s THE HOME Clf >' .. i. ; -. . ? . , i? Pleasant Evening Reve Gated to Tired Mol ? ? the Home Circle V , . * I " . ' . CRUDE THOUGHTS FBOB , . , .... ^ ' * LEARN TO WAIT. Of all the lessons that humanity has to learn in life's school (he hartlest is to learn to w&iti Not to wait with folded hands and claim life's prize without effort, but having struggled, labored and toiled and crowded the years with efforts and trials, and yet see not the result that all this would aeeru to warrant, nay perhaps disaster instead. To stand firm at suoh a crisis and not to lose hold or rjlax effort is true greatness ~ whether achieved by man or woman. Tf V. .tnltU KiVa lit* AMBtnaH vitK I success. if aftefettoil, labor and effort -we would not lose our reward let us not turn back nor give up, but hold od, be firm, patient Hopeful, and, wait. ??? . = . * WHOMK LIFKi It haa been welkadfi that a single bitter word may disquiet an entire family for a whole day. One surly ^ glance casts a gloom over the whole household; while a smile, like a gleam of ^Anshine, may light the darkest an a weariest hour. Lik?,unexpected flowers, spring up along our dusty road, full of fresh fragrance-gnd beauty, so kind words and geotle acts and sweet, dispositions 4 make glad the home where peace and blessing dwell. No matter how humble the abode, if it be tbue garnished with grace and sweetened with kindness and smiles, the heart will tnrn longingly toward it from all the tumults of the world, and homy, if it be ever so horadly, will be the dearest spot beneath the circuit of the sky. s * e t - MATRIMONIAL HINT. There is no doubt that a great number of silly girls give there first best thoughts te idle dreams of matrireaohing the coveted goal, and in so , doing, improvement, elevation and dignified womanhood are forgotten. Long ere tbey are qualified for tbe cares of married life, they willingly take tbe responsibilities upon them, providing any one aspires for their hand,, and when tbe marriage vows are spoken the heirt is rid of an immense burden?I he object of life is attained. No girl under twenty baa any business to think of marriage. If she finds a disposition in ! one of tbe opposite sex responding . with her own, let her admire ani enfy ; , I ? joy it but not lo such an extent v, that the heart is ablaze with lover and the mind a wilderness of air i. .. .castles. a i ? * J IftKJTHE TSVNO FOLKS. TBWB . IW-VMIIIH UUUUIMOIU which young people must observe, I if the obstacles which do so much I toward wreoking married lite are to be avoided. __ A yonng girl ahonld never think I ot getting married until she is adept I in honae - keeping and domestic I science. To make a real home for I the man that she loves is her part I Not a place whiob is merely a stop- I ping pfaos'Sfc eat, and sleep, but a spot where oomfort, contentment I gf(V, ' and happiness reign. _ ^ t _ kyun. a voeng man most not I think of man ring until he is ready I to nettle down into a quiet, home I I - life. It ie said that either the worst I or best ef a man'4 nature aaaarta itself I L between the age* of twenty and I twenty-two. After having hia little I fling, if be dieeovere that diesipetion I and immorality are but gild eduapptee I ? t Of SodonT which bring bitterneea in to the heart and sorrow into the I soul, he wQI be tbankfni that;be i* I able to retain the lore of one true I Vyy/i ready to devotehis life to ber. 4 Efc COJMU8AL KiserxG. ^ Where one wife ie^now kimed whh | ICtE COUJMN. iries? RColumn DedLthers as They Join : ^Evening Tide? I THE EDITORIAL PEN fore marriage that he would eat ber up before the year waa up, it a safe to htiy that ninety wren other women go moping around the house with lips parohing from neglect, burning bwcuits and tannin ; down shoes in sheer despair, for the want of that encouragement an occasional ki?s would probably give. This is not aa it should be for a kiss after marriage is relished equally with those before and if you Want to see your wife tripping about with melodv in her soul and feet like oork just imprint on her lips an occaaional "Lovers' Kiss. All that moat married women need to make their beings of light and jewels of gladness ia more kisaea from the old man and leas growling about how the potatoes are fried. No woman oan be an angel without a alip of nectar n >w and then, and the husband who fails to ((rant a supply of ambroaia to the epritea in muahii, who make paradise on earth a poeibility, Reserves to be "henpecked" all hia deys. * a TBI SIN or U58KLFI8HNSS8. Any rirtae t carried too far be- 1 cornea a vice. Industry is a vutuet but the woman who is tooinduatriona to rest at the proper time carries it too far and ruins her health. Charity becomes a vioe when it throwa a veil over wickedness and protects an evil that should be punished, for the sake of the innocent. The old Greeks were "right whan they aaiu-that the best rule to live by ' is "Doing nothing too niueh." Moderation in all things, is tbe 1 wise woman's law of life. She will J do nothing too much, and especially i will she guard against tbe sin of uu- ; selfishness, for in the home there is | nothing that works more subtly and \ more surely for the destruction of virtue in the rest of the household thsn extreme unselfishness on the ' part of the mother. I As tbe children grow np, instead of becoming mother's helpers, they are continually waited on, growing daily more selfish . and helplssp and rade under such treatment. The t boys come in, throw a eap here, a J jacket there, leave muddy tracks ail * about; the unselfish mother follows i after without a murmur wiping up j and picking up. The girls ars no t better. The mother makes herself j such an unselfish drudge that it seemed quite right and natural. They ' loll in tbe easy chairs while mother i works and rests her weary limbs on 1 a straight b^ked chyir. They let J bftc do all tbe wo> k and" grumble { when called upon for tbe slightest , help. The boys let her get up first ia the morning, briflg Htr own Wood ; aud build tbe fire. ? .. As they grow older they feel no J respect for the-household drud?,e,and 1 even' their affection is tinged with a muat-be mgde it ip always, the moth er who must be sacrificed. She stays ' at home while the others go about. J She wears the ebsbby dress and 1 ahawl while the others enjoy the new fresh clothes. She sleeps on the bard bed hi the shabby . back room, sod the grown-up daughters hpve the beet front room. She keepe the tough piece, of meat for her own plate, and serves all- the ohoioe port lone to the others. She eaves and piocbee and labors to the boys can go to college and the girls to a stylish sohoo'; and than when they oorae home with their fine educations (as they think) they aeoretly despise and are ashamed of ,'he worn, wrinkled, shabbily-broken s oman whom they call mother. wis mBeassss " * - ' : . w? ^ * ' , . . ligiHi h * - -_l V V- . Smith Piemltr TyVewfter. Bargain to quick buyers. Cashrir oo time. Addrew Typewriter, e^R^ufw office. ? Several nioeCows with young oalvaa. jfSqg 1 Tiffer mr a^ice^o (lie public as auctioneer. ...WfiI be glad to serve you at any rime. See me for terms. (Ve^ JOHNSON. I wish to say ta thaf neople of Franklin County tHayf will be prepared to furnish Mrsinds of cabbage, ooUard, tom/he aud celery plants in seaso^y (Ally the best varieties. y. WaHOLMES ~ , TO THE PUBLIC I aip prepared thdo your garden plowing at reasonable prices and promptly. I will a'ao /on a dray regularly and will apn-eciate any bnsinesp yeu can giveT me. Good prompt service will jfX my motto. Call pbone 154. / / ED. PERRY. ~ NOTICE Having thisNday qkalifled As adminietrator of Ros&ta (Visaotd, deceased, late of Franklirvcounfy, wis is to notify all persons rioldini^qAims against Mid estate to present tapm en or before Harsh 4th, 1911, OTthis notice will be-plead ia bar of the* wcevery. All persons Indebted tof sai\ estate will come forward and make settlement at once. This march/th, 1011. T. A. GRI^SOM, Admr. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Matthew Eat mi, deceased, late of Frankl\n County, N. C., this is to notify U1 jfersons having claims again it saw/estate to present tbe same tolwha undersigned on or before the Ah day of February, 1911, or tKs\ notice will bs plead in bar of/heiV recovery. All persons indebted toVaid estate will please pay atJfmce. frhis Feb. 4th, 1910. ' . " EDDIE H. EATON, Adm'r W II Kuffin, Attorney ? ? lady Wanted . To introduce our yer* complete spring line of beautiful - Si suitings, wash fabrics, fancA waitings, silks,?s?tc., hdkfs, laces and pmticroats. All up to late N. Y. City u/tterns. Finest line on the market./Healing direct with the mills you wA find our prices low. I'rice* $10 to $30 weekly. Samples and Tali instruction packed in a neat sample case, sbipaed express prepaid. No money requiad. Inclusive territory. Write for particulars \ Be first to apply STAN InKD DBLSJk COOIS CI. Dept. F.l. Blnahamptan. N. Y. Hen and Women Wanted The Government pays Rrfway Mail Clerks 1800 to *1,200 a neither employees up to\t2,500 Jrnnually. Uncle Sam will ligfd examinations hroughout. the csuMtry for Railway klail Clerks, Cue Win House clerkB, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depnrtnental Clerks aMft other Government meition. Thou^nd appointments Willie made. Any#anbr woman oyer 18, n city or eounJry cab get instrnction tnd free lnBrmatiflb by writing at >nce to the Muemu aAlngtruction 28-M llamlin Buimins. Rochester N. Y. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a judgment ot the superior eoort of Franklin eoukty rendered at January term, 1910 of said superior court, in the spec'ialf proceeding entitled O. L. Ellis, admf. of-Martha Wilder, deceased, vs. HJnry Ruffln Marcus Ruffln et alA the Indersigned commissioner will, on ModHav, the 4tb lay ol April, 1911), at \ neeour ot noon, oflnr for sale at the court/house door in Louisbarg, aaid eonnti/t public auction to tho highest bnDfcr for eash, a certain lot or parcel ojjland in Loniaborg township, FrankiH county and in the town of Louisbur/, bounded on thenorth by the lands q/Atfetin Green, on the East by the Un/s of Ephrsim Dent John Green sad P/W. -V Illinois, and on the weet by the areet le ling frsfirT the Newport Koed \Mthe M leral Springs, contain ins atigUUy nlore nan a half an acre, and bejHg the t let of lartd conveyed to #artha Rnf n Wilder by Mary M. HjMard by J. J. Davis, Atty, by deed recorded in the gfflee of the Register o#Beed for Fran lis county in Book 54, Cage 276, to wl eh reference is berebf made for a fur her description of sad lot of land. This March 2nd 1910.v W. H. YARBOROUGE Jr.< Com. Choice Cut Flowers Roeea, CarDatioiV VioVfts and Valiiee our Specialties. Xv adding, boqueta in all ?f thv neVest styles, floral designs and btqiJtU arranged in the moat HtUtwkttlev at ahort notice. " ~jT Shade Traet, Rosebushes, Climbing Bam, ErmXreBna, Shrub- ' bwv and y-(igy Plant# , fit gredf varieties. Mail, talagrapl# and Lie phone_flr^ dare proo/ptly exetuted by --J LO'QUINfV&CO PHONE 1*4 Raleigh, North CaroGna. RMmmmsmmm | 1 iMf I SPRING Arrivin We Have Our Spring _Chilnu'en For ladies we have a large stockVf thV a line you can find most anv 'style vou wii Metal etrap Oxford and Suede dxf/da Wood's line made in New Jersv, ok/of I 'ered in Louisburg. We have thislTne ii have our same lines, Just Wrigh/ King that we have not space to mentiVn. : 20,000 yabds pjant b can buy chAp. 5n u miner of pa v Our spring-clothingA beginning to iriv line of everything / our line to sh< r or % us and we will tn^ you right. I\ f e 1/ f HORSES Al X from 800 to 11C _r 40 young, soundyand j At My tables J And For Sip) on pood X * or For Cash .at 1 w Come to Me them beffre they are picked, and X don't want to Kay, m 1 will guarantee you ha\ W nne nan - i?-i m iuoi. I K. P. : ' 2? MHR! tf:j j. ^ ' * iJj'Zf?* '&* ?? ;.:t{ ' VrcfF'- A? 4 ';.; *rC ~' | ^ -' " ' - . V ... / .: ' " ^? ?- ... ^ ; V. _ ^ ', ';y i k '.' uri-; 55 I >W : I' STOCK J, S Daily Outbids for Ladies _ ana Men. well known Drew Reiby Dine. In this ih. Patent leather strap Oxfords, Gun i. Also Tans. For children we have he best lines of children shoes ever of- s, 1 all sites and all styles. For men we Quality, Beacon and many other lines >ed canvass thai} you b will give you any rds you want. e daily and we expect to have a large CK) ir customers this spring. Come to see raf K. ALLEN'S I fSf -\" ' , . r ? iPf ? I .:J? i^?f^7Wc^9#)?}*y!Xvyvyv'yvvvvv>s!x L*\) ? Iv I btfpEe Mules weighing >0 pounds each 'jtbroke Horses, all now f at Louisburg. X bhe Right Price. T bay your ihoioe. Come to see them if you ? 'e never seen B<T as line and yourg mules in Y T W ___ ; * ^j^SffpSSmSSSmmmSESmm^SSmSSmm^SmSSmSSSSSSE^mm 4 J*" ^V, HILL i_ 'y i m "' ' ", t -. - " ',r>^T 1 < " fc}:^". * ' . .. * * : " : .. . /* ; , ' I - & \ ,.: ? ?. j -? r )#r

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