tp' : - ;t. -vr,;,-v i: V !y.. K -_-?~ $0 " '- ~ W1 If" " ' JP tA. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND Hi ' VOL. XL. . 7~T ??? - COUNTY COWilSSIOMIRS ^ MET IN REGULAR SBSSION ON mowjay;?= ' J;-v . Tounifsvilla Township Allowed 10 Vote on Bonds for Good Roads ? Tax ^lat Takers Appointed The Board of County Commissioners met in regular aeasion on Mon^ day with all member! present. After reading and approving the proceeding of the laat meeting the follow huainega was transacted: Walter It#mm waa relieved of Pranklinton Graded School tax?not being in ??id rfietrlnt. Report of E. K. Williams, Super inteodent of County home, 'was received and filed. Hb reports 11 ?*" White and 18 oolored inmates. Cne white received since last repert. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Su periniendint of Health wis received and tiled. Report* county home and iail in stood condition. The following were appointed list takers for the following townships: Dunne?W. H. Williams. Harris?1. J. Young. ^.Youngaville?U E. Winston. Franklintou?E. W.~Morris. Havesville?R. 6 Winn. Sandy Creek?W. F. Leonard. Gohl Mine?A. D. Williams. [' Cedar Rock?T. W. Stokes. Cypress Creek?George Hiaee. Louisburg ?W. E. Uzzell. The following were appointed list takers for the following special school districts: t 'Maplsville?J. R. Perry. | ' Youagsvilte and Wak*?M. E. W imton. Moulton?W- F. Leonard. * Bunn, Pilot and Pin# Ridge?W. H. Williams. Franklinton?B. W. Morris. Ingleaide?G. W. Brewn. Louisburg?W. E. Uzaell. j' Upon a petition, signed by mere than twenty-five free holders of Youngaviile township, asking that an election be ordered in that townahip authorizing them to levy a special tax of |hirty cents on the 1190.00 and ninety cents on the poll for the purpose of ? building and maiaUiming good roada in said townsbip,b*iag presented to the Board,' they ordered that the same be held on Wednesday, ', May lltb, 1010. Jeaadus C.kWinston was appointed registrar and J. R. Tharrington aid C. A. Garnar were appointed poll-helders for the said election. John Wilaon was allowed pipe to -- tlr rntd near his heme, with no oth. er expense to connty. J. R. Collie was appointed a committee by the Board of Commissioners to act with the Manager <5f the | Medical Depository in purohasing J , whiskies for said Depositary. A number ef claims were showed and the Board then adjourned to ' their next regular meeting. |v _ I ?'Purchased. J Griffin & Boaaley purchased the stock of goods in town,and near town, assigned to Mr. B, G. Hicks by Mr. J.- F. Murphy some time ago, on Wedaesday of this week aad will move the same to their store en Main Street. a Marriage Licenses Our eflioient ^Register of deeds, Boone, issued marriage licensee "to the following couples drrffng the .nonih of Marehi^* r ?i?'?? White^-RCN. Gupton and Elixs, .. betb-Bmith, G. O. Alford and Lne T. ^^Wiitley, J. H. Harris and Mary McGhee, B. W. House and Liaaie Diokerson, Walter Thompson and MtnnM opto*. Ooi^aan ? Major\Hagwood and Lain* Harris, Harry Wheleea and Martha Malton, Willie laagew and I .^Mary "Alatw, Lee Mitehell and I Mary Kearny, Lonfc H. Jeffreys and - "*i v*? ' ' . * RAN V .4 ' ; i ' ' - - - ' INAQER Addi* Poakell, Charlie Wiggins and Roxaaoa Barnette, Jehu Thamu and Laara Alsten, Joe Soutberland and Bpttie Cheek, Jordaa Bill* and Daisy Foater, Peter Whelees and] Annie Crudup, Nick J. Settle and Jennie Peraen, Randolph HVideraen and Julia Peraon, Feb Harria and Esther Helden, Nathan Kiohardaen and Sue Canned y. Cooke - Brower Engagement M?. Airy, N- C., April 4.?Meadnmea i. Si. Hblttngaworth^md George Fawoett gave a delightful afternoon tea at the home of the latter, in honor of", their aieter, Miss Lucy R. Brower, to announce bar engagement te Mr. .Stapleton Cooke, of Goldeboro, the tnamge to take plaoe on April 2T.' Mien Brigga Prather received the gaeata at the door.. The gneeti were received in the parlor by the hosts and Miaa Brower. Mesdamea H. M. Foy and W. R. Simpsen serve! tea. Delioieos refreshments wete served. ? NewsObserver. ' Mr. Cooke was a former Franklin county boy and ha* many friends' and relatives in and near Loniabnrg who will learn of the coming event, with muok pleasure and feeling* ef congratulations. inro- niiiiewB entertains in Honor of Her Huslo Class At her.hoaia near town, on Monday evening March twenty-elk hi, Mra. H. A. Matthews' moaie olaaa which in composed of five little girle gave quite an enjoyable recital. The programme 'was oempoaed of meaie, aonga and recitations, and | was well rendered by the olaaa. While all them did well, the two little ones, baby Mildred's instrumental sola and recitation and little Florence's song, deserve special praise. After the -recital the game of Cinderella; jras played. The men aearohina in the hall aed lhe ladies a the parlor for the golden slipper, which bad baan prepared and .lilden by the heetees. Mr. K. Marshall I was the locky yoeng man to dad the alippar. Bo ha made a asarch through the marry band and matched hie slipper with that ef Mies Helen Jones, who was the lacky yeaag lady and claimed hie Cinderella and all departed to the dinning roam, where a dolightfal laaeheen was served ia three aeurser. The dietag reom was beautifully decorated in ferns and cut flewers. The oelor sobems being white, red and green. The center piece was at little rabbits harneaMd to a beautiful Ism, with rand white rlbbans, while a dozen Ljittle cbiaks peeped frem the aeat iclow the fern. Little Misses Florsnoe Jones and Mildred Spenesr presided over the pnnoh bowl, and made eaoh one fael glad with their, bright little aeiilea as they panohed them. After lanoheon the prise was given to Mias Helen .Jones which was a beautiful hand msda basket of candy. Those present were aa follows: Musio papila?Misses May and Helen Jones, Mary Jones Cottrell, Ruby and Mildred Speaeer, Misses Clallie Ora Lea, Cbrrie and Florence Jonas,, Beverly Marshall and Pearle ,Rowland, of Kiftrell. Messrs Beroi^ ?n3 Ray Rowlani, of Kittrpli^Jtobert B. Reigas, of Y>mtfaWlle, R. M. Dmn, of Wirrental, Arthur Jonas, Jobania Oottrell, Jaiamia And K. Marshall, Clifford Spenoer and Master Hubert Ipeaoer, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Janes, Mr. lid Mr*. K. B. Marshall, Mr. ai^ Mrs. L. R. Cottrell, Her. G. W. Startling, of Kittrsll, Messrs J. A and J. L. Spenoer, Mrs. Paid no, Mrs. Mollis Cottrell and Mrs. I'erry. At a lata henr all laft for home, expressing many, many thanks to theii hostess for an oh a pleasant STSOIQg. Onronanxxa. ! ' * - i i'-'. . i" I \ .r' - I ?e?x' ' - V i " . > I ' > ; - \ " - THE C0UHTY, THE LOUISBURO. *. C.. FRIDAI BASE BALL MEETINI I AT THE COURT HOUSE LAST FRIDAY HlOHT/ Officers Elected and Other Business Attended to?$600 Subscribed ? Good Playing In Store. A eall meeting of those of our oitizsas who contribsted to ths support f a bus ball team fer Louiabarg fer the purpose of perfecting^ a pvrwansnt htgaaisatioa was bold in the oeurt house on last Friday eight. Mr. J. A. Turner was invited to act as chairman far cits meeting. The committee appointed at a previous meeting made their report. Thev reported tOOO.OO contributed by the citiaena of Losuburg and that the, feeling in behalf of a good ball team for the town thia summer was atrong. After much discussion on tbe part ef several of* .those present, which threw a great deal of light en the most interesting parts of tbe organization and also arousing mush enthusiasm the election of oflioers was taken up. The election of n president was deferred until the next meeting, after which the,.following gsutlemen were elected to offioe: F. B. MoKioae, Manager. C. H. Banks, Assistant Manager. A. H. blaming, Secretary and I Treaanrar. , E. S. Ford, Captain. <, B. T. Holdan, Aaaiatant Captain. J. Id. Allan, B. N. Williaiaaon, J. A. Turner, J. K. Collie, J.J. Barrow, Directors. t The officers appointed a committee te draw np tba by-laws and submit them to the association at a masting te be called by them when they are ready to report. The matter of joining the leagwo as stated at a previous meeting met with the approval of the members provided satisfactory teraas could be reaohod by all the teams having 1 membership. ?. ^_? It now begins te look as if Leuiabarg is going into the base ball games with an assurance te the fans of somsthing interesting as seme of the most iniaentisl end seceeesful , business men of the town ere taking an aotiva part in the erganiaation, becked by a very neat contribution by our citizens. We are informed that all the necessary arrangomsnU will be made as speedily as possible and that tke games will begin as early as thsss arrangements can be perfected. Now tnat our people have been very muoh interested in the matter ot whether we should have a good, ball term here this cummer lets all givs the boys and the officers of the association our liberal support and see that it is pushed forward to a grand suceesa. ' The names of the contributors are an fellows: ^ P^B- Criffin. J. 8. Lancaster,-J. H. Person, T.XJ. Boddie, H. C. Bowden J. W. Kino. J. J. Rarrnw IT H AT | lan, Seoggin Drug Co., Truss, J. U. Allen, W. B. Tucker A Co.-JIrTSr Allabrook, Dr. R. F. Yarberbagh, G. W. Ford. M. S. Clllu 2 ,-r ?> ' ? >' SOI rHE MOVING PEOPLE n" wi ^ 1 THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND jda dtJT OF TOWN. nil 1 ' teo Those Who Have VlsltedlLoals- eBj burr the Past Week?Those the Who Have Gone Elsewhere th? for Business or Pleasure. 6 Dr. C. H. Banks went to Raleigh ^ resterday. a<^ J. A. Turner apent Wednesday in [taleigh on boaineaa. - Miee Sallie Blaokwell, ef Siovall, a visiting at H. M. StovaU'e. CO I ' Mr. J. B. Wadd.U, of Sal ma, is' Ml risUng hie sister, Mrs. E. S. Ferd. yjt I Erneat Taylor, ef Oxford, visited ] it Mr. H. C. Tayler'a the past week. gn< Mr. B. H. Pert., of Headeraoe, via vas a visitor te Louiaburg yesterday, on. Mrs. W. J. Harris, of Weke For- di(! ret, ia visiting ber eon, Mr. B. te uU Harris. ? ' Mrs. Miles Bobbitt, of Rooky Nonet, is visiting ber daegbter, Mrs. . E. L. Harris. Mrs. R. T. MaAden and little ten, on] itufus, who have been'' visiting Friends aed relatives at Raleigh and ^ Mil I brook, retorned home Tuesday. tor Mr. 8. L. Duke, ef Brmkleyvilla, ap( waa a visitor to Leaiaburg the th< paat week. He informs us that be to ia meeting with mach aucoess in his he veterinary work.._ . .?- Ja j. w. Watson, of Jacksonville, tin was in town Wednesday. He earns "p up to attend the funeral sf his fr? brother Mr. W. A. Watson, who Hi died at home at his hone at Axtell, na Warren county, on Monday. _ an Mr. U T. Cox, whe kaa held a k' position as book-kseper with the Farmers and Msrsbaats Bank here *' for the past several msnths, leaves >e' this week for Wilmington where he t0 will likely take a similar pseitien th with one of the Banks there. While *' here Mr. Cex mads many friends Br whe rpgrst to tee him leave bat wish r"' for him much success. se Changes Hands. tif The Arm of Hill dk Blsdge has aol been purchased by the fenior raem- vit ber, Mr. J. D. Hill, whs will eontia- A1 ue the business under the same of git J. D. Hill. Th This is, in m maaaars, a y sang firm, bat tbey have mat with mash D" lacoess and are usw carrying a aioe lins of farnitare of all kiadt, and Mr. Hill iaforms ua that ne will keep hia stock in geod shape that ha may aDI be ready to serve kis friends when tbey eall to see him. UD ?, so! Plra. T : The fire alarm wee soaaded yes- we terday afternoon at about fifteen hai minutes to three and it was soon sn learned that the trouble was at J. J. th< Peraen's on North Main atraat. The th' Ire departments answered the sum Worn immediately but betore they un arrived tba fire bad been extingaish- 7* ed. The fire caught in the roof of 10 the ofiioe building near the residence of Mr. Person, 'through sunt 101 uoknown caase and asaoeaden in aal huraidg.enty a small hole til the rest. m< The damage was enly to the raof and ia small. *1 The fire departmeat would hare arrived at &e acaae much earlier had th?y cot gotten the place confuaed with J. M- Persoa'a residence en Church atreet. Ur 3 hei Maplevllle Items. b*' Last Sunday waa one of nauenal '** utereet to the pee pie of Maple rille. Many eaid this beautifnl day waa rorrevad, bat all were glad to have j t. It was Mr. Duke's regalar ap- ^ xiintmeat at Maple Springs. The ^ adiee appropriately decorated the m| thatch for the Bastsr services; apee- ^ al atusio fitting the oooaasion was . rendered, while Mr. Duke'a splendid I iseeurae made all preseat feel that ha they were fortanete indeed to bo kit here. To add to tbg) lmpraesive 6 ' ' i . ? . ? -H- ,r. ? ' 1SCRIPTI0N $1.00 PER TBAR ? '. ^ | ? NUMBER 7 ' ' "V's'j of tbe service tbe sacrament i administered. ' - '*jM| Monday being an aocuataraed hoi- ^. y, the yonng people, and soiae : aa yonng as they onoe were, k i dvantage of the privilege and ? joyed aa outing en the banka of i Tar near Mt. Miaery, We had ' unusual t leaaure of having Rev.M. Duke in the party, flfra. W. Boeae and Mra. M. K. Williams ed aa ohaperonea. They hadn't getten that they were onre yoang imaelves, end atill are youag in rilxBLlln^ entered into the young?^ >ple'a ar^ n|i ? ?3^ ild to make the day pleasant. ? ?'. Dake teo nodded approval te 1 "merrymaking." Mr. W. H. Hill, of' Louiakurg, sat of Mr. Booae, was tbe only iter. Some body said "Mr. Hill foyed a poor time," because he In't cateb a aingle fish. He attribid this poor luok to the neisy "* / mg people, and aaid the fuss \ do him ao nervous his hand trem a. vt oourss age had nothing to , with it If ha had gotten a Uite j. woaldn't have known it The lookere were aateniahed to fiod it thia expert fisherman should fi shed with hia back to the ??, bat we soon learned it was the trkling eyes and rosy oheeka of ) maids that eaased the little fish nibble successfally their unguarded ok and leave its "long point" a uger signal just one inch under I water while its owner gated oint blank" at the fair sex, a little _ >m the water. Wead viseyhatMr/ " " ^ ill try Uahiag on drylartd et\t-..ely ? xt time. '-Thingrdone by halves ? s never done well^" Some who d already eaecumbed to the effeota cupils darts enjoyed the shady 3ode. "Twas ever thus," the Oode eased to have vied with eaeh other see which eould do most to make it a perfect day, while the trees ire not in full foliage, yet, the aas, violets snd ter-get-me-nets uinded one that spring had arrived. Beaidea the ever green laurel that vera Mt. Misery was alena bsaual enough. The weatbnr was exdy right, just enoagh sin to oenica oaa it wasn't going to raia. tegsthsr it was ideal. All were id when dinner was anneuneed. ie excellent honeekeepera et Mapills know hew to please the inner .n, but thia time they aeemed to rpase themselves. The most fas- . ioaeeoeld hsve wished for noth- v '/ ; else. All wers loath to leave ikwe wondered why this enchantplace was ever called Mt, Misery less because it makes one miserle to leave. Qnr school?will?cloee the first , ek in Msy. Although small; pox been near, few seemed alarmed, d ae yet we have been tree from ', s maladies, meseels aDd mumps, tt has interferred with ?so many loots. The attendance has bean asnslly good; for this time of the sr?so many generally stop to get work. We hear that the phpile have dons as splendid work, and some an. Ml records will be aneonnced -commceisnt. Best wishes for the use. SllXKIIlN K. Farmers UnionA seamy mseting|ofJthe Farmers lion was held ia the court house e yesterday. There was a num. of delegates present aad we rn quite an interesting meeting a bed- f . J - tod to Sit tit doini.VL=^it alien A Hertea, saw mill men, near Banp, made nubile this week it the* weald dleaeeU..? i? li aftar tt? ootrnty wwmlw as N war* a* many candidate# in tha . d thay w*M afraid to oat down . as, oa aoaoant of tha din gar *f ring to atand a damage rait for ling a oandldata. ?. / X. X. ;r