" ? J .. ^1> ' J y " .Professional Card - w j , .. ?JR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, ~ .. 8u {ion IMntlit, T OttMte rwdl UUtac. IU>> and Niah Hm( Hounnl to 4M. Phone No.'?.? ^ j^B. B; JLN1 WELL, ~ I \ 'HY8IC1AN / kwlibwg, N, C (Phone Mo. IBS JRANKLINTI N HOTE\l Pr^kU.to/ N.T. WP. j B. A. Awl aVu(irHWT. -BuW LWerv a mnacttDi - ' jjH.ai.niuf "DENTJWSOROEON Lcoielmrc, H. 0. Offleele HMaEpUBiag, Uoin Street. ' P H. COOKE I 1 ATTOiNffT-AT-LAWI uiubl*. n. a; v Over Cooper BjPleamente Store. Prompt attention (rirentlHeAl baelneee eutrueled to me I 1 TVB. J. E. M AL0N11 PHYSICIAN aol SURGEON - JLoii^barii N. fJ? Offl-e in rrnrlof BeasterlAleton Drag Store. T\R. 8. H BURT I PHYSICIAN andWuRGEON Louiebnrg, M..C.' Office nijeM^. 8. A K. i. Allen's Store T^U H.J F. YABBOROTOH ') \ . . ? . ' HITS!'-IAN and 8UTOE0Nli I Louishurtt, N. t. \Office ii Ysrboroagh A Bilkstt .baiT&kur. / Night 01 lis answered ( 00 'tl W 4 BickettV j ' reeiJen , phone 74. ^ ^ g R. MAS3KN BURG \ . ' ' j ATTORNEY AT LAU Loniebnrg, N. C. \ Will pr? sties In all the court* ol\ the State U)fflce in Egerton BalMkig ^yM. HAYWOOD RUFFIN \ ' f ArSQRNEYf AT :LAW \ _* ? ; Louiebnrg, N. C., Will practice In all courts of franklin and >tdj'>ining comities also itv the Supreme i'o ?rt and in the United StalUs Di fcriet and Chvuit Courk. ^Office oyer. First, National Bank. \ ^ T? B. WILDER * ATTORNEY AT LAW L4nUbarg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. 1 gPRUILL A HOLDEN /' x. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Loaisburg, N./c. ^ 4 Will attend the Aourts of Franklin, Yance, Oraurille, Warrel. and WsicA ' ountiee, also the Supreme Cdutt of' W?rth Carolina. Prompt attention given to collectious Office in flprniU boildinji 7 T. W. Biekctt, \ / R. B. White Louisbarg, N.*C. \ / Franklinton. N. C. * JJICKETT AjWHITEf LAWTER8 "V Lovinbank. N. C. The nettlement ot eetfJVe for ezeeatore.lAd minlttrators and (*aaf dlans it made a specialty, an'* *? bonds feqhlred by law can bs ?? swBfid It as office./ \ Office in iarBorovb A .Bicktbt bonding street | A j ^ M.r PERSON I \ ATTOBKlk AT IAW LoalaboV. N. C.\ . Practice in all sonrts. Office on\ceuo Street H. TABBOROCgA, Jr. \ ^ATTORNET A LAW \ ? ' Loulnburg, f O. \ All legal bailaetM iatranUu to m? freeetrt prompt Attention. OS' if ??????????? 1 1 Mr HOUl'K \ OOWTRtUTUa MdiyttjPII* *?*Louiiburg, NiC. Trading agtnfc for all kiudaVP building *uppHee. artiktlo If&nttoe and Wiles. Architectural designs submitted. DR FORD bENTI8T.\ Franklin ton, N[ O., NOTIC B. W Tbe place for Viokw tben wilt bo 1 And it G. 8: WHITE'S , RESTAm^NT ba-lDg reeantlifmoTM In Meadow* new baUdlng- X flret-oiaee meal oan and ?tll be aeVred freeb and hot. with fbe bee* tfto market afford*, 'lotaalto eee me\ Yoareto pleaee, V' ?. 8. flTHrPB at*if tr?i -J - .rx, f ^ ' y ' ' "-C "J , ' ^""V ? . i, | Are ^ | Hone 3- With your Ian 3 sake of saying M you use a it t only recommi ) analysis.\ It re \ wcial knowledgi j rials to analyst \ of a fertilizer J I terials useu, over feed the L c- time and star 3 This is whj\l are so popiy. gredient h^ (J work, to drf.1 -] years experiei ' { - goods for sou enabled us tc requiredV ? See that trade ma IRAQ f. S. Roystt , / NORFC SALE AJST I have decided to run again a>Sale isrre the public with - \ First CI ass 'leuIf 111 be glad to hare a liberal ahare Jt\ teams and polite and accommodating < - . R- r./r GOOD DF When in need of Rood dry ttfre 4 Measure in sending It fo you stJOnce. 1 mill and we will furnish It to nbu for 4 QRI F"F"IINI & The Rural Mai/! The TelephonnAcee x bore, friends anythe i il I day. Progressive fam e are installing telephone L ing our servic^ The costAs low; thfe i Write if our nearest HOME'TELEPHOfiE -J. Headers X.? ? v"' i " *? i ^ -v ^ ^ ' < ' _v 1 fou I >st? $ , V. id when for the L_ ; a few dollars | utilizer whose h mdation is its * quires no spe- ( e to mix mate- f, 2S. Tbe value A lies in the ma- U so /as not^ to H : dlant at lane vl at another. L| ^oyster brands ar. Every in- P its particular y Twenty-five y ice in making ? JBr them crops has R > know what is Efc irk won every bag c ir Gutmo Co. >u? VA. ?? ??am i 1 it D~ LIVERY /. iLifery Stable and am prepared to ms !At Ail Times. Datrona^e and guarantee satisfaction. 8atfe i\ l_l_e:r \Y STOVE /oD >od, call op phone 92 and we iwlll take [This wood ia dry outsidea from our aaw UiO per cord and ia aawed up ready for use 1 BEASLEY tones Once a Day 3 you "in touch with neighty every minute of every rs throughout the South w ? in their homes and sRP.ur- __ ' f I * - . service is satisfactory. 1 Manager, or address: & TELEGRAPH CO. torn, N. C a - J- -1 , * . *' *: * . >rrr & - - >' r : . ' 4"" ' THE SUNDM SCHOOL, Lesion XIII.?First Quarter, For March 27, 1910. JEH? INTERNATIONAL SERIES. of the Lesson, Mark, xvi, 1*1 1 Memory Verses, 6, 7?Golden Text, Rev. i, 18?Commentary Prep ar, dby Rsv. D. M. Stearns. ?flaring thr niitlnn nf rsvlaw or a POiUtftvcUon lesson. we choose the I'.a.Cer lesson, us there Is nothing ao grand us His resurrection, by which lie was declared to be the Son of God. with power and without which oreachinc and fnlth are vain and no oue ever lias been or can be saved. The resurreotlon, however, must Include all of His earthly life that preceded His death. His life as the Sou of Mary, "the aeed of David according to the flesh. Matt. 1 gives the royal line of .David's descendants through Solomon to Joseph, who became the-huaband of Mary, while Luke 111 gives David's descendants .through Nathan to Hell, j whose son-in-law Joseph became by' Ms marriage to Mary, and thus Jesiis became heir to David's throne. . The quarter's lessons might be outlined as. first, tbe genealogy and birth of the King; second, the visit of the Magi and tbe flight of Joseph and Mary to Egypt and their return to Nazareth: third, the herald of the \ King nod the declaration of the Father | concerning Him; fourth, the King's victory over the great adversary. His i testimony and the' calling of some disciples; fifth to seventh, the laws of ! tbe kingdom; eighth and ninth, some I samples of the nature of the kingdom. , Now. as the kingdom was postponed by the rejection and murder of the . King we In this aee must know t>... power of His resurrection If we would walk worthy of Him and manifest His life In these mortal bodies. The res- ' urrectlon of the Messiah was plainly -foretold In Pa. xvl and xxll. lea. lilt and elsewhere. It was wondronsly.. foreshown In Isaac being given back .( to Abraham from the dead In a figure (Heb. xl. 17-191. In His teaching the Lord Jesus Himself many times spoke plainly of His death and resurrection, and the great truth of Christianity Is that we have at the right hand of the Father in heaven a risen living Christ, truly a Man and truly God, In whom alone Is salvation, the only Judge of all mankind and the only One who can set op a kingdom of righteousness on the earth. The most horrible thing that ever happened on this earth and that which shows the desperately wicked nature Of the human heart was the cruel murder of the Son of God. but God raised , Him from the dead and gave Him glory and will yet give Him dominion over all the earth, and His redeemed shall share the klngdotn with Him. i_ His disciples never received His | words that He was to be crucified and rise from the dead the third day (Matt, xx, 17-19). but some of His enemies remembered them (Matt, xxvll, 62, 63). His mother and some of the other women who ministered to Him remained by HlB cross to the last, and some of them after His body was burled returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Intending on the first day to bring the spices and anoint His body (Luke xxlll. 65. 66; xxlv, 1). When they come to the tomb on the first day morning early they find the etone rolled away; they I see ajp angel, who tells them that He Is risen and that they must go quickly , and tell His disciples. When Mary Magdalene saw thi"stone rolled away she ran to tell Peter and John, who ran to the sepulcher and saw for them- ' . selves and returned, but Mary remained near the sepulcher. weeping, till I Jesus Himself, whom she thought at Bret to be the gardener, spoke to her and called her by name. When she and the other women told the dlscl-plos that He wag risen front the dead _ they believed not and some thought It an Idle tale (verses 11. 13. 14; l.uke xxlv, 11), giving Illm occasion to upbraid them with their unbelief and hardness of heart. Many who now are told that the same Jesus Is coming again think If nn Idle tale and believe not. not knowing the Scriptures nor the powfer of God and perhaps forgetting that Jesus said. "O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the propb'angels believe and desire to look more fully Into these things (verses li-7: I -Petr-1, 12). Dr. Scofleld gives In the margin of verse 0 this ronflerhn"Jesus ye seek?the Nazarene. the i f i t7? ?- ?? viiicu. itv uiuoe. ur is u?u lift,'. He nlso gives la his notes on .V! u zxrlll the order of the events of i.i.n morning and nlso the order of the t'.Vf ferent appearances during those forty days. Note In terse 7 of our jesson how Peter Is' mentioned by name, the true disciple who had treated Him theworst, denying with oaths that he knew Him. How r It Is that weak- . est lambs have largest share of this tender Shepherd's care! However weak and unworthy you may bg. remember th?t "hsvlnit loveil Bis own He loved *1 them uato the end" (John kill. 1). A mere knowledge of the facta of His life and, death and resurrection will benefit us nothing unless, knowing these things, we truly receive Him aa our gwu personal Saviour and place onr whole trust as lost pebnle In the efficacy of HJs great sacrifice. Then I the Joy of wing redeemed will lead us to obey /with gladneks IJls com mand In Terse lh,.counting npaj^ ful fill men t of uerfe 20. Our dally life will he "serv^hp "the living and true God" and nur uttlUlrte '"Waiting for His' a Bon front heeven" (I These, t, 0. tOl 1 A ' ; -1 -v ? . - . ^; ? '? .'-?p Wy ; -T ; ? ===shsh??sssbbssbss-ssasas I The Secret of 4 Do you ever vfbnder how you cai why other women older than you, look y The secret can be put in a few your health, and you will preserve you By "h?-alrh" w?J m?n not alone nerve health, as, sometimes, magnific women are nervous Wrecks.. . But whether yoa are weak phyfii you need a tonic, and the best toniyrfo It builds strengthyfor the physishl ai It helps put flesh on your bones and vita I . "My mother," v^teLrs. ZJ L. ville, Tenn.j "is 44/ears aid and is I change of life. ' / V She was Irregular andVbloated a My father steppjfl over to ne store a I of Cardui, whiclf she took according to I she is up, abler to do her hohsework like a new.\uman." Try Carnui In yt WritIt to: LtMci' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medi I lor Special Irutrdtions. and 64-page book. "Home Treaty GROCEF \ / We have a nice fresh stecklof Groceries t have you examine before making your porch money on anything in our line. \ / Let Us Show You): and T \ye,alao nrw a nice tin General Merchandise When in town give us a <m\\, we will do o / Tisit plAgant GEO./H. CC / MAIN STRHtT /louisburg.n Specialties in j ? >?* j When You DrinM Cqff< Drink the Ae I I A % Vmmm i i riM\#fc. i There are no better brs Blue Ribbon, ^ Manha Carajar, Society anc Try one can and be \ co ?phone no 1 a big lot < New Furni * ANQ1-? Sewing jvlac just/receiv .nd we can make the prio^right Come to c we hage and ce convinced We Are Seeing Aie Ve] niture far the Money Can^Buy in the alan wry a nicJ nrtd oorflpUte Tin# rtf andartn ql*d to nra thoM who may bl in need of mm a call whan in towilot in need / " >n myl line. V. E. White1 Furqitun Youth I 11 remain, young, or I ounger than you do? H words:^ "Preserve affly^ong-^ooking I K-.j ically or nervously, I r you is CarduL...' id nervous systems. I lity into your nerves. I I II I ^|* I Adcock, of Smith. I passing through the nd suffered terribly. I ind got her a bottle I directions and now and says she feels I air own case cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., ^ at for Women," sent free. I I r RIES! hat we would be glad to lases. ~We can save roa "* alk With You e of and Fruits . ' ur utmost to make your )OPER ?? ?. i ? *' ^ I.C. Coffee se Why No o+O K7VI ( ' ' IT mds than the ittan Blend, L Toxaway. nvinced. ' I CKS 00 / 5F V. 7 lure ?, ,s. hines 7 ed . lee us and look at what thst ) -.'.v '--j ry Best Fur That You Sta^e. ilers (OppliM *ftd will b* ' * rj* 1 my aerrio?b. GKt9 \.v ''

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