> ,v HBpv;. , ? .. t ." jP " " V f 3 - / ~~i i?i?#?hi ?** **!? i The Loui :===== -' [ . ' -;. ' i. . i "' I ?? j This U the" title of the co ' *1 ' "' 1 REAL ESTATE If rou wl.h to buj I time to Mr for It. If mm wish to eel) yoi 1 RENTING PROPERTY AND COI 1 I tenant. We will Also ooUeetyour rents f< ! i LIFE AND FIRf INSURANCE \ Are. An Imuranc? poller on your llfo wl | Your anvlngi and accumulations of a Ufa I ^ MONEY If you wish to borrow mor , absolutely fftlt edfe security, and charge on rUt edge security, whether only a feu 1 yloae and the eerrices of our attorney, wl I WE CAN QIVE YOUR IOND W, I your bind. Instead of ashing your friends < We hare enumerated In the foregolna I a number of other ways and we offer our DR S P BU%T I PRESIDENT R G i I .. TREAS ora uw ?? ?Quite a number of our people went to Newhope yesterday to attend the closing exercises of the School at that plaoe. ?The Telephone Company 'is having some very niuoh needed improvements made in ita line from here to bpnng Hope. ?The Alston Company ia patting in a new plate glass front in their store room next to. the Beaaley-AIeton Drug Store on Nash street. ?Seats are now ^'4 Ulo it the Beaaley- Alston Drug Store for the Oxford Orphans Concert whiob will be held in the Opera Houae next ' fbeeday night *v - 'V'*1 -J-Whilfl the Sirrgmg Class ia composed of or.ly ten girls and four boys, the Oxfeiil Orphanage ia oaring for three hnndred end thirty ohildren. The good aocompliebed only the aH-wtarfl&d end Fetber ean folly - measure, t ?A* it Is now time for the gardens to be planted we will remind it- II DRS P BURT ?. FRANKLIN TIMES A. f. JOHNSON. Editor ajtd Manager. ^Friday, March 25 1910^ ?-y' IRDEX.TO BMW ADVBRTTS*I?IHTC h F Yates?Forfiate. Dr Shoop?Medical Notices. , J E Thontaa?Announcement. S J Par ham?Life Insurance. Cortrlght Mela] Roofing Co ? Metal -' - TAR DROPS. ?Oxford Orphan* Tuesday night. ?It's a fine little girl and Mr. K: P A. Perry is all smiles, t~ ?The road to mi coses' is paved - with good advertisements. ?E. S. Ford reoeived several head of nioe horses yesterday. . ?E. S. Ford is having the front of the Riverside Warehouse painted white. ?J. P. Winston is pushing the work on his bnildings on Nash street. - ?Let everybody assist the Orphans Tuesday night at the Opera 7* House. ?Let everybody attend the meet ing on Saturday y> organize a beyscorn olnb. ?In advertising always say what yon believe, if you wish people to believe what yon aay. ?A boys corn club will be organs ized in Louiaburg tomorrow*5f;?p Sure and oome. vf-?' ?It looked right much like sum. mfer time one day this week while J. W. King was ualoading a jar or ioe. ?Information comes from all parts of the oaunty -that the farmers are making good use of this fine weather. .A '. ?Will Cooke says be has just received a sample line of ladies trim, ed hats and mens and ladies shoes. O-. Via a/1 jf'pd Mid WflWIt bf'mtkientr ?One of our urmtrt went into hi* cow (table tbe other night and by mistake mixed ber up a nice ftnibh in a box full oi tawdmt instead of bran. The no** merely supposing that tbe hard time* had. tone and they wefe all .joing to eoonoraiee, meekly ate her sapper and the rdan never dieoovsred hie mistake until' the next morning when he milked the oow and she let <lo??rt a half gallon of turpentine, a quart of ahoe pega and a bundle of lathe. ; VSr..*'>Tgg| HIM- f;0rwt a ?" . ? ' - ^ * . > ._ MUHMWM nty, Loan | i Is? I nsburg and read below , ' V ' ~ rsotiatintr a loan to buy It, If you want 1 U to do that alao. # I I iporty. wo will aaoUt you in finding a 1 md in ropair. I ill inauro your property arainat loan by | wife and cbUdron, in caao of your ddMHW ftra inauranoo policy will protect you. _ . | ooy to loan, wo will place 'it for yoa oa j ? looiro to place out at par cont. interoat , , and not charge you a cant for our aeoa. r. and yo? can haro thia company furnish | kirod. Wo are prepared to nerve you in 1 r flat. I t HP W H RUFFIN S ATTORNEY RNER IS [ TARY /' , , I R G ALLEN I j s - ; ?Tb i value of a good . local newspaper is much mure (ban many people seem to think. And the way to make it good it to patronize it, pay forJt, and furnish it with ads, news, and items, suohas the pnblic to know. Bring them on, and "faith we'll print em." The press is a mighty power in helping to carry on the business and progress of , our oonntry. The faot is the press h is j always been influential, even in the I Savior's day. If you don't believe it read Mark 2:4, and see tor vour ~ : ' sstisstststsbsbstsnssts' isushmsi sburg Guara tealty Compan; mpany j uat established in Lad ? -ftrfant we caV do for you./ r m farm, we will buy it for lou, and aaawyoa in n ir farm or exchange it for a&thaiv wedan assist yo JLCCTINQ RENTS If yolwlsh t^ent your pit it you if you deeirw and keep me property Inaured i Ife will aleo Ihigro your life agaLiMdcuth. and we w 11 not east much. but it would Vean much to your tfen* may be deatroyed in a fouAiinuts* by flip, A ley. we will assist you to borr^r L If you hare moi you not a cent. No maUfrywhafemount you may * r dollars, or larger amountedwe w%l place it for you ioTias made a specialty oMooldnghp real aetata tltl I are also prepared to artfw bond of Pertain charactei to sign your bond. / 1 r some of the sorvicoafcur compsnwao render if de services to the public We begin basin ess February J b--hicAs ^iCTcPJflESiDBwr aLLENf - i A TU URER / I SECRE NANCE COMMITT /. J M.ALLE^ tlxlpeople,of putting up their chickens that they may not give their neighbors trouble. ?The attention of our readers is called to the new advertisement of Mr. S. J. Par ham in this issue. lie is representing one of the strongeet companies in the country. ?We are requested to state that the publio and especially musicians, are oordially invited te attend an Easter danoe at Collins' Mill on Monday, Maroh 28th, 1910. ?The conoert given by the Singing Class from Oxford should have our liberal patronage. The program is indeed attractive. The oause liee near the hearts of the goo 1 people of tbie State. ' - ' ?Don't fail to,.be present at the concert of the Oxford Orphanage Singing ?lass. Do your part to make the ohildren'i entertainment a suotesa. The coming of the representatives of this oante into, oar midst will be a blessing to it and to as, if we anite earnestly te help. .?Any one wishing to oontribnte to the boys eorn olub fund ntay send same to thy Times and the editor will see that it gets inte the proper bands. If von cannot give meney but. wish to give something else for a prize that will be acceptable also ?A concert most enjoyable, refreshing, helpful is given by the ohildren from Oxford. While those who patronize the entertainment reoeivWull value and more for the smalt admisssibn fee, the funds derived from these concerts go to help *n as'ntenanoe of an Orphanage which "is a great agency for geod. , - 4 -r-Mies Moore, President of the W. 0. T. U.' delivered an address to the ladies of the MethodiBt ohuroh on Wednesday afternoon in the churon. She also addressed the public at the ohuroh at night and quite a nice crowd was present to bear her. Her talks were of much enoouragement te the Christian Societies of Louisburg. ?The average church goer much prefers going to'ehurch latept makes , a commotion and disturbs the minister in- praying, reading or sermon, and also draws attention to atfy new attiole of wearing apparel on tha cavalier who 'may cbanoe te be in attendance. Two minutes early is almost a crime in tbe eyes of really devout worshippers, who dislike to have their minds distrsoted by foot self. " * ?A wife will insist that the huebaud shall not go out ef the heaae sold, raw days without two undershirts a liver pad and a muffler on, in addition to his regalar clothes. Yet as soon as lie is safely down town she will rush out ?f the hot kitolten bare-headed and bare-armed to hang oat cloths, so as to get ahead of the woman next door; or, she will tramp off down town, and from house to hodae to work up some society or cbureh enterprise with nothing on her head but a little saucepan- 0L4. hat, and shoes not thicker than a newspaper. Isn't this so? ?About as good a waj' to study Ionian nature is when you are driving on the public read. If a man is willing to observe., the laws and the courtesies of the road, he will duly give his share of it when meeting another, and shows he is willing to do the gentlemanly thing aboat it. But when yon meet one who taies every advantage of those he meets, and holds the road for bis own selfish self, often to the great discomfort of those he meets, or will net allow them to pass, we arw almost sure to think of perk in connection with such drivers ot teams. ?Now is the time for you to paint aqd fix up, and make home look as if there was a little enterprise arouhd you. Take the garden rake and collect all the old ruobieh of 1909 in a pile and set fire to it,? don't bum the house down in the operatien?and let it be burned up and never to collect there again. Then go for that'pile of ashes oollecled daring the .winter and remove. it far henoe so that your yard will look sa if some one was living there. There is no plaoe like , home, therefore make it beauiiful, delightful, enchanting and your atlaohfnenta for it will be the stronger. ANNOUNCEMENT. ^ Ttt the Voters of franklin County I lisrehy aniaowtoc myself as "a candidal. for tAf Derioeratio nom mauoa ior i reyurer ot franklin county, subjec/to^the action of the Democratic p/im arise. / J. EDWAKD THOMAS Leave your ordcry for Sunday Ice at J no. Kings <yh/S?tetvay night Phone 47. X J. W. KINO ' BnS Orp ngfcn JQg*, the finest thorough bred kirfcens in tbe United States. $1 1ft getting of 16 eggs. A|. F YATES "-.I* 4 - V - ^ . ' - '% K' ' ' If fTHE VEm We Oder you the veiy Best bankii Out bank ia modern, up\o-date a A Our offlcera and directV* are community and are among tie mosj * Every dollar placed with ua\s i\J ment knowa hqw to make it. \ / x . Any money placed with ua iajpay ?' notice required. A /\ _X ' -? 0 " This ie truly the farmers byk\ar ^P frieada from the country to makAtl r^_ quartern and transact their/ueindSi X, When Bending money away, ua\ ! good everywhere, coat noising. A We offer you the best Wanking fi * ; ery way desired, it ia a iWeasure to 1 FIRST lYATIOf LOUIS BURG J UNDER SUPERVISION OF fWANTEl ? *- - " / ' \ ;-. { ' f Your patronage lo I (Groceries, Staple Jj Farmers Hardware J ware, Tinware, Wo( | - , v ? Polite AttehtionAdi m i WANTED-All Coun $ - Market 1 l 1? * | Clifton - Corner | J# . J. TEI O ? ? ? ? -T? Old^^fasht Red Clpvt Orchard Grass, Rape Seed, Pearl or Oatjfl Seed, Early Corn Seed, Bnnob ana Pop B Sets. Irish Potatoes?Early SuntyghE Iris Rose, Oreen Mosntaio, Burbanks Attn Peer little and large chiokeas. / I ROptd 3 ~ 1 Peat*' ^Tnraea, tVfffg,, I _^Remember I hare a large ^ook of thj^best ^ONTHE^^^^>HON^ mJimp i : in ~ ." . .. -/ . " ' i? -? ? - " /> t J if BEST J le/acillties. uritronf. ^p"-- ^ v - Arell known in the f successful business safe as the Govern-- * " -^L able on demand, no id we invite all onr ? , ? bis bank their head- / 9 tbrough us. r our cashiers check. iwlities, use us in ev- ' C leme you. ? MAK BANK I i, N,c - U. S. GOVERNMENT r SftaDle anri H'anw * ji yry Goods, Shoes, ? / Crockery, Glass- J udenware, Etc. ? J ' . , > " lid Prompt Service * * |v - '. y J try Produce. Highest ij Price Paid. - :t , r ,1 RRELL | Louisburg, N. C. | g 2 ??* "> ? t on - . I jFSewJ I and Q?rman Mullet, TeosiiSS- ' eana, Stringiest) Snaps, Onion \ , ' ?= "l Cobblers, Redr Bliss, Early , less. Globe poultry food for ^ ALT ??? J logs and Chickens. Fancy Groceries to select from . y ^ I .?x

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