- '. : * A. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND. , . . " > XI. CORN CLUB CONTEST. 'ft "MORE CORNT BETTER CORN. ~?7 CHEAPER CORN " . * Bis: Number of Farmers Present At tbe Organization Satur* day~7Nuoh Interest Nanlfested The above is to be tbe mottle of Franklin county boye. Twenty two boya have already entered the content and the lists are etill epen for otbera. k-t Sixteen separate prizes ranting from #85!00 to #2.60 have been Altered to the boya of Franklin oouaty and in all probability there will be additional prizasi Then each boy stands a ohanoe for one of the three distriot prizes of #25.00, #16.00, and #10.00 and beat of all the winner in the State will get a free trip te Washington, be introduced to the Preaidast as the champion boy corn farmer in IToith C. rolina, and receive a diploma from the Secretary of Agriculture. Boys onier 18 years of age who want to try their bands on raiaing all the corn possible en one acre should send their names right away to Supt. R. B. White, Louiabnrg, N. C. lie will aend the neoesaary information and tell them how te get into {he race. It was a great thing for Franklin county, that meeting laat Saturday. Prof. A. (J. Schaub of the Department of Agrioutture told in a meat interesting way what the boys in other counties had been doing, of ' the great interest that had tifeeh created, and of the good, that was being accomplished. - . The terms of the oentest are aim' pie. Any boy under 18 years can enter. He can take ona maasurea acre any where in the oount?, except that it must not bis in tewn or be' a garden spet. . He can put on it ail the staole manure he can buy, beg, -- or borrow. Bat after the ground ia onoe brokea, Be moat do all the work tutil the crop ia ready to be haryeated. To ail who enter the government will aend information as te the beet meiboda of plantiag and onltiyation. The following ia a Kst of boys ?-?-wbc gave in their names last Satur! day. Ray Woodlief. _ a_ TIL _? .piOK r UtJJp?. Zollie Phelp*. - Oscar Hag wood. Ernest Heyle. ~~ " W. E. Mullen. J. B. King. ? W. H. Valentin*. ? J. E. Valentiue. Vance Pearoe. W.T. Collie. , .I;? Herbert Hay*!. Taylor Bartholomew. Lacy Stailings. Ollie Phelps. / * Linwood Insooe. Herman Parrish. Onllom Lancaster. Creoker Murray. Jessie Joyner. W. R. Joyner. Leslie Perry. There is time for ethers to join, Send names t* Snpt. R. B. White. Below is given a list of prises as offered up to the present. To boy* of Franklin county makipH the la_rge.it. yield on ona sere. I Mpy lite I.omfbnrg Oh am her of- Ooroi_J85nerco, l?t prir.e $25.00, '2nd prise $16.O0.$rd prise $15.0$. By.K. S. Ford; 1st prize $10.00 is gold, 2nd \ prise $5.00 in gold; 3rd prise ?2.60 in cold. T* hoys of Franklin ooanty making corn at least coet per bash el on I one tore:_ By Bickett against them and that the Democrats t will oaptare the fall eleottoaa. A frank admiaeien to this affect came today trem Congressman Foelker, of New- Terk, who la a Republican. I Speaking of the Maasnchuaetta rel Suit yesterday he said to a bunch of i newspaper men, *'It proves conclusively, tf my mind, that the Dem I oerats will carry the next Houfe. There ia no use trying to argue that it ia uot an iudiaation ot tbe next ; eongreasional electron. My ewn State, tee, baa got>a to the dues,that's all there ia to it, aad there ia trouble ahead ia other directions." Tbe Star; the adaiiniatraiien or, gan here, ia authority for tbe auter neat that tbe President ia oonvinoed [ his party vilkbe dieloeed fron pow-. 7 er at the coming eengreeaional eleetiona. Tbe Star said this afternoon ia speaking ef the President's return . to the eity, "He has intimated his be, lief that the Democrats will win the ' next House, owing to the oenbina! tion ef oireuraatenoee ia their t faeor." : Oae af the meal significant things ia connection with the Maasaobu; setts election ia that on the day pre{ eioua Mr. Taft made a apeech in an - adjoining Statu, in which he aaid the Payne-Aldriob measure was tba heat , tariff bill nvsr anacted into law, and than ba proceeded to praiaa its author, Seaator Aldricb. The Masaaehaaetta voters tbs next day repadiated that sentiment. Sotae Republicans in private cen| versation seem to take the view that the landalide in Maasaohuaetts waaaati-Cannoa and aati-Taft in its slgni' fisance. They cannot dissoeiats the national and eongreasional adminia' tratiena from tbe raaalt, inaauuob aa President Taft, they aay, baa defended the legislation ef Congress. 1 sell the Massachusetts affair out' rageous, exclaimed Representative 1 Adamaon, of Georgia. "I have soma little human feeling left and really ' hate to sea the enemy handled so brutally. But I'm afraid that the Republicans are in for a worse time 1 next November. The whole House ' will be Den.oeratie after tbe land1 slide with tbe peftible exception of I the nine Republican insurgents who I voted with the Democrats te oust I r> ? Representative Champ Clark,Dero ocralic leadar in the House, said today: "Tba news fsotu the fourteenth * Massachusetts distrust is the bsst j>oTitfeel information that has oeme or, _er the srires since the night of election in 1893. "Takes ia connection with the rej suit in tha sixth Missouri distriol,two thousand miles strap from the Mas1 saeheeetts district, ia demonstrated to nap. mmd that t^te saeae usages rre * working alluver the United States. One of these elections was held' in midwinter, the other in the balmy . -v ? ? ' ' ,i ' \ \ M % ! STATE, THE TJWION. iT, APB1L t, 1910. daya Ot spring and the only differ dn in the raaalt ia that In the later election in Massachusetts the pablio mind aeama ta have gone farther ia the dtrscxlsn ot overthrowing the Republicans than it had at the earliar election. "The causa aaaaaa to ma to be wide-spread disaatisfaotion with the* Republieadi national administration and the Republican Cengreaa. The etrongeet reason of all, no doubt, ia a feeling of disaatisfaotion end resent ment as to the Payne-Addrich tariff bill." i ? Cotton Chopper. The ezhibitioa of a cotton chopper ' on our streets the past week by Mr. ' T. J. King, ot Riebmonu, aroused right niuoh cmroiaty. The maohine ' ia very" simple and leoka as if it^will be a suoceaa. i 1 ? ; Free Seed. We are reqaestsd to state that Mr. W. O. Stone, of Stalling*, has a let of g9Vj*ramsnt seed sent hun by Hon. E. W. Pou to distribute among hi* friends in Franklin county, and that they oan get same by oalling at his store. . . The Bell We learned this week that arrangements had been'mada that every time a new oandidate for county office oanse'out the bell in front ef 1 fetCinnlM W... 11 w ?-*> ? Ul? l?IUIUOU tu III! home Tuesday. Mr. F. W- Hioka and wife add lilai Margaret Hicka weat te Wake Fereat Wednesday to witness a gams of bdse ball. Mrs. Ivey Allen left Wednesday tor Raleigh to attaad a meeting of. the teachara and principala of the State which ia in aereion thia week. Mra. A. f. Jahnaao, aad little daughtera, Adelaide and Elizabeth, Misses Eleanor and Loaiaa Thomas and Mr. J. E. Thomaa spent Kaater visiting fridnds and relativea in Rooky Moant. Praf. J. Li Cuninggiro. Direotor af the correspondeaoe school of the Methodist Episcopal ohurch South, of Nashville, Tenn., visited hie sifter Mra. R. W. Bailay, tha past weak. He occapied the palpit at tha Mathodiat ohuroh an Sunday morniag and praaehed a very interesting sermon to qaite an'appreciable audience. Dr. Potent to Deliver Address at Bann Ws are requested to state that Dr. W. L. Potest, President of Wake Forest Collage, has consented te daliver tha enseal address at the oloaiug of tha Bubo High School -?hich will take place on Thursday, April 28th, 1910. I'he management of this well known school are to be aongrataiated upon securing tha services ef such a distinguished educator ia Dr. Potest and w? fael aura the eommanity will turn out in a good namber to hear his address. The public generally!# invited te be present. ^ To the Boys of Franklin County - Twenty two boy# h?v? joined the corn eeataat slab. Thar# eught te be mere thaa that. If others whs wish to join will 1st ma knew. 1 will lend them eppUy . - ttSi "X ",: ' : V -r a ,:>r, Bfrtwr bkviq wuu1u uo upp*d. and a friend teld na tbal it tapped'ona buadred and fifteen timet an laat Saturday. Peaaibly this aoooants for what loma af oar people taok for a file alarm Saturday. Rnv- Mr- Swop* ResignsOur people will learn with much regret that Rer.-L. W, Swope, patter of the Baptiat ohnrch here, tendered Qia reaignation to hit audi ' enoe on Sunday night, to take effect the firal of Jnaa. Rev. Mr. Swope is a man of atreag christian ideas and during jiial'stay here hat made many frienda wbe will not welcome thia informatics. The lire alarm was tamed in Monday afternoon abjut fear o'olook and it waa very aeon learned that the trouble waa at'tbe cotton yard. The fire department waa toon en the apot and succeeded in extinguishing the fire in a few minutee. The fire waa probably caused from aparka from the looomotive of the Leuiaburg train. There were six bales of cotten on fire and a good 'size lot uovared to grass and nadargrowth. The damage waa small. The firemen deserve much credit for their prompt action in these cases. D. D CThe monthlv meeting of the Jon. J Davie Chapter will be held in the Mangonic Hall on Wednesday afternoon, April 6th at 4:80 sharp. A full and prompt attendance, ia earnestly desired. ,, Mas. J. E. Mai.okk, Pres. Mae. R. H. Davis, Sao'y. Laths Items. - The farmers around hare are delighted at tha nice farming weather. Mjy. A. M. Moire and little daugh ter, V iviati, returned to their home in Durham Thareday after .a visit to her father, Mr. T. H. Whitsker. Miss Ernestine 8. Hnyea, the principal ef "London Academy" spent Easter with her uncle, Mr. Thomas Blaaknall, near Maaaop. A party from near here went Ashing just to hare a little fun on Kaater Manday, down in T. M. Whits ker'a meadow. They had very good lack. It waa enjoyed very much by everyene who attended. The fish fry waa alao enjoyed. The "London Academy 9oheul," will close lfriday tha first of April and will havaa game of ball between tbs Juniors and Saniora. Beat wishes to the Ttnne. ( "PnACHASt.VA." ?^ 1 .s / : "w mmWM *v> TIME the imiRG mm THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OPT OP TOWN. Those Who Have TlsltedlLoulsburr the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. Mr. It. . McCoio, of Henderson, we* in town Saoda^. / v Miu Ellioe Alferd left Tuesday to visit felaUrea ia Nashville. Ben Pey threes, of Henderson, visited frj?gd* in town this week. Mr. D. C. Btriokland, of Apex, was a visitor in town yesterday. Dr. K. S. Giean, of Littleton, spent Easter with kit people here. Messrs F. B. MoKiaae sad J. D. Winfree left Monday fer Princeton Deputy Sharitt J. G. Whtlwi, of Nashville, was is Leuiabkrg Tuesday. X . L. P. Johnson, ef Reeky Meuqt, is visiting his brother, A. F. Johnson. i. L. Strickland, of New Hill, visited his people in this eounty the past week. Mr. J. J. Helmes, of Clnrksville, Vs., visited his son near tewn the past week. Mr. T. J. King, ef Richmond, Vs., spent Faster with his people in and near tows. Pref. Claude Howard, Dean of English at^the University, is visiting Mr. K. J. Newell. IIUs Lillian High, who has been attending a house party in Wilson, raturned heme Wednesday. Mr. R. B. Woodson, of Lynsbburg Vi., rspresenting the Jutfersen Standard Life Iuauranee Company, ia a visitor in town this week. Miss Sallie Pleasants, who. is now living at Abetdsso, came heme aed spent Easter with her peeple. Jeseph Aiford, of Reeky Mount, who has been visiting bis people ?k 1 J VI ^ a SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR NUMBER 6 - ' "*) i J nation blanki to be tigped, directions . 1? for the oon'.eet, a button showing membership and will send their _A. . names on to the departments st k Ttaloigh aud Washington. The contest is open to boys nnder ( 18 years of age. Eaeb contestant hall oaltirste one acre of ground nd mast do nil the work (hinsself except breaking up the land and gatheiiag the crop. He is at liberty v to get all the adriee he ean and the Department of Agrioalture will send him from time to time helpful instructions. One prize will be gieen la each township, lire prizes in the county, three prises- in tho district and the boy making the beat reeerd > in the State wi ll be gtren a trip t? Washington. There is time enoagh ^ ' . (for others to eater and I heps they will send their nemee to rae right *" ??7- .. V. - J' "R. B^Whitb, . " Lonisburg, V. C. Orphans Concert. ' The Oxford.Orphans Singing class presented their entertainment to a erowded house here on Tpeeday night. The little children did well ? their parts and obr people thoreagh ly enjoyed the entertainment. "STOP RIGHT THAR." farmers are getting a goad deal af advice these days. They are ceinpeteat in decide whether it ie goad, and they have progressed so asaeh that they are glad to have the views at thoughtful men. Old methods in many onset are being rejected by the farmers and they are wisely adopting methods that will bring better days. A correspondent writing recently to the Asheville Citizen said "Grow Tebaoco," wherenpoa the Citizen. said: "And those who recall the palmy days will ait np and takenotiee."To this Editor Deal,of the Wiikeebero Chronicle, makes some pertinent remarks that eaght to be read by every farmer in the 6tale. Under the heading "Dan't Da Her, Bill," the Chroniole says: "Say, bo^a, let us whisper eomi- 1 thing sonfcdOgtially in your ears. It ia all,right, if yoe^have time, to reoall the palmy daysSof old, bat atop right thar,' aa Judge \laad uaed to ay. Doa't think of goutg into ike raiaiag of tohacce aa a li"A? The 'palmy daya ef old' arer pleaaant draaiaa that mast remain dreams? they never again ean lie realised aa . ' leng aa tha government is owned and controlled by trnsts as it ia to-' i day. If you raise tobacco you muat sell it to the American Tobacco trust at what ever starvation priee it sees fit to pay you. Yen prebably could raise the price a little by organizing bands ofnight riders,' but that would he injurious to your character and health even often danger to your hneclcs, and always disagreeable to [ your peaceful neighbors. Don't let this talk about the tobacco trust be- ? ing burated bythe courts fool you. | It is not 'basted a ainele whit; not a single officer is serving unaqin the pen and won't be as long-as tbe~"I4epublican party needs money 19 ren'\l its elections. The tobacco trust ia nbaolutely and vigorously in obarge ot the tebaceu markets today and beys don't be fooled into beliavin * otherwise. If^ou to to raising tobacno as a butiaess, then you will have to buy your meat from the meat trait, your bread from the Chicago pool of western aappliei and yoar horse and eow feed from farms in other stations of the conntry. Vow, listen, Bill, you and Rube and Mike and Zelte and all of yon; the ?*? thing for you to de is to pet in extra time in raising corn, wheat, gram pouteea, hogs and Buoh like?Everything yoa need to lire on; and rait a nlentv of it. tee. And then th.k t ? ? I traata can't Tfb yon oat of a decant .-.-xj, [ living. In 0