. a . i' i ' . ,V . " ? i ?? > - i ~ ~ Ti 1 The Louis i -i _ ~ R( .1 ? , This is tBe title oFIEe com] ?I ;?1 ?-? ?r~?. ?. ? zzz^zzzzzn^zzi^izzzi^^zz " ' - REAL ESTATE It you with to buy a 1 1 time to rfay for It. If you wish to soil your f 1 RENTING PROPERTY AND COLLI ' tenant. Wo will Also collect your rent* ror yi LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Wei I Are. An Insurance policy on your life will n< I Your savings and accumulations of a life tim I MONEY If you wish to borrow money. I absolutely gilt edge security, and charge you I on gilt edge security, whether only a few do vices and the services of our attorney, who h I WE CAN aiVE YOUR BOND Wear ** I your bind, Instead of asking your friends to s \ I We have enumerated in the foraging so w 1 ?number oTother ways and we offer our sen i i ! DF* S P BURT I < PRESIDENT R, G AL ( . TREA8UI J L.. .. -? i-. . - m.s it- m DR S P BURT FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. g Friday, April 8 1910. S-S?S^B - - h! ihdbxrio hew edtbrtisehekt^ Quakecjbats. S. L. Dfoke?Important. s? Citizens Bank?Statement. ? ju Citizen'?For the Legislature. / J. A. Turner?Announcement, r H J. J. Harrow?Announcement. ^ m Firet National Bank?Statement. D C. High?Opera House to Let. ol Rank jo#Youngrvillc?Statement. ,rr. 8. C. Holden?For Register of Deeds.' C. B. .Cheatham?Seed Corn For Sale, m H. C.| Kearney?Land For Sale For Taxes.? ?' *' Mrs. Jyouie A. Ball?Administrator's Notice!1, Farmers & Merchants Bank?Sale of bi Land Under Mortgage. ^ Tar drops. ~~ t ? ?. pj 4?April oourt will, oopvene on ^ Monday, April 18th^ 1910 with Hon. O. H. Guion, Judge presiding. ?The attention of our readers is ic culled to the change of ad of F. N. hi & R. Z. Egerton in this isane. It ?Snpt. J. R. Williams, with the ** foree of road haads, was basy the e' past week laying a new floor on the bridge across Tar river here. n ?L. P. Johnson, brother of the P' h editor, of Rooky Mount, has taken a position with the Times. In addi- '' tioti to being "devil" he says he intends learning the business^ ?It's pretty hard for a woman ^ wearing a dress she has "turned" three eeasens and faded cottoa hose, I 1 with patched heels, to aav~ to her ^ liege lord, "I love yon just at well as (' when we wsre married ten years j S ?Mr. K. K. Allan received his gasoline lanneh Tuesday and has ^ liad il^plaoed on thu river above?the. dam. He ia having him a boat . house bnilt and will soon be in poai." ^ tien to enjfy the pleasures held in ^ Store by the beantifol Tar. ?On account ?f being written'on t| both aides ot the paper and with the p namae ef the writer left off several n lots of items and other oorrespon- j( denoe baa lost its way into the colonna of the Tntns. We are alwaya ? glad to ptlbligti?Ibise but the two -jj rulea above moat be complied with. t| ?The olook at the Btaaley-Alston h Drug Company waa uncovered on > Tuesday at 8 o'clock. It had etop- * ped at twenty-seven minutes and, f ten seconds passed eleven. Mr. J. ">i L. Spenoei received the $2.00 prize v for .holding card with the nearest s number and Mr. J. H. Best $1.00 for fi the next nearest. r ?As spring assumes its wonted gentle atmosphere there is a general ? stir and bustle among our mechanics v and the saw and hammer so long P silent are brought forth and their clgt- * tar sad bang reverberates on every 8 hand. New dwellings new barni?~ new roots, new yard fenoes are pottingrin appearsnoes here and there j and clearly tndioate a busy aeaaoa ef f, general improvement* ahead. i. ? :?1 ' ' _ \ r- * '^TiiiiiiiiiVn "' >k' r;-V- .^1^"" jriv-.-: MMhMMUMMMWtMWIUMMfc burg Guarar and = jalW Company iany juat established in Louis what we ean do^or you. Farm, wc will bi\r it tarMoo. and kaalat you in n?,< Arm or exchanrdtt fo* another. we ca^ assist you t XTINQ to rill Also insure ya* life against death, and we will ot cost much, hpt|t would mean much to your wl e may be destnredJn * few minutes by fire, A fir we will ass is/ you 4 borrow it. If you have money i not a cent J No nufttar what amount you may des liars, or lamer amovmta. we will place it for you. ai as msde aA pedal ty a looking up real estate titlee. s also piA>ared to *iA bond of certain character, s iarn you/bond. me of fie services ou Apompany can render if desirt rice, to th, public, Wlbcwln buuinck "February Ii l LP HkJCKS VICE-PRESDENT .JlEN \ J A TUR tSR \ SECRETi fWCE COMMITTE J M. ALLEN' ?A nortiber of oar people went * rer to Henderson lait nicht to ace raustalk^' f ?Messrs. Ford and Williamson, c ' T ive secured the servioss of a vau- p sville troupe and have been pre- C nting some interesting aDd araus- d g performances at the Opera * ouse this week. They also have ^ , o oving pictures and make a change D ! programme every two nights, c his will only last through Saturday e ght so if you would like to see it, [ iu had better go out tonight. , ?Spring is ceme, bright, sunshiny T isesy, muddy spring. In thunder nss it was duly ushered in and now , i(f melodious songs of the bias bird, f >e robin's warble, the coo of the t rairie Chicken and tile basso voice * : the thunder pumper are heard irly and late. The huaband with f le broomhandle can be seen pound- t ig the dusty oarpet and swearing at 1 is hard luck and the aroh enemy, * le atove pipe, still wears its familiar oaioal - smile. Oh spnng! Oh ? lest nuts. *" ' . c ?The time et making garden is i ear at hand and it ia also time to ^ n up the chicken. There is per- e ape, nothing that causes as much,' ard feelings in s locality as for ' kickens to wander on a neighbor's j. remises and garden. S# we say they e o not do any harm. That makes no t ifferense, ,your neighbor does net J anf to be annoyed with your ehickas and you should not cause trenbla f allowing your fowls to run at >rge. A hen that will not stay in le enclosure will usually make a t ne Sunday dinner. I ?Seeding and planting is the or- t er of the day. Kyery farmer irho 5 lay lie tiuly called a farmer is bueU ^ r employed in putting in bis crops. 1 'he croaker or paper farmer is sit- j ng about on store boxes -at the ril ' age store Whittling and deploring ^ le state of the weather; "too wpt to < low or plant anything" whilV last i eek it wss too dry. The weather j never just right for pilose fellows, 'bey, like AVilkins Mioswber, are i 'siting for something to turn up ' iltead of going out lo turn up-come ung. The prudent farmer is at i ome, wet or dry, when it rains do- j ig odd join that *h> need not' do rhen he ought to be ie the field. LDDortion your1 time, vou need all of ;; hav^ a systerrvin performing year rork; work in season, and plant in aasan, ao when harvest oomes the ruits of vonr labor will be folly ealieed. Stop your croaking about be worthleaaneaa of the country. If I be country donTt suit you pack" dp' our trapi and go. Nohody . E : R G ALLEN > ANNOUNCEMENT o my Democratic Friends: I am takiug tliis method of inirming my friend J throughout tbje ountv; that I am a candidate lor enomisation at the hands of Any isrty for my present offiaB of 'Jerk of the Supeu >r court / My uties as Clerki "eo npel n> contast attendance at my eflnee in' louisbotrg.fnr the p oper discharge f the buaiosss of theypeople is lore important thin^ny man's andidacy, and they! lyfce a right to xpect to find me ir (Ty office when hey come to towj J i transact bueless with the elert. I am, thereore, deprived of (1 ? pleasure of isiting tile people u , their homeB, s I should so. much ike to do, to olicit their support n my behalf, ,nd am compelled to rely upon my riepds to day isl the i t FIRST NAT lip ' / louisbu\r< s under Supervision of TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ wwwwWwWwwwwwwwwwwwwww* A ^B} ^B| ^B^ ^B| -Mfc 4 . . ae \ * WANTE Your patronage fc Groceries, Staple Farmers Hardwar ware, Tinware, Wo Polite Attention d / = WANTED-All Coui / Market \ | Clifton CW"161" | J. T. |r | . IE I L P. h X *3 ON THE CORNER PHONE * V" \ . - ' : ' ' --7- ' ="= BANK ! yfi - + ~ i desire to make this ? give you heip in as Y a beeping your mom ~ ess of banking and ments. You cannot til you keep an ic' J ight day to start it. , . r s ' ! ^ NAL BANK 4 ? s. y 3, N.C r . * U. S. GOVERNMENT D ' ^ >r staple and Fancy j Dry Goods, Shoes, J e, Qrockery, Glass- J odenware, Etc. ~ J ' .. * ind Prompt Service * J#' ltry Produce. Highest J Price Paid. 2 ? _ J , ? RRELL j Louisbu^ N c I 5 * 2 ? m*; no II * Y^*/*VV v Loth's Steel" | :'T" Range | * YOUR OWN PRICE f We are going to receive seal bids' for m range. Beginning Monday 4th of jmftand closing WednesdoV the 4th r May. On opening the yds Wednesiv *>V 4th 'of May, the highest bidder SE Sta \ae range regardless of price. ? lis range is on exhibit on in our win iw o ^Main street. I'all by and see ? , and Vat in yonr bid. Remember le highat bidder gets the range. Act >w. Don't coat you anything unless hi arc tl^ highest bidder. tifKS, - i-12 LOGkSBURGTNTCV' X "r? 1 X - " ^ -Z )- .HB.' y.V.'l. I",'l;,lf - -Mi ?'--/ ,. ..' .< - ? ' ? 1 ? ? . w null V/UUUUU0 lb 111 tie future, for I am unconscious of. i?vin* done aughi to forfeit the online, of any former friend. I lave' endeavored to show my apiraciation of the favors shown me,by itdct attention to the duties of my iBce, and bv courtesy aad accomodation to all, havinje bu iness with t, bad if re-elected, I shall continle t\derote my beet efforts to "the lervioe of the people. With deep gra^tude for past avors, with the kindest of feelings owards all, and with a deterininaion to always faithfully discharge very trust oonfidedlto me, I subnit my claims to jthe people of franklin county. ) Respectfully, J. J. BARROW. SALE ? OK LAND FOR ' TAXES. In ocordanee with an ordinance passed >y the Hoard of Town Commissioners, and >y authority of the Charter ofJfU town of jouinfmrg, 1 Vill on Mond^^ Hay, 2nd, 910 sell at thu Court. llouse/door in Louis >wi ft bB?? folluwLic town lafs. for non-payaent of taxes doe rherMooffor 1909. l.Tt. Alston 1 lot HaHfn rond f -2.05 thil William* 1 lot- KinjT ' 17.13 ^>wis Boone 1 IntMay Olieel R-7T-Uger DaviB 1 lot HaUf&x toad 8.75 Vsshington DAvi4l/oe Kefemore Ave 9.20 fune Davis 1 lot n/lifa^u. 9.07 lit a Davis 1 lot ||aiifax 5.24 liboa ETiterton"!JJI Kenmoie Ave TT95 leorge Egerton W 14t Timberlake row 7.77 lustin Greene ljbt Mineral Spring 6.17 ill Gill 1 lot laililad 7.80 leorge Hart l/ot River road 8.4 2 licky Hill 1 ft ralliMad 7.96 juxina Hill fot Tarioro road 3.90 lenders n llnxelwoAd 1 lot New *ort atitflne lot Mifterul Springs 10.41 fohn Harlwond 1 In&near river rd 3 GO iotsy 4oxMb 1 lot railflpnri 2.GO >im KeaAey 1 lot Eg&rton 9 27 I. T Nftl 1 lot Main st residence " # ** *. \ ** store ' /" s ?Y Tuule 40.05 Stephen Ferry 1 lot HaWax 6.47 ifarcns Ruffln 1 lot Slab town 9.72 >ollie William* Llo* Cedar Rt 1 95 D 0. High. Tax CoDector. March 31st 1910. __ TRUSTEE'S SALE. By vlrtueof a deed of trust executed jy Edwin C. Perrj\and wife, Eula Perrv on the 10th davhf M.wK Aon? recorded in RegisteS of Dea2s office m Pranklin county in cook lfvf page 100, lefault having beek mape in the payment of the note thebein^eecured and at the request of the thdfaer, thereof, 1 hall Bell for cash byypublic auction to the highest bidder aE the Court House ioor In I-ouisburg.^Vanklin county on Monday the 2nildoT?V of May 1010, at L2 o'clock m, JTe f (flowing described iroperty. BajFoninglit an oak Just 01 she edge of ?j)Bble Strlet the corner o' Methodist cJhrc'h lot, (hence along *aio itreet In.aweaaterly direction 182 feet ;o a post of said streetAtbeade at right ingle to Jlaid street 10* feet to a post Mrs. TsrwTls line thorn* 1u a westeiy direction parmlel to ttrjf Hue 182 feet to a corner in the line of ^ie Methodist ihurch lot thence in a drect line 104 feet to the beghminsr. This March 81ab 1910. R. S. McGom, Trustee. P. .. }: * v * . ? - ? 't -e