I jt:'. ' *\" ' . " * * '* ' -THE HOME C1F Pleasant Evening Reve _ .. oated to Tired Mul thejHome Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FROft i11 , ? ~ ? Every loan's life is a (ailarc ?h? data net by to da something to leave the world richer than he found - ^ . - , e . No matter how small a sin is, ex. amine its tracks and yoa will find that they point straight toward the pit r7~ - -J* a" e e ~ * Jt?VICK TO-flUR YOUNG I.ADT BUB . ' nna. Allow no time to pans without . brightening aonta one's life. Within five minntea' walk ef yon thaee la some one tragedy compared with wbioh Sbakepeare's King Lear or Victor Hugo's fw? bu? power Go out cod brighten eome; body's iife with e cheering word e? entile or a flower. Take a geod book and read a chapter to that blind man. Go up that dark ayey aed make that invalid woman laugh with mm good atory. Go to that honao from which that child haa been taken by death and toll the fatiSfr and mother what an eacape the ohild haa bad from the winter of earth into the springtime of heaven. , Yoang woman, lira to make etbOre happy, and jen will be happy! \ Live for ywrself and yeu will be TnUerable! There never baa been an excepting to rule there never will be aa exoeptfoh^ ' \ ' Plaq ont yenr lite-oo a big scale, whether yi?u are a farmer'a dangh? ter. or a ebepherdese amontr the hills ' or tha flattered pet of a drawing' room tilled with atatoary and pio-* tares and hrio-a-brac. Stop whare you are and make a plan for your lifetime. You - caanot be satisfied with a life of frivolity and niggle and indeeoretion. Trast the world aed it will Cheat yon if it does not deatroy yon. The Hedoubtable was the name of an enemy's ship that Lord Neliba epgiod twice from demolitton, bnt that tame ahip afterward aant the ball that killed him, and the werld on whioh yen smile ' r* may aim at yon iu deadliest weapon. Appreciate your mother while you have her. It is the almost universal testimony of young women who ha've lost mother that they did not realize what she ^ was to them nntil after her exit fiom this Ufa Indeed mother is in the appreciation of many . a roung lady a hindrance. The maf ternal inspection is often considered an obstacle. Mother has so many actions about that which is- proper and that which is improper. ,It is astounding how much more many "fcirls know at eighteen than their mothers at forty-tive. m , e ' _i * . ?in?? ? urn's- rnimvr ?? For every life there ie a tumrnit. tiappy ere they who gain it and eed the lot ef thoee who faiat and fail in the (trnggle. Short or long to the top, it ean only be eeeled by persistent elimking^. There meet be awbiMU' , Hon te do and dare, or the priae will not be aeenred. Have?yon in the viger of youth began the journey? Already are you tired aad weary? Axe yen reeling by -- the Way in alotbfal indulgence, bopEfefr ; - ilif j for wing* or eaile to -bear you aloft without effort? Long before manhood'a prfine yon *111 miee the tap aad go down bill. Aronae for s another effort. At the baee ie the tborn.at the emmit the crown. There ? of the ethWhusb will rty, comfort the dew ef ?et a matt oa eating your how large *CLE COLUMN. ries.?R GohJmnDsdiihers as They Join at Evening Tide I THE SDITOIIAL PIN ' . HI?t ~i ImZ?-7_? -ZZT moral standing iu the eommumty. Nine out of everr tee persona is a ten minutes talk will bring op the defects in soma one's life, and one oot of hundred may possibly startle you by speaking only of the goed that mar be found *" in most srery individual. There is no life without ite defects, neither without its excellencies, and what a different oolleriag it would give to humanity if the rale was reversed to what it is. And, reader, it rusts with' you ahd us to ataK the refund, and with such a good start aa wu may be able to give it, we are sore it will be contagious if we persevere. Per when neighbors apeak naught of ili and only laud- thu good that ia in as we will set Us far from that glorioua period denominated the milaninm. e . . s . e T* TUB CRHDXTjOr THE VOKBI. For wonder, it is aew the fashion for women to be as healthy as sbe oan. Freeh air is admittsd to b# a good tbing for the complexion. No one dispetes that a girl who is an invalid ean walk fiva miles a day withoat dying of fatigue, and aa nw niinr on a gooa norse i* rseonimended as a aor? hetpfal paatiaa iban lyiag abad ar reading Frenob novels. Tbe new atyla for woman baa not arrirad a bit too soon. American woman war a getting to be a worthless lot, sprightly enough in intellect?perhaps toe sprightly? bat painfully deficient in bodily develops] ant and health. Bat t they ware entirely to blame. Degenerate man seemed to like theaa that tray?possibly because ha was in tb^sst&iLbax himself To the credit of woman be it said that aba wonld rather be reundfimbed, ferong af ohest, fair of cheek and bright of eye; and it is a notable faot that as soon as tbe?raring male generation took to athlstice and to bracing np generally, the girls promptly followed tbe geed simple. I a. # / Whea joong people jiimtolin engagement tor lift aajcareleeely^a* they go to picnic, they most expect to pay for their felly with their bitter experience. With theneande, a marriage ^engagement ie ' e matter .of boyish "or grrlnhlfceaprice. If wiee marriages ere "m?de|iw hoev en," then the haaty, leoee eelfieh eertf are the handwork cf the devil. e ? " A girl can be independent if eba choeeee and earn a comfortable living in maay^waye, and it ie not the woret fortune in life to be born a airly not half aa bad aa it ia to ha mail led lit l ima that vou can n?liher love nar reap#at, and who makes yoa a perfect (lava to pander to hia eemfort and htampr and >caprioea. Think wall before yoa make yonr choice of-bneineeee. CWCHESTERSPUS Gold metallic bomJfca3l\rith M?/w) wv ?IAM?H? BKl/? riLLljW twfrtT-lft *etn rctardad iiifft la fret ammUuUl 8010 BTALL DRU&I8T8 3E?. EVERYWHERE nSnp" \ '' t > . A. T. NE^/Building < Logysv^W. C. I am pr?/arad to do\our P>*+iing. ekpiing and tailoring fct r?ry re??bn?bi? rate*. ill work gnarantead. G?rr ma a trial and I ' ! . . M. FOR s/liE _ C 200 cords oY sMred wood, as)], C oak, hickory, iVcsmora and pine, J at #9 a load. Qbll phone 61. M. F. HOUCK FOKSAuk I I have 100 bushaU of Simphins I'to- llfic Cotton Seed to? ?aie >t 91 per I bushel. ^ O. STORK j I have 6$ he?d\f Heals vhet 1 will i sell In any number\ till to see me or write at onoe J Y [TiMBBmLaau, ^ouisbuiKr* C ' J ' 1AJK s U.E , Cheap for quick sash buyer. Will C sell my horse, 4?? t cut ander Sur- C ry in good t repair, set of harness, 1 horse wagon add harness all for 150.90 R. 3^ EGERTON. TO MY gUSTOMERS 1 wish tn \ay to my customers that my bills\re <-?e every Monday and please ca\l around to settle 'same or be rwsu Jaa^ them when -I send them out.mf your orders wiH -d be tarned dowAI I have to pay- ?, the cash and I m\sl have the oash. YTfc. MURPHY. A impowtawt. J 1 wish to isssakts telmy customers sad the "t-T-r\^? Jtiial)BIT and _ Fraaktis couaty tliu will contiaue seeding off lasadry dM 1 week and will I be glad te sead Saytwnue for had deliver saase. Jaat aaJ^oa aver phene aad a bey wilt be dtaaat&ed at once. J no! W. Koto. -*\ I haves lfelS ecrtstmJtof land known as the "Mitthew vKifcer and Wiley Crowder lands, near Rukn, N C that I will setl cheap for eaal^ This is a fine IC farm and can be had w this years m crop. Call on or write X I H W WlLDBR JE HapleAlle, N C ? FOR SALE I Facing Baker square in Louis- 9 burg, one rtew six room cottage, 1 oue 8 room fyo story /residence. H One two room tenant tfmse. ill 1 sell all, or eitheX Pryes low and , i terms easy. If not s/ld privately ( I before, will sell Viral Monday in i! March at publio unction at eourt I J house in Loejsburg.X 1 ' ! Mas. LW. Bsttlk I J A Genuine Bargain Not Often to ! [ \ Be Rind 118 Wm Hi? tv rt farming. lan<T, in D-nrts townshi , 2 miles from ? Bnnns. Wo wasl ? land, three- V fourths iA timber. Will be sold fl privately oh me or f not sol d be- 4 fore will beV sold without reserve first MondaV in March at Court House door rbr division amdng a large number orsheirs. , U. TABMITHWICK. I AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE "tQUNGSVILLE LOTS. In pursuance of a trust in -are reposed, I wilDqn Monday, the afst day \ of February, nU.0, at about tbehonr of 11 o'clock, on thy premises id Youngsvllle, offer for saW to theUngnest "bidder, for cash, those vsljftble and desirable lots situate ondhe South side of Main street, in the tan of Youngsville and well known nylhe\M. Wood lief property. A lot with front of 32 feet on Main street ana runninroaek so as to include the swell near theNlweUing will be sold bf fee simple. And the reversion in Un dower of the brick Swel- . ling hous^not will also bis sold at the same tiryf, but separately. This 27th day of January, 1910 / W*. H.' Born*. Trustee > - ?? A Card. to Tea voraai tMausasi oovyrr-. As the campaign year of 1910 has " opened .1 will be ths object and pdrpeee of the people to select suitable and competunt met to fi I the, various county offiebir%nd in my humble elreumstaiices financially I wiah to anneunce mjaflf a candidate for the/>fflce of ShertfApf Franklin County jaub Jeet Uj the sctfcn of the "next Granty Democratic Convention. la dedtarmg " my candidacy I must say if I sa nominated it win be ukrongh the sftnpathy of the people. I thavo not Jean fattened on public oflca aa mf expected . opoonenta have beta, consequently I will not hare the money /o spend as they will have, nor IM haft a mihioa of dollars I donotbeUera a would spend It in a manner toiiWinlralemen to vote ? for me contrary to theft- own sense ot duty. rYbu retnembrf Wo ) ears ago I for nft#ji>Afiftp fow My friends instate/ thatl ennouuee myself an IndepedQent candidate This I refused to da beeausb I did .not think It right fir me to Uo so> You remember I hen a sard nuAlshed stating thatl kneft the people Bad nominat ed 9 man Whose past reekrd would hew him Worthy the honor Ythey had given him And that l WlShek . to say t|iat I won id give btih mj k>yJ| support aa I hadAlwavs done. Now IVm witHag to/leave my nomination Vo the ceesiddtation of the people. IfWeated I yll support the nominee sn^shall theftanocraticparty, so kmg a?\ ad2x>' ^"f,1 rt*ht* to ?? monV^ privileges to aooo U 1 W nominated and should bo eleetedTj Premise the people that all business ~rnin? tho *ff..rso5 my office ,h.ll? m performed with the purpose and under V the consideration that I am the servant fl K JhHAREIB. x - = ; .' '~...v'v | t l _ ' - _ . Nev\ 1 SPRING J ArnVkfe . We Have Ojrfv Spring Ox V ! For ladies yf have a large stock of thAwell kaoi Line you oen find most any atyio ymi wtVi. Patei Metal idrap Oxford and Suede OxfordaX Also Wood1* line made in New Jersy, one of thasbest 'ejea in Louisburg. We hare this line io aluizes hare our same lines. Just Wright, King QusVty, that we hare hot space te mention. \ 1^20,000 yards plant bed (! caiTbuy cheap. We wjl - - number of ?ajrds j Our spring slothing is beginning, to* airive daily ar ?0 line of ererything in our line Jo shew our custom M ua and we will treat you right. I P. S. 4 K. K. C. t f ioo HEM 1 HORSES AND I ????????? Vs. ' J % * u? I Pridav^anii^ ^T?BESOL^Q]| t I am now- in St. Louis and Kan T sodnd-young^ s -J- ? * >' ^-= '"T % r; I t , | K P h I X M I | ' *' . - . >TOCK |. Daily -if4; * ' -te fords for Ladies / Men. ^7^ a in Drew Belby Line. In thjj/^ , . ; it leather Strap Orforda, Q?fn r Tana. For children we/hare" linee of ehildren ahoeeerer ofand all ftylee. For' men we Beacon and mapy^ other linee ^nya&s^that you \[1" " V. ' " I give you a^y 'Oil: want. - . id we expect to have a large IU era thie spring. Come to eee ALLEN'S I I OF f* I MULES j ' " 60 MUM? ^ \ 4 :f 21st, 19101 I tr TIME I sas City buying good A |i took ? i =sssssssssss ' )E -III I * I ? V ?";' '"' ^*:' ?j '" ' \ ^ .: ?> .? -.. : &$ ? </ '*$;&, la^^MlyiKMJB^IMk^tf^Q ^,1a -^?-?i -ViHIfcirir nflMfti'if vMEtBtmh _ -^V. m

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