JL ..! - ,L - ? L'-i- 1 ' f i- . ?Pay ae yea go. Thi? M gollW advioe th?t will keep the buiaM I world moving, the wheels of indui- . w~- try from rooting oai, and th? money j yrill sorely come back to you. I ' 1 aksuld net be-forgotten that the earth, ia .round. Stand the people all in line and- tWy will reach t- araund the word, the' laat touching the ti rat. Now pay year neighbor on year right the dollar you owe ?? 1 him, and he will j>ay hie neighbor f ' ,.?? on tha right and ao on the dollar t, will trayel until it will oome around again to your hand from your neigbor on the left. Try it. We make o charge tor this receipt for the ?Many people are under tha imxx presaion yhat the printing of stamped envelopes by the government ia . . dohe at the goyernment panting office hi Washington. This ia error- i neuoa. The offioe at which this particular line of-work is done ia looat- j ?d al Dayton, Ohio, for which the^ government aim'ply- acta aa agent ^ -? and salea manager. Tfie records { show that the Tolume of fhpT work for fiscal year ending June 1/^908, amonotedte the enormous sum -of 41,672,188.86, the business ooming s from every State in the unien. This office is grinding out about 4,000,000 envelopes daily. There are perhaps 20,000 job offioes in this country and ^ tbeae private enterprises are right- ? fully entitled to this business. g Knew What he Meant- e Tbii story is travelin^^ftrough j Kan.as now. , "Number?" j "Bleak's grocery, please." , ' "Number?" 8 "Blank's grocery, please." J "Number? Haven't you a direc- < tor j?" - 8 "I suppose so, but I don't know * where it is. Blank's grocery, j , please?" i "Number?" I "Say, central, are yen a lady or a , -nan?" . " ? "A lad,.- * " t "Go te beavsn, please," and the a -eeeiver went up with a thud. c rat are tight, or distressing v oghs; get quick and certain _ \ ' . Dr. Shoops Courf Remedy "v .ceount Druggists jmrerywbere . " 1 ring PI Blgjop'a Cough Rome- I re Sender leayJlKaf a harmless I ruling mounmnioMlhsnb give to hoop's Cough Remedy itt enrative , ertiee. Those Jeeves huye the fir to calm thy most distressing rgk, aed to soothe, and heal the most ' nsitive brencbial membranes: Test . ooee yourself, and suet Sold by -teid Pleasanto, Leuisburg, T. C. Joy_ __ W e ? ? _ . _ _ \ ner rru^ouiOD. ? Laurel Items\Y. H. Johnson, who has bees teaching st Lilliagtoo, is at house | 4(oy e few days. He arriss^At Prank- s 1 in ten, and walked frem there heme. 7he oondnclor on the Lounburg rail read offered him a ride, bot being * s in a hurry he walked en. <5. N. Edwards, of Nash, spent Sunday with Nick Johnson. There will be e basket picnio at Laaral en Easter Monday. Everybody oome and bring a basket. ? C. W. Gopton bought a fine mule today;' ??? T>r Rohhitt is still a pleasant callcr to our neighborhood. H. D. Egerton wau aalled to Raleigh last week en hoaineaa. i pg??? Miss Margie Macon, our former || teacher, is coming beak to spend Easier with Mrs! J. B. Jesse. ' Mies Alice Hines, of Spnng.IIepe, will speed Easter with Miss lassie k Bi.oomfi ad. TEBOW OUT*l THE ?lWE Give the JKidners Help and , Many Louiabmrg People Will be Hkppfcr. , " Throw out the lie ?n?"? The kidntn need hafp. . They're orerworlM?can't get the poieon literea oft et the blood. They'relpRiiig every mmyon help t/uA Donna KidneWPillA here brought WJl pert jaj fornl of Kidney \ Kidney trouble had tux in Ita grasp for years and although 1 tiled van- < aha remedies, 1 waa enshte to' find raliaf. The kidney sScreUoei depoa , itad a sediment and tfo.re unnatural I but the uiuat annoying symptom ut my trouble wis a'dull, nafegtng J backache, aoui mpinied by J sharp j twinge* tbroug lout my bod ^ wheo- J ever 1 stooped or lifted. /7,earning , of Donn'a Kidn >/ Pills, Dprocured a 1 box and after using vfneua a short time, Lpaseed a* vend/grave I sinner From that timelno^f steadily improv- . ed, until my troabte was a thins of I the past. I ylave recoiuiuVnded I Dean's Kidne/Bills at every oppir- ; tanity siuoe insmand shall ooutinue to do lo." / 1 M ' For safe by all stealers. Prio* SO cents. /F oster-Mfiburn.Co., Buffalo, New^Tork, sole agents for the Unit- " ?d jfUtes . - . .Remember the- name?Dosn's? J lid take no otherl j( 10 yards of \Il\co for $1 at H. hi. g sledges at >cA Maplerille, N. C. Attractive Round Trip Rates g . Via d \ SOUTHERN RAILWAY k \ fi \ Mobile, Ala. " An ount OfAunual Reunion of i> Jnitod Confederate Veterans, the cl southern Rail waKsnnouncea the fb atle of very cheap round trip rates T' a Mobile, Ala. and refurn. Tisk- at its on sale April 23rd-54th-25th E rith final return limit May :i2nd, c< 9X0 or by depositing your ticket rith special agent et Mobile and J laying a fee of fifty oente you can ^ lave final limit extended until lay 10th, 1910. , ? Uleigh $15 75 I loldsboro 16 40 I lelma j 16 00 J )arham 16 65 ? word 16 so lenderson 16 55 diapel mil. .........".. ... 16 65 turlington ? 14 95 J tates also in proportion from all ther points. For farther infeimeion as to rates, sehednles Pullmanecommedation. etc., ask your near, et agent or address R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. 0. E. MILLER JEWELER Loui&burg, N. G With n_nice *1 Xsleoted siock of Jewewyl am in position to slmsfv moat any ?ne desiring anything in my line, /l? V- : I Also M \Rcpairirig f WATCHES and JEWELRY an/will Lira yom the Tery Hit of work D E MILLER "?-a- ' \ JWyrf whinU niiUlow any of your I S >tock Jr t tdtry to remain sick I They Jvejfcu less result* in beef, I pork^wik,* eggs, when they are 1 not hi paWtfcealth. Take a 'Mt* I interest own pocket book I StraTm Ponltiy I, I /'^^Psid Of ofber I I aAcceual farmcrsMnd rtock And I I "sold by all druggbte, prtcTz. 1 .1 V \ " EAw j j't ;;;., v:, | J P WINSTON lays he la at prlient bainu on Kuh Street and takedup moat of hla time coking after thi worMroing on, but if r?m want any golds A* will quit the ob aa long aa voilwAt to buy clothing shoe. matting, lldfos gowna, ladles tkirta, coat suits. XlOOO mens ahirta for J5c to 11,25, one Mowahead full of suapenders. ltyo/fiXdmy store closed rou may know p. ah laying brick on Nash street. / \ /" j\f?. WINSTON ICE/THE IfEftR-RQUNft JNOA W. /l?G >uys everything and sells everyhing. MOtTQp?Best goods, aweSt prices, quickest delivery in awn. \f PECIAL BARGAINS FOR NE^tT I 3GFIDAYS j IN: PIJA/TIBED^cloth. __ j peeial h&ngainl in shoes, mens ress ahirpT anal underwear, all inds of warden seed, all kinds j -uit and iregetanes, all kinds oe- ' sals, Buni as geriuine eat meal in ] ulks, odt flakes, Loatu j, Saratoga , tips, ft rest variety of cannad I oods,/ah roe, oysters, June pees, ' iena dausage, hook-mad' tomatoea id sua pa, large leans 10 cents, j resM line of tine pindies just re. ' siv/d. Yours to plehse, J OHN w, KING ( iNfards of csSiccgfor ?1 at HT M ledges store, qtapleville, N.-C. j % IVW stopped la 20 minutes " " MJ MdJ sure with Dr. Sboop'r t Croap Remedy One I |1H|| test will surely prove. ^ No vomiting, no dJs- j see. A safe endbleesingsyrnp^Oc. Druggists I ?P TEARS' experience PI I | mot ItABRi . Op^rmtHTtie. < Anytm* ?ntfpA * ?WUhana d?tUption may I M> | *"Kujp?^ff^ fcro^S ?intM ^gCqi<n?o>tVo | StpflrKflraerican. a tedpiMly IDiinM weefcty. TjiimI etr- ' wirtjiiof wZssipfij1 comiG ARIphlRE XHBY will i/f btirn. wll not i - . Will not cAck and roll of like s like plain tiy Neither will (hey r They neve/need repairs andlast e< of all, they make the handsomest x f M. P. MOUCK, I THE MUTU# LIFE INSUfiANI well known to the pafopte of Krank d st Louisburg for wJore than 25 \ei long and hotjatMmnmori, / iuuuh / xxxx] /e?n??w isi GAMUtL J. rA v x *. i .1 >-.. . f .. ' X ^ ' - -- - v' L T'i.. - -L8p STER C( always oomes nd expectant, Our store ii ok of suits and Let us sbow-j lisgnf not proi Mr growth is ? ^nce by faithful e sell t hem rigl the Lowest of p serving you thi routoGe ;n Shoe f toe kind that | sfmstion . These shoe* a^? beught direct frem tie ibanufai F when '.he aidae are onoe goae they can tot be rep Jk season, so 4 vow want the best friend yoA have ev the war oaia ?mm*etan^a ? <*- * L-A1? ? -- ? m--? ?- wwkfccr ccne ana before th( aim are gone. \ p F. W. WHBLESS lITWgMi For- = MON! ?HBft ; TOMBSTON HP FENCESG \ PROOF Suffolk Mall ipEt or cart Hka wood ahinglea. II i \ lata. Win not rip at the inerrn I . / attla dm lug high wind storms. (] 1 / (long- an the bonding. And Inst II xrf and are not expenalve. I ouisburg, N. C. ' ? ^ I BENEFIT 1 ? / 'i . T / ^ I hare jest reo T " ?- Hata Iwi SO? / W HaU and lots i / , X come and aeo f BE COMPANY ! ?a vy MHO _ .. Ftl-tlrl , TATE MAC! Dea Iin County, lu.Ying been represent- - -a _ Ire.' It is a strong Company with V ' \ DM AH :ld<rn? i^vm V ' ' .> - ' " K-r - r , ". r^r -^.y r- I V--' /iA ' ~ - i " 1 WW ^w^w w ^w _o ww - I I B 8va B^FI I ml I -f| B. .J-. -r T ?^WW?^???WW??????? >*,'' ___^_ !__!__T^T^^- ! W )MES MARCH 27th T K joyful and fragrant atmosphere. Every vkT^ there is a spirit of uewnoas and fresiihfts. .?] 3 just running over with the Newest, g.$ 1 Young M?-ns Furnishings ever shown tn ? ou the suit you ought to hare lor Easter. Xt jpfto $25 ~ f : Loose From Winter X . spring store. Those who know us best tA.' e change i.i our stocks and oar stylet. T fpeeeire?prices will seem lowsv, because- , At ities are greater?demanded by a larger aaily explained?we've earned the pod- Z servioe. We carry the goods the people Wi it The best of olothing, hats, and haberriceb. We trust that we shall have the. /% ' s seoson. ' m* otnrer flCjL er had in ~JL I get them A Sri 1^ Louisbttrg's Clothier U; U^NTg . J ks^ CURBING and|IROV| Mc\Works, Suffolk, Va. Wfttdh This Act '~r~T1 TrimmArl - w -J . iiicu naid, A . eiveU * sample bne oI Ladies Trimmed A to H. A eanfple line Bhoen. Straw X -1>1 ot^r things I can't mention. So t or ydfraelf. A B.\cOOKE | S SUPPLY CO.' hinery 1 I W? have the following Met f | ond hand machinery to sale: 1 40 h p Ettinger engine (300 1 40 h p Eyie City engine 106 1 80 U p Stationary Boiler- , almost new 8.81. 1 86 h p Gnoon Portable Vm boiler, good **.Si 1 l?? h. ?i ? t .J J 17x0 np ciciipBB jsn^mftoo .tB igXLt Engine and I 1 Eclipse Saw <111 NO. 0 lfc I 1 Eclipse Saw MM Ho. 0 100 1 Talbot Saw If ill ? || 1 Chisel Tooth taw, 44 1 Sew. M ?i I

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