I Silencel v tha Instinct of modesty nhteral M m tnal hindrance to the cueh ot woman! brink from the personal *e?liooi of which -TT? indelio?te. Th* thought o _ horrent to then. sndso theieodure it 1i??> ii hioh Barely pnmns from It baa baaa Dr. PlarMla prim graat many woman ?HJM I Mr modaaty la Ma MMM Pi Dam Mr lattar. nil MflWu an aacradly coafldapGal. \Jtdc Plarea, Buffalo, IBrt. \ Dr. Pieroe's Favori^TresoriptlooVw the womanly funcyCns, abolishes per pats the finishi untouch of health o# who gives it a Cor trial. ?It Makbb' Weak Worn Sick Women V Yoa ean't afford to aoeept a ueraf no for this non-aloobolio medicine or know . vumvy~ Having hualiied / adiuinistra tor ot J tali K. w/ght, ttmsel Into ot Fraaktin c/uuir, this la t? notify all ario/i hawing alaimn agaiust tha ?Ju* of said deceased to prnsant th At to the undersigned ^".Within onayoA from data haraaf, or thia.noticptrUl ha plead in bar of their racprar\ Partita iadehted to ggjdynaiate Vill be azpeotad to s6ttle\/omptly.\ TLis January 12th, 191?. \ J. E. NtoHOLaoir, A dear. Upward for Ftrineil Priaanrrc Sheriff of Franklin county, N. C. 9 I. SPIRE I want to buy all your did scrap iron, bonesV rubber, hnes, fprs, etc. Call towee me, wM give the highest market prioes/ When yeu wancUraily papers, magazines, books, el&, call to see me at my news atapdXon Nash street where I baiVa fulV line at all times JAKE SPIRE Joseph Yarborough ViAIIXSt. A. T. N^AL^Building L LouidUW,N.C. I am prepared to ?lo your pressing, shAning and\ tailoring at rery reasonable rateX AH work guaranteed. Gitf me ^trial and I will pleme yoH, - . * . Josti Recqved The following fhlc\ we will sell cheerffor fceh: On# Car Pate/t Flow, One Cfcr ?Red Dogjdill Feed.frn# Cor of Limfc_ Ono/ oer Nc\ 1 How* Shingle*, VmC?7 Nnitaall rixe* One e?r off RuberoldX Rooffag. . T A'ma big of #h??#, ?>?. Dry (ioode, Notion*, Coffin* \nd C*aket# and Movlwar* of ey^ry doj. h/weath&s & Company : BUNN, North' Onrolin* IVB LJVHpVH I IWWUVliW mC ' * v For %e oapture and delivery of the following described prisoners . who escapecfrfroin the -lEnuiUi*eountv jail on\ Nov. 28th^ I will give the following rewards: For daolt Qrlen aliaa/Vlll Boss, a light ginger <kke colhred negro, about 6 feet higti. washing about 180 lbs., age abdut /d years, who has a burn on his left arm net healed, and wai weanq/g an overall suit when last seeu, "HEN DOLLARS. I For Charlie Lnris, a bright mulatto negro, 5 feci 10 or 11 inches in height, weighing about 170 lbs., smooth face, age lahout 30 years," who when las/seeq was wearing an overall suit, 3CEN DOLLARS. For Johi^Stone,I a black negro . , about 5 ft.k inoheain height, wearing a littl/mustaohe, weight about 160 lbs., stammers a little in talking or has a little stopy in his speech, FIVE DOLLARS. jy -This Dee. 3rd 1909. , H. C. Kbajuuiy, '' ?I- .. . r ly^diMWM. ^MQ 1Jfl the local nMyeician I ( examinpnoa U ab i tUcy^ii condition MjdT(o CWPO n 1 tommd m reta&e MW 1 B?? coamulta- :'\ !j dmm? tm MM ... A ~<V? I i Fmnn Z>rv ?. F. . '.'J? jvj ' itorea and regulates 1 and baild* up and <y?i'4?& I urrecy weak woman ^*3 I . strum aa a substitute In composition. Deafness Cannot be floured Ny. loco I applications an the.yEanont ranch the dieeifed portion of thenar There stt only one ^?y to cored entire, and that In by constitutional rftut/w. Doafntas ia rtueed by An Inflamed c^ifJition of the mieon* lining bf the Eu'^tcbiun rube, When this tut* i? fa flamedj^?u hare a rambling eoond or impprfeet UlaHng and when it ia Satlrel rio?n<v Dndrnras ia the reenit' and n picas the infliltnjdDon an he taken out and tbU tab# reetoM to it# normal condition bearing will be0Patrojed to rarer; nln? rases ont of tan amafesd by Catnrrah, which ia nothing bntXn intUn.ed condition of tba muroue HuJFa.ee \ Wo will ipee One nandreJ DnlUr- ix? ? sm ol Deelne** (?*rtiiVd by catarrhf. that eanunt Itexarvd by Hall'it Catarrh Cure. 8eou for circular*. Ton*. F.J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo O. Fahrtg-Pi julul . TSc. ?? Take Uall'a Fa.itiIv Pill* "for constipation SMALL 1QX ORDER The Board of County Commlssionv era at .theiy iwgblar meeting on Monday, February 7th, 1910 paasechiie following older; Oidered tfyit the County Superintendent of Kublio Health be and he is hereby authorized a id empowered to vacVust- all p( eons in Franklin CountA wh", in h a opinion by reason of exposure i re location may be in danger of sontraction or spreading\ small \ ox and quarantine all sue* person i in his opinion the pub iclliealth nay require. 1 ' I Be it ordered fhVtlier /that any person refusing to nibtntf to.vacci nation or quarantme /egulations shall be guilty of it misdemeanor and shall on convicUbn be fined not exceeding $60 aiy| not exceeding thirty days in p/apn. And bait furthrJ ordered that enc-r day refusal to submit to vaccination or quaracnine\regulations shall constitute a IsepaAito offense within the'meaning of ike regulations for tl e pubucJjnaltfL . ' Be it ordered aliat all \risoners confined in jailJ or sentoiosd to work on the public roads of Franklin county shall be vaccinated by the Superintendent of Public Health af the County's expense. T. S. t'oLXjn, Chairman "t\ . M. Boons,- Clkbs. LAND SALE - .. By virtue ol an order of the Superior court of Franklin county made in the spocdH.proceedings entitled R A MyoriAdinr. bf R\ W. Moore decsasedf Vs. Mabel Moorland other, heirs JR. law, the undersigned commissioner will, on .Monday, the 7th day of March, 1910, at 12 o Clock-ntijui, sell ey public- auction at the court hoSse/flbor in Louisburg, to the hicheht Wader for cash, all that eertain.tract (Wparcel of land situated in Frnnkliiyrounty, and in Cypress Creek toumshito, adjoining the lands of E W JgporeAJ C Matthews and Mm. 8 y-Moore Nand containing , ,twenty-Sve acres more V less and being the tncf of land own\d by said J W Moore at the time ol his death. This the 4th day of February, 1910. W. H. Yahbohouoh, Jr.,Com. Choice and Fre fi Cut-flowers Of CarnatidWs, Rotes, Violets, etc. Floral designs,and Flowers for all occasions!PottedTFerlis and all kinds of pot and out dopX&dding plants. Vegetable plants InjUeason. All orders promptly filled. /\ H.STEINMeW, Florist. Raleigh, l\ ( Ufass anC^ Clover Seeds are best\ualities Obtainable, of g?ra|^aUon|^jid^ free from Wood's SMllookfor 1911 ^tree llie ftille* In ? motion a- . boat all FaimasJtoardis Sssda, especially aivontPfaaeaand Cloy11 my to tow thfrnftt sooceeefal I stands and noes. \ 1II WOOD'S JkY.OS kve bean ownfor^mo^than thirtiyeais^in WoetftAM Book mailed free Q op reqasa U Wrlteforlt it. ^ois, L .' ' ' * .-'I'?? > . . .. . vi Lr * ,, I this week. U Miss Alie? Mae Hines raiae home Saturday to spend a oeuple of weeks She was accompanied by Misses Susie and Ethel Williams, two of Iagleeide'e meet popular yena^ i ladies,'. Z :? ?~^r werth spent Sunday with friends near Margaret Misses Mary Mitehell and Etta Whelesa sad (needless to say) Peroy Boon spent Sunday at the home of H. A, Mines. H Messrs Ueorge?and Alford Wbeleas, Jr., were visitors in this vioinity i Sunday. I Mr. J. D, Hinea in spending some 1 Jf- V','' -w V >' V ?> vi. *. i* V'V Vj'.v 'C"?i' -t' i!\ I Trfp'- '.HjV ^ v;.'' .v-vl-.'./ - v .i ' - * ' " * Sraokey Hollow Itoma. Quite a amber of friends and neighbors sujoyed the sandy palling at Mr. O. C. Avesoue's on laat Wedneed a j night. W. B. Wright had good luok 'pessuaa banting in the day time laat -weejji?He _ osught?tare 10.pound enea in the eame hole. Ed. Strothar happened to the misfortune of getting hie house burned en February 6th, 1010. He lest all of bis furniture etc. " ' W" From Alert R. F. D Mr. 1. N. Williams. of F/anklinton, is spending a few weeks witli Mr. M. J. Bali. I We are having seme very good I weather now. Rope it wiU^nen! tinue. Miss Minnie Joaroegain is visiting her causia, Miss Lou Hjrns, at Sohless this week. - Best wisbss te tbe Tinas and its readers. . Ba. News From Rile ye. Rtleys is not quite dead yet. Farmara are getting buay preparing * - -?rr?. ? - ih a graai. crop or looacocj. lat as wiab them mooh tacoaea. Peace ami quiet BOW reign supreme about the premises of Dir. J. W. Oakley, aa be has found the "little pet, pig" thai baa been loat ao loag. Messrs Job Frszier and Willie Currin were visitors in thia neighborhood Sunday afternoon. < Mr. W.H. Carter, one of oar moat hignly eateamed oitixeDa, died on February IJtb, of pneumonia. He was a good man. In life he waa muoli loved and in death he will not be forgotten. Much sympathy ia extended liia bereaved wife and aged mother. Much aacoeea to the . good old Fiunklin Timkb. Blub bybd - Bztsy. Oswego ItemsNot having Been any items freaa . Oswagc in some time I will send in few. . Misses Sallie and Oma Gnpton, of Henderson, were the guests ef Miaa Lillian Joyner Sunday. llisa Lata Bnrnette, of Henderson, waa' the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. G. Bnrnette, Sunday. Hampton Joyner gave a moat enjoyable little party on the fourteenth. Those present were Misses Luey and Lassie Wilder, Emma and Nellie Bessette, Oler Bailey, Lissie Evans, Messrs Romp tar and Clyde Gupton, A. D. Bailey, Willie, John and Lee Bnrnette, Jessie and Robert Joyner, D. E. Griffin, Lummie and, I'emmie Cash. Everyone present enjoyed themselves to the fullest and- tendered a vote of tbanke to tbo hott for thoir oreninga ploaaure. The farmers in our section seem to be right busy burning plant beds and plowing in oats. -Meaaru W. B. EransL and W. R. ' Juyuei made a-busiotso trip to Han-. derson Friday. ? . ; Wishing the dear old Frakkli* Tmne great sueeesa.. ; Bnovrir Etbb. Gatesvllle Items. . The farmers of this community are progressing very rapidly aa bird, bunting ia a thing of the past Miaa Mary MitoheD, the most effioient teeehrr of Gateaville, bad the privilege of eurnllinga D>e~W pupil It waa "Luke" a very nioe dog of a . mntsenlnw Inioaaw \ W. W. Hinea on tho siok list time at tbe home of bia parenta. Quito an enjoyable eveaiog *aa i pent at tba honia af B. R. Faulk, laal waak. Etch ooa wea aaoeaaafal in drawing tba ona that edited him baal. Burely Capid waa the moat lmpartaot guaet. . Many interesting gamaa were pUrstl in wbiob all taak a part, and net a geeat want home wiihont an arrow in hia heart. A. Q. M, N. Choice Cut Flowers i Roeea, Carnations, Violate ic^rT ; Vialliea our Specialties. Wed^Kag I boqueta in all a\ the newyeOftyles, 1 floral daaigna nailboqpetyfrranuod in thd most artiettpdtyUa at ahort uotioa. s^\jt Shade Treea,'RoBe/Wuah?a, Climbing Rau^ Eradgraena, Shrabbery an^TOedae Plants Oi^Teat varaptioa. ftail, telaflraph and telephone ordyfpromptly executed by J L O'QUINN & CO PH0NE!149 Raleigh, North Carolina. "'"sale cf valuable seal eitatE Under and b; virtue of a decree of the Superior cqurt of Franklin county. ] made to the special proceeding entitled W C Bobbltt and Wife, Ella Bobbttt to J C Tharrlrtgton et ala., the undersigned commisalviner will, on Monday the 7 day of Marcm.1910, It being the first Monday of eaifl month, at about the t hour of noon, \sffer for sale at the i court house dooriin Louisburg, at puby lie auction to the highest bidder, a cap tain-tract or parce\ of land lying and being in LouisburgV>wnahip, PrangUn 1 county, on the Henderson and Mash- j ville road, bounded odttbe north by the lands of J C Tharrington and oUlers, on the east by the land of M C (Wurell, on the South by the HendeisptWand Nash- < [ ville road and on the westwy the lands ! of Mrs. ii B Allen, coRMning ninety | six seres, more or less, Snd \eing the i | lands formerly occupie# by Mta. M R Might, having been allotted tcAher as her dower in the Ian A of her deceased husband. Redding IMfeht Sad her \ower estate having siix# fallen, in by reason of her own deathVand this sale is\being made for tb# purpose of division among the heir# at law ot said IteV ding Flight Terms of sale: One thlrfl cash, balanc# on credit of twelve mbnths, with/interest from day of sale the title to s#d lands to be reserved until the puKhaae money is paid in full. This is a fine tract of land with a good dwelling hoihe and all necessary barns and out-housas thereon, situated only aboqt five miles from the town of Louisburg. It is a splendid opportunity for sny one desiring to purchase a well improved farm near town, upon easy terms. This 28th day of Janusry, 1910 WHYabbokouoh. Jr. Com. Commissioners Sale of Land. Under and by virtue ef eu erder ef resale made by the Superior Ceurt ef Franklin County at the January Term, 1910, in that action entitled Wan H. Raffia, Adminiatrator ef J F. Jsaes. deed., J. a. Allen end The Seaboard Air Line Railway, which order and decree area upon appeel/ef said astien to the Supreme Ceurt ef North Carolina by the said Supresnjs Ceurt affirmed, the uaderaigned cemrnissiener, will on Monday, the 7th das of March, 1910, it bding the first I Monday in Mareh about Wis hour of imen at the Court House Sser la Louisburg, H. C., effer for sale ?o the highest bidder, fer sash, that cermin lot of land ia the town of Louisburg, in the county of Franklin and Stats\ ef Norm Caroline, on the East side nf Main Street, adjoining the S. A. Xj. RV. depot had more particularly defined \s follows: Beginning at the corner at the j. F. Jenee let and C. B Cheatonm Fbize Heuee let, formerly the Bedtwrlght Prise House lot, on Main Sfcreehaslizwn stats, thsnce alunc C, B. GTitaCmm'e hoe 9. 68 E. two hundred anfclhlllj Ami fset, msis or less, to eornjr ef the Tar River Manufacturing uhnpany's lot formerly the Cooper lc# In thu line ef the S. A. L. Ry.. thente atpng the Use ef the S. A. L. Ry., Jn- 29 *-4 W. two hundred ml iimiiilj ldns feeb more nr I sen tn the corner ef said Vailway en Main Street; thenct along laid Main Street S: S3 1-4 W. oi s hundred and forty four feet, more er I es. to th\point of beginning, it being he JoneaUobneee Warehouse lot, upo wMch thtro is sitoated a dwelling hot is and about one halt in I 1.1 m A' V A m.l V TWV A wiaui 01 wio apnea iodaccd warenonse building. I y And by virtue of the said order and decree of the Superior CouA, affirmed by the Supreme Court as afwesald, the undersigned will sell along Vith said land to the highest bidder, 10A cash, a descendable, Jtr. nsfermble aniL assign- ^ able easement in to and upon tAat strip of land on thI southwest side orwnargin of the depot lite of the said S. VA. L. Ry., more psfrticularly described y follows: Beginning at the Norttnvest corner of the oundation wall on Mtdn Street cf said rarehouse now situate < upon said Isr i, and running thence along Main St oet twenty three feet to the line of he iatd-3. A. L. Ry., thence along t i# said line of the S. A. L. Ry-., S. ft I 4 E. the full length of said warehous , one hundred and seventy one feet, nore-or leae, thence a line at right ai [lea to Haln Street and the fir?t name< line twenty three feet to the North E it corner of the foundation wall of sal warehouse; thence a line paraded to the 8. A. L. Ry., line ' along the foundation wall of said warehouse, one hundred and seventy one feet, more or less, to the point of. be- ~ ginning, npon which is located somewhat over one half of said warehouse in width, the mid eeaementbeing limited however, by mid decree to wanhouse purposes only. This Feb. 4th., 1910. / Wm. H. Ruffin, Commissioner. .j i. " ' " U. j(_ 3 Are Yoi | Honesl N ./With your land whei W sake of saving a fev 1 you use a fertilize y only recommendati< If analysis. It requires U * cial knowledge to m rials to Analyses. . T of a fertilizei>lies in I te rials used, so as ?over feed the plant time and starve at i This is why Royste are so popular. E gredient has its p work to do. Tw< / VPCirc pvnf?r?on/?o in s J . KJ va^/VI XCI1V.V/ All 1 - goods for Southern^ J enabled us. to knov See that trademark is on F. S. Hoyster Gu< / NORFOLK, VA. |g Wy#zW. t salrandj: I have decided to run again a Sale /Liver; serve the public with --^s. / First Class \'eams At Will be glad to have a liberal shan/f patronage an teams and polite and accommodraLf drivers, ^ R. jr. FVJ l_L ^ New Liita of S ' I huvo just received aViijf new '^L" and i, lot of new goods that Yam aellj to see me and take a look m. w^at I h wry^cob . . * "r i ^?1? ?=gg= HORSES is IV I have received a riui Horses and "Mules'thai cheap for cash^or on < to see me a.t/he ^Rive house before buying. EDWARD S. Legal blanks "aTTtf FIRST CLASS JOB F ' \ ' \"V ' - ?j' v' , 1 "**? " .' V " L? v7:a-K - '* ?. . :A\m _____? * . X v' a.? I. ET J-"" n for the Ri v dollars . w r whose . H )n is its no spe- R ix mater R he value . n ^the ma- R . ?not tg ; H . at one Tr^???another. y r brands E very in- y articular ? E snty-five 0 jmaking E :rops has m / what is- y every bag ^ * . ino Co. " P , llVEIRN*) - 7" ' - ; % Stable and am prepared to ,* . a ' V?- ?J - : - . J ; All Timete. d guarantee satlsfeetkm. Safe " ""I ^ ' v > -ER 'UC_.' * * " * . ' ? amples x line of Samples w / ng cheap.. Come A - . ^ WaY? X * ? .y- - . lJULES >-x . - _-( nber of good t1 am selling time. . Oome , ~ _ " irside Ware ~?-? h?1 1 ' , *. 4-v^' ; FORD i/IES Office PRINTING. . Jr , r \ ' / h I

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