r V; -' -* ' ' \\ . *' ; ?- ??. I The Lot | 4' ~ This is the title of.the aiiREESTATE If you winli to tirrte to pay for it. IT you wif.h to sel RENTING PROPERTY AND ' tenant. We will al?M> collect your fen LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCf flro. An insurance policy on your lif Vour savin km and accumulations of ft MONEY If you wish tn borrow absolutely eil^ odirc aocurfty, and eh? on ailt rdxo security. Whether. only a view and the aervice^of ourattornej WECAN GIVE YOUR ^OND your bind, instead of a^kinK your fcie We have*?uiJA?'rftliJtl lit Dm ha. . , a number of other ways* and we Offer * 1 ? DR S P-BURT ... MtKSIDKaf-R C iSL TBI ^7.?j DR 3 P BtfRT ?? ? IP ^ "J,**SP fit >;? FRANKLIN- TIM "? A. F. JOHNSON Editor and ;M.<nsg friuay, F<:briiary 2"? i5io. >?" KK> VSV., V!**w. ." , It. tfpltio-XWice. ? W. W. Holmt-v TAR DROPS. ?Folk Miller, Saturday- night. the picture of l'o.Ik Mil ana irVB quartette ?*i? om last |>Jige. ?Seals Iwe; now .on 'wale for Pu Miller ^Ht the flporn House Saturd night. * " "" ** > ?K. P. Mill received- a iiuin' offline horse* and mules this \t>( Head hia ad. * ?Money dots not makajthe 111 ?buk tlunga arc apt to We uioru coi fortaWla wheu the matt makes mo ""% \ r u ' ? ?Don't forget_ to go out to s Polk Milleraml his quartette at t wpera noose, tomorrow ^oauirua v night. ? If you* want to know what have for breakfast, <1 inner or supp read the change of ad of T. T. Tt roll in this issue. ?We ate requested to state t!i Rev. L. W. Swope will, agaitLla. up hie duties at the .Riptist""^juiri . next Sunday, and-,wilt , preach at tl usual hour. . . ?Among The" nejs visitors Rooiaburg the past wegk are line li tie girls at the hemes of Mr. A. 1 Wilson and Mr. W. K. Barthol 1118 w. -x-?K. N. & U.-JS. JSgwtpn have big lot otcabbage plants for sale their store on Nash street. This i> line variety, and will stand l weather. WSttfch their space ne Vv . ' ? ' ? " . -i { . ' weok. . ?If a man starts to pay his tlebi it puts a rowtbf men a iRtlf mile,1m in motion, each obe starting to p; his. It may be that you-are the in in the row that hae stoppedjlhe m tiou. If you owe .auy pile, pay hi' ?News w/h received here' yestt day of tbe death of jMm. T. U. A drewn, of/'barlelte, Mrs Andrei died at, MartinavKje, W, where a! had .bBeo vistti^t-She- -wee?t. mother of Mrs. ( Ed. Joues, of tl " piece, wlio left yeptarday to attei )ti|'the fnoerei. ?We received a phono inawa) from Dr. Holding, of Wake Fore etatjagthat Mr."'W. if. Fuller'* litt fifteen months old baby w?i rei seriously bi rned i>u Wednesday ei enint,;.. It is not expected, hawevc i hat' the hnrp vyill prove fatal.* " r m a re F*i?T" frtirtdrw)"'~in fifty-thousand word* in the Englii Jangtituu. and ra ?t of them we = luwrt f n:i d a * by a holy- who. Hi covered after cemfpg out of ohure that Iter new Imt wai adorned with tag, on which wan written, "rtfdtiot to$2.7 ? .? , . > v*.. -r 5 "5&g E| 1 ' UMb?kAMAAA* ' *>* _ *? r\rr. - 'VTv^L .? v . ) lisburg Guar ===== and ? Realty: Compai (vompatv-y jyHt, established .in I what Wft Cfm do for you. * ?v"w ' ' i JoL'i ^^""""TTSSSZSSSSS i bt?y a ^nv, we*Will .buy iRfor you, and oxai.Ht Jo\i I your or exchange it f<^u?nother, we can nasi* COLLE TING RENTS IfViwiah ton-nt yvu: ta^or you if you do* ire nn l keenVc uruuertv inaui EI We vtifl'also insure your life i| gainst death, and * q will not coat mufclu_but it.would msu much to y life tiifto rtay be deatroyciTTnTr^ew minWc* by flro, money, we will <^?ist you to borrow it. If haV? rire you not a cent. >Jo_watt< r Vrhajt nmounrWr feW dollars.' or larger amounts. we will rlace i^fon TWho"ha* made n specialty of looking tip We nre also prepare*! to give bund uncertain dnarl Dds to siffn your bond. . fo;?if a "i.- of ! ,. -."tcrt our company <?^Rs'icieri our services to the public. NVotbvin bv^ness Febi L P hhCKS ViCK-EJU^rDEST S ALLEN * J A T jaslukk i--.ec "INANCE COMMIT - ?7^JTM.T^ulenN. ' * ^ :?L O* ? p't. H U;inkR*rc'<]UeHt us J<J 1 fci 1 \>i i -iJrii mipauy I ^ T. -rs . rkRifl;ViA c^Ud-for Tin day *vMure'i, 1. liill), aii<l*t!i ' ?\?-rv. i?Njinbt*r. is ?ir?l^red to atte * ' ?mi: f'irtl.t TIht will jij'ho i>< Mul m\ i i i?rr?! .v. M.tr'fh 8r*l. _ 'i!1. i'i K. A? :ii'?h;1 -trim?in ^ i s-<f lis Sutmd iy night' :ir\ l report . ' .e-ivv. xvi11 s -n.rm .: .! \Va ? *'*K?ovm v!i .TbifXs ! iit^ht. It bit ; down the building prepared for t l^r 1 Ui*\\ ' plnni-mih and did rig . j :i?iu*h oilier damage | ?AVe are requested to state tl MV ! some ef the rubber e ?ats hrlongi ! to Hie tfiv department' Pas bt I taKeu otn **ssiblyb ear rind home ier; J - ... ^ soiue ot' the members ot-the dep* inent, from the last tire. If .tnis the ease they are requested to reti) an u ' ? 4 eatne to the fire house at once, ma ?fcome mep seem t? think if th get into a "scrape" sunt the edit ^ mentions it pi his paper ttvat he do * it out of malice toward them. he . nearly every case.of this kind not v y.. . v / iug could be taTtlier from the tru than Mindpa belief. It is the cdito tl! business to publish local happe nini ?l gpdd oij had and if a man furnish 1 material tor a bad item he has ... ... i out' to bisniy* should it appear. ?A girl gwuluate thus describ ^ tfetimnner in which _a t,pat butted 8 |boy out of the yard: llo hurled l 'lr previous end ot his anatouyv agsii the boy^ aftityvnrils witlf'Wl earnei L" ness nud velocity which, backed I i the ponderosity of the goStfs avoird * puis imported a momentum that u ?" liot relaxed until he had landed terra tirma beywpd Ihe pale -.of t a goat's jurisdiction. at ?Tlid iflrPwh?-.c)tn ' put a ?ik ' a' square patch on a pair of panjaloc or command, a regiment of pots a xt kettle", may r\ot, in the eyes of i " per vent aristocracy, seem as accoi "b i plidicd as tho girl'who can etnhroi '8 er and work a worsted doir otPa bl BV*) u?round or. hum tha 4-$weetByo al an 1 Byc,M hat the vwtfrkin^;girl in'" eve 'day battled of'lift, iw worth a ten.at: n* field full of the other kind. w- . / ..-'Pine man whodiw) u 'iu UW f'*li<?vr*utan ought u> fill t VH the eZivtli aud'ge to liia place. Toe 1H is uo-? ye (toil bout where he ought to Where h?-^4U go when ? 1 . ?, < . "" ! here. The rnifk of hulbaa kindm I lies soured in him; his be tier nam ' has become l)erverted, ids et'es i {? j verted and bis. Whoi's moral bsii t, turned away. Me list lost coo is denes in men has as real reapsot. f fy women, looks oil trod as a tyra f- and death iiitam escape from (lira >r, tlonr. He s f&o o pvnrdly to rleatr. JitmseH, abject, ts be_ tionorab id ttm-moeU intsileeniKiTv"" m ' hnrh lb: nbojtt the Weightier matters of Jil re- too1 ea-nTeiUptuWe to be nMioed St *- duo i|it to livn nt t _nlL Jn?- dsn f), Sscii oieti may b? cUttsad, fiwi A s flies of life, culehiatcd-w annoy tiis id betters,' fonie'nt strife, ran discir , . and bring misery on miwltiiid.j '."TTT^Z ?t i. .Mil r.-nr? bAiT<AA4<A>T4i%i9i4 AAi^A?SIIII {i ^ anty, Loan j j i . :r|i jouiisburg and read' below , * / " " ' * -/ < ., ' / b - Z * in necot inline j^Ioon tp buy\?t, if you want ^ d. you to do th^c also. ! / i r- property. mb will assist you in ftodingr a ^ rod un<l in ^fpait;. ^ i re will injure your property aeaiftat loea by I i our \vjme and children, in ca.^e of your death. I ^ A flfe insurance policy will protect you .' I < nwney to loan, we will place it for you an desire to piae^ out at 6 per cent interest | ' (you, and not chare? you a cent for our xc~ I I m tc^r. and you can have this company furnish ' * ^ -ua r ^ W H RUFFIN i < ATTORNEY j < URNER ? 4 liKTARY . 2 < TEE r . J : l<>! ?A frl-Mit| asks iik i >'niulli|ily ?5 },; I k>y 45. We itu bo uu : auuounuo tt>? | A -'.-v- * ?? r?- | irauifc.UM C??> -NOW multiply . ?00 | fc?.l cent?,vgiv? *?i? answer in e*A*fsa pury ^ nd land * tin pie, net ^fractional part*, of ^ ? ft ^ a di'lJar. Wo.rfow and are 'surprise*.!* * ?t#> scft tl^SmgnreM up r> *2h0, 5 f77^00Q e^d^r winch Is $JHIT. As $6 ? e?J nti'l' yOp rents are 'equivalent * the jc..' I lVa^U is mizzling-.* lr, nit \y J ?\V rurged that decimal marks.should he ^ ho ns?"t. A. cent, as. much, is as diaiinct jiu h unit as a dollar, and as the result UH*? -be announced in cants the dec * tat 'upd cannot hc piemled in exienua- j ngT?toii o,( ihe rathe/ surprising result. * i<rn.J But iheie is clearly something * l,yJ wrong. Can any reader- explain it. J [ * " - ~ "l J rt' ! ?Suppose every business man in I ^ *,tS town took as much' interest in 'the | (f rri upbuilding of ihu town and forward- f ing all public vntcrprisas as the f *? newspaper tuau. lie works for f or railroads, manufaot >ri.s, sch ols and f fif churches, good streets and roads, { Iti" dirges, pleads, scolds and badgers and f h- cavorts around neutrally. Imagine ( th his feelings when 8 nine lame, string f r's halted kind of a fellow reproaches f vt? him because lie don't boom tilings | es, enough. If the town docs boom and ( ho the prices of real estate advauc and { | the owners grow-rich ffoin the re- $ oil I auk.of his labor, ho makes nothing ? [ a by it. -He j? like the poor boy st i $ be tile circus?he cab stand and l?*ok at $ is- \-tbe pictures without- the necessary ^ ji- quarter totTb'i }l'l i issi?irT. ? ;?The time was when* the spring ~~ ~ girl always had >'er evo on the fel h?w who had a good driving horse, i ^ fair jly f-I!..w wlot !i!Ly> :iii?aiiluuio-_L4 r*~ j bite holds over the fellow with a j A horse.&o far now that there/is no ? j comparison. A j^irl could tell ,QR follow bv the wav he dr^vve up to n? the door, or by tl^? go an I of hisdmg- 3 cn W* hut now si,ft simply listens forj^J ,u- the "hon*" or sniffs for the smell of i d- gaaoliue. There.is otae hantliosp j ue yet as to ramiing an auto, it r'ef- i ^ quires both hands, Out (his mav be <4 r.v pbyiatod later on. The tuml-m bi- ; oy?!e was not n howling suceess n? ^ a means of locomotion to the 5"*ung , 2 e?1 people although it vv.?s touted td the dt [skies first, and there may he biighre | ter dava yet for the old sorrel and i A f,.!' top buggy if *he gifl* of today and as Umorrow ^re anything like their ' i ,ss mothers of yasterday. j <? ra -fl*unfers ink pays others, why ^ n* I A ? ;,f **] r.. Gupton -Smtthr-r?*-=- id ru - - a U I We are ia receipt of '.be following ^ fy j invTfatior;; i.J Mr.,anil Mr?. M. D. Smith reipieet ^ f#j marriage of tliuir daiigtlier"KliiSr\twtb iSF.O., to Mr. RrAwri Nnrwmnl flti|iun t?, ou Sunday evening, March jlie J gf eiyth, at three o'ologk, at lied Bud J ir Btpf'iei church, Ffunklin county, J ij, Sorth. Carolina. Nft cirds tnll W J iysuod in the neighborhood. f * i"i" " '? *'.' * * ?i'-,. r-'J.r:' - , i' ? '* ' . '* b ,v'['IJ. j.|A'.u -.V " _ \ ' - ? v:(' :r spy luaegrn^e^r? .uun?frntl4>n Q - ? ; . r*~ Tlie beat sorvico and iir.conin ^ -to I We give pers< i z ' . Our bank is modern and up Call on US ' - .. y FIRST k^^tlNDER SUPER kAAAAAAAAAAAAi Ji. , : f NEWi i Fpr Breakfast j > .. . ' 9 Coif tie, i est. C.Vc?Mi,Ch?K!r . . *olftte, Oat Ho in- | 0 . iuy, (Iritrt, Buckwheat, ? .v(?nmi**?l Moats, Break ^ fast Stri:**, Herrings. Maskm-ls, ?.Vt\ * ' . ? 9 Farmers Hard Castings, Pouil ' Notions ATri A full line of Staple pie Dry Goods, Notions anil* Shoes. yA %ig stock of Vlonr. M?al,. Lanl anil ShjpstufL ' X Clifton - * Corner f ~] p * > # ? V '' ' w wWWWwWwwWW% * ~? zzz Just i ? most econ i'\ tjic Lighl | ' : >, - - -! ~ ~ . L I - .? , ON THE CORP pfeps +' "? # M M ^ \ * UTE lii \A* lodafl^n t6 our customers and (fiend ucb with 'Very detail of the banV.jr >nal Vtteiitioiv'TO ti of our\ customers tod ate and Imjf every facility f??rbnokiiJK interests rhen /wE Qan he of 'national LOUISBURG, N. C VISION &F u: S. I li ny;?y?? !( ! - ? Vs. ?s T: K HC >i V. \v. **> _ \F?r Dinner J \S _V?^V' I-' s,,1:p-- As/ . j i>iC*nf,'W S tr indies I || Beans, YlVniaWef, Cbwi fi - B?ans, V?aK, Maenroii.- --II Juried rVuiis. Peaebls, 'Prunes, Apples, Salid, r DrteAsiutf. VjtTsii|\ Pipk- j le*, .'Oliveo^&e. ' I t I ware, TaWes, Hi Nails, \Barbe< try Wire, Staples, al will convince YOU/of my efforts I ase you in qualify, pnce and seVice Phone Nw>. 80 \ r. T, TERRELL 4 4 d 4. ^ 4. A d ? "A ..s. . ? ? ' . J . ? : *? -N^tecel it of Tuners* en Lan omical and D^autifi =>. HI CJ / mm' 4ER PHONE42 LOUISB rmrl U'b koep iu e^osa , ", * ne interests X v.^r _. tin* accommodation rfit ' .^r. v x A.ny Service ~T * . BANK | GOVERNMENT^ ;v -- "- - .? r - J- - ' POT SUjjJjt! . ^ i3iHi'uit, CiMi kiTH, \V a- ^3 fvT*r. -Slirrrl Beef, Bur- , . dines. Salmon, Fitted . Menta, Etc. - ..? ^ f) -<??1 ft =5=========== imes, Plows % i and % Etc i. - * r~ ? & 10 - Wanted % ~ V . ? ? . 1 All aountrv pro- ' ^ dubc. BHHt, Kgg^ 2 ' flams & Chickens. f* , J#"" \ 1 = * <4 t Louisburg, N. C. } 2 . * ++ ? ?+*> \ - % . ' . . - V x. - " ved ~ I ips. The j X -~ Lil'Elec ?:J|| urg, n. c. . : ? I _____"

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