???? :?; ; * ' '" ~; , - i l I The Loui: ?? I -f--; ' I ; I*- I J I'hie is the title of the 001 I REAL ESTATE If you wish to buy I tims to day tor ft. If you wish to ssil you ' RENTING PROPERTY AND COl I tenant. We will also collect ydur rents fo , | LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE ? 1 Are. An insurance policy on your life wil ' Your'aavfofs and accumulations of a life Ss*?'' Ik, ?, . I MONEY If you wish to borrow mon ( absolutely ailt ed*e security, and charge on jilt edjre security, whether only a few leas and the services of our attorney, wh WE-CAI^,G|VC YOUR BOND We , your bind, instead of asking your friends t J 1 We have enumerated in the foregoing I a number of bther ways and wo offer our i ' A - ~ OR S P BURT a l PRESIDENT J " ' R G i ?, r?? ? - ~ TREA8 F?l 1 I.P> e a DKDT i|9 un 9* r- Dvn i \ FRANKLIN TiMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. ~~ Friday, March 4 19J0. 1SDKX TO HKW ADVRRTIS**?^TV Typewriter?for tale. T. A. Griseom?Notice. F. W. Justice?For Sale.' y Ed Perry?To The Public. W. H. Yarborough, Jr.,?Commissioneit Sale of Land. Farmers & Merchants Bank?Capital Stock Paid in 050,000. TAR~DROPa ? i 'i ?The First National Bank has a ^|hange of ad in this issue. ?The beat friendsare those who stimulate eaoh other to do -good. ?If you want to buy a oheap typewriter read the ad signed Tinas office in this issue. ?The attention of our readers is direoted to the ohange of ad ?f the Alsten Co., in this issue. ? ?Those who enjoy tramping - about the streetainmad have oertainly had their fill of it thie w?*t ?Every man's life is aTailure who does not try ! to dp something to leave the world ripher than he found it. T ^ 1 ?No matter how small a sin is that tMy^oint "straight Toward the ' > /?Mr. J.. P. Winston ib having !/ the material pat on his lot on Nash street preparatory to erecting three ?The attention of our readers is direoted to the change of ad of Gee. H. Cooper in this issue. See what he has to eay.. . . j ?Hill & Sledge are moving their stock-wfturtrtHNte to the Garrett etore on Naeh street recently vacated by the depository. ?Mr. R. Y. MoAden and wife have moved to J.i?alebnrg and will take rooms at Mrs. Jennie B. Hart's for the ^reseat. ?We are now at Work on the Annual Statement for Franklin eounty. and if you wish yonr beaineaa repretherein send in the copy far yonr ad at onoe. ?From tbeir change of ad in thia issue it will be aeen that F. N." are also prepared to give bond of certain Aiaract^ to sign your bond. / some of the eervicee our company ceo ^Snder if deei lervicee to the public. We ^>egin buaindu February t- P HICNS VICE-PRESIDIJRT KLLEN /J- A TUf DKEB { 8ECRE1 MANCE COMlVIITtI J M.ALLEN ?Jlr. ^7p. Gill was in to see ua tliis week and informs us that they have a clock at Ins home that ia over one hundred years did, and althoagh there are three oogs broken trom one of the wheels, it continues to k^ep perfect time.' \ ft takes a tioh man to thaw a check, a pretty girl to draw attention, a horse to draw a,cart, a porous plaster to draw the skin, a toper to draw a corn, a free lunch to draw a crowd, and a well displayed advertisement in this paper to draw trade. -??The music committee of the Methodist churoh, has secured the services of Mrr. A. H.^-Fleraintr as organist until Mrs. J,E. Malone recovers. Thev are to be oougratu lated upon their sucoeas, as Mr.. Flemings ability in this capacity is well known t mong opr. people. ?Chief D. C. High informs as that he will get the list of delinOneat taZDBvers readv fir nublics _ 1 y r I tien next week. He alio says that he has given everybody fair warning and now aa the Board of town Cemmiaaioaera are after him he will have to oloae up with the people at onoe.* ?A farmer whoae aon waa an' applioant for a poaition under the , geyeminent, but had been repeatedly turned dewn, aaid: "Well it'a hard 1 us*lr Walk T an Waa m 1 naa aiva 1 tttvtl t/Utj uuutl DM iQIplwU lUBl tJITlt service examination again. It looks like they jeat won't have him!* "What was the trouble?" "Well, he wur abort on apellin, an geography, and missed party fur in Matheroatica." "What is he going to do about it?" "I duano. Times _ie mighty hard, an I reokoa he'll haveter go baok ter teaching aohool fer a IiviDl" , ?Don't patronize home talent., If you want some one to give a lefcttwe,, don't employ any of yonr own townmen, no matter how well qualified they are; sed0 for some stranger so that you can let him ?arry.your ear-" plus money away with him. Don't patronize home schools; it ia not stylish, yon know. Send your ehildren 6ff; it will post you more, but }hen it is more toney. Patronize all the snide shows that come around. Yoa ean use a good deal of your aurplua eaah in-thatway, But be sare and do not attend our home entertain ments; it might further the interest of your town. ?A wise oonduoted newspaper is like a banquet, says an exchange. Everything is served up with a view to variety. Help yourself to what yeu 'want aDd do not condemn tlil entire spread because piokela am! onions may be inoladed. If you do , not relish them somebody else may find them- palatable. Be generous and broad enough to ..select gracefully auob reading matter Worn newspapers as will be agreeable to , your mental taate. You, aa an individual, are nqt compelled to awallow everything. We do-not all think alike on every aubjeotand it ia algood thing, at it makes more variety and variety ta the apiee of axiatenoei ~ . a iny, Grits, Buckwheat, * Canned Meats, Break fast Strips, Boe Herrings, Mackerei8rAci . Farmers Hardt Castings, : Poult* Notions ,A 'r"1 E ~A full line of Staple plea! Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. A big _atock_nf Flour, Meal, Lard and Shipstuft _ : | Clifton - Corner | "J" tfft WWWW WW W W W W ~ ************** { Just '"v r ' . r ' ' i . ?v. - .v * ? ?* - >, ______ A Bi A Will assist you in keeping recoi X W ill show you at the end of tb r . Will afford yon double raoeipti r Will assist yoa in other ways. V II yon wish to sand money a?s; ^ We pay 4 per cent on Barings" * I I FIRST ) UNDER SUPERVI . -fNEwli t ? ii Cam DhaoI/ for* 0 i ui uicaniaM 11 ^ "CoffeeyTea, Cocoa,Chocfl^ nlttfA Out Fliik*?B- Horn- II X je A shipmen x : most econo x trie Light I L I T ON THE CORNI I ' .: , ' ' - - ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ???- - '. . r ? / . \ >'* -t"" ' ; f( ity, Loah I; < i i ' ./ > I': sburg and read "Below j < ?" r ^ tftisting a loan to buy it. if you want I / So do that also. I ' arty, we will assist you in finding a 1 '< din repair. - * I < I insure your property against loss by | , rife and children, in case of your death, re insurance policy will protect you 1 * sy to loan, we will place it for you on ( aire to plaoe out at 6 per cent, interest ( ? and not charge you a oent for our ~ses ( ~ and you can haee this company furnish ? | |AWf are neenare^ tp euaww* yen" fc> I J sg gapt > W- H- RUFFIN > ' attorney tNER _ U ary . , ; IE - . ^ - ! RG ALLEN I wvweweww?*** ? ?Before listening to the complaint of your children about the general fiendishness of the teachers, and getting all worked op and exoited over it ilia better to reflect a little. Remern^a your one or a half dozen clierub^Trire you crazy about halt the limb, and bear* with the teacher wlio is making for you intelligent men and wi men out of as unpromising raw material as you wrltre twenty or thirty years ago. Remeniber that besides your boy, who, of course, everybody knowa is angel, she haa to oontend with that awful boy of your neighber's and you know full well )vbat a terror he fWaale Smith Premier I\fe> riter. Bargain to quick buyers. Calh or on time. Address Typewriter, car : Timks effice. FOR t (LLE Several nice alt eh Cows with young salves. \l F. W.. JUSTICE. ~~ TO THE PUBLIC I am prepared to do /our garden plowing at reaVnablaTprices aad promptly. I wfll also run a dray regularly and will appreciate anybusiness you can g\vp me. Good prompt service wiuNAe my motto. Call phone 154. \ ED. PERRY. LADY WANTED To mtroduceJpr "veryi complete spring; line of beaatiM wool suitfhgs, wash fabrics, fancy Vaistings,/silks, fits., hdkfs, lace* and \elliccoafs. All up to date N. Y. City Ajtcrnaf Finest line on the market. Fueling direct.with the mills you will fiVj/eur prices low. 1'rices $10 te $30 wedtW. Samples and Lfnli instructions paofedsin a neat sample ca?e, shipped oapressNprepaid. No moaey required/Exclaeive territory. Write for partiaelarB. Be first to apply STAND/WD DRESS MODS CO. Dept. F. I, Binghamptan, N. T. 5r : ? '? MOT1C1 Having thia day.qsali led as adminiatiator of Bosatta Grii torn, deeaased, late af FranklinSconnty this is to notify til parsons holding claims against said estate to present t ism en or before Mereh 4th, 19lh : this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All petspns indebted to \fid estate will cosd* forward aad make'tse ttlement at oaok.?This march xthv mil. T. A. GRISBOM, Admr. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. Under aqd by virtue of a judgment ol the superior court of Franklin eennty rendered ahJanuary term, 1910 op said superior const, in the special proceeding entitled OM.. Ellis, admr. of Martha Wilder, deceased, vs. Heary Ruffia Marcus Ruffln elmls, the undersized commissioner wilVen Monday, the 4th day ol April, 1910, Yt the hoar of noon, efier for sale at the Vpurt house door In Leulebnrg, said co?n\r at/public auction to tha highest bicnie# /or cash, .a certain lat Or parcel of NAnd in Louiebnrg township, Fr?akli/\punty and Jh the town ef Leuisburg/boVided on the north by the lands of/usti\ Green, sal the East by the landrfef KpKhsim Deatl John'Green and P. W. JFUllame. and on I toe weal HT tli* etrtft leading Asm the Newport Hoed to \M? Mineral Scrlngi, containing elightltfmore thee e Half en iacre, aaavia, Atty, by deed recorded la the office of toe Begieter of DeeAfor Franklin eounty la Book M. page zfs, to which reference ia . hereby made for a farther deeeription ef eeiiI lot ef lend. Thia Kerch 2ad-M)10. u W. H. YARBOROUGH, Jr., Com.. . . '?. ? i ' ink At ; / . . \ v ^ * 1 , V, . ' I M ri\>f all disbursements. / e war jmst bow yourmodey has g< > fcr your money. ' / r us| our cashjeraAlieck, good ever aocrante eompoftidod quarterly. NATIONAL? OUIS^URG, N. C l?IQN OF ,JU. " S. i_i?? 51 For Dinner ~ V egetaole Soups," Asparagus, Stringl e ss li^ane, Tomatoes, Corn Be&uH, Peas, Macaroni, Dri&d Pruita, Peaches, ' ?Prunes, Apples. Salad. y _ Dressing, Catsup, Pick~ les, OliVes, &c. vare, Wesf Jt Nails A Bprbi y Wire, Staples will convince VDU of Viy effort e you in quOfity, price arid servii Phpne No. 80\ . T. TERRELL - - ' f " 1 - Rece \ ^ t o\ Tungsten La >mical and'beaiiti % kic ER PHONE 4.2>XOUIS / V. . . ' J:; . ' , '.'~~l ''.: jfeAayj ( MOM :count | ioODS; ?=**? \ For Supper J Biscuit, Crackers, Wa/ fere, Sliced Beef, Sar- d dines, Salmon, Potted ^ .* e-r. MeatyEtc. 5. ^ ?? lames, Plows J ? >d and J , Etc - | II * sto Wanted $ :e " \ '*, 2 All country pro- 2 dime. Batter, Eggs W Hams & Chickens. ^ ? i ; =j? ^\J Louisburg, N. C. | .'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAZ "i .. . \ ? ?+ ?*?+++ ' Xivecf I mps. The X ful Elec-^ X " ? ^Br . -t igURG.N. C. | ? - ; / - -