V. ? J ? rir j. ifM s'C ' -* "T ' FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager" i ? <:i?* Y aB. ; : ( *1.06 ?tx months, . . . -p. . rnrbk months, *4 Friday, March 25 1910. .< UnFCB?J OS Cauauu?has beea o as bed from tha committee od rales of Congress1. Another aobeme to fool the people. ' f Good for the people ot Maw a chuette who were inatumestal in n 'turning things in v the tide ef fair and " square legislation. ^ Tin insurgents in Congress seem ? to have the regulars on the ran. II they have nerve enough to hold their position we inay. hope for a little deoent legislation. It seems now te We ap to ,the "fegalars." If they are willing for the majority to rale these things may ' be settled quietly, bat the insurgents say they will fight them to a finish unless they do. W k take the following from an exchange that is not amiss for any , section to bear in mind. . r | 4 "Promises are like pie crusts?easily broken. Beware of two much premising." .. " "*Tni Democrats did good work last week in Congress when they ' succeed in ousting Cannon. The only question is will they get eredit i for what they have dona in the republican states at the next eleotion. Eugkxk N. Foes, if Boston, Dem ; oerat, defeated Wm. R. Buchanan, of I Brookton, Republican, for Congress J on Tuesday. This is looked upon as I of more tbsh State wide importance I as Foes changed a republiean major- < ilv of IJj'iSfl In ? de.nrmruHc victory J of 5,640 majority. < Nat Coodwix talks frankly of t his matrimonial experiences. He t says: "My first wife was an angel, 1 my second a feol, my third a 'Roman. , senator;' my fourth makes me super- , latiV^y happy. No self-respeeting \ American citizen should take ad- ( vantage of the unwritten law. If a ] man steals your wife, don't kill him \ ?caution him. The true philosophy j of life is to achieve eenefthinor and forget it." 5 It will be remembered that the republican party rode into power, ( nationally, at the last election on i promiaes, and yon know how they | hive fulfilled them. Yon need not ] be surprised to see a repetition of i i the same thing in the future eo far ? as promises are concerned, but we { believe the true Democrats of the < ynimlvy thfir jpV" tO Wflll | to allow them to be continued' in power. t 1 The officials of the North Caro- ] Una Teacher's Assembly are making 1 extensive preparations for the great r ? meeting of North Carolina teachers t which is to be held at Aaheville, I ? June 14-17, 1010. This will be the t twenty-seventh anneal eession of l that organization, and already prep- a arations have proceeded far enough i to make it evident _thgt-if wilt be < f doe of tbe greatest eancational gath- i erings ever held in the State. < ??mmmmt ICatob Riddick, of Norfolk, ' track a key note a few daya ago 1 ? ? when he suggested to the Industrial ' lOomasiasion tbe idea of offering ' lower taxation for tbe encomrsge- 1 moot of manufaotarers to locate ( their plants in Norfolk. ^ "T This ?Mj iikjMt w now considered by 'Baltimore, which ' has a new charter pending before ' the legislators at Annapolis. What's good tor Norfolk and Bal- 1 P r timers would be good for Weldon? ' Weld en News. IF1 The abdve suggestion will apply 1 with eqnal force to more towns thaa ' is mentioned above ? Loaiebarg for ,n* _ **' ? - i Au three of the NoVth Carolina | Congreesmen voted with i liLs&fi SfcL . t. ^ ; I - -j r- r ! M i< rh?y love a Washington boee, a answer whenever he whietl "Their'a not to reason why, the but to"'be ordered by the pie ? trollers and they do whatever i get a pieee of pie. Nobody Washington regards them exoept No. 1. No. 2. ind No. 3?News-( server. > Jnet hew. people like, thi in North CarolinsrTtould even pons er returning any saoh men ak are ferred to above to Congress a not term to represent them we oam see. To be aheolaiely honest don't believe they will send any c hereafter that has not got nei enoagh to stand up fer the rights his people. Death of Captlaln Junius Goodwyn. Captain Juntne A. Goodwyn, b< in Greenville county, Vs., Augoel 1836; died st hie home in Wart Bounty, N. C., T>? Msreh 3rd, lfi st 9:30 s. m. , This anaounesmsnt will bri sadness and sxpreasions of' rag from a best of fritnds and admir *K: A .1 n-J L- t 2 an A Texts girl! f" " - ? ? Hauaton Psst. or A little kinging ' *7 May do for soma, . But for os? * Yum! Yuml Yum! *" ?Henderson Gold Leaf. all the Maatag J*" ^ None aan be finer, Than from the lipu w Of girle of Carolina. IX. ?Wilmington Sun. lre A little kiaaing Surely will atir um, ,p. If the kiaaing ia dona in- girla of Durham. am ?Durham Star. 0- Iffor huaineaa . nd But not (or fun, as .Come to Wilson To And kias the right one. al- --Wilson Cor. News-ObserreK Of all the girla h,r The beet to kte, ? fl? You bet your life It's a Raleigh roiaa. 'P* ?Raleigh News Obssrvsr A kiss, a kisa ad Q whatis this? 1 ng Tit life sweetest bliss If stolen from a Louisburg miss. ?* -FiiMTi* Tinas. . .'' M'* i -v / ^ T\ 11 od in the inUfm of bis fellow men, than .as. ths place to wbieh Captain Goodwyn ir's shoald be assigned would be a Mt,h >n- one indeed.Te ths son^aasd daughters rill whose minds and hearts hare been to trained and lead by the precept slid as example of this gued man, their eor)b tew should be tempered by a re memrberaaee of bis lite daily lived ose for their guidanoe. ud- AH the medieal skill and the teare der mlmatratioas of loTtd diss was her done to keep alive the divine spark not of life, but without avail and the we spirit of Junius Alexander Goodwyn me returned to bim whs gave it artd-th? rve mortal remains were placed in a beauof tiful Elmwood Cemetery, Norfolk, Vs. Tha funeral services were held from Emennel church, of Warren ton A" on Saturday, March 5th and the body, accompanied by the devoted >rn family, was taken to Norfolk, where ~9f it shall peacefully rest in his native en soil until the lummoni shall come >10 for those who have been faithful an til death,"Enter thou into tha joya ot ng thy Lord."" rep The following pall-hearers aocoro* panic 1 the body to Warren Plaint, "L and teadarly placed it upea the train forNjrfolk: Messrs H. B.JlIunter, of R. J. Jones, W. G. Rogers, C. C. rJ' Hunter; Dr. P. J. Macon and Hotsrd F. Jones. . *sr ^ / mt inn obiviwm vera oonauetea by an Re*. J. Coleman Herton, Hector of )pt Emanael Episcopal aharch. Beantie;r fol flowers in lovely designs attested n(j the affection df friends and loved ones. Peace to year ashes, Captain, may we all meet in that "Land that is fairer than day For by faith we can see it afaV. J iii- ! z4 fr And the father waits^oVer the way To preparLjrfa dwelling place r thmsT^ ?g B(j ?J.in Warrenton Record. ^ -'"Ca|>t.Goodwyn was the father of l?_ Mrs. G. L. Aynoeke, of Louisborg, >er who receives the sympathy df this in coramuaity. 1 in i a "A Little Kissing." nd A little kissing in- Now and then, la why we have ed The married men. ile ?Birmingham Age-Herald. rs-- AJjttle kissing lar i Too, of coarse, re. Is why we bare ic- The quick divoroe. m- ?Chicago Reoord-Harald. 'r* A littla kiasing's Uy ^Lot'a of fun, * nr If you can kiss The proper one. he ?Cleveland Leader. lb" A little kisting's N Not enongb, > ' '** A lot of kissing ld That's the stuff! ?Boston Herald. re m A little kissing og On the sly, Is sweeur now . . . 0j Than by and by. 1D ?Yonker's Statesman, of A little kissing Is Is a whirl, wt Of joy if ,its IS I lull OCl Tlllb UK VTUU WHO navi dene well, hma passed to the revs of the'finally faithful. Coming honored and honorabe anoest Captain Goodwyn has ezemplifi tbroaghout a long and usefnl ean those virtues that should be iuhert in the well born man and worn who for generations have, by preot and example had inculcated in tb lives ideals of right thinking a correct living. Ris grandfather. Colonel Peters Goodwyn, was for many years t Representative for Dinwooddie cot ty in the House of Delegates, Virginia, and alio served as Cc pressman for foerteen years duri Ihe administrations of Madison a Monroe. He obtained the title Colonel by servioe in the R?fo Uonary war and was also a mem I >f the "Society of the Cincinnat Captain floodwvn's father died, larly life, but implanted in his soc eve for knowledge sod truth a| tourage that showed forth in him u o his death. Captain Goodwyn was edueat ft the Hatndan Sidney College. 1 raeat ene tune editor of the Petei >org Intelligence and waa a popul mrraspondent for other newepape fie read law with a view to prmet: ng this profession "Citfihe war 001 ng on he enlieted in the 18th V [inia Cavalary and served faithful ind honorably throughout the to Cars. Coming to Warren county at t dose of the war he engaged in tear ng, and cn July 5th 1S66 he w lappily- married to Miss Eugsr Littlejohn Fsild, the beaotiful ai iccompliahed daughter of Dr.. Gc ind Fannie. B. Keild. To tbem we born nine children, two of who lied in infancy. His wife, fonr so md three daughter survive him.? He was a consistent member .he Episcopal cbnrch fer more tb arty years and was a vestryman Smannel chureh a Warrantee. I ma a aponeea life. If "in hofji nan is the neblest work of C*d"tb deed iboold Captain Soadw; ank aa the nobleet work df 6ed f here wee no man it^WarreVeoan rheee repotation ror honeet ai iqeare dealing aarpaaead bia. I raa ail neiaaaf ally engaged in dm iliandiaiag ainoe 1873 and waa i acknowledged faot that the patro: if hie a tore, white and colored, ti hat they oonld eend the amalli ibild to hieetore with rifely kao ag that the laat pony aonld be ? ended aa directed and fall meaao pven in exobange. No abort weigl 10 aabatHntee no abort yard atioka a in bia-counters; bat, hegpyty and 1 agrtty were the rtepping atones ap rhkh he foondeU l_aaXMt_th*t e leered bim to bia neighbeee ai ituaed them to feel a peraonat h n bia peaoing tram ameng them. ' bees who eongbt bia ad viae he ray* gave goed ooeneet. Nene w Twmb ra of the colored raee w Mine to bim often in their troeblep. Ho fought a good ftght, bo k< ibe faitli and haa entered ir he Joys of hin Lord. If atriet i leatien to baainesa, if integrity ai tonesty, if an example of right hvii tnd the proper uae { the talents 1 itowed, entitles ope to a high pi a . ; if *. y^w*?: * A. '* . ,.--^;3Wk-_. / ? ?. ^ ". ' I I ~ / I I* fll \/AI r _ wi i CHECK PI -i We want you to know lmw one farmers bank a , A ing him a law suit and probably a hum 'Zf \ be told us of the There is a story connected with that ob to cash last week. I toughi a horse a the understanding thatNthe animal wy horse I gave him my oheVk. .It hapnpni Z went baok home instead ol driying n I A think muoh shout the haieV tillbhy foil Z I soon discovered he was om in IbJ win< collar. I went right to the orosa/'oade i honor the oheok if preaented.X Then I c Z me and told him he could havdftlie hors A whsn I told him payment waarsionped ( Z . the h<>rge back that night../Bali I p i Z ' probably cost me a law suit J \ X Why not pay1 yo \fs bit he | The Farmerc &A A.OUISBURC B CHEATHAM, Preterit ? UNDER THE SUPERYMION OF THE Plllllllllll# Have s Winston Huildinj have yon to con | THE /ALSTON 1 We Cart II Sell YouV At Reasonable Prices \ I / your y || LCHJISBURG, Nor L ^ ^ ^ ~ ' ? r jr i| fflTECTS I, iccoyu was recently <he means of sav- ' iredf dollars. This mtbe way A ijnidsnt: ; y aA of mine which I told you not _ (a man up north of here with sound. When he delivered the Bd to be toward evening and he S to get the cash on it. I didn't A owing- morning while plowing. ^ Z 1 and it made me hot under the ^ store and telephoned you not to . ailed up the man-that tried to do - J B hack. He kioked at~-fix*t but^/ ' , jn the cheek he shut up. Ho toolf^ 4 ~ A id him the cash it would have by check lihd be^-Safe Merchants Bank | Xj R Y McADEN, Cashier -T. STA'TK Off KAPTH PADATlVi A ! Moved II r f -r-' Z ' i . . ? g and will be glad to Z . ? ' r ie and see us Z COMPANY i 7=1 Fertilizer 111 j tomd Deliver it in 1| BROTHERS M1 1 "

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