.;t? . . . _?* " -*: -7-r ' Shoe Peg Items L Not having Men anything from *' herein long while will aend in a few Iteraa: W Meeara. G. H. and J. T. Cooper P1 and families i visited Mra. W. Z. Ar '? nold last Bnnday. _J_ _H We are very sorry to learn that Mte. W. Z. Arnold ta right sick, but ** hope she will be able to be out in a w ^few days. W& E. F. Miller, of Warren, will make K1 hie futuv beiae in Franklin eouaty. -M He says the prettieat girls in the world live here. ?' It'a a fine girl and W. W. Wheel- " er is kicking the oats out ot every w door. < V (tur friend Tommy Moon, ' of * =? Reeky Mount, will make hie home ? near here this year. We all wel- ' ; oeme him baok. ^ B. B. Massenbarg, of Louiaburg, g| visited "in the sticks" last Snnday. . With best wishes to the Trttaa w atlLits editor. ' ju Bad boy. t< "1 -> Pains of women, headmainf,.or any pain stopped in 20 minuses sure with Dr. Shoop's Pink PajfiA Tablets. " See al full formula on 26c. Bote. \ Sold by P. J, Reid Pleaiants, Louiskuri, T. C. Joy- . aer, Pranklinton. / \- * ei Cadar Rook Items- R The Rook is on a boom now, and tr every fanner is in quite a rush preparing hi* land far planting. J ? The Sunday sohool at Cedar Rook ia now in a flourishing condition. Although we miea the presence of the Superintendent Mr. J. B. Fulghum, who ia aiding Mr. J. O. Sledge in organizing the Farmers Union in Warren Bounty. Miss Myrtle Stalling* has returned w heme from Nash county where abe haa been teaching. v? ? Daniel Coppedge, colored, who haa been building ohimneya and 01 plastering housea for the paat twenty-five years, calmly, but peacefully, d passed away last Sundi y morning. MeBsrs Leamon Parriah, Roaae al ^ Sarle, Linwood Inaooe.and Taylor "" Bartholomew spent laet Stfnday with vi Mr. Teb .Jones, Misses Eugenia Boone, Mabel ? Stallings and Bettie Stallings spent ' last Wednesday night with Misa ' | AreY } Hone H With your lai id y sake of savin* \ \ I ' you use a nn | ? only rccommgn a analysis. It rto | cial knowledge 1 a rials to anal^jes | of a fertilizer (lie S terials uped, | sc j -y over fe/a thp \ I time and starve are/so popular gpedient hak i work to da. /years experienc n / nrrtorlc frvr Smith ^ ^ v vy v*ava vy v? v? ki< v enabled us (to 1 T - required. * ~~/k Sccqgnwi mi M -? ft*? J F. S. Royster J NORFOLI lillisn Jones. They report a meet toll ijeyable tlmei * ; - v/. : dv VVa are very glad to know that Flo Ira. Nannie Cooke it on tha iui rova now. Stiehasbeen very ill -ir the past month, we wisji her a Woi leedy recovery. aaoi Rev. J,. W. Sledge attended the , * to t astors oonfereuoe last Monday hich was held in Raleigh. jMra? Fonville, (Nee Wirta Glas- for owe) and little danghtar, of Rooky ? aunt, are spending a few days with >r parents. W. D. Harrington, a immaterial ,j udent of Mara Hill Collage, but j bo at present, is organizing the armer'a Union in Halifax eonaty gre f Wake. Fareet College, spent list atorday and Sunday at the home of av.- J. W. Sledge. On Sunday ? " lay, in oompaay with Misses Nellie . a| ledge and Lillian Jonas, attended lurch aervices at White Level, after hioh they repaired to the home of jgrn Irs. S. A. Jones where they par10k Of a sumptuous dinner, and tent the afternoon. mar W. D. Harrington filled the pulpit onj, ; White Level last Sunday for Rav. ( , W. Sledge. His subject was rea( Humility." He preaohed an inter- jB fl iling sermon. y We were very sorry to learn of We ?v. L. W. Swope's resigination. Ite sua ue we saw very little ef-him, bat the ill mias his able sermens in the in t nien meeting. ' Am With best wishes for the Times. gro RaIndow. oow hba ia a Centrevllle Items- f!at P,n Easter paused very quietly with us. A auraber of our young people -= ant ovir to Laurel. A. A. Shearin spent Easter in _ aetalia. ^ Messrs Cleasy and Ate hie Parrish ( ime borne for tbe holidays. co J. T. Neal and wife'spent fuee- ^ ay in Leuisburg. nu Miss Veseie Jenkins and falh E< r, spent Sunday at J. T. Neal's. _ JLI Billie Cooper and wife, of Gupton, ea ieited Mrs. G. W. ~Parrisb Sunday. ^ There was a pionic at Belton's jJJ ridge, Pridgy Marob 35th. It seem- th J to be a very enjoyable occasion. Those who bad made a record at tx ~ pc ou N - - % ef? * & f. ~ ' i 1 wHen for the ( a few dollars ? tillzer whose t 'A " - 4 i?at4on ls its uires no ppe- 11/ * to mix mate- p B The value R ? :s in the ma- p 1/ > as not to R W plant at one I? = : at another. y >yster brands E V Every ints particular r = Twenty-five L e in making - E 5$ ern crops has E ^ know what is B Sp c Is on every bag =* = UIK 0 **** ;Ky . ( B ^ Qjv H ? Guano Co. n $ M"K- ' B? T^-*'T. ' *?r T7V - v ~?1 ? 3 : ~~ ool of present oielity days. tarnone, received prizes. They were, yd Parrub, RutU Parrish, Bertha il, Annie Heal aad Roy Upohuroh. lias Wilder left for her.hem* r Frahkltntoh, Tuesday. She baa i many friends durinit liar five' the etey with n?. fra. Reon and aqn have returned heir old home Dear here. Lilt add Vjolut. The above items were intended la<t week bat were orowded out ItnfOH.] ... I The Real Corn Belt. 'he biggest discovery the South made these laat five'yeara is that are in the Corn Belt?that we in faot, the real Corn Belt. "-In it of temperature, sunshine, and fall, we haveadvantagea over the | it, and sv?ry time indivdualj them farmers have set out to I the West in yields they have sit. The Western papers have, it advertising ths champion oorn aer of the Corn Belt last year, he made only 156 bushels on an I. Oh* of our Southern readers le 2*26 bushels on an sere. It 1 remains new for us to set owt to >n a large seals what we have plly succeeded so overwhelmingly loing on a small scale. Ve have the advantage ef the 8t in three points. ? temperature, shine, and rainfall. They, have advantage in one point?humus he soil. We can get this humus. 1 the beat way to get it is by wing nitrogen-gathering crops? peas and slover, greatest of all? dditiou to maximum quantities of lie manure. ? Raleigh (N. C.) igresstve Fanner and Gazette. hy docs Great Britian buy its oatmea of us? Certainly it seer s like/carrying als to Newcastle tc speal/of exportI oktmeal to Scotia a asm yet, every ar the Quaker Oat Company sends ndreds >ol thousai if of cases of raker Oats to Gi rat Britian and j irope. . . The reason is tdr pie; while the iglish and Scotclf 1: ive for centuries ten oatmeal in dua tities and with a , gularity that Jlas made them the ost rugged Mysic lly, and active entally of alUpeopl , the American is been eating oatm al and trying all e time to Improve the methods of anufactureno that h : might get that isirable foreign trad w How wdf he has s icceeded would : seen J a glance a the export rents on JQuaker Oats. This brand is thoutA rival \ is' pi :ked in regular ckagfcs, and in her netically sealed is fcf hot climates. 51 rth. Carolina j , > In theisuperior Court nklin County J / Rpsa Littlafohn ) V *f/. i notick .Tea. Litweiohn ) he defendaiyhboye named will take ice that an jwtion entitled as above been coni/Vnced in the. Superior irt of Frag Win county for divorce II the bqjfda af mauicony and the 1 defendant will further take notice t he iayfequirwl to appear at the n ofjfie' superior court of said eounlo byheld on tie 6th Monday after firm Monday is March, 1910, at the wouk in sail county in LouisgfN. C. and answer or demur to Zoraplaint whimi has been died in f action qj the plaintiff will apply to fl" -**"? rlllnf |n 1 complaint. thls March 9th, 1910. j, j. b Jkiiow; C. S. C. B. Massenburg, Asty. for Plaintiff.,. :E THE / Fmh DHI iMn LnK ^\UUlil/ JNO./|w. KING rs every (hiA and sells overyng. M (Ml FO?Beet goods, rest price/ q lickest delivery in ECIALfiAE 3AINS FOR NEXT / 30 DAYS IN/LAN' BED CLOTH toUy hargai: in shoes,? mens iss ybhirts a id . underwear, all da/of gardi n seed, all kia^s it/and vegeti blea, all kinds cell, such as g inuine oat meal in Is, nat. flaksi . posto.i. ?^r?tr,g? ps, crest 1 iriety of tuumad els, fish roe, ysters, June peas, na sausage; h me-n ad? tomatoes I snaps, Ian a cans ' 10\ cents, isb line of fide candies just raved. Yonrs to please, )HN W. KING - ' V 1u' Cr * r?1?rr 5 j* ? - The (itrmota around our little luwtreeern tn be making food use ol this pretty weather. Soma of tbem hare already begun to plant. They are expecting this year to be a prosperous one, if they can keep~Oi>t of there^oh sf Hallev'a Comet. J Our popular teacher, Mies Annie Wilder, returned to her home JS^ar Franklinton, last Tuesday. Miaaea Bertha and Annie N&el are visiting relativee at Caetalia. V 1 * ?It makes <a feel the?press ttoo?<4apring to ait on our parohea and listen to the ataina of the violin/ ? it aendg ferth into the air its melodious music. Misses Hattie Neal and Joaie ElIan, Caatalis High Sohoei, ftocompaoiad by Miss Annie May, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mra John NpaL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson gave a reception at their new home laat Tuesday night. Dr. Simpeon, our new doctor, baa been kept right busy recently. \ j Mr. and Mra. J. S Shearin went over to Caatalia last Sunday. Mra. M. C. Bartholomew returned home Sunday, after an extended visit to her ohildreo in Nash. V Messrs Sid May and Dee Frazier wera piaaaant visitors in our town Sunday. Come again bore, maybe next time the.girls will not be gone! to church. * \ Several of our people ?ent over to Mt. Zion last'Sunday to hear Mr. Duke. He preaobed one of his moat excellent sermons. With-' beet wishes for the Times. J. Preventics? tlroflfe Csuidy Cold Cure Tablets?will Bafelt anp quickly check all. colds and the GUpf Try them onoe and seel 4&-25c. e#ld by F. Reid Pleasants, LouisbuJp. T. C. Joyner, Franklinton. iy J P WINSTON says he is at present builditK on Nash Street and takes un most Si his time looking after the wVrk gapg on, but if you want any goodsk neiyeill quit the job as long as vou wVntXo buy clothing shoe, matting, lad iky gowns, ladies skirts,"boat suits. 1V0 mens shirts for 35c to 31.25, one hoasaead full of suspenders. It you lyTd Vny store closed you may know I yam Maying brick on Nash street. / \ *\ / J. V WINSTON D. E. MILLER IJEWELEF Louisburg, N. C. With a mcy well selected . stock of Jewelry I am in / position Jp aatisfy moet^ any one drawing anything in my Iim.\ : . jr : 1 Also/ DA Repairing of WASHES and JEW-' . EIfei and wift give you tUe vory best <* work / Very tAily / D E M|LLER _ | DARNELL 4 TliOMAsI ' M USICi tiOXJSE I Raleigtl Gf J ?Bell they?t PIA^TOB On Ver/ Easv Terms 0 and at dticee belowt which no 1 ilcajar, Janofmctnrcr Wr mail or- der houee can go, quality considered# We are an lold estahlishedJnousc with makv years of repetition for square stealing to ourrfedit^and^wnen^wl tell you petition71prices we wHl <v> it. | Sea# tadsy f?r Citslegic, Ttrmi ?4 Price sad yea will ctrtalaly s|rtc with as. r~ r*-? * - " > - r "" ' ? ^ -=^~.. ' . . ._ Welcome Words to Woi Women who suffer with disorders pecu sex should write to Dr. Pierce end rec 't sdvicc of a physician of over 40 years ?a skilled and successful speoialist in of women. Every letter of this sort h ? careful consideration and k regarded confidential. Many sensitivel^nddett i fully to Dr. Pierce what tbeywrould I telling to their local physician. lo< without "an examination." DrYr|ero| these distasteful examinations sraL gen leas, and that no ^oman, excepfk Dr. Pierce's treatment wObu i' your own home. His Wart hundreds of siiiljfilsii It Is the only-medicine of it^ttnd tiat\ physician. The only one enough Ingredient on its outside^^apper. lh( tion. No alcohol and jwhabit-formuLf ulpus medicine dcalcjytaay offer you \ with your health, yy^te to World's 1 V. Pieroc, Presijgff, Buffalo, N. Y.,-3 i ' The Choices A My stock ( Heavv and Fai A choice and select lot I boon te lines 1 qarry. When u^ei A see me before buylhsflr Re; ? barf; steel plows, Ure best r U.A- f^li 7T YOU AND The biff State of North Ckroli money nere, because <VtfW i the workings of this batNcA It to be run on conservativeSfce t but even if the State didn't M acter of our directois wouldui the fullest safety. XV THE - C^TIZ /hender; J. B. OW'ENS^resident TATE MACHINER Dealers in Wheat Separators, Cotton Gins, Saws; &?. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills ca strck^\VriteforMtalogue^pric | Ladies Trin 1 \ / A I hare just received a siytip Hats from 50c to $4. \X t ?Hats and J.otn of ot.lieJf lhjj I. . jKB, I SALE ANI I have decided tirrun again a Sai 5 , serve the public with / First Class iVnr Will be glad to have a liberal sh^re oi pi teams and polite and accomm^atfng dr R./FV f\[ For / ~ 1 tombstoneJk^CD FENCING Write t( Suffolk/Marble Wi ? .1 ? ' " .5 - - * w'1-jJ . <H ?^ eive ir? lh. %. ^ r-) ' ?}?: fU^ni m* thy rto? t ?_yondlT ' 2$3 IfiSs " "1 rare rssrs) ?hyy|j submit fn than re you right In tfa? privacy of ?Ht? Prescription" has cured * of them the worst of oaa?? . -j is the product of a regularly graduated mat its uiahcis dare to print its every ?-??? !*' no secrecy. It will bear examinadpigs are found in it. Some unscrupsulsfitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle Mspjensary Medical Association, Dr. R.< ^.k^thc ?lvio^jDo.ived and b. well. ~ ~ 1 ~ 1~ it Groceries ? ' ???i^????????-? lirf Oreceries is the moat M I get, an are. all the?other S sd of anything in m) lin^ * B member 1 carry the Lvnoh ?A EASANTS | \ THE STATE -t ? j' *\ ft* inasep/iitto keep part of its \ \ it I^db a very close eye on all laterally this bank would hare . < J af because of luch examination / 5k after our business, the char- y* ?ure every one patronizing us y L ' [ENS - BANK / SON. N. C. / -\ W. A. HUNT, Cashier I ??^ T & SUPPLY CO. Machinery QN\N(^/ " " J ' f / We have the following see- fVI ond hand machinery for sale: , II 44Uj p Ettinger engine $200 < vt5e B 11 40 h p Erie City engine 200 ? | - 1 50 h p Stationary Boiler almost new 3.30 B 1 35 hp (inson Portable boiler, good 250 ' 115 hp Eclipse Engine and 5a\ and boiler 300 . . B8A\ 1 12 hp Talbat Engine and W I boiler 150 1 Eclipse Saw Hill No. 0 150 ? ] 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100 j Vgfi's 1 Talbot Saw Mill 45 _ 1 Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 9 !?:>,? "Hoe" 45 >1 j''in I Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 rried m , ["term*. .?r - ' -1 imed Hats. I ^ ^ ? I ile line of Ladies Trimmed A . mmple line Shoes.; Straw ipn T can't menhgji^ So W _ ;ooKE | - ' / '; >LIVERV f . Livery StaWe and am prepared to ds At All Times. itronage and guarantee satisfaction. Safe iyers. I at. , -rr; r jti JLLER * A EJNTTS ' RBING and - IROBT Rs, Suffolk, Va. Ad , _ r 'yjjjjm * y-' s *tif,is(j'ii^i~ *-^1

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