*' * > - >' T-:.- '/ ' 's 1 <? ___ ?Women's Secrets Then ie on man in the United State.* moo* women' oeoreto tea any other t country. Thcec eeorethar* not oeoreto the oeoreto of uffering.Nand they have' K. V. Pierce in t|M h^oud expeetatic That lew oi tee* womca have been din pecutiono it proved by thelject that nit oil women treated by Dr. rtaroe have altogether cured. Buah a raedtd would otteo treated were numbered tr hina lion women, in a preotioe of overyijfro oed antitleo Dr. Pierce to the gratitjBe i opeciolioto in the treatment of woi^Xe I Every ololt woman may oonoul w. charge. Ail replieo are mailed/eeale^ *oy printing or adoeitioiiig whateor, up n out fee, to World't Diopeoeary Alediool Buffalo, N. Y.. / 11 PWw PIERCE'S YOU AND The biff State of North Carolii money nere, because <K that it the workings of this bank. Ki to be run on coaaervativmJinei * ' but even if theStnte didu'Ylrui acter of our directors woukViS the fullest safety. Y o THE- - C VJYZ HUDERe J. B. OWENS. Predfent ? 1 The Choices My stock of IlearV aiuMran ohoice and select loVj^eould lines 1 carry. WhejEin net ate me before buy lag \ Rei burg steel plows, Jpp hern, n m. q. pli J** n SPIRE Ivwant to tiuy \all yo^ old scrap a, iron, bbnes, robber/ hides, furs, etc. Call to see my will give tbe -e- highest market p\j/es. We.have always i/Yand a complete i ue of Magaziaoa/ wbrld's daily and Sunday papers. # c sill the Illustrated liea<jrd<?very weJk which hae all the ? lighting news frftn.eveiwwhere. Order a copy now Jubscrip^ons taken at lowest ratea. mend for catalogue. ' LOUISBIAg NEWS STAND D. E. MILLER JEWELER ' - _ Louishurir. N. C With a Vice well selected stock of Vewllry I am in position V> satisfy most any one delufing anything in my line. V .: : . : I Also Repairing of WATCHES \nd JEW- ~ ELitY andlvill Vive-you the very bell of TOrk Vetj- truly ~ D E MILLER \ i JusL. fiecwed The following which we will sell u. chetafor cash: One Car Pateft Flour, One Car Red Dog Mlf 'eed. One Car of ^ Lime, On/ rr No. 1 Heart R Shingles, dps !ar Nails all aixes, One oar a I iberoid Roofing. Alsoabig/oto ahoea, Hats. Dry Goods, N/tioa Coffins and Caskets and/hard are of every descriptiow J. A. WITHERS "" " / 4 Company-BtpIN, yiorth Carolina ' _ * >' X ?r-w / the twrterhepe beeri HI jf wooitn in the of MR or theme, bat bee/ confided to Dr. 4Z//M n /I advice and help. /fifaA " .(/aimed in their ex'/y-?iiht per cent. o< /been absolutely ead 'be remarkable ii the V VV1 . ode only. But whea WJ\\L nore then heU-e- mil- J Y V m, it it phenomenal, . x ? t e _ _ m rocoraca mm try women, tt tte-flfit- w tieeeeee. Pierce b* letter, ehaolately without Jn perfectly pltin envelopes, without Isp ihem. Writ* without tw ee wlils ,v?ocistion, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest., ITjg PREBCRIPTION WliiM. Wr?v?-i Wall. """""" THE STATE a seAflt to keep pert of it*t kappa e verV cloee eye on ell xtuAilv thle Dank would have ij/eeauao of such examination Wafter our bualneea, the charlure every one patron ixtog ua ^air? rteeitr CU13 - dhin rv lOlk N. C. . \ W. A. HUNT, Cashier ^Groceries # cy O-receries is - the most A get, as are all the other M id of anything in m) line A nember 1 carry the Lvnoh A iASANTS I ' __ Deafness Cannot be Cured hy k<**vs1 applications hm thpy onnnot, reach the disunited portion of th^-eur There eu only one way To.dLre deafoJ**. and tbnt im by constitution*! \ remedies. Deafness is c- used by an infltifted eoi^ition of the mieonj lining of the EVt?c?iun Tube, When this robe is inflatnedVojebave a rambling sound or imperfect h?VJTng and when it is entirel closed, Deafnjls in the result' and unless the infiamntiofVan be taken ont and this tube restored t<^t\-normal condition hearing will be destJbyelforever; nine cases oat of tea am cansM byyatarrah, which is nothing but an injhn.ed Condition of the mucous surfft. es# \ We will give 0? HunrirXi Dollars for any ase of Deafness Jf^anned v catarrh) that cannot he caredfby Hull'A Catarrh Curs. 8end for circnlMm, Free. \ ^ F. J .CHENEY & CO.. Totedb.O. Bold by DnhiatR. 75c. -J. ,S Take if all's ra-nil v Pills for co nstipstion EASY TO TAKE bat hard to get rid of. That's the story about colds in general. Try Sur lCold Tablets They at# easy lo take, and if tiken ( in tioie ?>il) saJe j ou a doctors bill. , They veventlia well as cure. BEffiEEY-ALSTON DRUG , rnuninv -Lummu lj 1 i V * 1 '-S. ] Sohloas Slush - P, A. Davis xp?nLa ahort time in H jndaraon lut Ti?k. He traded tor- a pretty driving borae, quite a faat etepper. Cat>t. Davit ia prepared to throw doat?or rather mud ? at thta time upon those who try to follow hitu, if >e ebooeea to "abow (he boya the way to go home.*1 Meaara Herbert Ayeacue and Charlie Maoon,-of Ieglssida, ware Scbloee viaitora laat Sunday. Sydney Burnett ia on the tick liat with pneumuiila, but?i-atn?glad to note that hie oaae it not a seriena one. ?F^and* ef Mite Mary Alaton have miaaed the pleature of her oharruing pretence the peat two weeka. She ta enjoying a yisit with her auut, Mr*. R. J. Steward,"and aleo apent a while with Hsnderaon friend*. Whooping eough, mump* and pink eye* have eaoh had then torn with young and old) but we are thanktul that the email pox baa no\ yet struck ud> The meet annoying of theas trouble! with which our folk* hav* had to oenteod waa the pink eye*. There were many oaaea, but tone esoaped by the faithful use of "eye water" aid other remedieeIt waa a time when even the young folk* fvho did not wear "pretty eyee" were afraid to look aat those who did. Mrs. J. R. Parriali, our popular teaeher bad to suapend school for some time to nurse a oiee of mumps, a reoeea that ahe did not oare to take, bat she wae able to call the school to" ordsr last Monday. Mr. and Mra. J. 8. William* were Louisburg visitor* last Friday. u -? ? - uvuic vi uo iibt0 pone co work preparing for another wop and others mm annona to oommenoe, as toon aa conditions will allow them to do so."' * Mr. Thos. L. Hnnt has a nic# flock of sheep and thirteen spring lambs. On* of the white lamb* has a large bUck spot which is rather unneual. Mr. A1 Davis reports eleven lambs in his fleok. Mrs. 'Williams and Mrs. Manning were out horseback riding Wednesday afternoon, calling on fribnds. One of the ladies is an exper^ and rude in the conventional style) the other went astride saying it was the only way she oould hold on riding through the mud ; . Deputy Sheriff, Q. W. Dnnn, one of the three men shot down on the streets of Scotland Neck, by E. E. Powell, on last Thursday and who has since died was a brother-in-law of Mr. George Manning, of this plaoe. On account of a delay in the mails Mj. iManning did not hearjif the sad occurrence until several-days after. That wily fox is still the rage, and it looks as if he is net to be eaptured with the combined foroee of Franklin, Vance and Warren. Some of the finest chases, with the do ire almost on him, have failed to land this particular?fox - or any other one for that matter, and ruauy rare eiperienoes are related of these hunts. Some time sg? ifa, John ft Powell, of Inex, and Mr. Jaok Biggan came up aud enjoyed-a running trail four or five hours. To day - Mr. Powell took tbe field again with nineteen flogs* They did excellent work and theTox had a narrow escape. Daat Monday Mr. Sam Person cooldsit on hie front porch aud enjoy the ohaae without leaving the house as the fox w?s in and. out of theyird two or three timet oiroliog the grove and lighting out again- after every, body tboaght they had him. Mr. Thos. h. Hunt has put up his sheep ao often to give tbe right of way to the doga, it is said thsy are quite easy to pen when they hear tbe sound of the euaae. Mr. Hunt is in old time huntsman and will not tire of driving in the sheep. The fox ran tbrongu bis field nesr the bouse whei^vMr? Hunt expeoted to eaa bitwjSicked up ayery moment. He describee him as l beautiful steel gray, large with a rery loag tail. Mr. Allen gave him t obase also but did not "sbow ns a Iriolr *1- Whe? .1 * ? .. ws Manner.- ie ?y. srybody waitingJot Sheriff 8mith to 8*t tbia cunning for that laa- boffleffSo" many. JL'oma qniok.or ime will be op. M. O* ; . * ^ V 7 &*' ">> W$L: A fcj^l i? U?alJa ^ j ,?, ^'A j? ' Vi.v' Vw.a* 4ji iia^' . J EVER WATCHFUL. ???. A little Curt WW Stve Many Louisburg Readers Future Trouble. * Watob the kidney secretion*. Sec that tliey have the amber hue ot' health; The discharge* not excessive or infrequent; ' v Contain no "brick-dust like" eedinienfr' ' !___. j A Doan's Kidney Pills will do tllia for you. . \ A ?They watohVlie kidneys /ijd ours them when they're nok. / j O. P. Woi thdrn, Hendekton, N. G, says: 'From pkraorral JL permoes, 1 know Doau's KiHney Mils to .be *u excellent kidney ramew and worthy of reeomiuendatiom For some limi my. kidneys were Utdly disordered au'd T via 'oauaed jfiuch annoyanoe by too frequent psMgrs qf the kidney secretions. J lleo suffered great deal from laelaohe and sharp psina across my/loini but was at I loss to know bAr to tfbtain relief until Doan's KiiyUy P lk were brought to my attentyh. PrJuuring a box, 1 usfed them a/<l quiokljr oorreoted the difflculties./l have hid no backtchc or other symptom of lisordered kid. neye sinal." For ute by all del era. Price W cents. fFoater-Milhi rn^Co., Buffalo New York, sole ngt\ ta for the Unit ed States. Remeitiber the name?Doan's? and take no other. chsg^t^^ills DtAMOMtX /SUBa BRAND LADIES! Aak yiur brumal fc#V;TTI-CK ESTER'S A DIAMOND LkaND|p*.LS in R8D and/j\ Gold gaetulll.* b?A. fcaled iritli B1 uKO) Rib boa Taku y<#otn?fal. bay of yow y/ lyranrtot and h/i-r CII.rumi.TCB8 " DIAMOND Till Ad pjei.a, for t went years regnrdr l uiol, 3afeM, Always Reliable. sold b/all druggists TIME PlBTRYWiinPP WORTH rib ?-\^n I rVnc.nL tested cf xndj iiafc bah 1 Grasg and I Clove* S&ds are beet gualtiey obtainable, of tested genninktign and free from objectionable TMd seeds. v Wood's Seen Book for 1910 ' fires the fn/sst Information aboutall Fatnakd Garden Seeds, especially aifcak Grasses and Clovers, the kinds i> sow and the best way to soft tliam for soeeeaafblv stands and cross. WOOCrs SKDS hare been sown forinoro than thirty years in erer increasing quantities, by the beet anA moetloeceeeful farmers. Wood's Seed Book mailed free on reqpest. write for It. T.W.WlODtSONS, / SEEDSMEN, V/\| Richmond, Virginia. JrU Fafe^l str YOU I sr fm\ "sZt / MONEY I wher ycu r.'.'.of/ any of your | ^ Stock c r boultry to remain sick a cfey. / Tkey^e r nu Isg results in beef, porb^vvo-J;, ^grs, whealhey are not in pcrfc Natl:. Take a little - inf-rr ^t ; i ; ^rl-vn pocket book ^andLjcvrI. .irpwilliN. [fen ([Draught Stock m Poultry iMfliliciiie It will pai liu to do this. ii nas p|ia tnousands at, other successful-farmers and stock and This failoul remedy is not a food, but Jgeifinc, scientific medicine prep?-ed*om medicinal herbs and rootslactup on the liver, kidneys, Ixj'JcIs aid digestive organs. Sold bl ail druggists, price 25 cents, 50lents Ind fl. per can. Si&!e$ySttiooc7S.Teno. * ! , --Sic: -v i l -/ ~ * .-P.- :V- ,.i | There is i | to a 'jFerfi I than Anal ?( The mere mix fl materials to obtain sis requires no > II knowledge. Thy n of a fertilixer lies source from Vhic plant food jisy6btai iua^ 11 ML^iCUlC Royster gdpds is s< with a viewl of sup the plantr fnom spr until ha^ei. Th is noyovenfed a time ^nd starved . othe^( Twen t j years experience go N * ev/ry bag. \ / ^ U Sold by reliable dealers U r "the South. | F! S. Royster Gu; | NORFOLK, VA sale: and i I have decided to ran again a Bale V Livej serve the public with " \ / First Class TeamsyA Will be glad to hare a liberal sharo of pat?nlge a teams and polite and accommodating drifters! R. F~. F^Jlil X New Line of S w I have just^reoeivvS a nice new ^ and l lot of new goods thijt I am sell X to see me and taSe a loojnat what I 1 _w. d. HORSESJJN. I have receive^a nui Horses and Moles tha cheap for castor on to see me slV t^e Riv< house befo/e biWing^ EDWARD \s. n. -77; : - , _ . 1 GOOD ARY^ fe WOOI ?-"Whan In need ef m?d4ry *t*j[ wood, Mffjyi pleasure in sending It to you at orff. This \ooit t mill bq4 w? will furiiIbIi li to jruyfof fl.80 poVoonj QRIFFI hy <S6 BE 7' . ~ T^ Mife ; C ,. more Ej - i * ' , ' j*>eP J; A. t/j'l 3gS-ll ilizer | ingf of s Special value p| ^ ? in the - N :h the ' ned. Int in ... elected plying _ i outing y . i e~plant . T '1'] t one ty at anr five r^l An- , ' es wiui :: '1 ' * ? throughout i W ano Co. I Lji jp.1, . jj- - , JVERV f Stable and am prepared to / t All Times. ~ f t>d guarantee satisfaction^. * - - f _e:r : r tamnloc T K,w 4 V line of Samples W1 ing cheap. Come lave X )KE J 1ULES cnber of good 11 am selling ? ! . : j. ? , , _' i ; time. Oomfi srside Ward- . ford :'i | STOVE TV*- - ; ' 3 . phone 92 *nd we iwlll ulce? , 7L .. ...... - ^ tASLEY ' ^ ^ -i # ' ?." j

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