\-f~v 7" vf r V-' . . - y - . . .*SSf 3 ; A DIRECTORY. ~* ' . * CHUBC1I 8BBVICIJS. Baptist?Sunday ujorning at 11 *, m. and at right nt 7 JO p.ill Prayer Meat Inn every Thursday night at 7 o'clock TUv. L. W. Swops, Pastor. Methdlst? Sunday morning at liar nr., and St night at 7 JO p. m. Praye Meeting every Wednesday night at 7 yVIock fesv/b. W. UaILY, Pastor. Episcopal?Sunday morning at' 11 a. ni.,and evening at 1:80 p.m.,every first I third and fourth Sundays. Ksv- John London, Rector. i "30 sunday schools. ? RepHer?flmvic.ee,at 9:80 every Sunday morning. Geo. H. Cooper, Supt, Methodist -^Services at 9:80 every Sunday. B. McKinno, Supt. Episcopal?Services at ljle^'clock evy erySunday morning. Wl H. Ruffin. Supt LODOE8. O * V Masons?Every first and third Tuesday nights in each month, Dr. H. A. Newell, W. M. Woodmen of the World?Every second and fourth Tuesday , nicrhta in each month at 7:80 o'clock. J. Wl. Boilingsworth, Consal Commander. Modern Woodmen ? First Monday - night in each month at 8 o'clock. J. W. rtollingswort>> Consul, jKnlghts o( Pythias ? Every 2nd and 1th Monday nights. B. T. Holden. __ Chan. Commander. ' " A CARD/ i To damomsati^f otkbs I hereby annoorj^ myself a candidate for Registm( of Deeds fei Franklin CoontyJeabjeot to the & tion of the Democratic Convention. . I will appreciate aqy\elp from roj friends T w7 H. MACON". ? . A CARD To The DaxocaAf iorVotees or FRANKLI* Coimni/ I hereby annonnjre myself n candidate for the offiaflef Register of Deeds of Franklijf dounty, subject to the Democratic yPrimary and Convention. /Ver* truly J S. . BOONE. y " ' t ,A"CARD To The Democratic Totehs oi 0 raimnw Cochtt: a , I herewith announce myself a candidate for tie ence of Registei of Deeds of FraVklfu County, sub?jeot to the actiort/f the Democratic primaries and cojfvcntion. If nominated and eUetcH I promise the people of the c<Atntv faithful aod A in advancelior/amthing you maj -. do u my behrff I lm ' Respectfully, I R P. TAYLOR ~ - A CARD To The Deirtocratic . Voters of Frankyn County: With the kindut off feelings toward every man in Franklm county and with no criticism to mLk/of any ene, I wish to snaounse mystfr a candidate foi Clerk of SuperiorXCourt of Franklin County subject i?\ the action of the Democratic Primary and conyentien. I will state thajrl ska in no combine with any ofher dbndilate or candidate! because when y ask spu to support me 1 have gone a* Gar as\ propriety will allow and I know veu ate aa capable ol selecting the#other nominees of the party as I iff \ Should rot see fit to dominate me 1 shall endeauor to execime the duties ol the office tm the best olfny ability and shall. sefe lhat everybody is treated alike. I Yours Respectfully, / SAM. P. BODDIE Sandy Creek Item*. The sly for la still at largs. Mr Lasaiter and hit guests had a nice rso* with him last week. It is sail that one of the party want to sleet aod while hs was slssping the for oame-ap and robbed htm of bu horn and pocket knife. The-lore he wanted to eall np another peel of hemnda and the knife to out i way 'or the doga through the briate He aleo took the maoa pooket boo) and it ia anppoaed that ha will vian othtr parts ef the country for hli health. '"1 * ? Heary Ball was the guaat of Rebift Harris Sun day. Meaara Roy and Willie Tbarring< too were the gneeta of S. Braiti Seaday afternoon. .. t . . ' Deck Ayeseae, of Alert, epeni Sunday with hia oooaia, Mias Sallli Ayeaoue, of Sehloss. Beet *i*^?* to the Tinas and iti read era. Pin a Etks. Paine of women, hAd pains, or an; peln stopped la f> gpnutea aure. wltl br 3hooDV?aA/galn Tablet*. Be. full formula on fm. Bin. Sold by P Re id Pleaj?ntwT,uu?WuTfr, 'T. Cj?Joy From Claw Hammer. Aa 1 harea't aeen any newa free ^ ' here in tome time! thought I wo ale .1.;. m V.-. ., . " write * few iteiur. -? ' P. Harris' wheat is looking fine this warm weather. / Miae Ieabella Morten and Edward " MeOUet, at Franhlimon, -Mint Low Harris, oj^Schlees, Meaara Keodred Leonard, Roy and Willie Thtrripgtoa, were pleaaaot visiters at Mr. . If. J: Bull's en Sanda? last. I. N. Williams returned to hie home at ?Yoangaville Monday after spending two days at M. J. Ball's. Tom Hent'a baby died laat Friday and waa hurried Saturday afternoon - at. Randolph Bobbin's. ? Sorry to aay Mra. Hellen Williams ia very aiok. The aly old for it still alTVe and in good health, Misses Roaa Murrv and Louiae Ayescue apeat laat Sunday with the aunt, at Alert.* , X. M. Height waa at Scbloaa on huaineae Saturday laat. G. W. Burnett called \aat Saturday night and Sunday to viait II. G. Ball. ^ s ' With best wishes to the TiHxa and ita readera we are v Bad Boyb. " Preventica?tho e Candy Cold Cure Tableto?will aaft y and euickly check ell colde aairthn. rip. Try them onee and aeel 48-26c, ~Sold__by F. Reid Pleaaante, Louis iurg, TT" tJ, Joyner, Franklinton. Hurricane Items. Aa I have not tean any itame from thia --?? >k. r ?111 ?A * w? wre vvwumy A wui If UU . is a few. The farmers around here have gone right down to * ork. Joe Joyner, of Headeraon, haa i moved to J. M. Sberron's, where lie will farne this year. There was an enoyable party given at N. R. \faaons on Monday night laat in honor of Miaa Mattie Evana. Willon Maaon waa n. welooine gaeat here Wed need ay night, i C. R. Ball apent Sunday with . VTilton frienda. 1 i C. J. Evana apent Saturday night and; Sunday in Franklinton with ' relativea. J l Beat wiabea to the Times and its ' readers. " Blue EYES.'..; The old fashioned way of dosing a weak atomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out < this error. This is why his preslrfption?Dr. F Shoes's Restorative?is dtaaoted entirely to the tause of these ailments?the weak inside or/lUmUtUuaa nerves. It isn't so sifflcuft. says Dl Shoop, to I strengthen a weak StomaihVleart, or i Kidneys, if one goe^. ati it uorrectly. i Eaah inside organ has H* controlling or inside nerve. When thene nerveak fail, i than those organs must* surely fatter. I These vital' truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and reci ommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test i it a few days, and see! Improvement 1 will promptly and surely follow. Sold - by F. Reid Pleasants. Louisburg, T. C. Joyner, Franklinton. i ???? l. _ ' Poverty Street Items. r Yoa haven't heard from na in so [ long I guess you think we are poverty strioken do we here, but we are sot quite. We are sorry to say that Mrs. John H art on, and Mr. Jim Clifton, - sro on the sink list this week. ' ' Farmers kre pretty busy plowing ani cleaning up. i. Miaa Marina Yoang gave the young people a peund party last week which was greatly enjoyed. ' Sems el our young people atisnded a pound party at J. A. Clifton's 1 last Thursday night. They report a ' largo crowd and a fine time. | We haven't bad a wedding in oar neighborhood for a long time, but one of our yoahg men baa lots of bnsinsss st Rock ijpriags. Ixrok out Mr. Boone. Mr. W. R. Young's sohool closed ' last Henday, and s most interesting 1 game of ball was played that eventog. t Wishing all the readers and the i dear old Times naih iuccees. Bownik Bell. CHICHlsTfife SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND I 5I71KOID4twfotT-ifO TADRU GGTsts I SS?,- WERY^ERE SSS3 ? ' .. ." V" ' ?' ' IT''' ' ~ . ~ * - (- ' - WASH* THE HANDS." And Dc I* m Frequently the Ay ^ portunity Off (re - Civilized man touched hundred '' tilings yitb hif hands luxirry one a with any other part of his bodv. ' literally he sticks the former intc ? everything. It follows/as Dr. Eccles points out in the Dietetic uhd ? Hygienic uazette, that hi Ada prob ably play a very important part ir the spread of disease. From this -the further corollary may be drawn a that washing the hands is a sanitary g process of great importance. It af- 0 fords an imperfect but partial disiniection. * ? Protty much everything touched ? by the hands may be infected-? n money, newspapers, books, street car straps, restaurant knives anc # forks and tumblers, other people's , hands, door handles, public pen! and pencils, and so on, ad infinitum 111 Every one of these touches may. ;' and some of them actually do, re- ^ suit in a transfer of germs. Fortu-' uately moBt of the newcomers will be harmless, but occasionally o g "batch" arrives analogous to the y Black Handers, and if they find any |t cut or minute abrasion of the skin or if the imbecile carelessness of their host rubs them-into his eyes ' or month the, possibility of a death 1 or at least an exnensive illn#?Ks in - the letter's family becomes imminent. Therefore wash your hands as _?ften as opportunity offers. You can't overdo it. Clean hands are j of far more importance Jygienical- i lv than aesthetically. Washings 1 them after handling some danger- 4 ously infected object may save your ~ own or some one else's life. As you have no way of distinguishing infected from uninfected things, ? banknotes, for instance, the hands c should always be washed as a mat- 1 ter of routine before (hey are car- Jj ried to the eyes dr lips! a What Dr. Ecolcs would like to see I adopted is antiseptic hand washing d involving the routine use of some -j fairly strong germicide. This is a t counsel of perfection that cannot "be * hojied for. , A more frequent use of 4 soap and water will be boon enough for a first step. The Medical Rec- } Ord agrees with Dr. Eccles as tb tffe necessity for a hand washing crusade. ' . [i ( - 8 The Earliest Lotteries. |j The lotteries are generally said s . to hav<- had their origin in Italy. but in .Crowe aud Cavalc-a-selie's t "Early Flemish Painters'" reference ( is made U> a lottery drawn at" 1 Bruges on Feb. l-Mti (1-145 old j style). This is the earliest of j which the scheme, list of prizes t and accounts are known to be in r existence. In Iftt'.O a lottery was ' drawn in Florence, the object being j, to meet the state expenses. Nine 1 years afterward thev were legalized in France bv Francis 1. and called" "blanques." The lotteries instituted j at Paris by the Duke d'lnvertiois in 1572 and 1578 were for provid- 1 ' ing marriage portions for the young, women belonging to his estate. The first lottery known in England was drawn at the west door of St. Paul's cathedral in 1569. - The , amount was< ?20,000, which in those t days was ve?y considerable. It con- t sisted of 40,000 tickets at 10 shilj J lings each, and the profits of -the % speculation were to be appropriated, t to the repair of- the harbors of the 4 kingdom. . ? t A Successful Disguise. I . Mr. Murphy, says a writer in the s Biooklyn OitisoD) waa inquiring of A his friend Mr. Doolan how his * wife was feeling after the excite- ? ment of the recent wedding of their daughter. "She's well enough," re- ~ pljed the other," "excepting that _ she's grieving over a pair of Uliganl V new kid gloves that got lost on hei y that evening. "She's feeling bad about thim. H but I've advertised in the paper, D and I'm thinking she'll get thim back again befopr long. They cost Mrs. Doolan two dollars and for-rtyfive cintsl'5* "Ain't you 'afraid whoever got thim will be slo*v4? answer the advertisement ?"\ inquired Mr. Mur^y ?i ?-?? ""It's meself that knew how to fix -that," returned Mr. Doolan. "I advertised thim illigant gloves was an owld cotton pair, bur-rsting away ut tnc scams and wur-rth nobody's l keepi ng 1" ' ' The Comok'i Whip. People who are unacquainted I with Hussia and w.ho raaAof utrool JL disturbances being suppressed by I the Cossacks with their whips hav? I little idea of what formidable weup I ons these are. Made of hard leatli er and tapering to a fine point, thfcv are triangnlar in shape, and tu?. Cossack, who knows how to hr:n the edge Sabn upon hjj victim, can inflict a wound that ia not infrequently fatal. A favorite stroke i? one by which the ?ye and a^mrtfot of the cheek'at# cut. r, >. ^ ^ ",y - wmmmF ~tfK / >^Y > VV ''"^ Vr ' . - - r , ; Parry Mill Items Our neighborhood is coming. We are a new iron bridge aeroas the ond, a cotton fjLm and griet tuill and Miaa Lula Pearoe spent Sunday ith Mrs. W. H. Pearoe. Miaa Matlie Cooke is spending the reek with Miaa Annie Pearoe at tauD. We'will organize a sieging olaaa t Flat Reck Friday before the flrat unday in April^ at half past-two 'clock. Eyyiybody is cordially inited and wj bopt ? large pimtwr f them will take part id the sing** I want to aay that I like the home irole column and think that everyody ahould read it aa it oontaina eo neb truth and good reading. We are all glad to know that Ban V'heeler waa able to be out ganday. The, farmers htve been making :ood use of thia nice weather and lave gotten ahead with thair plow, ng. We hope to aee everybody sake their own home supplies thia .'I v ' - - . . ear. 'i. Hoping the dear old Fbankun "hies and Its editor roach suceoss. ' Brown -Etes. j Laces | 'Z' k JpHUiipeeiilttlwl American Beam Tlis best on the rad.-Vet. Call and tee them. 1 I bnby capsqmt received. It will be to-' * A 44 * * * * * ^ a I MRS. A M ' *(.* ," -.' v v J. V . ' . - '7 ' 3 ' 9 ' ' * ' i ? " ' . .?f&ji.. v, ., 'v - V ' -"'V. ' >:! A Poor Weak Worm As'-ehe U termed, will endur?irtvdy aad pet Monica whioh e stronA iman would weyx . Tpe fart is Tvonien tna iWuc patient than they to be under such troubleA . , / Every woman ought to luiow that she may < the moat experienced metflcal adviopjfree if end in absolute confidence an\ privacy by writ the World's Dispensary MedVal Association, Fierce, M. D.. President, BuffMg/N. Y. Dr. 1 has been chief consulting physlkian of the Im Hotel and Surgical Institute/mySufisio, N. 1 many years and has bed a wider tactical expe in the treatment of women 'sJBiseama than any His medicines are world-famous fo\ their astoi The most perfect/remedyVjer der ?etc women is Dr. Pieroe's ^Favorite IT MAKES 1WEAK WOMEN 81 The many and variety symptoms of wnnan'i forth in Plain Englidl in the People's imdiot revised and up-to-dAe Edition ot which,Vlotl receipt of 31 one-cdnt stamps to pay cost of n Mini iiiiii ? f The Choicest/ ft My stock ?{ Heavy and FaXcy- G ft choice and select lot I coiadVet, ft lines 1 carry. When in Aeecrof ft s< e me before buying, ffiemekt A borg steel plows, the hint madA | M. C.^LEA Imiiiiiimi ? ^aeaseiafeimniBamaaamammBmmaSi YOU AND Tl The bie State of NoVh Carol\uojiet money nere, because w that ityk.ee At LI ? * W IllO nurklll^K ui ?U1H USUE. junaiw to be tun on conservatinlinA, bed but even if the State didriU jfok alb acter of our directors woua#insure the fullest safety. A THE - Cjfaz^ h/nde^son) J. B. OWENS. Prendent HARNJ I have secured the servicij/oe an and will be prepared to lyfA your at any time at the Rivemde Ware {EDWARD S GOOD DRY When in need of good dry etovefwoodXeal pleasure in sending it to you at onde. Thifkw mill aDd we will furnish it to you/or 2.50 pw GFRwrnry &, i Special S AT THE " """ 4 - t Racket Y? Now line of White Goods, (iinghnjfc f*4rcale, I 7, ?i : . '. W .- M tiently fc. ^ '^,rit m I '' V ~ . obtain m. t W Pierce ralida' M BMtl rienoo other physician in this country, liahinf efbcaoy. lead for week and deUPresoription. PRONG, I WOMEN WELL. peonlier eilroente ere Itflly m 7 1 Adviser (1008 pedes), a newly h-bound, will be mailed fro* no lailind only. Address aa above. SSfisSSSSSS ' wv Teoeries is the most ' A as are all the other A anything in mj line A >er 1 carry the Lynch A * *j vSants i """"" 1E TATE r s fit to keep part of its. ns a very close eye 011 ajF (lv ttiis bank would lutre auke of such examination ?r our business, the char- ! v. every one patronizing us ><r/ " IS - BANK kN.^C. V A. HUNT, Cashier \ . expert harness maker harness fixed for yeu at ^ house. Come to see me . ? V-* ^ FORD ?' ' STOVE >D / : ^ - / 1 up phone 92 and we |wlH take > ood is dry outsides from our saw core) and is sawed up ready for use ^EASLEY * , . f_V ' ales ^tore . .""it; \ . /; [Madras. 8ouitinft and a pretty % . broideries . ... . Ion to the '. . '?~ "" my. ty Corsets l^mple line of Ladies hats + ,, A i dooNjx)ot./ On* red hound loBvdn tfx ehsse from it. Sam Person to nrikrJHr. W. Allen*, .ouisburg. Had sear cdf left side. A iberal reward will be o/i<Wor hi* return om*. J. C. POJiKlL, Inei, N.C. w' - GASOLINE ENGINE FORRALE. By virtue of thVpower conferred up>n me in a certai\deed </ assignment xecuted to me by\ A.frruit and reorded in the oftice\f t/e Register of >eeds for Franklin C\ulty in Book 177, ?go 37#, I will, on HdAirday the 26th lay of March, 1910, tj\2 o'clock, noon ?ll at publio aueti* \ th* town of franklinton, N. C.,Mo tm higbeat bidler for each one AhreeXhorae power lhas. A. Stickndy Gasalne Engine, 'his engine is praetioaUy Ys good a* lew. having beet used vear Tittle. I rill be glad to low it to aw one inerested. ThisAlarch 11th. W10. d 8. JOYNER, Truete*. V. H. Yarborough, Jr., Atty. ? I.AND SALE. -By virtu* of a decree of th* Superior ourt of Nash county, mad* in th* peaial proceeding entitled Jonah Colins and others, h x Pa/te, the underigned will on Vfe 4th lay of April. 1910 ffer for sale a tube ec/irt hcuse door in rranklin cuuntyuhe allowing de??rib*d ract of land; tut/tract of land in ledar Rock townunp known as the R. 5. Collin* land ifcunded a* follows: founded on the iworth by land* of lock B. LeonatdraVd other* and adoining the lu dsibf Henry Griffin, Jos. Ihearin and othfrs containing 77 acres nore or less. See Book 63 page 370, 'rank I in Regisfry for lb.'l description. Terms of sale toe thirdV cash and the a lance on of sredit o\ ninety days, 'his March 4lli, 1010.. \ R. A. P. COOLEY, Com forth Carolina ) V > In the Superio^Court rranklin County ) Rosa Littlftohn ) v?T 5 NOTICE ms. Littpiohn 1 The defendant atpve named will take lotice that aouction entitled as above las been commenced in tbe Superior lourt of Fran41 it/ county for divorce r*m tbs bondswf matsimoay and the aid defendant Ull further take notice bat he i* r*q uijpd to appear at the rm ?f the supAor court of said couny to b* held oil the 6th Monday after be first klondJj in March, 1910, at the ourt house iafsaid eounty in Louitorg, N. C. ud answer *r demur to he eomplaioff whicY has b**n filed ia aid aotiea y the plaintiff will apply to b_e_coprt fo/ the relief demanded In aid eomplent. Thil March 9ib, 19T07 J, J. BARROW, C. 8. C. I. B. Maaeeaburg, At\y. fur plaintiff. DARNELL & THOMAS MUSIC HjDUSE Rateich, fi. C . Sell Ae beet FIAJSTOS On my Easy Terms and aw prices belew which no j 1 dealeifinanufaitmk'or wall mr? < der hJuse can (0,| quality con- | siderwL We are In old establishes house with kany years of rep juition for equate dealing to ourftredit and wnei we tell you we?an meet all kkds of companion prices we will do it. f aaj |We ralaladna xm ivuy ior viiirogit, icrms in Prices ind yon will ccrtiiily i|rtc with as. ,v ?? < . 1 l. , ? , . V.'v \ ' v V, u* ?' ' C* r.

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