aitnatsd * 1 dwelling houss tad about ana ball in aidth of the J ones yobaeeo Warehooae "X Idebhe^f the gnwrifc Court, -aAnaed B ry the Supreme Cou* aa aforeaa'd, the M inbnini.,J ?ill ?Mr .1? ?! ?. ? 1J I li? YTIVO MIU H ! and to the highest bidder, for cash, t If leeeendable. tar. ntfoub and taijpi- V ible easement in to im upon that "trip >f land on the amithwett aide or msrgin Mf tf the depot (it* of thessid 8. A. L. w to,, more particularly described as fdl- B owe Beginning at the * ortbwest K :orner of the foundation wall dta Main W Street ef said warehouse now situate B rpon sold lead, aad running thence 1,1 47! Z .hence ahinr the said line of tUa S_ JL_ U Ry., 8 26 3-4 E. the fall length of J aid warehouse, one hundred and sot- B enty one feet, mors or less, thenee a X lineal right aiyleato Main Street and V. to the North East corner of the foundstion wall of said warehouse; thence a W toe perilled to the S. A. U Ry., line B itdng the foundation waB of said ware- Z' house, one hundred and aerenty one W feet, more o- less, to the point of he- B finning, rtpon which is located tome- X irhaf over one half of aaid .warehouse B In width, the aaid eseementt>eing limit- B tal however, by said decree Ip ware- X bouse purpoecs only; - BB V This FebTith.. 1610. H~R J' "> ~ y ~ ~ " r~-*: .vr."*'" -.* *-- -i "* ? ." ? ' ? w - ' ^ REAJ Why You Should "I pi Farmers-! Ba Of LOUISBUQ* By opening an account with us in our Saving) you compounded evsry three months yd whet _ efjrour friends. Byopentag a cheeking accou your money rrithout the trouble of handling th OUR OFFICERS Oar vaults are fire and burglar . proof and Small as well as large aeroants solicited. Wet era that sound and safe banking will permit, they have had experience in many lines efbu experience.-. I > >. = On Mardi - X -> V ^?? . '' We meve to the Winston Building and rat y ? in osr stjre at Corne a^ price Xj/e i Crating, B^ck-Bs^ids, Cash or On TRijne at ? Ca . Corn, Tomatoes, Hfeana, etc at7 l-2c /lant Bed Cloib 1 3THE ALSTOI ' a? l_ L-" ' We Our Sell Yoti 1 At ReflLahnahlA Pfioi I LOUISBURG, SONS I f do Business With 'v