rlSpT FRANKLIN TtMEjS j L-f. JOHNSON, Editor and M?a$tr on yKm, ' tl.00 8XT MONTHS, . M mil MOUTHS. > .$5 '$? fluHAT. Fsbiusiy 18 IMt, W? have'been expveting to see where some -uf the Republican ? ?'~6engreaemen or Senators had introduced a bill authorizing the government to ge into the general merchandising business. r V " 4 '/ *To ua it ssems that aside from passing laws for the regulation of business, the government should keep its hands off of earthing that will in any waj effect the legitimate business of a private 'citizen. Tun show entitled "The Girl frem Rector's" wss not allowed to play in .Raleigh on Wednesday night as ad' vertised.on account of information ??being received by "Mayor Wynne of the indecency of the performance. , If Congress passed the postal savings bank bill, and in view of the bill allowing them lo furnish printed - - - stationery, you need not wonder if the government gees in to the general merchandising business pretty eon. One of thestrangest things that has come te our netioe it the Republican Congressmen and Senators getting together with the President to decide whether or net to carry eut . the promise they made to the people,whieb is responsible for tbeir being in pnblic service. As a rule when a m?n, who is entitled to be called a max, makes apromtae, if it " is,his power, lie will felfill it. There eaems to be semething wrong aome where. ' ; -- ?^ In the matter of the Postal Savings Bank bill wb think the government ? is overstepping its constitutional rights, as it has done in seme other cases that should be changed at once In our opinion the govern-1 ment thould not engage in any business that will be an opposition "to any private individeal. The postal , _ savings bank will effect the business ] of the local banks and tor this reas- j on il should not reofiVe ths cons'd- t eratisn of anj fair-minded man. _ 4 j_j_ ~~ t ...... BE4S0SS FOB VETO POWEB. 1 Advertising to thsfyct that North Rf-^.?T^Ovolin* is tf?e o nly^ State in the | Uniou.Jn which the Governor has no veto poorer, ths Raleigh News and Observer says"this is not a bad r~ distinction," and ctteeaa evidence that in 1899,with a Democratic Legislators and a Republican Governor, the Governor, if he hsd had the vep. to .power, conld have nallitied ths r acts of the Legislature. By the ' same token, in 1894, when tbs State ( had a Democratic Governor aad a fusion Legislature, the Govern or could have done some nullifying ' ~ which would Tiavo rust the News 1 and Observer's approval. The Lead-I1 mark w willing to tsko chanoes. fhe 1 Governor sheeld have the vete pew- ' or to be in position to^hill seme of 1 the jobs that are put through the '' Legislature at almost evfry ueasion. ^ ^ The Legislature oitsn passu sols which a majority of in awn mam beranip diaappreye, the paaaega be. itlg aecujed trrgngh legieUtivt ooon- " '' , eay?don't oppose my taction and I ?2 - won' appoaa yoara?and many roem' bora woald doubtless bo plaaaad, .en njany ocoaaiona, if there waa tenia thing to.oheek their own folly.? |K . RtateevUlc Landmark. 1 Wo don't aitogber agree with the Landmark in the' abort. Tho tato Btttv M??>r iHftV bft I t/ood thincr and the Bp Uww WJ I""^ ."W m ywwmmwewp rcaaona given above are logical, bat 1 w? don't thiuk the power ehoolii be inveeted in any ene nun. REPUBLICAN PARTY'S DKCBPThe duplicity ef the Republican , party ia ritrthing new to deal with, because wKiU it ia a party that pre KK?i ia controlled y the^ money kinga, who si r- ' ' *' " i - . . V : JLi_J. ZJtm their monopolies, oombines ud trusts. ?? . / That tba coin try at large was teM, and that it believed that the Republican party in the last eampaign stood for a downward revision ef the tariff is the case, bat here comes President Taft on Saturday,in an address in Naw York, and says:- "We did revise the tanff. Nothing wis expressly said in the platform that this was to be a downward revision.'* Then- the President went on in an address in wbieh there was a careful juggling of the word ''revision," the head of the Republican party claim-1 ing that the effect ef the tariff Would | be for a marked change downward. i These fair words cf the President 1 .amount to nothing in view of the facta in the Aldrieh-made tariff bill. ' This oantry is already seeing its effect that it is a tariff that lays exactions upon the American peepie. The people of this country wsre railed upon to believe that the Republi-J cans promised a revision downward | for auoh was the claim presented. ' Now they are told,, as they had at- ^ ready learned from the tariff law j passed by the Republicans, that there ( was no downward revision meant by -t Republican campaign promises. ^ ~ ' Pi evident - Taft gees into many . j i ? 1? -? u>^> -OUUUUDII pUIBOV* WUCTJIIIUiK IUV good thafjie elatme (or the new tariff, bat the people do not eee it tbat 1 way. They are fast finding oat thai \ President Taft and the Republican J majority in Congress are not "mak 4 ing good" in .the promises giyen te J the people. Bot what mere waa te e be expected than tbat the Repobli- ,1 can party woold deceive. It is '.he j, creature of the special interests and c r ?-it serves these to the ettermoet> A.U 1. that they demand is done, and the t people most be satisfied with prom- ? which ?r? never filled and which? t war never intended te fill.^ That ]. is the way"of the Uepoblicin party. J ? News and Observer. . ), e c Cooley tor Solicitor. jjj We, the undersigned members of d the bar of Nash county, heartily en- ? dorse the candidacy of Hon. R. A.P. Cooley fer Solicitor of the Fourth 3 Judicial District. We can aay troth-,.'"1 fully of (1) that he ia an able a advocate aodshilly equipped for (he jf duties of this iXnorUnt office; (M he j, has always beviOau nnswervityf and h lotive Democist,Nsnd (8). Me u 1 j most'levabla sad attractive man. We Q ippeal to the Demeerdu of/the dis irict - to-* aid oa in sheering Mr. J Cooley's nomination. V II February 4,1910. A. J J. T. Bun J \ A J. W. KeiJ a - 8. F. Auajr, \ bT. T. Thome, jj - JicoB B* Jtle, it ' T F. S. SrifciM, , . h E. B GUSVBIX, ~r?- T e- w a ^ x Bernard A. Brooks. * Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers \ >f Carnations, \Roees, .Violets, eta. a Floral designs ana^Flowfera for ail ocefc. t lions. Potted Feninud all kinds of ) ;tsblo fcilants^ IndbeasorSsAll orders g iromptly SUed. ? H. STEINMETZ. Florist. Raleigh, N. C. Gtood Graci one j \Alive >| J^^o^^N^^olr: las Jut sot the nr\wfc boy ia ooe nig 1 lot of fancy shlrtsXo the amosat o c 2600, NowWt ,55 what you call 1 m wTAwC 'tS ? they also goat a eacriflce.IeWt fbrget ! he men 1 >lks, 1 have lOOOXjaair of " ., ' I P WINSTON j ilonttbf cootfb healAloo^i ' j?t" - - 1 / ??*" V > * * ' d InCfldti ub ? * J Grass and Clover Seeds at* bast qualities obtainable, of I tested germination and free from objectionable weed seeds. Wood's Seod Book for gitee the fullest information a-. boat all Finn and GardwnSoods, especially at\ut GraaMB and Clovere, the kindrc* HO wind the bdt way to sow thamXor sueceeefnl _ stands and eropeyC ; WOOD'S SRWdiate been sown for more^ban thtrtyyrear* in ever inereasldl qnantltieeTwgJbe best and ma^TBuccossful farmeTv*^ Wood's #eed Book-mailed free |f on requesfr Writs fbrtt. ?|JT. W/WOQB fc SONS, ^ IBohSawdJ ^^^Vtrglnta. JpJ NOTICE | Notice is hereby given to the lubbo that application willbemnde o the Governor of NortVc'sroliua 'or the |>ardWi of Gvolge Battle, sho whs coVirtrd/it JanoarT -arm lilpS of NFraykluc. Superior 'ooTt-foT a d. *V/and ssntencsd o two tears workroa reads. \SP1MJILL yHOf.DEN, Attvs. reb.TSth, 1910. SALB-CF VALUABLE REAL" - . TtlATE Under and by virtue of a decree of he Superior court of Franklin county, nade in the special proceeding entitled V C Bobbin and wife, Ella bobbin, vs C Tharrington et all., the undersign d Commiaaiuner will on UmukXti., i ay of March, 1910, it being I tie first londay of said month, at about th*i iour of ndon, offer for sa(o at ' ourt houseVoor in Louisburg, at putF ic auction tdahe highest bidder, a cmsin tract or parcel of land lying jmd eing in Louisdurg township, Franiltn ounty, on the Henderson; and Nnshille road, bounddd on the north Mr the snds of J C Tharriagton and others, on he east by the lancripf O C Cotjfell, on he South by the Henderson ami Nashille road and on the west by Jfie lands f Mrs. L II Alien, com*imifg ninety U acn s. niort or leas, n\d /sing the and* fqrint i ty occupied Di/irs. M R light, having been allottidfto her as ier dower in the lands of neV deceased lusband. Redding Hight n/d Her dower state having since fallerfin bjt reason >f her own death, and thfa sale\s beng made for the purpoie of division mong the heirs at law# ot said ^Redling Hight Terms of lale: One third ash. balance on cfedit of twelve nonths, with interest from day of sale he title to said lands (to be reservtA ntil the purchase marfcy is paid in fulib | 'his is a fine tract of lud with a good welling house and all necessary barns nd out-housea thereon,^ situated only bout, five miles from the town of Louiburg. It is a splendid opportunity rr any one desiring to purchase a well n proved farm near town, upon 'easy srms. This 28th day of January, 1910 w H Y anno rough. Jr. Com. Jommissioners Sale of Load. Uader mad by virtue ef to order ef sale made" ~*by the Superior Court ef ranklin County at the January Term, 110, in that action entitled We. H. uffia, Administrator of J. F. Jeaea, red., ti J. ?. Allen and The Seaboard Jr Line Railway, which order and dense was upon appeal ef mid nation to M S j n reme Court of North Careliad j the said Supreme Court affirm el, le undersigned ceramisaiooer, will/on londay, thefth day of, March, holt, ; being thd first Monday in March 1 bout the hovw of noon at the Court [suae door in Louisburg, N. C./offer ir sale to thd highest bidder, far cash, at certain leg of land ia the town of onishorg, in Ihg count j of Franklin nd State ef Worth Cerahea/ on the hat side of Main Street, adjoining the . A h. Ry. deal sad moroAarticolarr defined as 1 follows: BagmnTng at le corner of the J." F. Jenee lot and . B CheatharA Prize Hoyae let; foricrly the Boat*right Print House lot, a Main Street,Wn iron state, thence long C. B. ClickthnmWne "B. GS E. no hundred ant thirty four feat, mora rises, to corner af tha Tar River 1 [atsafactunng qompeny's lot ferinerr the Cooper lot hi the Rne of tha S. . ?, Ky.'tbeno* aiMf ISSJlse ?rtw J . A. V By.,IfwM W. two hundred i ad aavaaty ninoMmt, mora or lea, to >e corner of nid railway an Main treat; thence anig said Main Street . 88 1-4 W. onwfiihndred and fortyfoar wt, moraer ljas,Wo tha point of Mining, it beirayfihe I ones Tobacco Wnre> ouse iot, jjpon whVrh there la attuned dwelling house tad about one hall tat;' idthdl the Jones yobeeco Warehouse acres of the Superier Court, affirmed r the Supreme Con* u aforesaid, the nderaigned will eem along with mid tnd to the hifrheet bwyler,-/or cash, a amendable, tr. Deferable and assignbto easement in to ana open that atrip (land on the amithwett aida or margin f the depot ait* of tha'aaid S. A. L. :y., mora particularly described aa folrwa: Beginning at the -Xorthwast jrner of the foundation tr?Q on Main ttdet cf aaid nai ahauaa ~5pw- altoaig noo'eoM land; and running thence itsr;''."?-#! benee along ti e aaid line of the S. A. ? By.. B.UZ-IB. *efoil length of Ud warehouse, one hundred and eernty one (eat, more or leas, thenea a no al T%br-ang!ee to Ifain Street vnd Iff flrsi nfflM-MM tiTTtnty thr>? fot . ? the North Kaat corner of the foundaion wall of aaid warehouse^ thepce a ne penal led to the S. A. L. RrJiMne long 1the foundation wall of adB-Uwoooae, one handrail, and saventy ope 1 sot, mono- lema, to the point of bainning, npon whicKlf located tomehat over one half of said warehouse I width, the.aaid easement being limft1 however, by aaid decree to waiwDdtfe purposes onW, - MH , ft'. ** ^ i:'- K>. ?? : ,?1_ i_ - . t * I *s v,K* "V *' ** -* * _ ..*, J. - stuff and get it. Plows % ^ , Collar Pads, Guano. z Special Prices X \n ' c; Raiiins, Seeded Raitine, Currants 7 1-2 1-4 and 2 cents per yard- X- , N COMPANY | ^^^^Deliver it in I X ""MP" B | fT%/^ 11 North Carolina . II M* ? ???