-) *.;/ THE HOlk^i Pleasant Evening Rei Gated to sTired M fe v the Home Circl CBUDE THOUGHTS FBI i ... ~ For the beat and daapeat en jo oaentstthat oonae to aa, little wa rea * ice bt w muah U doe te amilea. Sa ages do net smile; coarse, bruti arusl men may laugh, bat they a< alom aaaile. The affluenoe, the "ben dictioa, the radianee, which?"Fil the ailance like a apeaob" ia the aaai of a (all appreciative _ heart. Tl (aoe that growa finer aa it hstaoa#n than bregma into auaahiaa iaataad < woida, haa a aabtla, charaniag it T?flneaoe universally (alt, thjiph vet seldom understood. - *v . . e Don't be (does and hateful beeaai everything in the world don't net to eait voa. Of eourae yea are great dead smarter than any one el* and are justly entitled te merd ret ognitiea. While you are folly awai of your attainments year neighbe who ia doll of coj^rekeaalon, hi Dot foood oat that yoo ara raoi than a> ordioarr individaal. " To ban doubtless told him differ#! mora than oaae, rat ia -bis dallnei he has failed to oomprehend th m?ov brilliant poiota joa know yoai self to be poasoooed of. Sy do nc kick beoaose yea are not appreciate The beat thing too ean do ia to gi a divereo from year big head, eom down^from your high perch, and I a sensible every-day American. '* *.* .. . The fast isjmoch to be deplore that with most* boys and girls th boy who spends the greatest amo&i of money for tbe=>, in foraishin them entertainment, is the be most admired and cajoled. Bat, ol what becomes of bin when hi* mor ay plays oat? He plsya out to< ?onseqaaatlr, to keep bis footing, h stifles his eonscienoe and robs hi ? erpployer, aemraita soma other thai * , ' or gametes, in order to keep in th swim. This same state of affaira i applicable to man and women it society. Many -lark deeds are core ? mitted through a desire to eoppl' the demands of worldly-minder wire* and daughters. And again at honorable man, rather than sell hi principles ef integrity or meet thi taunts and npbraidings at bome,whei he fails to supply their demands, pre fere to send his son I to eternal deatl and thereby rid his physical self o life's burdens. , L?<" ? * ' ? * "He who would, free from realise pass his days, must live ebeenre are nsver merit praise" 80 breathe one who has passed through man life battles. He had been a das observer. Malice never commune with the good'. "Mslioe toward non and charity for all" has beam It thought ef great eoala ever sine .creation's dawn. All along tt pathway of life where that thongl has been the most dwelt upon tbei have always "Budded and bloome the sweetest flowers. Where tin principlt baa been practiced th meal, and applied the most, roue about have flattered in the air tt prettiest birds, and with the aweetei tunes. Where that virtue has tt most deeply penetrated bumen soul there oan be found the purest an f~. highest civilization, the levetiei temple* and the most beautiful oe tage* with the moat fruitful Tinea t>V. love twining about. a GOOD EJESOLTia. % . / * KjL^^^XT A Tiiy good reaolation to make to attend axoioaij^lato ?te> oa bnaineaa. Tba baatw.y togatlhromj the world plaaaantly is to go atraig a hand. Om'i own boaineaa U i tnii mora than h? mi attend perfeotly. Bat we most nat tin S tk* maxim to maraly Mlfiihpi doty. Thia ia tha obief object a to it tha making at money. and t winning at late* ara laaraly inoide , naafal to your aaigfebora, to t - i phorob, to tba aaantry, to tba ra< tisppQy i man can now manage i y, BftSuffiira m \ ' / ' ' v~-~T IRCLE COLUMN /sries.?R Goliimn DedtothBrs as Theu Join e at Evening Tide 5M THE EDITORIAL PH . ?i- . ? f * | the demands of hie legitimate fcuaiil neae and net go a daya journey to da r- ! it. He ean perform all theae daliea il, i for humaeity near and far, without il- j leaving his owa,herr>e. r > * Take aa reach oare ot year moaer '* aa you caa if year meaas are liaajted, ,e bnt den't try te tare roar smiles er ^ kind worda. The aaorg liberal yea *' are with theae the mere yea will *" hare. n-:e-sarrrLiao dow* re kakbibd ixre. A haabaed ia forerer drawing eeatraata between hia wife aa ehe ie and 6 aa aha was. He giro draws eoatraata * betweea hia wife and ether womea. *' There ia nothing partiealarly ainfal in this. It a gaits nateral and ia "* to be ekpeoted. Wemen are too *' much disposed to take it for granted that marriage aneana the extinetien " ef the aeethetie aeaae in the haehaad. ? It , doea not aeaa anything ef the _ kind. There te no reason why the ? aeethetia him ebenld not t? iut u I# ? e ttroag ia a maa aftar ha ia married ^ aa bafora ha ia married. Ia fact, it ia | aa. Tb? average woman ia too ^ ranch dispoeed to ahod bar plamage whan aha raarriee. Tha average man ? ia more disposed to keep his, and makea huasalf proportioaately more interesting. The average woman says when aha gala married, "Thank d goodness that I have come thoa tar. 6 It ia over, and I am. fixed for life.* 11 Then abe settles down. This aetK tling dowa meant a great deal. Ia 7 it ia involved the diaenohanttice will be ' plead in bar of tfc^fr recovery. All j persons indebtafTto saidwslate wiH please jiay at once. Thi^Feb. 4th, ' |1910. / \ \ EDDIE H. EATON, AAin'r | W H Jiuffin, Attorney i ~\ # ' FOR /ABE ? Facing Baker square in Leaisbarg, one\ newifcr room oottage, one 8 reort\iryn story residence. One twe rooihAenant house. U ill sell all, or ei^hr Prices low and terms easy, fit not sold privately bpfere, v mip ball Vst Monday in March at public ashlion at eonrt house in XaaiBbnrg. \ > , J Mas. L. IJ. Battlb run OAilC UK JKJ5?r 174 uru of laVd, tw6 bnu firm ! in aultivauen theNabave farm is in Ions and a half roilifeef the Bunn High School in ?>u^d? township, Frauhliu county will Vtll or rant cheap. For funflier information sp' ply to H. Baixbtine ? ? / Bbh3?N. C. _. ACari. . . ?mrt vonaa or ntAjon-m cotmrr. As thseampaign yaar of 1910 has opened it will be the object and parpeso of the people to select suitable and competent men to ft 1 the various countAofflces, and in my humble eircumstaares financially 1 wish to announce iVyself a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of Frrtnlcl'n County, Sub " act to ths act win oi the next County Democratic'Convention. In declaring my candiriacAI must say if I am nominated it will BS through the sympathy of the people. M hare not been fat-. tewed on public IpfBee as my expected opponents hare lees, consequently I will not have theVnoney to spend ss they willhavcc normf 1 had a mlins of dollars 1 do not balidpe 1 wosfld spend it in amanncr toiaoaridata men to rote for me contrary to Uiair own sense ot duty. You rrmembeAtr^) cars ago I was defeated for nomiflapon for Sheriff, My friends insisted tlKt I Announce . myself an independen/iVnOidate This? I refused to do,, bofsuae I dlfLrwot think it right lor rtm toVio so. You remember I had s cArd nnHjished statin; that I knew the people And nominat ed a man whose/past recVd would show him worthyAGo honor Ybey had given him and tlfct I wished to say that 1 would giv^ him my loyaWiport ling to lease Any nomination lp tho consideration roung, sound N^nd/ pH^t^ y And For Sale '? ?*? end all styles. For men we ~ Quality, Beacon and many other lines >ed canvass that you e will give you any ?_ j ' . ? ? ? Q urvnt r> vx i- ? i uo juuvTOIll1" OO a daUy'and we expect to harr.* Urge fe1 ur customers this spring. Come to sea i A| > K. ALLEN'S J gP MULEST broke Mules we? ghing )0 pounds each . I * ~^W broke Horses, all now J at Louishurcr 2 -y -gLong and Easy Ternis 7 the flight Price buy your thoiW Come to Me them .il yon W re never eeen 50 ae fine end young mules ia X ^ igiu-i: " * -v -4 -' > - -'ife'^ ' ' &' ' *$? ? ~* ? i i^titek-:,: .. -- ?-,A- - :