. - ? ?' ? ' . i \ " ' * * **?. siiiiayseeaaees | The louisl \ Kl 1 This is the title of the. pom.]; i ==_*= | REAL ESTATE SUP you wish to buy a t I time to pay for iL If to HU Jrour ?{ RENTING PROPERWAND COLLE I tenant We will also collect your rJnts for y< I LIFE AND EIRE INSURANCE .-We* I Are. An insurance policy on-yobrlife will n< I Your ta vine**-and accumulations of a life ttm< MONEY If you wiah'to borrow money, ' absolutely grflt edge socurity, and charge you ' On silt edce security, whether 9fl1y a fqw do I vices and the eenrieee of <^9; attorney, who h ' WC CAN OIVC YOUR BOND W. ar. 1 your bind, instead <St asking your friends to si We have enumerated <in the forecoin* sot a number of other waya^aed.we offer our sen ' / ' 1 ' ' . 1 J ' DR S F BURT I ; PRESIDENT ' n g ai ; TREAsira fin f DR ST P. RURT FRANKLIN TIMES , i di 'k. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager.' m so Friday, Febriiary 18 1010. w ?? ' y< ihdbx to bbw ADYSUTtlUDISnTU Box 72?For 8?1? ?- th R. II. May?Notice R. O. Pinoell?For Sole l? -A. A.-Cliftsn?For Sale nj Spruill & Holden?Notice P. 8.4 K. K. Allen?Local ? Thmilgh Mistake ac W. P. Neal & Ce?Now for Business Citizens Bank? Safest, Strongest and at Bsst TAR DROPS. F ce ?E. S. Ford received a nice lot of " . t? U'ses aRd males yesterday. . p ^?J. W. Hollingoworth received a j, number of new pianos this weolr. ac ?A. W. Alston is having his store reom on Nash Street remodeled or . th ?Quite a number of valentines If Were distributed around town on oi Mondat. > ' . ot ?We are informed that the tele- F phone exchange here reoeives the ty ?weather report every day at about 11:10 a. ai. .. . ?-hi ? RoAd-lhe?hange of ad of Me- di -"Tfinne Bros, sad W. P.- Neal & F Co., in this issae. ?' ?Polk Miller will appear in the Opera Hoobo Here on Saturday ^ night February 26th. ?--P. 8. & K., K. Allen have a chaugu uf ud in lliia juauu?that will be interesting to our many readers. ?Attention is called to the w ehauge of ad v. of the First National o) Bank in thia iaaue. It shows a good w degree sf progress. . |( ?Mr. Glso. Fuller and Miss Viola si M^um, of FraiJdinton, were married at the resideofl^of Capt. Clements u at EalsigW Wednesday. ^ hi ?Division 'Engineer Wilson, of * the S. A. L., was in town Wednasday seeing abont Caving the railroad " supplied with oity water. * s^WiU OMke eaye he is getting in *' ' something new all the ~Mraa at the Bartraiw Afdre Read his sd and .Mil to Me him whoa in tewn. . ? ? ' 4 ,' \; ?We sal] attention of ear b reader* to the ohm^e of ad of the it Gitlaen* Bank of Henderien "in tbia ol iaae. Tbia la a live inatitution ? jnJ their reprt ahows op well. ? ?A.town never loeea aavthing by_ " [? eatending a royal weleome to every dakerviag strmager wbe appear! in )fa*ra'd*t Hoapitality is a yriceleaa gem, bat it ooata vary little. a nowapaper like a I"?"y woman? To be perfect it inuat be the embodiment" of many. ; typea. Iti form i* mad* np. It ? alwaya chased, though inclined to be giddy. It enjoya a good presr, ~ the moTe rapid the hatter; - It ha# a weakriiaa for goaalp. Talka a good Jeal, * Can-atand. aome praiae* _and r ita awfnlly prood ot a-new dreaa. x . t~ ? ' ? mm burg! Guaran -4 AND I ^ -i:ajty Company mnyjnst" established isyLouh whatave can do for yob. arm, w# will buVit for you. anJ'asaist you In ne* irm or exchange ft||for anuthej^we can awiit you I CTING RENTS \fyou wjlh to?nt fopr propi >d if you desire and4tdto;t^ property insured an* rtn also insure your life yMnst death, and we will ?t cost much, but it wcmldlman.much to your w a may be destroyed in ifew mantes by fire, A fii we will laaaiaf you JK-ii !? it. ifaoQ haTa'roooe not a cent. No nutter what anmu^Urou may del liars, or larger axminta. we will place n^tor you, s m myfr ^ specialty of lookinsr up real estbto lilies ?also preparedXo glw band of certain characW. i ign your howl J me of the sertices our company can render if deaii icee to the pw>Uc. We begin business February 1 L P HICKS VICE-PRESIDENT LEN J- A- TUB LER 1 SECRET ANCE COMMITTE J M. ALLEN > - - T? ? j? : j ?Th? attention of oar readers is rooted to tbs ohanne of advertise- 1 ent of Mr. B. G, Hicks in this i?e. He baa a talk on- Coffee that j ill no deu)>t be irteresting to , ml : ' * i ? We are requested to state tbut j ere will be atuosquerade taoky par- j at Hapleville Academy b rnlay ( ght February 2/jtli,1810. There will 1 s a plenty of good things to eut * id the pnblic is oordijdly invited to ^ ] ?Mr., R. O. Pinoell, of near 1 ranklinton informs ua that be te- ' ived 2,670 eggs fiew 18 heat dur- * g the year 190'J, and that he has j renty hens that laid 282 eggs in < ecember and 286 in January. If j m want eggs for setting read his ' Ivertisemsnt. i ?After the revealing of - the Se- , eta of Masonry," a "Burglar enters ewindow." Perhaps its the Grand aster trying to regain the preei- < is reliiie." Don't miss seeing these j i the evening of the tw nty-^fjrstjjf^ _ ebruary. Admission fifteen and renty-five cents. * ' 1^-?" ?Miss Floranee WT^foun^, who CTheen in Leuitbnrg the past few tys soliciting subscriptions for tbe lorence Critteuton Industrial Heme j Charlotte, requests us to. express ' >r thanks to the good peeple of puisburg for courtesies and centriltions given her while here. ?A superstitiens subscriber, whe uad a spider in his paper, vents to ] if it is nonsldared a li?d otneo.otbing of the kind. The spider J as. just looking over the. columns j ; tbe paper to toe what merchants ere not advertising so that it eoald >in its web Seroee bis store deor, id be free from diaiurbaaee. ' . In every?e?e?/wigin.l J lirteen states theft aw pels led nut -j lildings still standing or tbeir sites, hers Washington it said to have 1 isde hie headquarter# dering tbe ] evolutionary war. Too little at- ' iption has been paid these plana id bisteriass, might make if study I the .great leader's headquarters lould they derate te the matter 1 MS sad oais. Aa it ie. with the ' eoay of many of tbeee ancient uildings there is likely to pass away 1 itsreating relics of the early history f oor countrv whieh should be pre #v?aior int iikiuiim na ealtlLtion of po*Mrit/. ' * , i t" ?" tB l?> 1,1 . ' I I -B ity, Loan : r , | .1 iburg. antL read below | > ' ! ========= otialiotr a loen to bur ttTlT you wnt . to dothataleo. .?_ j srty. -wo assist you In finding a insure your property against loss by ( ifa and children, in casa of your death. | re insurance policy will protect you. I y to k>*n. we will place it for you en I tire to place ouJ^tt S per cent iiiteiest r nd not charge you a cent for our ae~ | ind you can hare this company furnish , y * \... - ' Vj >; i ed. We are preparedftto serve yeW in ^ -; ' * | at. " I I " W H RUFF1N ATTORNBT NER ARY ''v . ' _ 'E 1 R G ALLEN Old Lady?What pleases jeu ao ny little man? ' Small boyVl was laughiag at da and Pa. l\ gave me and Ida126 this morninh to gat him and ne a nice SundayVuit upiece. So re went to P. S a\ K K. Alga's rhere they sell clVfihing a| lass ban ba'f priae, and \hvhen /e got >ack and tla handed y*" Ae suit tad seventeen dollar* V n, be told da she was a darling tad wanted o kiss her. Ida, she lf\ulda't let lim, and told him if lie wanted te tius no bad?to?ku/ tliA blazon Kitty Morse he waa/loekinY at so ...a l i Q-- -i? , , " . * ' i?oi? UUUUIIJ. # I ti LOUI1 Iier All right ha would k/s her tin first line he saw bar J This mafo MS rile over. She shook her fist in Pa's face and ' tqld him she! just lared him to. aba was still jawing lim whea I left Vvhile.Pa was sitting there with Lb new suit on, pruning like a possum with his' ail in a stick. wE?d?7~ To rent a smalV ope horse crop >f good land. Sijgraing rent or on lalves. AddrtakTA O. Box No,.72, &frnhlinton^l?c^^^^*^h^^ For Sale My Stores on\he comer of Court! ind Main Streatsh kgown as the Dlifton corner. lj(i is a valuable riece of prop^fty^nl can be lought reasonable fot*easb. ^ A. A. CLIFTON. 4? - For\Sale > "I-\ Eggs for settint froiC Rhode Island Reds, single randTRoseoomb, Barred Plymouth Rtjfc hnd white Wyandott chick enarfil per i.eting otL5 cggs.^ / \ U. F. D. Franklinton, N. C. Through Mistake On TharadaV Feb. 10th, while in Loaisburg, N^omeope through ruista*# toot mj\ Iw/gr ??<l left theirs. r "Wilt Dmr - tire- rthenge with them upon tb4 return at mj baggy and paying fhr this advertisement. /W. BVEVANS, ^^F^D^Ja^^^ouisbufitK^C. Notice / On Tharsdey, Febnifary.lO, 1910, somebody oxAamgejr buggies with me?tbe baggy wgf a Durham runSteOT wIOi siuyspriagg?and ui bought ef JGJfSfbTi January last. The flndei^ill nlease deliver to H. H. Kay, Uoai?bu?g, R. F. D. Noi 4. The baggy wss i\the lot of Meadows k Harris. ^t"Sc Choice Cut flowers Roses, cAnatiomi Violets and VaUiaa our pacialCas. Wadding boquet* in all af tub newest styles, floral designated h0(|uet* arranged in the most titiati styles af short notion. 1 / Shads Tress, RMe Bushsa, Climbbsry andflWdgc i'lnuta in grJLt mariettas. Mail, telegrsnfc ui\ telephone or___ dsrs promptly eletuted by J LO'QUHMN &. CO PHONE 149 i Raleigh, North Carolina. * - * "-? * ,T ' ":1 ' : ^ ' ' I A GOOD RECO Constant growth and aoproeal of ovar fcoo peop good recommendation. The Condition of the folowing a X -RESOURCES / X Loaat and diaeounta , .A 116,920.93 i U. 8. Bpnda..... / 20,008.00 \ A Banking bouse furniture ytnd \ X ' fixtures ./... 9,627.89 * X"' Cash ; f 61,795 77 X Tout ' ... $204,364 60 Come in to see u? and" mi | FIRST NATIC LOUISBUF X;_.UNDER SUPERVISION OF 1 Just + A shipment of Tung #most economical an fj . . Tisu trie Light | C F t f ON THE CORNER PHONE *? ' *-} ^N. . \.miws tu When in ne d of Heavy and Fai ?>' . - " . , - .-; v.' Dry Goods, Shoes, ! ? ^?? Crockery, Tiir Farming In I am prepared to isll yon Fertilizers on the ti arrangements f< Telephone when yon want prompt attention and quiet: -i produce. Cash i "it " ' ' '" ^ Clifton Corner TTTTB II ' i V J?-l v v -v. .> . i ' ' ' 1 if -. '{ * \ A - y m"t'JcS A V?f rtvftl * -r-> - ?, ? ? . -? ?- - * ? - . _ ' J ". y\ \ 1 MMENDATION | ie who do business with us seam to us a our bank February 17J? shown by J tatemqat^_^ y Capital Stock 125,000.00 Surplus and Profits 8,331.33 , A Circulation 25,000.00 X * V Dividends Unpaid ...." 549.00 v ^Ulls Payable-.. 7,000.00 ^ Total . .jt.., '. 204,864.60 ? ? ~f ake use of our facilities ' ir M r* U. S.s GOVERNMENT eceived j fsten L^jjatJsTThe I x|Jb?autiful Elec- ^ \ flicks, | 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. # 'V k X '%V ? ? - ' r~. .. ~ '' .. ".'. ~&M Sec Me anyWirg ta\ - - -?-L ~T~" ity?nGfoceries ^ Notions,\ Hardware, reare anAall riplements est term. See me before making your ?. ?r thi? year. z . . W? fin , I 1V? UV Jelrrfftti Highmt prict Jot -Cfl?utrjL__. __ _ >r in trmde .n \ RRELL -? c. if ' 'BBSmmt _ ; > ' l,* ' II . ' tit": * V "d '* * 'jr. ' II ' I-A ^ ' . J afejoB *77 1' . m ----- y"M

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