A DIRECTORY. \Hru > . oauacii skrticjw. Baptist?Sunday morning at 11 a. m. 1 and at night at 1:30 p. m Prayer Meet - (ox every Thursday night at 7 o'clock Kbt.'L. W.SWOT*, Pastor. Methdist?Sunday morning at U at v-an p m every Bras third and fourth Sundays. " R*v. John London, Rector. ? ' SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Baptist?Services at 9:30 every Sunday morning. Geo. H. Cooper, Supt. Methodise ? Services at 9:30 every s < , ... f-; Sunday, P. B. MelCinn., ftnpt Episcopal?Services at 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. W. H. RufRn. Syl'Vx Supt. \ . .j ^ \wMia. Masons?Every Brst and third Tuesday nights in each "month, Dr. H. A. Newell, W. M. \ Woodmen of the World ?Every second and fourth Tuesday nights in each month at 7:30 o'clock. J. W. Rollings- ' worth. Consul Qommander. ' Modern Woodmen ? First Monday s night In each month at 8 o'clock.. J. . , * VT. rtollingswort1- Consul. > , Knights of Pythias ? Every 2nd and i ' 4th Monday nights. B. T. Hotdeu. , Chan. Commander, ' , * "* Rough Boad ltem? '* ? . Ag I haven't seen any news^from J the Rough Roads, wttf send in a few I items and let you all know we are ' still in the land of the living. ' r The farmers around liere are be- ?' ginning to get to work this pretty j weather. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, of -J near Dickens, spent Inst Saturday s huJ Sunday with her si*ier, Mrs. r lnioch Tharringn-n, of Alert. --w j! S >rry to say that Airs., II. T. a liight and Mrs. Enoch Tbarrington " . are both on the siok list. - ? R-v. Holmes filled his regular ap- " pointuient at Mountain Grove last fogrth Sunday. 'V ' g Miliars O. O. Right, ot near Dioit- * eaa, and T. H. Ilig it, of Henderson, 01 visited tli ir sister Tig. fjurt.'i Sun- ni . ' i day. * J ei . Rev. G. M. Duke filled his regular 'J . appointment at' Mr. Zion last first * Saturday and Sunday. b, Best Wishes to the good old JTHAXK.LI.N I'lMBS. ? Beowx Evas. ? cl ,. .. Laurel Items. t. ~Lafit Spnday wan the rogular sp- * church and Rev. Mr. Duke, as usual, la * / preached an able sermon. On the ? / 'next flr.t Sunday he will, hv special request, preach from the text, *c mw 13 unto me ail va tint ln.r ?i I are' lieuvy laden ao-i I will give you ? fy V - TWtV. ~~ ~ P The Iqcky and cuninng fox has J 'been run BJ^every hunt-* in twertty |, five miles of f???, but is still living a and in good shape. J' / Mrs. J. B. Jones,\?Uo has been r 411 for aw:Ha days, is improving. ? We are s -rf y to note xhe death 0 of Mr. Burt C?rr. He wasona of od work and won p many friends. y Jir. n. ?! wupion, aua ' ~ .Miss Smith were married taei Sun day at Red Bud church. We bope r tliem a long and happy life. 11 firmer W. Gdpton caught a fine * < arp laat week. I w*o? tell the rest, ? ' ^ t hi'V- - ' ' J / BBOOMFIKLD. | m" _ . ?? . j ' iuii ink b; I Grass and ?i?J CloVer Seeds II are beet Qualities obtainable, of/ 1 ||| teeted ycrn^natinsiJajd^ftee Item i I I Wood'sSMdBookfor 1911 || atrea the folWet/ Information ?|l wmtaB Farwi add ttardew Beads, . especially about Hraases and Ctor- ' ?l 5 era, the kinds tflpw aad the heat j way to aow thimXfor aueeeasfnl 1 stands and erojja. \ "* rAn Aeroplane^ Elopement A Starr ol ?3S "6y JASON JUOSON i - Copyright." 1310. by American Pr*?^ Association. ( It wn? lh* old s^bry with a Tariff (I ?i? only it* * . cur/in these day when our irtMl liler classes hare money. VI*"* A Ha llerlton loved a poor'ntan. j imh! hn father desired that ah* should ?*5* ^ r. h out. Young- Van Daoiiii, Pollanshee had but a beggarlj too mil ll.m. while the old widower Plsokloh:ii?i I'urkenpaker i>oase?sed a cool bll lion Follaosbee should have seen the Impropriety of asking for a girl bs could not support lo the style to which she had been accustomed, but be came If an old Dutch family oo his moth* ^s- side, and the Dutchmen who settled NetV York were proTerblslly obstinate attd stupid \ One would suppose that the Berltous. who owned a railroad starting from V>w York, running to New Orleans xnd tbeqce around the Pacific cottar tud back fhrnujrb Canada, might afford o let thelrNbiughter marry a |?oor nan. But a panic at the time of the ourtsbip bad reduced their dividends o 2o |>er cent, and they felt unusually x**e. Mrs Heriton. who bad married inr tiusbaud when he watN* bmkenmn >n urn- or tlx* htllroxds which be aftercard united to tlx- circular eoasi line y*te::i ami bm-sme that system's own r. armpatblwd with bar daughter, hut ".orltoD -wore 11 round oath that- he . riutld bnve uo beggars Id his family On the morning of June 10. 193.1. llss Anita Berlton was alttlrg with cr mother and a younger slater In the pnrldns roof garden of her father's exiilence occupying the four block* et ween Flee Hundred and Tenth and 'Ire Hundred and Fourteenth street* ltd' avenues D and H. Ne# York. 'hen ,\Jrs. Berlton proposed stride lue of the family aeroplanes was culld and In a few minute's lit upon the -of garden. Mr. Berlton. fearing that Is daughter Anita might in some of jese rides elope with Follanslwe. bsit Iven orders that August Splmtleton. ' driver of bis own choosing. Should I all times conduct the machine, and a this occasion Splndleton tvns in Ids [-customed seat Mrs. Bertioa aod her two daugorhs* atered the machine, which rose, itgui - circling upward for a thousand feet, ben Splndleton was directed to pn> ted southward along the coast for a lief trip to Annapolis. They were loving at a moderate puce of some xty miles an hoar, when Splndleton ist a glance t? the right and. seeing machine cpmlng tbward the party, apped on douMr speed. Mr. Berltoo'a fears bad proved to r well grounded. Mr. Van Ibimnollansbee was out in a machine of new pattern and was bearing down poo them. It was evident that F?F usbee was Intending to get into immunlcatkm with Mrs. Asks Bert >n. . , i Splndleton w?* true to his employer ! drove hi* oisi litne ijt I*- heat speed, ixslng over cities, hay and rivers, at his semnlsne wits gr i .tutlly guinI tiie-n lay I'yiiiiusbeu. tiuvering over blladelphia. Splndleton endeavored > descend, but Follansbee glanced awn like a bird and reached a plane eneatb him. SplndJ{f?a then rose ud made a bee fine for Baltimore, ut Follansbee. evidently with the de rmlnatlon to drive him out to sea. i at to the west of him and forced blot I rer Chesapeake bay. In a few mln- j tes more the pursuer had the party rer Fortress Monroe, flying due east, ' The race was won. Splndleton wss ot prepares to cross the ocean, and here was no way for him ter get back xcept by encountering Follansbee. plndletoo slowed down, and Folia usee glided up beside the Berlton aero- lane. A conference took place, after rhlcb M ra. Berlton and her two da ugh era stepped tram their own aeroplane nto "mat of Mr. Follansbee. Meanwhile Mr. Berlton bad left the oof of hit aAm Km 11?!trier Ho-roi., d One tltndred and Twenty-fifth treet. Inteuukng to go borne. 8000 aftr rising bo aaw In the direction of bin nanaloo an aeroplane starting, and. elzlng. a glass be always carried In be smoking room of his caparlous >lrd-car, brought It to bear on the one net setting out Dlscorertng that Its iccnpants were his wife and daughters vtth his own aviator In control, be a as shout to lay aside hir glass when te saw another aeroplane hovering tear bis borne. Bringing his glass to Mar on this machine, he aaw Folia as Me alone )n It and Jost starting for he one nccnpled by the BerKona. Mr. Berlt'on noticed that Follansbee'a teroplaoe was of a bind be had not teen before. It was of the hlr>l tyi>r. M oo Its prow was a sharp ram rtw merchant was at once filled with pprebenston. It nrss plain that Km tarts bee was belli >si some course I-nit berted. .Wllh the llerlfon family, bit It was Impossible to Innglno whs tibst coarse would lie M was not n be expected Hist be would run dowfc/ the Berlins;car and thereby precipitate the girl be IdVed to a dlststtcv of seine BOO feet. .N'ererthrlssa be was soon lit foil chase llr. Berlton directed Ills aviator to follow the tWataeftiplaues. Cnfortuustely for Mr lit Vires'* so. cess tn oearaMina tij. aibtrOsis <-?was egolpfibtl frith svreral itpantu>s<< fitted iM-^wHmmtsly and i-arrytac a tars# supply ML food.and dttqksMs* Chough furnished with the latest patent of sdglass. U was not to h. ?? < *; ^ _ ' ' parted that ttb machine mold compete tor speed wiib the lighter mifttfllM However. he ftiHon^d-rte.e on thetr byets, getting "Mr them at Treoton. losing tbrm ow Wilmington, again roinlna In algbl "f theui at Baltimore. While pacing over Virginia nia Relator slowed up to tighten a loose nut. and after this tbe fnglttree were lost to hint entirely. After 5plndleton a surrender be was permuted to go where be liked. Making a bee line bar Richmond. he met bis employer orer tbe peninsula. Tbe two drew up side by sMe. and while -howling Hit arlait'r jjiivt Mr. Btrtton an account of what bad happened. What are tbe~ beet potnta of ynur Quirk rising and au ability to Ity In thin air." . 1 . UoodlyTa Igbl thla pauper wa muat get abase blm. To bring him to terms we maet naee hamoe to a rep od blm." "Hut tbe hombe wtll annihilate your own wife and danghter aa well aa Mr. Follanabee," . "He cannot sacrifice tbem to his own coTetousneaa Oar anccsee depends on our obtaining a commanding position." Stepping Into tbe Splodletou - machine. be permbted the one be left logo Where R liked?to tbe moon If It cboae?aod be sod Splodletou started tar tbe nearest -city. Richmond. There tbey procured bombs and. rising, started In I be direction Splndletnn bad left Foils as bee and tbe Beritons. Tbere was a bubbwb to Kolla usbee'a aeroplane aa eooo us Splodletou left. Mrs. Berlton. sympathising wltb Mtaa Abba, would have been glad to glee her consent that tbe ' porty should swoop down for s clergynsm that the hirers might lie married." but she learetf her husband's dlspleusttre. The yowacer Miss. Herlion was lndKTereutTbe term dually prevailed over tbe elder tadv's caution, aod It was rte elded I to I l be marriage should f?ue ' plan;. Being- a fonpte of hundred mile* eat . at aea. not a likely plare to Hud a j clergyman, Koflonsbee turned hie machine toward i be land. But time had -] been spent la coming to a declalou. . add be was too 1st*. When fifty ml lea off Norfolk rb* machine bearing Mr. Berltou. drtreui by Sptndleton. appeared over Virginia beach: like a seagull, stand I ug .nort beast. i Kollansbee considered. ? J A great deal op power laid been need j In bis muchlue side* scarrtog. and lie g knew It bad not' the rapacity for "a t long gnlck run wttTS the coming aero- t plane II was to supply lltk rery tie- t feet?In other?wordat tw be remit to < tnrn ami tight?that be- bad prorated J bis bird wltb a rami If I hi* worst : came be would imatb rbe pursuing a flier and drop Ita owner Into lb* wares t below. Bat be hoped this weald not be necessary. Howerer. bv ottbr that the contest should take- place ore* i water be. made a .pretense et IHgM. When Air Uerltou reached a pots* some two miles distant from get Ma* . bee the tatter saw bis machine iad denly rise In a spiral. Hb-divined the upshot of the twuieurer lU' a mo meat. Bombs bad been so long used rbai It ^ was erldrni the enemy bad penrarsd them and. getting on a higher plan*. " would eomntand tba situs do is 1 be i Beritoa car climbed a thousand feet: j then Hplndleton. who was a' spleaatd artator. made for a point dlmadp ear* ' Kollansbee. 1- 1 The lorer knffw bis enemy'* deter- , mined aatnr* and that he would place blm In a position to be' bombed or to yield. Of course be would' baa* ta f yield. He therefore put on all speed. " but. of 'course, moved slowly., tastatg. ground because It was essentia* thai be more on a rising Int-llne ^ 1 Notwithstanding'fbe powered Fat' lansbee'a aeroplane to rise In tbtw gradual fashion.'Mr. Beriton malntatanl a position sbore him. Mrs Rerttre Isgged Kollansbee to give up the Mr hi. but tbe young man was contettdlnjf for a half billion dollar bride tad wits not to be discouraged. When dr. Beriton was a mile away and Sdu feet abore htm Kollansbee lighted a fuse, threw tbe end orer tbe car tad wait ed. Tbe otber end of tbe fas* was attached to a rocket-like flrewewk. tz'ed to tbe bottom of tbe car. sUrk ha a few moment was Ignited. sadL Mowing off a great qnandty od baralug powder. the aeroplane ahnr rapMly apT0"' -v I When this snddeB-aerend I ttftad Fob luusbee wax on a level w1at? Mo enemy and bat fifty yards uwity. "I'm a boat tA ram yoa. strr cried Follanabee "Don't!" pleaded Mr*. arttoa. "there tvns a paMb Mr. HtHfoa saw thai the ctime was tawt. "What's -our terms?1"' W ashed. "Consent to my mandate* with yonrdaughter." " rvery well." replied the merchant. "I will consent, bnt positively refuse to gl^s, her n dowry of nuffe- than a hundred millions." The terms ware aerepted. nnd both [aeroplanes started fee the Berlton residence. where the past was forgotten and Rorlton expeeuard Ms adralmtlon of his future sao-ta-lnw'a ability to bent him In the gnroe of serial ships. The wedding took plsre with great brllllanry. another $b*i.nnu,mO helna added lo the settlement In nrder to enable Jhe yottna couple ta mnlnlain their position In the highest clrrlee. It was determined to celebrate the inapt In la by as aeroplane erolae cooalatUia ef the east concourse of machines crwaed by the drat circles of Naw Tort -oclety. On a hrlhtit nfternooa a thousand aeroalaiie* rtew from eartona points ta thr#By,. boreced for awhile, then, led by the motor of'the bridal conple. started westward serosa the continent. After a trip of a waah, 4nrlng_ which all the prlnrlwil pMpta, ?f"lpt?r?et Ip the Cnlted States. Can-, ada Mld^MexIro wet a Tidied, tbe trad-' ding party returned to New Tor* IMPORTANT NOTICE "At the mAm of tlie/TJoard of Comlaieeioaera on\ Monday, The following older ih passed: / "Th?t It ehallibe ?rn lawful for any pereon or pereeoA tcyWrire (hater then walk on the bridW across Tar. Hirer at Louisburg. Thi order alao applies to both entering leaving the bridge All persons riolUinAthis order ahall be deed W.50 ler each And every offence. By order of tMUoant T.A. COLallL Chairman. W. U. BOOJfE, CtarkT -a . ; r _ Ify virtue of the power conferred open me in ^certain deed ef assignment executed Otme by H. JL Prult and recorded in-tSa oflice o/the Register of Deeds for Fnaklia Or-unty in Book 177, pace 87*. I wvJi, oySaturday the 26th da* of March,y01/f, at 12 o'clock, noon all at nubile Nasatlon in the town of Frankltntou, XWL. to the highest b5F der for cash three horse power Chaa. A. yctuU Gasoline Kngiue. This aaciaena praoOeally aa good as near. havmg bean \aed aery Tittle. I will be ffldd to thow V to an* oae interested Thia MareHUlth, 1910. A. . JOTOER, Trustee. W. H. Yarborough, Jr.,\Atty. LAUD SALE. By rirtue of a decree of thytiuperior court of Mash county, mjma in the special proceeding entltleyjonah Colli no and others.VEi Fart/ the undersigned will on th\ 4th Atf of April; 1910 offer fcr sale at tto coun heuae door in Fmafcfta county tfte following deaaribed tract ef land; Tha\ (Act ef land in Cedar Roek townshV/known aa the K. E. Co Ulna land badhded aa follows: Bounded on the- nut by lands of Dock B. Leonard aid Others and adjoining tbe lards o/llertry Griffin, Jaa. SiwArin and othaiA coatA\ping 77 acres mare or leas. Sad Book c3 page 370, Franklin Brateti# for full yteecriptioa. Terms af sale ofe third cash and the Delance on n Aredit of ninety days, rhi* March 419,1910. R. A. P. COOLEY, Com. Vorth Carolina k / Is the Supei ior Chart franklin County ) \ f NOTICB Jof\ Littlejosn ) The defendan\ above/named will take lotiue that an anion entitled as above las been eommeaoed tin the Superior 3ourt of Frank la A co entry for divorcerem the bonds ofYiaftcie-wsy and the aid defendant willYurther take notice hat he re required tfo appear at the erm of the saperiprflpurt ofeaid counv to be- held on the/oVi Monday after he fire? Monday in fvIsY-h, 1910, at the ourt house in aaidr eolYity la Lsuis>urg, -V. C. and ahswer\ or ..demur to he coma Mini wwh has \been. Oled in aid'actraa or thmplaiatiflWill: apply to he court tor tbJ relief demanded in aid eomphunt. / This MarA 9th, 1910. >. J, J. BAHROW\ C. ?. C. 1. B. Masaenbipy, Atty. for Plaintiff. I P WINSTON LotAborft/ N. C. ^ 9ho ia busy thikw/ek looking after ]his" ev building-an Wash ataeat requests is to say to hia Any friends that he las a'bic lot ag^mrithing and ladies kirts, dresseeJate. \ln fast you know is has always /setami* stock of just r hat you warn at land than what it coat lie other lelpw. Bo \o see him whea n town. / \ DARNELL & THOMAS 1 Mixsie Hon^E: I PIAMOS ?M.-'~ ' On Very Ean. Terms and at prices below Yhich no. d^le^ Bnanufactyerjwr^nai 1 orsideredT We are/ an olX established house witlj many jraars of rep station far square dealfcg t? our credit and wlen we teR you we can meet all! kinds of Vim- petition prises me will do it.\ Scad teday far CiLl^u. Ttrau sad 1 j tew: A- - xu 4SA >"; - v" \ A > . >/ ' : - A BIG LOT OF """ VNew Furniture I Sewing Machines I ? AjOst received 1 And wp can make th?Vieca riylit. Obbk to ?e* u? and look at whfl wenaWand ba convinced that We Are Selilng the V ery Best fun niture for the^Money That You I Can /Buy in. the State. I I also earrv a nicy anil complete line r)f undertakers auppliaa and will bB qlad to serve those who may be Ih\peed of my service a. dirt men call when in town or ill need of anything I in my line. W. E. White Furniture Company! H SHOE SALE! MARCH 7-1? I Big Reduction Jin Price For Casll LADIES ^stfoES I v. \ ZiegMrand Harney. ~ / $1150 shoe for $2.7^1 S aboe fir $2.50; $2.50 shoe for $2.10; $2 eho J MEN'S SHOES ** I !f(' Leoni rd,. Shaw & Dean $4 shoe fur $3.25; $3.50 ahoe for $31. $8.50 ahoe for $2.05; 1 3\hoo for $2.26; $2.50 shoe for $1.85: BUSTER BROWN SHOES I $2.50 ahoe for $?\ $2 shoe for $1.65 reduction p Whir shoe J VERY TRULY V jF. N. & R. Z. EGERTOPj Let Us Do Your | JOB PRINTINcl Better Work Far Same Money an? Same Wort For Less Mones. I , ilMtb Job Dept. 1